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英语口语话题配套文章(英汉对照)二标签:英语口语话题配套文章(英汉对照)二2008-03-31 22:29英语口语话题配套文章(英汉对照)二16. FOOD With the development of the society, there aremore and more foods provided for our human-beings. Such as fruits,vegetables, beef, pork and the rest. My favorites foods are toomany, not only the vegetables, but also some meat. I particularlylove the poultry very much. Fortunately, there are many kinds ofmarvelous foods in our five dining-halls. Except many staples, theycan support snacks. For example, noodle with vegetables, refinedbread, fried fish and etc. Therefore, they can meet my needs andthe other students. We spend about3 to5yuan on a meal. I think itis not too much expensive for most of us. That is to say, we canafford it and eat our fill each day. But I think we should havehealthy foods to keep our fits rather than eating ourfill. As we all known, there are many unhealthy foodson the markets. So we should care about it and select precisely. Ifnot, we may buy unhealthy foods that those will wreck our healthy.Besides, we should keep our diets well-balanced, that means weshould have certain amounts of milk, fruit, vegetables, eggs, andmeat, fish or fowl etc. they provide us adequate minimum dailyrequirements. At last, we should save food and make an contributionto our saving-society. Food is important to our living. If we havehealthy food every day, we have a good day; if people want to behealthy and active, they need to get all kinds of food. Pleaseallow me to tell you about our favorite’s food. There are many poultry food in our canteen, forexample, pork, beef, chicken and so on. It’s known that eatingvegetables and fruits is health and nutritional, but we can't eatthem every day as they are expensive. Though the fruits are healthyfood, each of them is security. Some fruits are injected withhormone, if we eat, it’s harmful to our health. I think we shouldhave health food. Eat to live but not live to eat; we should have agood habit and professional plan. 16食物。 随着社会的发展,我们人类的食物也越来越丰富。如水果,蔬菜,牛肉,猪肉等等。我喜的食物有很多,不仅有蔬菜还有一些肉类,我特别爱家禽类食物。幸运的是,学校的五个食堂有各种各样的美食。除了许多主食,还有很多小吃。如蔬菜面条,精制面包,油炸鱼等。所以,他们能满足我和其他同学的需要,我们每餐花费约3至5元。我觉得这对我们大多数来说并不贵,也就是说,我们吃得起还吃得饱。但是,我认为我们应该吃得健康而不是仅仅填饱肚子。大家都知道,在市场上有许多不健康的食物,因此,我们应该注意并做出正确的选择。如果没有,我们可能会购买不到健康食物而危害到我们的健康。此外,我们还应该保持膳食的均衡,摄入足量的牛奶水果蔬菜蛋肉禽鱼等,能满足健康的日常最低要求。最后,大家应该节约粮食为我们的节约型社会做出贡献。粮食对我们的生活来说是很重要的。如果每天的饮食都合理,我们就会天天开心。如果想保持健康和活力,就需要吃各类食物。让我介绍一下对我们有益的食物吧,食堂为我们提供了有许多种类的食品,例如猪肉,牛肉,鸡肉等等。众所周知,蔬菜和水果既有营养又有益健康,但我们不能天天吃,因为他们很贵。虽然水果是健康的食品,吃起来很安全,但有些水果注射了激素,如果吃了,它就会危害我们的健康。我认为我们应该吃健康的食品。吃是为了活着,但活着并非为了吃。我们应该有良好的饮食习惯和膳食结构。 17. Weather and Climate Whenever someone asks me which season I likebest, I always tell him that I like fall best. Why? That’s becausethe weather in fall is cool. The temperature is not so high likethat of summer and there are always sunny days. The most noticeablecolor change happens in mid or late fall when leaves change fromgreen to shades of yellow, brown, orange, purple and red. I like totake a stroll in the park of autumn. Also, fall is the harvestseason. Our farmers can get many things during this season. But Idon't like the climate in Jiujiang city very much. The temperaturedifference is great through the year. Summer is too hot, and winteris too cold. The time of the rain season is long. The climate inJiujiang always changes drastically. So I can't be accustomed tothe climate here. And I always catch a cold when the seasonalternates. ![]() 17 天气和气候 每当有人问我最喜欢那个季节时,我总是告诉他,我最喜欢秋天。