2014计划跟踪--幸福课笔记--IamwhatIam. 幸福课笔记


第二课:What if I only have a year life? What would I do in thatyear?

因为Tal问自己的这两个问题,因而有了《幸福课》。当我问自己这两个问题的时候,我觉得自己很坦然。现在我的人生就是每一天踏踏实实地过着,经历,思考,做该做的事情,把该做的事情做好。享受世间的各种美好的文化和艺术。研究PositivePsycholgy至关重要的原因有三个:1,集中研究有用的东西至关重要,有用的或者集中研究会成为现实。2,快乐并非只是对痛苦的否定,消除了抑郁和焦虑并不就等于快乐。3,预防在今天来说非常重要。预防困苦的最有效的方法是通过专注于培养积极心态,PreventingHardship, 同时专著建立生活中美好的事。研究抑郁和焦虑心理和研究积极幸福心理学的比例是21:1。

Questions create reality. 开始问积极的问题,关注于成功的问题。


Role Model: Marva Collins.

不把自己生活中的不幸归咎于他人,自己负责,只有自己能够为自己的自尊,幸福,后果负责。No one is coming.


Desease model and health model

Focus creats reality.

Disease Model: Optimum value is 0. Focus oncorrectingweakness topreventdespress, anxiety...

Health Model: Cultivate happiness, competency, capacities.Forcus on health.

faith, work ethic, hope, hoesty, perseverame, capacity for flowand insight...

Practical idealist...

5 basic premises:

1.Bridge Building: Build bridge between academia and MainStreet.

2.Change is possible: personal change, organization changedifficult-- technical, method, tools

3.Happiness primarity is dependent on how we perceive the world,is primarily function of external circumstances.

4.Human nature must be obeyed.

5.The ultimate end which we pursue and that is also a moralclaim, higher, more important, more moral.





In general, external cirtumstances make very little dfferenceson level of happiness.


One thing that does matter to our base level of wellbeing witchis external circumstance is democracy versus oppression.Peopleliving in democracies are generally significantly happier thanpeople living in dictatorships.想想自己是从七十年代出生然后一步步走过来的,那些文革时期的可怕故事,后来的严打,都曾经直接或者通过父母和老师的渗透,在自己的心上烙上了印记.一度失去了很多自信,安全感.



前提四 nature should be obeyed.


1. Constrained - human nature cannot be changed, to accept ->immutable, channel the flowed towards good. - 资本主义

2. Unconstrained - human nature can be changed and perfect it.--共产主义

本课程相信人性是不能改变的,how to chanel nature, why this is important?

A. Politically in the psychological realm.

B. It's one of the most important pillars of wellbeing andhappiness

C. It gets to misunderstanding that many people have regardingwhat positive psychology is and is not.


Give self permission to be human being.


A- Affect 情绪

B- Behavior 行动

C- Cognation 思想


倾诉,写作,冥想等是对情绪的接纳,体验,经历 - 主动接受

沉思痛苦的思维- not help.


God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannotchange, the courage to change the things I can change, and wisdomto know the difference.



这一课主要讲述了第五个前提:Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life,the whole ai and end of human existence.

"We should work to cultivate positive emotions in ourselves andin those around us, not just at end states in themselves, but alsoas a mean to achieving psychological growth and improvedpsychologican and physical health over time.Positive emothions appear to broaden people's momentarythought.

Negative: narrows and constricts -> Sadness ->

Positive: Broaden and Build -> positie emotion ->upwardspiral

对于负面情绪,全面接受,Go Through

Pursing Happiness -> is that selfish?


happiness not take fromothers,不是我多了你便少了的概念,如果一个人快乐,可以让周围的人快乐,并不是从别人身上抢夺快乐。传播快乐的方法是使自己快乐。

Be the change you want to be in the world.

信念的力量:Belief creates Reality..

Can be changed

Can be tranformed.



今天有些Down,这种情况下看这个课程,真是感觉美妙。虽然有时候不能集中精力,但是还是很让人积极乐观起来。没有理想,没有愿望,应该说是随波逐流,也没有幸福感。设立怎样的目标,以及怎样调整,看待失败,都很重要。“Learnto fail or fail to learn"


Brief create reality, it's truth, but not all thetruth.相信能实现,就有可能实现。



“Beliefs in personal efficacy affect life choices, level ofmotivation, quality of functioning, resilience to adversity andvulnerability to stress and depression. People who regardthemselves as highly efficacious act, think, and feel differentlyfrom those who perceive themselves as inefficiencies.

Positive thinking bring positive impact.然而不是只想,take time &effort.成功取决于你坚信自己能取得成功的程度。两个因素影响1,不断地问自己问题2,坚信自己可以成功。







Update Scheama

Ignore or discard external information

actively seek confirmation

create a new reality

No Short Cuts: Learn to fail or fail to learn.


第七课 自我实现预言的信念,和专注

面对问题,可以使我们的幸福基线上升。我很勇敢,我很有自尊心,很渴望成功,对自己有以上结论结论,根据自我知觉理论,会更自信,乐观因而幸福感提高。认识到失败不糟糕,我们想象的痛苦比实际的痛苦多得多。Howto raise the base level of wellbeing.


1.Take action

Begin with action. Having strongbelief,反对自尊运动或者感觉良好运动。长期会伤害积极性。



upward spiral

To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily, not to dare is tolose oneself. (勇于冒险或者会一时失足, 却步不前则会失去自我。




想象自己成功,更有效的是想象成功以及成功的过程。形象的成功画面,以及怎样能够实现的过程。想象的越真实,越接近成功。-《I have adream〉对此,我有些怀疑,因为我一直是很充满想象力的,也曾经想象过幸福的模样,那么真实。我要深入考虑下,为什么和这个理论相背。或者是因为想象太依赖于别的人了,而且没有想到正确的过程。是的。

3,Congnitive therapy

THe thought drive emotions.

