霍金的介绍(中英文) 霍金的故事中英文字幕

物理老师要我们找些物理学家的英文介绍,这样就能在平时成绩里又多10分,我可不能把这10分丢掉啊,呵呵!Stephen Hawking was born ion the 300thanniversary of the Galileo's death.He has come to be though of asthe greatest mind in physics since Albert Einstein.
Hawking grew up outside London.His father was a doctor,his motherwas active in politics.He was not a smart schoolboy,but knew fromearly on that he would study science.He became good at mathematicsand in 1958 he and some friends built a simple computer thaactually worked.In 1959 he won a scholarship to OxfordUniversity.In 1962 he got his degree with honors and went toCambridge University to get a PhD in astronmy.There he becomeinterested in black holes.After receiving his PhD,he statyed atCambridge,becoming known even in his middle 20s for his pioneeringideas.
In 1968 he studied in the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge.Hepublished the very technical book,Large Scale Structure ofSpace-Time and afterwards made a great discovery.It had always beenthought that nothing could escape a balck hole.He continude workingon the theory of the origin of the universe.
At the age of 32,he was named a fellow of the Royal Society;at thesame year he received the Albret Einstien Award.Five years later,in1979,he was appointed Top Professor of Mathematics atCambridge,which was held by Sir Isaac Newton 300 yearsearlier.
霍金的介绍(中英文) 霍金的故事中英文字幕
In 1988 Hawking wrote A Brief History of Time,which became abest-seller.He wrote other popular articles and appeared in moviesand television.He remains extremely busy,and his work hardly slowedby the disease that affects muscle cintrol,for which he uses awheelchair and speaks though a speech computer.He said,"My goal issimple.It is complete understanding of the unverse,why it is as itis and why it exists at all."



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