为什么呢?这是因为秋季气候凉爽,气温不像夏天那么炎热却又总是晴空万里,最引人注目的是发生在秋天的中旬或下旬的植物色彩变化,这个时候,叶子会由绿变为黄色褐色橙色紫色和红色。我喜欢漫步在 秋天的公园。此外,秋天是收获的季节。我们的农民可以在此季节收获到很多东西。但我不 喜欢九江的气候,它一年的温差太大,夏天太热,冬天又太冷,雨季时间太长了。九江的气候变化急剧,所以我不习惯这里的气候,我也总是在季节交替时感冒。 18. Health I think health is very important for everybody.Good health, as the old saying goes, is over wealth. So we mustkeep fit. In the first place, we can do some sports every day. Itis very helpful for our body. You can go running, jumping,swimming, or playing basketball, football or volleyball. Playingsports can give us better mood and more energy to work and study.Besides, we should pay more attention to our diet. Eating morefruit and vegetables are very necessary. They, for instance,apples, bananas, tomatoes, carrots and so on, can supply us withmore nutrition. Besides, drinking more water is helpful for us. Andwe can also have some milk every night before going to bed, whichcan give us a good sleeping. Finally, health makes happiness, and Ihope you can have a good health and live a happy life. 18、健康我认为健康对每个人都很重要。健康,如俗话说,是财富,因此,我们必须保持身体健康。首先,我们可以每天做些运动,这对我们的身体是大有益处的,你可以去跑步、跳高游泳或是打篮球、踢足球或排球等。参加体育运动能让我们有一个好心情和充沛的精力去工作和学习。此外,我们还要重视我们的饮食习惯,多吃水果和蔬菜是十分必要的,例如,苹果、香蕉、西红柿、胡萝卜等,都可以提供给我们更多的营养。另外,多喝水,也有利于我们的健康。我们可以在每晚睡觉前喝杯牛奶,可让我们睡个好觉。最后,健康就是福,我希望你能有一个健康的身体,有了它生活才幸福。 19. Environmental Protection. At present, the environment around us is gettingworse than ever. There were many rain forests thousands years ago.But now only few of them can we see. Both deserts and globalwarming are the result of terrible environment. It is lucky thatthe situation in Jiujiang University is much better than theoutside world. The campus was surrounded by various trees, flowersand grasses. We can breathe fresh air every morning. In spiteof that, we should pay more attention on the white pollution oncampus. We can use less even no plastic bags. And as collegestudents, we should have the awareness of protecting theenvironment around us. If I have the chance, I want to be anenvironmental volunteer, telling all the people how important forus to have a good environment. 环境保护。 目前,我们周围的环境变得比过去更糟了。几千年前,还有很多的雨林,现在只能看到极少数了。恶劣的环境还导致了沙漠和全球气候变暖。而幸运的是,九江大学校内的环境要比外面好得多。校园四周树木丛生,还有鲜花和绿草。每天早上,我们能呼吸到新鲜的空气。尽管学校环境好,我们还是应该多注意校园内的白色污染。我们可以少用,甚至不用塑料袋。作为大学生,我们应该有保护环境的意识。如果有机会,我要当一个环保志愿者,告诉所有人有一个良好的环境是多么地重要。 20. Economic globalization. Currently, the economic globalization has been afocus of the world. It has affected on many countries all over theworld. To a great extent, some people are in favor of the economicglobalization. They point out the fact that it can improve theglobal development and enhance productivity, and they also arguethat if all countries take active part in it, they can have equalstatus. However, other people stand on a different position. Theyconsider it harm to developing countries. They firmly point out therisk to bring developing countries more poverty. There are indeedsome truths in both arguments. But I think the advantages of theeconomic globalization overweight its disadvantages. In addition tothe above mentioned negative effects, it might bring about otherproblems. I hope developing countries and developed countries mayas well cooperate with each other. The developed should support thedeveloping in many aspects. Only by doing like this our world willbecome more and more beautiful in the future. 