Event -> Evaluation (thought) ->Evoke an emotion -> action

Key: Change thought -> changeemotion


1 Magnify

2 Minimizing - tunnel vision

3 Making up Fabricating

Eveluation our emotion, correcting theerrors.


Is my conclusion tied to reality?

Is it rational?

Am I ignoring something important?




No short cuts. 快乐是一生都必须努力的。越努力越幸运。


关于幸福,人们感知世界的方式比客观环境更为重要,更主要的是内在。取决于我们关注什么,如何去诠释。Focus CreateRealities.








第八课 继续讲述两种原型的应对生活的不同态度,以及感激

Benefit finder knows that things don'tnecessarily happen for the best, it is possible to make the best ofthings that happens. It may take a little bate while.需要时间走出各种负面影响,所有的都是暂时的,permission to be human being.人们会失败,但是失败会过去。












“What you focus on expands, and whenyou focus on the goodness."当你专注于生活中的好事上,你专著的东西会变大。




报道积极消息。和平健康发展。。。(Goodnews network)Focus on good news




适应性-- 有好的一面,坏的一面(习以为常)






Benifit finder refuse to ignore thepositive things and 承认生活中的挫折和失败。not about being a detachedpollyanna.

but why not more positive personbecause they are happier, healthier, and more successful.

because of the media.

So we need to 1. good news channel. 2.Art --->everyday

不要把每天看到的美好事物当作是习以为常,要努力去发现没有注意的事情。writetalking and thinking appreciate. don't take everything asgranted.

Change only happened when you do it,experience over time. more and more

21 days change a habit.



Permission to be human being.所以会感受到各种情绪。去经历各种情绪,接纳




1.change is hard. 快乐是一种随机现象。 base levelof welbing

2. Change is possible.

How is change possible? What doeschange look like?

before 1998, no change for brain after3 years old, brain born with certain gene.

After 1998, Neurogenesis, andneuroplasticity.

Neurones develop are created throughoutour lines until the day we die.

What Brain looks like? there aremillions of channels inside, neural pathways connections betweendifferent neurones.Everythinga connection is madebetween neurones that pathways grows with use, shrink when there'sno use.

How can we change our thought?->change welbeing?

our experience is much likely togravitate to already established neural pathways and strengthen itfurther, as opposed to created new neural pathways. An establishedneural pathway attats more action and get thicker. Stay-> growevern more.

benefit finder -> healthypathway

fault finder -> unhealthy pathwaythat'spathways in the brain look for in my world things that gowrong.

Benefit finder: 经验流向乐观。People who havemore action on the left side of the prefrontal cortex, compare tothe right side of the prefrontal cortex, are general happier.


可以培养,改变大脑。方法:冥想,change pathway ofbrain. we can change the brain neuroplasiticityand neurogenesis.

two type of change:

Gradual approach,Acute change. Both take time.

The belief that we can rely onshortcuts to gratification and bypass the exercise take a lotstrenths and virtues is folly. it leads to legions of humenity whoare depressed in the middle of great wealth and are starving todeath spiritually.

第十课Gradual Changeand Acute Change

Neither is quick-fix. Take time andeffort.

  1. Gradual change

Do the gratitude exercise everyday slowly becoming more andmore of a benefitfinder.

Brain Change -> activitychange.

It comes after a lot of hard work, after lot ofpreparation.

No quick-fix, otherwise leads to despress and anxiety.

Q: DO I, DO you really want to change?

Get rid of certain characteristics?(grim,rigid, gullable)

Q: were you successful?

The positive characteristics linked to negativeones.

Consistency -> Rigid


Seriousness -> Grim

Drive and ambitious ->perfectionism

Responsibility -> worry andanxiety

Not being empathic and sensitive ->guilty

Simplify -> loging edge

Happiness -> slacking off

Keep one not theother,

The key if we wanna overcome this fear of failure on the worry/anxiety, or theguilty, or the slack of happiness, is about understanding or get abetter understands of these characteristics.Ex, to get rid of failure and maintaindrive/ambition.

The baby can stay and the bathwater can go if we have a more nuanceunderstanding of what is we want to change identify what to get ridof and what to keep.


B- Behavior Action

C- Cognition Thought

Affect behavior cognitiontimes gradual and the acute, 6 approach tochange.

We first make our habit and then our habits make us. Theapproach for change need to focus on all threeA,B,C,not only one or two ofthem.

What do we change?

What can we change?

What can we not change?

Happiness comprises three factors.

  1. Genetic set range. 50%We all bore with certain predisposition toward happiness andwell-being. That it is… Nature to be commandedmust be obeyed.

About happiness, people who don’t work on their happinesseven if they have the best of genes will not do as well as peoplewith less happy genes who work on it. So workmakes a great deal.(后天努力很重要)

  1. External circumstances beyond extreme10%

  1. Intentional activities

What we do, how we act, what we think about, howwe imterpret the world, what we focus on. Real meaningful change and weare going to focus

A: Affect emotion. Logical, linguisticconnection between emotion, motivation ,motion.

  1. Gradual change – mindful maditation

Cultivating mindfulness can lead to the discovery of deeprealms of relaxation, calmness and insight withinyourself.. all is involves is cultivating our ability to pay attention inthe present moment.

Transform our brain just by focusing on the breath, byfocusing on parts of our body be being present.Mindful meditation is arguably the most powerful intervention forbringing about calm andequanimity.

