公司股份托管协议中英文 股份托管协议

公司股份托管协议中英文 股份托管协议

甲方(委托方):Party A(Entrusting Party):

法定代表人:Legal Representative:


乙方(受托方):Party B(Entrusted Party):




甲方以下简称“委托方”,乙方以下简称“受托方”,甲乙双方经友好协商于2011年10月1 日,就委托持股有关事宜签署如下协议条款:

Party A(hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusting Party”) and Party B(hereinafter referred to as the “Entrusted Party”) have conductedfriendly consultations and concluded the following agreementconcerning the subject matter of entrusted shareholding on the dateof 1st. October, 2011.

一、委托持股及股权归属 ShareholdingEntrustment and Equity Ownership


TheEntrusting Party hereby agrees to comply with the terms andconditions stipulated in this Agreement and entrust the EntrustedParty with the ownership of the KBCCompany’s equity (hereinafter referred to as “Designated Equity”)which is owned by the Entrusting Party and will be owned in thename of the Entrusted Party, while the Entrusted Party agrees toown the Designated Equity in its own name and accept theentrustment of the Entrusting Party in compliance with the termsand conditions stipulated in this Agreement.


(1)自2011年10月30 日起,因持有指定股权而产生的在公司的股东权利、利益、义务和责任均由委托方享有并承担;指定股权不属于受托方自有财产,受托方仅作为公司名义上的股东,不享有因持有指定股权而产生的相应股东权益,亦不承担相应的亏损和责任。

BothParties hereby confirm the following:

Since30th. October, 2011, the Entrusting Party shall enjoyall the shareholder’s rights and interests and assume all theobligations and responsibilities arising from the ownership of theDesignated Equity; the Designated Equity will not belong to part ofthe proprietary property of the Entrusted Party. The EntrustedParty will only serve as the nominal shareholder of the Company andwill neither be entitled to the corresponding shareholder’sinterests nor bear losses and responsibilities arising from theownership of the Designated Equity.


In casethat the Designated Equity may be frozen, sealed up, auctioned,sold off or may undergo any other loss due to any dispute orlitigation arising from the Entrusted Party’s own debt problems,the Entrusted Party shall notify the Entrusting Party of theforegoing incident or loss and inform relevant creditor and courtof the nature of the Designated Equity to ensure that theDesignated Equity will not be frozen, sealed up, auctioned, soldoff or undergo any other loss.

二、股东权利的行使 Exercise ofShareholder’s Rights


All theshareholder’s rights and obligations for the Company arising fromthe Designated Equity will be enjoyed or assumed by the EntrustingParty. The shareholder’s rights include but are not limited to thefollowing rights enjoyed by the Company’s shareholder:


Thedisposition of the Designated Equity in such ways as transfer,betrothal, financing, pledge, mortgage, trusteeship or lease thatmay change or constrain the ownership of the AssignedEquity;


The rightsof attendance, assembly and voting at the shareholders’ meeting ofthe Company;


The rightof submitting proposals at the shareholders’ meeting;


The rightof nominating the directors and supervisors of theCompany;

(5)分红权The right ofprofit-sharing;


The right ofdistributing the remaining property of the Company;


Other rights theshareholder shall enjoy according to relevant laws, regulations andthe Articles of Association of the Company.


While theEntrusting Party is exercising its rights as the shareholder of theCompany, the Entrusted Party shall render support and assistanceunconditionally (including but not limited to the issuance of powerof attorney or all relevant legal documents required by the law andregulations to the Entrusting Party or any other Party designatedby the Entrusted Party) with a view to transferring the foregoingshareholder’s rights to the Entrusting Party or any other Partydesignated by the Entrusted Party.


Ifthe Entrusting Party transfers the Designated Equity and theCompany distributes dividends, presents shares or increases thecapital stock during the term of entrustment, such rights andbenefits shall be entitled to the Entrusting Party. The EntrustedParty shall issue a power of attorney to authorize the Company andPayer to directly transfer the dividends for profit-sharing, equitytransfer or cash bonus to the account of the Entrusting Party. Ifthe Company and Payer directly pay the foregoing dividends to theEntrusted Party, the Entrusted Party shall transfer the full amountof the dividends to the account designated by the Entrusting Partyin three (3) working days. The shares presented or capital stockincreased will be used as the entrusted property and held by theEntrusted Party in accordance with the regulations of thisAgreement.


Withoutthe written consent of the Entrusting Party, the Entrusted Partyshall not exercise the rights as the Company’s shareholder at itsdiscretion or authorize any organization or individual other thanthe Entrusting Party to exercise such rights.


When theEntrusted Party is unable to or, for any other reason fails to,exercise the shareholder’s rights corresponding to the DesignatedEquity, the Entrusting Party, as the actual investor of theAssigned Equity, will be entitled to directly exercise thecorresponding shareholder’s rights according to this Agreementwithout the additional authorization of the EntrustedParty.