20. 经济全球化 目前,经济全球化已成为全世界的焦点。它已影响到世界上许多国家。一些人大力赞成经济全球化,他们指出经济全球化可以改善全球经济发展和提高生产力,同时他们也认为,如果所有国家都积极参与,这些国家受到的待遇都会是平等的。不过,还有其他人不同意这个观点。他们认为这对发展中国家不利,他们指出了其中的风险,认为这会使发展中国家更加贫困。确实这两个观点都有其道理。不过,我觉得经济全球化的优势还是大于其缺点。除了上面提到的负面影响,它可能会带来其它问题。我希望发展中国家和发达国家最好能相互合作。发达国家应该在许多方面支持发展中国家。只有这样做,我们的世界才会变得越来越美好。 21. Family. I have a close loving family. There are fourmembers: dad mom, brother and me. My parents are workers, and mybrother is studying in a college. All of them are honest people,and they set a good example for me in many aspects. My dad is akind hearted person. He works hard and carefully, and he neverdemands too much of me and my brother. Instead, he always remindsus: that is wrong; you'd better not do it again when we makemistakes. Mom usually smiles, and she often plays games with me andmy brother, like we are close friends. So some people think sheis a child too. She and dad both think that everychild is different, and every child has his or her own position inthe world. So they give us enough space to make us independent. Ilove my family, because it is full of warmth andhappiness. 21我的家 我有一个关系亲密的家庭。家有四名成员:爸爸,妈妈,弟弟和我。我的父母都是工人,我弟弟是大学生。他们都是诚实的人,为我在多方面树立一个好榜样。我的爸爸是一个善良的人,工作既努力又很细心。他从来没有对我和弟弟要求太多。当我们做了错事时,他总是提醒我们:这是不对的,你最好不要再犯了妈妈却总是面带笑容,经常与我和弟弟一块做游戏,就像是可掏心窝的好朋友一样。所以有人觉得她也是一个孩子。她和爸爸都认为,每个孩子都不同,而且每个孩子都有他或她在这个世界的位置。所以他们给我们足够的空间以培养们的独立性。我爱我的家,因为它充满了温暖和幸福。 22. Character, Once a great early philosopher remarked that thecharacter has been playing an important role in our day today-life. And namely if you have a good character, you will have abeautiful life. For example, if we have good character it's easierto make friends with others. Assume you have character as thefollowing: sincere, honest, friendly, thoughtful, reliable and soon. So everyone wants to make friend with you. But you may say howI can develop my personalities. In my opinion, in daily life weshould read more and study hard. Of course you can learn some goodexamples from others. After all, everything depends on working hardby yourself to develop your personalities. I firmly believe if youcan keep good character, you will have the beautifultomorrow. 22性格 很久以前,有一位很伟大的哲学家说过,一个人的性格在日常的生活中一直起着非常重要的作用。所以可以说,如果你有一个好的性格,你就会有一个非常美好 的生活。例如,如果我们有一个好的性格,和周围的人交朋友就会非常的容易。如果你的性格又一下特点:真诚,诚实,友好,有思想,可以信赖等等,那么每个人都会喜欢和你交朋友。 23. Shopping I usually shop in the supermarket. I thinkshopping is a culture. Bargain over price is a skill for us. We allwant to spend less money in buying more things so we need associatewith market. When the things are on sale and can be bought with acoupon, then we can purchase what we need. When I buy a dress orcoat, I will give priority to the quality, then the style andprice, the last is the brand-name. I think previously about what Ineed before I go to supermarket or department store. So I can savesome time to do more important things. With the social developing,shopping online is popular. We can choose our favorites and neededthings online, and pay by credit card. But I do not like this way,because it is necessary for us to try on clothes. Maybe I do notcare of the brand, but I care whether it fits to me. We can choosethe best way to do shopping. 23购物 我经常去超市里买东西,我认为,购物是一种文化。和别人讨教还价对于我们来说也是一种技能。我们每个人都是希望用最少的钱买最多的东西。所以我们需要去市场。当待售的商品能够用优惠券购买的时候,我们就可以购买我们需要的东西了。