Mindfulness means seeing things as they are, without tryingto change them. The point is to dissolve our reactions todisturbing emotions, being careful not to reject the emotionitself. That is : along the emotion, experience the emotion. 8 weeks of regularmeditation our brain actually starts to change its form totransform.20 mins or 30 mins a day.

  1. Acute Change

Specifically to post-traumatic stressdisorder-创伤后应激障碍。是一种Acute Change. It changes the structure of thebrain, creates new neural pathways, kills a lot of old neuralpathways as a resultof a single experience.

创伤后成长多于创伤后应激障碍.尽量从世事中成长,尽量收益.- 写日记,分享经历...

Is that a positive equivalent to tranma something that is so powerful yet positive that will changethe way our brain functions in an instance like asledgharmer?That means can a single positive experience create a positivechannel that will lead to a permanent increase in wellbeing, calmand positive memories.-peaking experience

Peak experience. : it’s a generalization for the best moments of the humanbeings. For the happiest mements of life, for experience of ecstasy, rapture,bliss of the greatest joy.

Feel so good so complete…

But it come and go not last longer.

Maybe it's same as PTSD...

Peak experiences often have consequences...They can do thesame there as psychotherapy,if one keeps his goals right, and ifone knows just what he is about, and if one is conscious of whathe's going towards.We can certainly talk on the one hand of thebreaking up of symptoms, like the breaking up of cliches, ofanxieties, or the likeor on the other hand, we can talk about thedevelopment of spontaneity, and of courage, and of Olympian orGodlike humor and suchness, sensory awareness, body awareness, andthe like.

'do we experience peak experiences and experince more ofthe?

'after we experience peak experience, how can we make it morelikely that we enjoy PPED?

  1. Permission to be human being, accept emotions. Open thepathway, give ourselves the permisson to cry or ecstatic.容易感受消极的情绪,也便容易感受积极情绪.same emotional pathway.

  1. Mindfulness, beingpresent...专心致志地听音乐...作有意义的事情,制定目标去完成,容易获得高峰体验.


怎样使peak experience经常出现

replaying image

write down experience, taking time to define

Finally Take action.

B -Behavior

2 type after experience high

1 - back as before

2 - back to higher base level thanbefoer

Why? how ?

Take action immediatly... introducing changeImmediatly...

Attitude and behaviors.

Attitude affect our behaviors. Behaviors also affectattitude.

The attitude the mind doesn't like incongruence, it's goingto create equality between two.

First we make habits, then habits makeus.

Smile can be source of the joy. bodyfeedback

no other way to change, nothing will happen unless we bringabout real actual behavioral change, action, and when wedothat, then the sky isthelimit.



Body Feedback: communicate certainmessage to other people, who then reflect back to us and at thesame time, we are also communicating to ourselves. "fake it till wemake it". Because our body, our behavior sendsmessages to our mind to our emotions and affects them.

-- Shy heterosexual man experiment.with 6 women


"Those whose deeds exceed their wisdom,their wisdom shall endure . But those whose wisdom exceeds theirdeeds, their wisdom shall not endure."(那些行为超越其智慧的人,他们的智慧将恒久。但那些智慧超越其行为的人,他们的智慧无法持久。

--Nothing will happen unless we followour new found wisdom or our understanding with deeds, with action.Because we first make our habits, and then our habits make us. Ourattitude changes but our behavior doesn't, our attitude will bepulled down over time by our habits.

For instance: gratitude practice, writeletters, phisical exercise.

Attitude change has to be matched bydeeds, by behavior.

1. You can direct your energy andattention toward trying to fix your mind, find your focus, affirmyour power, free your emotion and visualize positive outcomes sothat you can finally develop the confidence to display the courage,to discover the determination to make commitment, to feelsufficiently motivated to do what it is you need to do.

2. You just do it.

comfort zone--Freezing water

strech zone(Change actually happens.)-- flowing water

Panic zone (we have anxiety anddifficulty, usually unhealthy) --boiling water

benefit finder - gratutide

confident - Take some risk, image

people don't have discipline forchange.

Vote:Havingdiscipline can be more successful

Bad news - you can not get more selfdiscipline, most people cannot get more - Nature.

Good news - it's not thatimportant.

Experiment : Before take exam, try notto touch Chocolate cookie and beetroot.

Ritual - self discipline

Run - Stretching 30 to 40 mins 3 timesa week. it help Release anxiety.

Relationship - very important -datetwice a week as ritual

It takes a lot of discipline to start aritual.

one month or 21 days to setup. No morethan two Ideally one ritual.

"Incremental change is better thanambitious failure. Success feeds on itself"

Through training, we can change,we cantransform ourselves.

Setup ritual is the way to change.

C - cognitioninterpretion -> neutual pathway

Twins investigation: differentinterpretion, model-passive victum.

happiness contingent on our mind.

Cognition reconstruction.

Most of people think the relation isthat we are validated, as we get pads on our back.

If we want long-term successful,thriving, passionate relationships, the first objective, theprimary objective is to go into relationship to be known.(最基本的目标是通过关系被了解。) rathenthantobe validated. To be known as a human being.

Acute Change : Begin withIMMERSION,invest at least 10 years of hard work.creative andtransform. After we prepared,that means years of hard work, theneureka.

Incubation -> eureka

Then ask: is this good? (plan,idea...)

"Isthis somethingthat will last, orjust a moment of pleasure, willyou still love me tommorrow?"

