Englishweekly english weekly 答案

Fridayinitiate an undertaking创业the bule expanse of the seaperilperishimperishale危险毁灭、凋谢不朽的thundering applause雷鸣般掌声have an ear for musichave an eye for paintingFace up to life with smiles no matter what happens.微笑面对生活,不管一切如何defictsurplus赤字;盈余Laughter is infectious笑具有感染力silk manufactures 丝制品wind velocity风速a girl with fair hair金发美女carees fair 人才市场the World Fair 国际博览会trade fair 商品交易会fall though 落空泡汤rise with a spring 一跃而起several offspring 几代人notorious infamous 声名狼藉的further the cause of peace 促进和平It fared well with him 运气不错fascinating 有具大吸引力的a fatal disease 不治之症a fateful decision 命运攸关的决定find fault with 挑剔Fortune favour the brave.in favour of 赞成in favour with 受人宠爱hold/give a feast 举行宴会a festive occasion 欢乐的节日heartfelt sympathy 由衷的同情fellowship in misfortune患难之交She has a nice figure 身材好The court found him guilty法庭判罪an oil refinery炼油厂brewery 酿造厂fine a person 100 yuan 罚self-financed students 自费生financial affairs 财务define reality 明辨是非a definite answer 肯定的回答a definitive decision 最后决定let off fireworks 放烟花.have a faculty for 擅长The color will not fade 褪色the fever of the campaign竞争激烈a cap with broad flaps 宽边帽沿Chinese flavor 中国特色a fling at the disco 狂欢foam plstic 泡沫塑料fountain pen 自来水笔frame a picture 装裱画oil reduces friction润滑油减少摩擦力the function of a judge 职责the machine functions properly 机器运行正常make a fuss of 娇惯Thursdayin a dilemma 进退维谷dive for pearls 潜水采珠make a desperate endeavor拼命努力after sales service 售后服务foreign currency 外汇gold reserves 黄金储备dress the wound 包扎伤口he is just drifting 随波逐流lack the drives and emotions缺乏干劲与雄心an elegant piece of reasoning简明扼要的论证installmentplan分期付款excite attention 引起注意fancy price 高价an intellectual feast知识享受feed the mind 充实头脑a source of power 力量源泉a sheet of plastic film塑料薄膜The Great 常胜将军

Englishweekly english weekly 答案


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