当我买一个裙子或者上衣时,我首先考虑的是衣服的质量,然后是款式和价钱,最后考虑的才是衣服的品牌。在我进去超市和百货商店之前我就已经想好我自己要买什么东西了。所以我能够节省下来时间去做更重要的事情。随着社会的发展,网上购物已经变得越来越流行,并且用信用卡支付。但是我并不喜欢这种方式,因为在买衣服的时候,我们还是有必要试穿一下的。或许我并不在意衣服的品牌,但是我在意衣服是否适合我自己。我们可以自己选择最好的购物方式。 24. Studying English As everybody knows, English is getting more andmore popular now. Being regarded as a global official language,almost every international conference is hold in English. And also,you can contact people from all over the world in English. Since wehave already come into a new information age, communication is veryimportant and it can push your career forward. And nowadays,mastering English is an important ability which can do good to usto get a job. Some companies now regard passing college Englishtest of band6 as a necessity of their employees. In a word,studying English is necessary. But, among all the skills oflearning English, I think listening and speaking are the mostimportant because our aim of learning English is to helpus-communicate with-foreign people in the atmosphere ofinternational cooperation. What's more, only by learning andspeaking can we be able to grasp English well. So we must practicespoken English as much as possible. More practice, more progress!If we can use English as often as possible, we will get itsomeday! 24学习英语 每个人都知道,英语现在已经越来越流行了。因为应为被认为是一个全球性的官方语言,所以几乎所有的国际会议都是用英语主持的。并且你也可以用英语和来自全世界的人交流。因为我们已经进入了一个新的信息时代,交流已经变得非常的重要并且它能够促进你的事业发展。现在,掌握英语是一门很重要的技能,能够帮助我们找到一份好的工作。现在很多的公司都认为要想成为他们的员工,首先一定要过英语六级。换句话说,学习英语已经是必须的了。但是我认为在学习英语的所有技能之中,听和说是最重要的,因为在一个国际性的交流合作氛围下,学习英语的目的是使我们能够和外国人更好的交流。尽可能多的练习我们的口语,多多练习,多多进步。如果我们能够尽可能经常练习口语,迟早有一天我们会成功的! 26. Oral English. Oral English is a kind of English that we use tocommunicate with others. As is well known to all that speaking isone of the most important skills that should be mastered well byEnglish-learners in the process of learning English. In addition,speaking is essential for us to learn English, so we have no reasonnot to have a good control of oral English. However we can alwayshear most complaints about English learning. In the eyes of them,you might as well ask them to pray that the sun rises from theeast, if you want them to take hold of English especially oralEnglish. We all knew that we should use a large amount of Englishwords when talking with others. It is of great difficult for themto remember so many words, not to say to use them in properconditions. There are many words of similar pronunciation andspelling, and one word has different meanings when it is read indifferent ways. Maybe a few people can remember them and know howto use them in context, but they are shy to speak out what juststand their mouths. So only a few students have a good knowledge oforal English. But, as far as I am concerned, oral English is not sodifferent to study. If you take great efforts and use them incorrect ways. Don't be shy or timid; take the courage to expressyour feelings in English. No pain, no gain. Where there is will,there is a way. If you stick to opening your mouth, you will cometo realize that you can speak English fluently. Of course you canuse many means to improve your oral English. You can go to the chatroom or English corner to communicate with others or watch theEnglish Channel, or even you can take part in some oral Englishcontest. But, open your mouth at first. Remember! God never letsthe diligent down. If you always open your mouth, you oral Englishlevel will be improved step by step! 