Lesson 12

1) Change - Sumup

2) Settinggoals

- No short cuts: not only think, image,beliefe, passion, hard work is the most important

- Take time off(空闲时间): time off toincubate, to reflect, to metaphorically, or literally sit in thebath and think.

- Evaluation Part (1%+99%)

journaling - 5 mins about themost difficult experience, 4 times

write continuously about themostupsetting or traumatic experience of your entire life. Don't worryabout grammer, spelling or structure. Write down the deepestthoughts, feeling, emotion, affect you deeply.

Journaling include A,B C." Opening up"-- Jamie Penrebaker

记日记可以帮助人们: strenthen immune system,better mood, more outgoing, less despress, more benefit finder.

Positve emotion and painful emotionflow through the same pipeline. And if we suppress something, if westop something, wehich is painful, we are very often indirectly,inadvertently also supressing the positive emotions. Open cloggedchannel, to experience more high levelhappiness.

Write happiest experience.

Journaling - > insight words ( now Isee that, I realize that)



Now I can face it, deal with it.

1. Sence of comprehensibility - I understand theworld. It makes sense to me. I see, I realize, I get it. The worldand event, difficulties and hardships highs and lows makes sense tome mostely.

2. Sense of manageability - I can dealwith it. I can handle it. I have the internal as well as externalresources to deal with it as opposed to being helpless.

3. Sense of meaningfulness.

The above compnentsas source of mental health.

"A global orientation that exppressesthe external the extent to which one has perrassive, enduringthrough dynamic of confidence that :一种整体适应性,主要包括三个方面对生活的感受性和信心:

1) the stimuli deriving from one'sinternal and external environments in the course of living asstructured, predictable and explicatable.在生命中个体感受到来自内外部环境的压力是明确,具体,可预测的.

2) The resources are available to oneto meet the demands posed by these stimuli.个体感受到应对内外部环境压力所需资源是充分的.

3) These demands are challenges, worthyof investment and engagement. 个体感受到的压力具有挑战性,值得花时间和精力去应对.



high self-esteem(C)->strong emotion (A)-> more actions(B)-> higher self esteem

Cognation -> 3 Ms

Affect -> Phisical exercise, yoga,Music-> lower anxiety

Behavior -> THrough exposure.

The journey is asimportant as the result.



---------------------------------------------Changing End

Goal Setting

Importance of goal: become moreefficient.

1 understand the theory and thepractice of the goal

2 how we do well deal with thestress.

3 moving from material perception tohappiness perception.

Goal -> focus us. Focs getdirection. Focusing on the future.

Niezsche:"If we have a what for, everyhow becomes possible. we are much more likely to overcomedifficulties and hardships. "

Goal makes us more successful for theexact same reason that positive belief do, it decalre we believe wecan get something. Setting goals makes it more likely to come ture.Because our mind does not like when the reason inconsisitencybetween what is inside and wht is outside. and if I believe a goaland I declare a goal, the outside is likeyo to match that.

Declare a goal -> create ourreality.

Goal -> Focus

Goal -> Oppotunities.

Power of words. The connection betweenconcept and conceive is not just etymological, it is alsometaphisical.

"That the moment one definitly commitsoneself, then providence moves too. All sorts of things occur tohelp one that would not have otherwise occurred. A whole stream ofevents issues from the decision, raising in one's favor all mannerof unforeseen incidents and meaning and material assistance whichno man would have dreamed would come his way."


"what ever you can do, or dream youcan, begin it!Boldness has genius, magic and power in it."

Goals properly understood leads tohappiness





Enjoy the present. The goal liberate usto enjoy the here and now. Goals are means touwards the presentend.

Happiness is not about making it to thepeak of the mountain, nor is it about climbing aimlessly around themountain; happiness is the experience of climbing toward thepeak.

Set goal, and enjoy the process.

The key is to have a goal, have acommitment, this is important. It is the processof striving after goal rather than goal attainment per se- that iscrucial for happiness and positive affectivity. happiness growsless from the passive experience of desirable circumstance thanfrom involvement in valued activities and progress toward onegoal.


Live not for battle won/live not forthe-end-of-the song/live for the along.

Goals align to your personal value andinterest things that you care about. Doing things that areimportant to you. the goal is you choose yourself. These are thingsyou want to do rather than things you have to do.

Identify the things that you can do -you want to do - you really want to do.

Enjoy it.

Self-concordant goal.

Life is too short, to do the things Ihave to do , it's barely long enough, to do what I want to do.

-- Write Journal to track self growth.Write down experience, even only for self analyzing and replay tohelp self identify, self realize.

-- Set goal.(Have set reading andlearning goal for 2014, and keep tracking in the Blog.)

No one is coming. When have to bealong, it's an opportunity to learn, to find self, changemind.

Lesson 13


1. Setting self-concordant goals canpotentially make us happier because we are pursuing the things wecare about, it is more likely to reinforce our enjoyment of thejourney.

2. Certainly connected to well being isthat very often having self-concordant goals - having goals ingeneral, but in particular self-concordant goals, resolves internalconflicts.

Losing objective and get problem withexistence often occurred when no self-concordantgoals.

3. Easier to be successful. Individualswho set self-concordant goals are more motivated.

During my pastlife, some of my goals are made by parents or following a generaldirection from people's experience, which most of them acctuallyfor me are not self-concordant, eg: the base of marriage, theobjective of a career. Although I cannot go back to my life, whileit's also good I know and understand them now. Getting back to bepure myself. It's hard, but a correct direction. All the pastexperience whatever it was, it should have been should lead me tohere. I believe it's the true myself. I will cultivate this andmake this pathway strong and stronger... Happiness is not from theothers, it's from yourself. Happiness relying on others finallywill disappoint me, because it's not really part ofyourself.Even therewill be mistake and failure, but it's on the way, I can face allthe difficulties.