三、股权处置 Disposition of Equity


Thepledge, trusteeship, transfer (including presentation) and othermatters of the Designated Equity shall be determined by theEntrusting Party. Without the consent of the Entrusting Party, theEntrusted Party will not be entitled to pledge, entrust or transferthe Designated Equity to any organization or individual other thanthe Entrusting Party or to dispose of the Designated Equity in anyother ways including investment and trade-off.


When theEntrusting Party plans to transfer the Designated Equity, theEntrusted Party shall offer support unconditionally by providingrelevant legal documents and assisting the Entrusting Party inhandling the formalities for the transfer of equityownership.


When theEntrusting Party plans to pledge the Designated Equity, theEntrusted Party shall offer support unconditionally by signing apledge contract and relevant legal documents with the pledger asrequired by the Entrusting Party and assisting the Entrusting Partyin handling the formalities for the pledgeregistration.


When theEntrusting Party plans to entrust the Designated Equity to otherparty for entrustment, the Entrusted Party shall offer supportunconditionally by signing a entrusting contract and relevant legaldocuments with the same as required by the Entrusting Party andassisting the Entrusting Party in handling the formalities for theentrustment registration.

四、委托期限 Term of Entrustment


The termof entrustment commences from the day of validation of thisAgreement and terminates on the day when any of the followingevents occurs:


Theformalities for the transfer of equity ownership have beencompleted for all the Designated Equity which has been registeredin the name of the Entrusting Party or any other Party designatedby the Entrusting Party.


Incompliance with the instructions of the Entrusting Party, theEntrusted Party has sold out the Designated Equity and transfer theequity transfer payment to the account designated by the EntrustingParty.

(3)本协议被委托方解除。This Agreement is revoked by the EntrustingParty.

五、保密义务 Confidentiality


TheParties agree and promise that unless otherwise expressly definedin this Agreement or agreed by the other Party, either Party shallnot disclose any information or matters on this Agreement to anyother organization or individual and the disclosure of anyinformation on this Agreement, if necessary, shall be subject tothe consultation and consent by both Parties.


At presentand in the future, both Parties shall not, by any means, discloseweather or not by mistake or on purpose, any business secretobtained during negotiations or performance of this Agreementunless:


Thebusiness secret has been disclosed by its owner and known by thepublic.


Thedisclosure of the business secret has been proved with the writtenconsent of the owner of the business secret.


The disclosure isaimed to execute a ruling of an unappealable court or anarbitration award.


Thedisclosure is aimed to perform certain obligations expresslystipulated by the state laws or provisions.

六、违约责任及责任免除 Liability for Breachand Exceptions


BothParties shall comply with this Agreement in good faith. If eitherParty breaches this Agreement, it shall bear the liability forbreach of agreement and compensate the other for all the loss thusincurred.


Ifthe Entrusted Party refuses to perform its obligations of renderingsupport and assistance to the Entrusting Party (including but notlimited to: the refusal to issue a power of attorney or any otherlegal documents required by relevant laws, regulations andequity-related files, the refusal to sign a new entrustedshareholding agreement with the Entrusting Party, etc) while theEntrusting Party is exercising the shareholder’s rights stipulatedby the second article of this Agreement, the Entrusted Party shallpay the Entrusting Party a compensation for each breach in anamount of 5% of the Designated Equity’s fair value, indemnify theEntrusting Party for any loss thus incurred, and proceed to performsuch obligations.


Incase that any force majeure event occurs or relevant laws andprovisionschange dramatically so that either Party or both Parties to thisAgreement fail to perform the obligations specified in thisAgreement, the Party which has been affected by a force majeureevent or a change of state laws or provisions will be exempt fromthe liability for the breach of agreement if it has notified theother Party in writing and provided valid documents within ten (10)working days since the day of such occurrence.

七、协议效力及其他 Validity of Agreementand Miscellaneous Clauses


ThisAgreement will come into effect since the day when it is signed bythe Entrusting Party and the Entrusted Party. Once it becomeseffective, neither Party shall have the right to unilaterallyrevoke this Agreement or terminate the performance hereof.Otherwise, the responsible Party shall bear the liability forbreach of agreement.


ThisAgreement is governed by the laws of the People’s Republic ofChina. Any disputes arising from the performance of this Agreementshall be settled by the two Parties to this Agreement throughfriendly consultations. In case they fail to settle the disputethrough consultations, either Party shall be entitled to file alawsuit to the People’s Court with jurisdiction.


ThisAgreement can be altered, terminated or revoked in written formafter the Entrusting Party and the Entrusted Party have negotiatedand reached a consensus.


ThisAgreement is prepared in two counterparts with the same legalforce. One counterpart is held by Party A and one for PartyB.


Party A:(Official Seal)PartyB: (Signature)

法定代表人Signed by LegalRepresentative

(或授权代表)签字:(or AuthorizedRepresentative):


The Dateof TheDate of


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