口语是我们和其他人交流的英语中的一部分。在学习英语的过程中,口语是一项最重要的交流技能之一,所以我们必须掌握。此外,说英语对于我们学习英语也是至关重要的。所以我们没有理由不去掌握好口语技能。但是我们经常听到在学习英语中的一些抱怨话语。在他们的眼里,你让他们去掌握好英语尤其是口语,他们认为比登天还难。我们知道当我们和别人聊天交流的时候,我们应该尽量大量的使用我们知道的词汇。对于他们记住这么多的单词是很困难的,更不用说在适当的场合运用了。很多的单词拼写发音接近,当一个词用不同的方式说出来的时候,意义也是有所不同的。或许有些人能够记住一些单词,知道他们在文章里面怎样使用,但是他们就是害羞,张不开嘴。所以只有很少的一部分学生口语很好。如果你能努力学习,并且用正确的方法,英语口语并不是很难学习的。不要害羞胆小,鼓起勇气并敢于表达你心里的感受。没有付出,就没有回报。只要你想,就会有办法。如果你能坚持张开你的嘴,那么你就会意识到你自己能够流利的说英语。当然提高英语口语的方式是很多的。你可以去聊天室,去口语角,或者收看英语频道,或者参加一些英语口语的比赛。但是首先要张开嘴。记住,付出总会有收获。如果你一直说英语,你的英语水平就会提高! 27. Parents Parent's love for their children is the greatestlove in the world, their love is selfless. When we were young,parents took care of us all the time, not letting us hungry,crying. They sacrificed all what they have, but got little reward,they told us that we must respect the old and care for the young,study hard at school and some things which can help us to become asuccessful person. When we are old enough to know some importantthings, they teach us how to help friends, be stronger, keep goodChinese virtues, have a good personal value, and follow the law andso on. Our parents are generous for us but have little thought forthemselves, they only have one sweet dream that we could turn to auseful man. They never ask reward for all what they have done forus, but in our heart, we must have a thought how to reward them.For owing much to our parents, we should put more love than now toour parents, we should make our best to make them happy and fellvery well. 父母对子女的爱是世界上最伟大的爱,最无私的。当我们小的时候,父母一直照顾我们,不让我们挨饿,不让我们哭泣。他们牺牲了他们的所有,但是不计回报,告诉我们必须尊老爱幼,在学校里必须努力学习,告诉我们怎么样才能成为一个成功的人。当我们长大一点知道一些重要的事情的时候,他们告诉我们怎样去帮助朋友,怎样坚强,信守中华的传统美德,树立正确的人生价值观,遵纪守法等等。父母对我们大爱无私却很少考虑自己,他们只有一个梦想就是我们能够成为一个有用的人。他们从不要求回报,但是我们必须感恩,因为我们欠我们的父母太多了,我们应该回报给父母更多的爱,我们应该尽我们的一切力量让他们幸福快乐! 28. Crisis. Crises include social crisis and natural crisis.It's a phenomenon which makes people worried and upsetting and moreimportant, it will bring disaster to human beings. Take the SecondWorld War for example, because of the1930s economic crisis, theGermany invaded the other country, and later it developed into aworld war. Many people lost their life and family members in thewar. As we all know, economic crisis and World War are socialcrisis, and earthquake, flood, tornado and volcano eruption arenatural catastrophes. In2005, there is an earthquake in Jiujiangwhen I was in senior school. Maybe it is the first crisis I haveexperienced so when I am in a chaos situation I feel very upsettingand panic. After the earthquake I learn a lot about dealing withsudden crisis. Firstly, when you face with a crisis you should staycalm. Being calm you can find the way to deal with the crisis moreeasily. Secondly, you should know how to self-help before otherpeople come to help you. Thirdly, ask for help, and then othersknow you are in danger. However, most people can't always stay calmin that situation; they may be upsetting and panic. But I think nomatter what it is, we should control ourselves and keep calm. Andthat will be good for everyone. 28危机。 危机包括社会危机和自然危机。危机会使人们产生焦虑和恐惧感,更严重的是,危机会给人类带来灾难。拿二战当作例子来说,由于二十世纪三十年代的经济危机,德国侵略其他的国家,然后发展成世界大战。很多人在战争中失去生命和家人。我们知道经济危机和世界大战都是社会危机,而地震洪水台风火山喷发则是自然灾害。在2005年,当我还是一个高中生的时候,九江发生了一次地震。这是我第一次在嘈杂的环境里经历焦虑和恐慌。在地震之后我学会了很多怎样应对突发危机的知识。当你遇到危机时,第一就是要冷静,冷静才能找到正确处理危机的办法。