Having a goal helps to solve internalconflicts, because it takes our mind away from thoseexistential,often important, but sometimes difficult questions.Away from anxiety, away from depression. And we focused onsomething we really, really want to do. also increase the likehoodof success.

"Do it better withpleasure."

When we are engaged in aself-concordant goal, we are much more likely to then continue topursue self-concordant goals. Also do better in areas that were notnecessarily self-concordant.

Choosing to do things interested usalso good for our health.

When we choose, when we do what we wantto, it has implications to our well being to our success, and toour physical health, to the point of leading to longer life.

Too easy is not necessarilygood.所以生活在民主制度下的人们,可以更幸福,是因为有选择的权利。而在独裁政治下,通常人们会被告知去做什么,不是自主选择生活。

VIA: value in action.

Character strenth.人格力量

when ti's used toward moral noble ends.

Is this the real me?

I have often thought the best way to define a man's characterwould be seek out the particular mental or moral attitude in which,when it came upon him, he felt himself most deeply and intenselyactive and alive. at such moments there is a voice inside whichspeaks and says: This is the real me.














it comes from within. it feels natual. This is about yourpersonal nature.

Build capacity. engaged in learning new things.

Better deal with hardship.

1. The first stp is to identify your character strengths.

The way to do it - twosteps :

a. Take the questionnaire,to take the test.

b. Identify 4 to 6 thatmost fulfill these strenghs criteria.

2. Choose one character strenghs and for the following week useethe strength in a new way everyday.

After that, apply another characters or the same characterstrength in a different way. E.g. read something you have neverread.


Use the strenth and then applied it to what had been a weaknessof mine.

3 cateloge for work: Job, career, calling


job - paycheck

career - money and advancement

calling - things itself. self-concordant goal.

how do you interpret it?

It's certainly true that many of us evade our constitutionallysuggested vocations (call, destiny, taks in life, mission). Sooften we run away from the responsibilities dictated (or rathersuggeted) by nature, by fate, even sometimes by accident, just asjonah tried-in vain-to run away from his fate.

what is your fate, what is your calling, what is yourdestiny.

Just listen to the voice that suggests your vacation.听从暗示你天命的那个声音。

Sometime we are afraid of the answer...

The most noble thing is to listen to that inner voice. Becausewhen we pursue a self-concordant goal and a self-concordantjourney, that's when we come alive and that's when we also make theworld better place.

Be the change you want to see in the world.

The answer may change...

Ask the question may see the things we haven't seen before.

"Instead of focusing on what we can live with, we should bethinking about what we can't live without."

1 write them down. it's making a commitment, much more of acommitment than just saying them even.

2 Set lifeline. Dates by which we hope to achieve those certaingoals, goals, especially self-concordant goals are about inspiringus. putting the spirits in ourselves.

3 Make them specific. in other words, it's not i'm going toimprove sales pretty soon, or very quickly, but rather- I'm goingto increase sales 5% by december 31, 2008.

specific, concrete.

People can imagine themselves taking steps, while great heightsseem entirely forbidden.

Having a long term goal, and then break it down to short term ormedium term goal. And then make plans and then create rituals basedon these plans. Step by step. breaking down achievement.


when dealing with stress, take time out.



问题:What do those who were successful and able to lead a healthyand happy life do?

Focusing on what works.

1. they set rituals for themselves.

2. They particularly set rituals for both work and forrecovery.

Stress is not the problem, in fact, stress was good for us.

Stress actually cultivated resilience, strength and helped us behappier in the long run.

"Have 60 to 120 minutes, so around 90 minutes of sprint, work,concentrate, focus hard, go for it.And then after that, after yousprint, with as little distraction as possible, have 15 minutes orso of recovery."

Recreation leads to creation.

Lesson 14

Stress is not the proglem, problem is not enough recovery.



Focus on both work as well as recovery, work hard and playhard.

Quantity affects quality.




Doing less, creative goes up, productivity goes up, worksatisfaction goes up because when we are distracted, there can't betoo much of a good thing.

Not to do additional things, but to do less, or reather toidentify the things that you really, really want to do with yourlife and do them.


What do people who are happy healthy and succcessful do? - Focuson work , forcus on recovery.

pick up what we really really want to do. Simplified. Doing lessinstead of more.

We are not happy if we are certainly not productive and we arenot creative.

Find optimal level, not stress fress life.

Procrastination - 拖延症

1. 5 mins take-off - just do it

2. Be rewarded

3. Go public

4. Doing with other people(Group approach.)

5. write down goals, plans, list.

6. Permission to recreate(to recover)

What is Perfectionism


Success and happiness

Sources of Perfictionism

Overcoming perfectionism.

Joy of learning is gone when we begin to understand other peopleare watching us then the image kicks in. We avoid instad of coping.And that affects ourself esteem, our confidence, our resilience,our happiness levels in the long term.

There is no other way to grow, No other way to learn. No otherway to became more risilient, happier, more successful: fail tolearn or learn to fail.


The greatest mistake man can make is to be fraid of makingone.

The important work of moving the world forward, does not wnat tobe done by perfect man or woman. Just do it , just act, be preparedto fail.

If you want to increase success rate, double yr failurerate.

Lesson 15 Perfectionism

Failure: All people successful, at least one significant failureor more than one.They thought the failure as a turning point intheir lives. Help them become who they are. They are able to makethe best of what happened. learning experience, a step stone.

Geeks work life balance---men and women

Geezers Work 7X24 ---man

Defination of Perfectionism: an incapacitating fear of failurethat permeates our lives,especially thouse that we care aboutmost.