第二,在别人的营救到来之前你应该知道怎样自救。第三,求救,让他人知道你在危险之中。然而,在危机之中很少有人能够冷静,他们会焦躁恐慌,但是我想,无论怎样我们都要控制自己并保持冷静,这对每个人都是有好处的。 29. Global Warming People around the world may feel that the climatehas been getting warmer and warmer steadily in recent years. Theearth's surface temperature has increased by0.74 centigrade overthe last100 years. Places which used to be abundant in snowfallhave frequently experienced source winters. Drought lasts longer insome dry areas. People find that without air conditioners theycould hardly work or fall asleep on hotter summer days. The warmerglobal climate melts the ice caps, the sea level is rising. What'smore? It disturbs weather patterns casing droughts, tsunami, andhurricanes. People suffer a lot form disasters relevant to globalWarming. To stop global warming, we should make immediate andconstant efforts. I think people should be taxed to pay penaltyequal to the value of the nuisance that they make. Yet, there areso many measures we can do. For example, taking bus instead ofprivate car, and so on. We hope the situation will soon changeglobal warming catches and holds our concern. For it affects us andwill affect our later generations. We can't wait any longer. Do it.Does it right? Do it right now. 29全球变暖 在近几年里,世界上所有的人都会感觉到气候在逐步的变得越来越温暖。在过去的一百年里,地表的温度已经上升了0.74度,过去经常下雪的地方现在已经不像以前那样了。干旱在干旱地区持续的时间更长。在夏天炎热的季节人们发现没有空调他们没有办法工作和睡觉。气候的变暖融化了冰山,海平面上升。除此它还破坏了正常的气候类型,带来了干旱海啸台风。人们正品尝着气候变暖所带来的相关灾难。为了阻止它,我们应该立即作出努力并要一直做下去。我认为我们应该对那些危害环境的人课税作为惩罚。我们能做的有很多,比如我们可以乘坐公交车,不开私家车等等。我希望气候变暖引起人们的关注,因为它不仅影响到我们,也影响到我们的下一代。我们不能再等了,现在就要行动起来。 30. Part-time Job It is very common that now more and more collegestudents take part-time jobs. There is a problem that whethercollege students should take part-time jobs or not. Differentpeople have different ideas. Some people think that collegestudents should take part-time jobs. First, students inuniversities have high tuition; they should take some jobs torelieve their parents' economic burden. Second, it can add theirexperience. Before graduating, it can help students learn moreabout society. Third, they can apply knowledge to practice, broadentheir vision. In a word, taking a part-time job can enhance theirability and set up a foundation for later work. Others think thatcollege student should not take part-time jobs. They think that forstudents study is the most important thing. When they take apart-time job, they would distract from class, and have less timeto study, even absent from class. In my opinion, college studentscould take part-time jobs. We have already grown up; we could tryto ease the burden on parents, and we can learn a lot which wecan't get from if we take a part-time job, class. We should dealwith the conflict between study and job. We must realize that studyis the students' duty. We can take a part-time job in the conditionthat it does not affect our study. If we have spare time, don'twaste, go and take a part-time job. 越来越多的大学生处去做兼职已经很正常了。有一个问题就是大学生是否应该出去做兼职,不同的人观点也是不一样。一些人认为我们应该做兼职。首先在大学里上学学费是很高的,他们应该去找些兼职去做来减轻他们父母的经济压力。第二,这可以增加他们的经验。在他们毕业之前可以更好的了解社会。第三他们可以把所学到的知识实践,开阔眼界。一句话,兼职可以提高他们的能力,为日后的工作打下基础。其他的人认为大学生不应该出去做兼职,他们认为对于学生来说学习是第一位的。当他们做兼职的时候,上课就会注意力不集中,能够用于学习的时间也会变少,甚至逃课。在我看来,大学生可以做兼职。我们已经长大了,我们应该试着去减轻父母的经济压力,并且能够学到很多在学校里学习不到的东西。如果做兼职,就要处理好学习和工作的关系,我们必须清楚学习是学生的责任。只有不影响学习的情况下,我们才能去做兼职。如果我们有空闲的时间,不要浪费,去做兼职。 |
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