A----->B perfectionist fantasy

A~~~~0000~~~><><>B Excellence Reality no straightline to success, perfect releationship, we makemistakes.

Not mean we enjoy failure.

committed to Perfectionist

1. defensiveness

2. Over generalize, all or nothing noself-acceptance.

3. one way is the highway

4. terrify the failure

5. towards the end.

The perfectionist experiences only at best, temporary relief.This is essentially the consummate rat racer.

Committed to Excellence

1.open, welcoming suggestion

2. acceptance first of all of reality as comprising spiralsrather than a straight line. acceptance offailure.

3. the journey is much part of the success as thedestination.

Enjoy journey. Person committed to excellence, there ispossibility of success every step of the way, evenfailure.

perfectionist: easy to prone to disorders. hurt self-esteem.because

1. the first pillar of self-esteem isself-acceptance.

2. the reason why it hurts self esteem. there is constent,inevitable failure for a perfectionist, because there's no perfectperson.

3. hurt relationship. (defensive, Wemirror)

our approach to the world mirrors our approach toward ourselves.The perfectionist expect same perfect for the others willdissapointed.

The ideal relationship is not a relationship that is devoid offailure, that is devoid of disagreements. The ideal relationship isone where there's mostly good stuff, but there is alsodisagreements, disappointment, fights, that'shealthy.

The person commit to excellence is more successful in the longrun: more happier, success at work, success for athletes, successin relationship.


person commited to excellence enjoys much more sustainableapproach to growth. A perfectionist doesn't enjoy sustainableapproach to growth because they are no places for recovery, noplaces for deviation. .

One of the cause of having more luck is our lives seems like amystical thing. One of the ways of having more luck in our lives isto try new things, little things, see things we haven't seenbefore.

80/20 rules: in most societies, 20% of the people own about 80%of the wealth.

time management: 20% of our time we can get 80% of our workdone.

Source of the perfectionism:

1.Through Conditioning, we learn fraid offailure. The schema in our internal life: Destination.

When we achieve a certain completion and goes on throughout ourlives. The journey goes unreward, and we begin to perceive it asinconsequential, not important, just a means towards an end.


2,Praising is not always good, may create the perfectionismschema.

Priase on effort instead of telent help create excellenceschema.


Create more and more excellent schema

1. it is about self-awareness.it's about understanding. E.G.,Start the real work, stop defensiveness. Fraid of failure....

2. Focus on and reward efforts. in this way, we are able tochange schema that has been engraine there,and that has been therevery often for years. Focusing on Journey. reward for failing fortrying.

3. Active acceptance.

4. Taking action

Lesson 16



Schema of perfectionism

positive model

it may look exactly the same from the outside, from the inside,it is radically different. The person who is on the excellenceside, enjoy the journey.

1. Awareness: being aware what want to change, what want tomaintain.

2. Rewarding effort, focusing on journey

3. Active acceptance -> this is ok.

We need to look it as a tool, as a tool for growth as well aslearning by yourself, digging deep inside ourselves andgrowing.

4. Changing it by introducing behavior.

5. Internal simulate. Image myself, see my self

enjoy the process instead of thinking of desitination all theway.

Paralysis -- perfectionism

Way: At the end of my life, I will write my magnum opus, untilthen everything is rough draft.

Golden Rule:

Do not do unto others what you would not have done untoyourself.

Do unto others what you would unto yrself.


Platium Rule:

Do not do unto yourself what you would not do unto others.

or Do unto yourself what you do unto ohters.


E.G., if a friend failed, will you love them less blame them orgive a hug?

Then why do we apply thses unrealistic and non-compasioniststadards to ourselves?

The platium rule is about having compassion for ourselves aswell..

It is extremely difficult to help other people deal withperfectionism.

And we can help ...

take time...

1. First thing to do is by example. If I can change and becomemore a person committed to excellence, enjoy the journey, celebrateeven failure, even falling down once a while.

2. Tell a story about it, moving or moved from perfectionism tocommitted to excellence.

3. Rewarding effort. Rewarding the journey.It is so easy to fallinto thetrack of rewarding outcome, and so easy to forget to rewardthe journey.


A:Technique. Apply to difficult situation

1. Permission to be human being. Acception of theemotion,accepting that is difficult, accepting reality.

2. Reframing. Interpreting the situation as positive benefitfinder. (opportunity tool for growth)

3. Distraction. looking towards other place. It's not alwaysgood. In fact, It's sometime detrimental to stay and analyze everysingle emotion, feeling, throught that coems up. Ruminationg in andof itself does not always help. Sometime the best thing to do iswhen a negtive thought comes up, is to distract ourselves from itby for example, going to listen a piece of music, going for a run,talking to someone either about that or something else. Let me moveon....... not avoiding.

Taking Perspective: Is this really gonna matter? Don't sweat thesmall stuff... and it's all small stuff. Is it going matter in oneyear? is it worth worrying?

Is there anything that does matter?

Psychology maturity is about the ability to willingly shiftperspective.

We can train our mind through meditation overtime.

Mind and body

Wonder Drug:

30 minutes of physical exercise, 4 times a week.

at least 15 mindful exercise 6 or 7 times a week.

8 hours of sleep more or less per 24 hours.

12 hugs a day

Jon Kabat-Zinn:"Perhaps the most fundamentaldevelopment in behavioral medicine is the recognition that we canno longer think about health as being solely a characteristic ofthe body or the mind, because body and mind areinterconnected."

It denied " the mind and the body are two inreconcilableseparate entities. "

形成良性循环:the mind help body, body help mindl

Lesson 17 Physical excersice and mindfulnessmeditation

3~4 times/Week, 30 -45 mins aerobic exercise.

weight training as supplement, interval training.


Overcoming barriers:

1. Pain uncomfortable, -> get into it.

it's difficult in the beginning, have social support to divideand conquer, to build gradually, and to havedistracters.

2. No time - it should be the last thing to go.

Why because your memory actually gets betterwhen you exercise. You'll get more buck for the bank in terms oftime you study; your creativity levels go up; your concentration,whether you have ADD or not, especially you have .

3. Subconscious barrier.

We are worthy of happiness. - disagree in our subconscious

Best thing is : just do it.

recognize how important physical exerciseis.

Exercise works on anxiety, on panic disorder, and on stress ingeneral, which has a lot to do with depression.

Happiness revolution, foundation comes after exerciseevolution.

Mindfulness interventions.

1. Focusing on one thing.

moditation -> deep breathy

No good or bad meditation. Meditation is about being present,being in the here and now.

losing -> bring it back.

2. For well being and calmness is the startle response. Easierto get startle, easier to get anxiety.

"The process itself has some extraordinary qualities, but notnecessarilly the subject. The important idea is that this processis within the reach of anyone who applies himself or herself withenough determination.

Brain can change through meditation.

sitting meditation -> breathing

walking meditation -> walking

45 mins/d meditation. 8 weeks later, change left to rightprefrontal cortex ratio.

People who are happier generally have more activation on theleft side of the prefrontal cortex; people who are less happy havemore activation on the right side of the prefrontalcortex.

Emotional well being and physical well being

meditator's immune response significantly stronger. Meditationstrenthen the psychological immune system in making us morerisillient as well as the physical immunesystem.

Mindfulness together with cognitive therapy, together withmedicine, medication as well as on its own.

Neural pathway

Mindfulness meditation reduced the liklihood of recurrence ofmajor depression(50%)

Level 1, Awareness and acceptance of body signal whenever weenter experiencing emotion, there is always a physicalmanifestation to it.

When we begin to experience a painful emotion, immediately goingand becoming mindful, aware of where the physical manifestation is.So in stead of beginning to ruminate and to dwell on 'why am Idepressed', 'what's going on', 'what happening' 'not again'. Instead of going to this rumination, going immediately to thephysical mainefestation of it, to the body, and focsing on it andaccept it. Not trying to fix it, simply accepting it for what itis, looking at it and saying 'oh, that's interesting, oh, it'squite a big knot. not it's small ang oh it's getting bigger'

As opposed to saying ' I want it to go away'.

The purpose is simply to became aware of it, whatever thephysical manifestation of the emotion is. It works because itcreates an alternative neural pathway. With a usual pathway thatit's created. when we feel dis-ease, it's going into the mind,ruminating about it and usually going to the chanel that existedbefore.

we need to do is

instead of going into these enforced channels inside our mindand further reinforcing them, we are creating an alternativeone--on pain?!

Let's go to the body. And that alternative channel.

The reason why it works because that's when we are drawing,that's when we are going to the body's natual ability to heal. Gotothe body, be aware it, accept it.

Don't try to fix it. Just let it be there and just observe it.And our internal healer will take care ofitself.

To be with the emotion, experence it, observeit.

" Trying to get rid of depression in the usual problem-solvingway trying to 'fix' what's 'wrong' with us, just digs us in deeper.Rumination is part of the problem, not part of the solution.'

Good to write journal, talk to a friend, notruminating.

Level 2, cognition reconstruction. (ABC affect(emotion),Behavior(action), Cognition)

Threats -> challenge, privilige

Failure -> learn oppotunity

With the shift trying to ignore or eliminate physicaldiscomfort, to paying attention with friendly curiously. We cantransform -quite literally trasform our experience. "

8 Weeks Meditation -> change

Breathing - > it's the one thing that's common to all themindful meditation practices and something that you can introcudeto your life. - Proper breathing.


3 deep breath

If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip,it would be simply to learn how to breathe correctly .

Lesson 18

Mind body ,sleep, touch, relationships(love).

mind body connection, importance of exercise and meditation.

importance of breathing - > change our life.

not new things -> the things you knew from you were born

chop away the limitation, go back to our begining.

Sleep,8 hrs/24 hrs

solve the problem which is not resolved in the day.

Sleep is about happiness, also about intelligence sleep.

24 hrs no sleep iq will 10% descrease.

Tips on sleep.

1. Generally 8 hrs a day. when difficult,trycatnap during the day.

2. difficult to fall in sleep. -> because eat too much. noteat too late or exercise too late.

some special time, before a date, before an exam, stressfulperiod, permission to be human being.

3.what are your internal rhythm.

"Effects of sleep deprivation on healthand well-being have beendocumented by research. Cognitive skills and physical performanceare impaired by sleep deprivation, but mood is affected even more.People who get less than a full night's sleep are prone to feelless happy, more stressed, more physically frail and more mentallyand physically exhausted as a result. Sufficient sleep makes usfeel better, happier, more vigorous and vital."


5 hugs at least everyday, better to get 12 hugs, not just fromlovers, family, from the others.

Baby touched<->untouched well

Hug... win-win

Love- relationship

Romantic Relationships -> extremely happy people.

Thriving relationship, intermate relationship contribute tohappiness, help people out of from despress, anxiety, ...

1, Because when you happy, you share the happiness with thosewho tryly cares about - that enhances, amplifies your happiness aswell as their happiness.

2. when you go through hardships and difficulties, having closerelationships helps us overcome it.

The key though in relationships is to know yourself, meaning toknow your need.

How many hours a day to spend with other people?

introversion and extroversion....

optimum level of arousal,different for people, we need to lookfor experiencing the optimum level of arousal because that's themost convenient.

That's when we are the best.

The number of relationships you need would be best for you -depends on your personal , unique needs. Differs from people.

Before I want to be withsomeone very very much time, since I didn't getthat 'someone', I keep me alone same long time as I expect to spendwith him. I spend the time with the God, With the holy spirit, withgood book, movie, music and beautiful scenary.

"There are few stronger predictors of happiness than a close,nurturing equitable, intimate, lifelong companionship with one'sbest friend."

Man benefit more.

2/3 marriges end up at divorce.

quiet desparation. -> many relationships.

one reason, because love, and especiallylustand passion wears over time.

Novelty produce highter levels of arousal.

"the exotic is erotic."

Is that part of our nature?

Falling in love at first, then say5yearsinto the relationship.

New person is more exciting.

This is nature, First accept nature.

Then what do we do?

How we can deal relationship given the fact that noveltyexcites, given the fact that on the physiological level the arousalwill be higher? How can we create the relationships that thrive,that soar, that go way beyond the zeroto thepositive.

1.understanding what true lovereallymeans.

"perfect love is rare indeed-for to be a lover will require thatyou continually have the subtlety of the very wise, the flexibilityof the child, the sensitivity of the artist, the understanding ofthe philosopher, the acceptance of the saint, the tolerance of thescholar and the fortitude of the certain."

so beautiful and detrimental. it's impossible.

perfect and unreal.

perfect love doesn't exsit, true love dose.

"what makes some relationships thrive and grow stronger overtime?"

There are such relationship existing.

What can we learn and apply to our relationship?

"at first, when I figured out how to predict divorce, I thoughtI had found the key to saving marriages. but like so many expertsbefore me, I was wrong. I was not able to crack the code to savingmarriages until I started to analyze what went right in happymarriages."

Best Sex happened 50yrs or 60 yrs.

need hard work


Lesson 19


How can we sustain love, passion?

"Why do so many relationships fail?" the question lead toanother error, to the same shortcomings that asking only thenegative question.

Questions create reality.

"what makes relationships work.

"what make relationship thrive."

1. Working hard.

This is the world's best kept secret. It's the secret ofsuccess. It's the secret of personal success, of successfulrelationships.

no short cuts.

people have wrong expection on a relationship, or of what itmeans to have happy relationshipssepcifically.

Most of the people think that the most important part ofenjoying a happy life-long committed relationship is finding theright partner.

That's certainly important.

People have a finding mindset that hurts therelationship.

Fixed mindset - You are so smart.

malleable mindset - you work so hard.

In relationship - >

finding mindset - I must not find the right one. I must havemade a mistake - an error of judgment.

and the very often leads to a worsening of the situation. ->downward spiral.

There are no perfect relationship.

Finding mindset-> fixed mindset->it threaten ourschema.

There is inconsistency and then we begin to think "well Iprobably did not find the right person."

Cultivating mindset -> malleable mindset -> related to theeffort part.

experience difficult, hard time, put effort, even enjoy theprocess.

The different mindset make so muchdifference.

Finding the right partner is important, it is much moreimportatn to then cultivate thatrelationship.

why people is in finding mindset?


Movie focus on the finding of the right partner, and hence veryoften entrench, reinforce the findingmindset.

connect to finding mindset is only one right partner exist.

" there's more than one right perosn"

what make relationship uniqu?

It's not finding that one right person. Once again it'scultivating that one chosen relationship. It's by virtue of workingtogether, of being together, of spending time together, ofdedicationg one another. That's how we create the one chosenrelationship, one special relationship.

that's how two "I" become "we".

It take time and effort.

It's by doing things together.

2. conflict

having a super ordinate goal. Workingtogether, supporting another and when you have the workingtogether, doing together, that's when you are most likely toresoleve the confilicts. THe confilict can make the relationshipeven stronger.

But the couple need mutually meaningfulgoals.

"In the strongest marrige, husban and wife share a deep sense ofmeaning. They don't just "get-alone", they also support eachother's, they also support each other's hopes and aspirations andbuild a sense of purpose into their lives together."

things to be done together.

if we don't thrive love, over time because of self-perceptiontheory, over time that will go away.

Because I don't invest anything in a relationship,self-perception theory " oh it must not be that important foryou."

And the love went. all the physiological reasons why it wanesover time.

So if there isn't the active love, it cannot besustained.

how do we sustain love? how do we remain active?

1.Relationship rituals.

2. making that shift from desire to be validated to the desireto be known.

we need to do is form deeper levels of intimacy.

by getting to know one another more and more, more deeply, moremeaningfully. by understanding one another, by getting to know oneanother as we know ourselves.

And that means that if we are up to be know by the other partnerthat means we must open up. that means we need to share ofourselves, not just the wonderful and the amazing and the terrificthings that we share on the first date. Also the things thatsometimes we are not that proud of.

Our weakness perhaps. Some of the things that maybe we areashamed of, that we don't feel comfortable, that no one knows aboutus.

not happened in first dating, it happens gradually over time astrust increases, and reveal more and more. A healthy relationshipis about reveal ourselves, rather than trying to constantlyimpress.

This is different from being known and beingvalidated.

It's risky. what if she doens't like me. butwe are more likely to get a better relationship, it's notguaranteed by any stretch of imagination. however, if we justimpress, we are guaranteed failure.


1. We we express, generally, over time, people will be moreattracted to us, more like us because of sharing, even theysometimes find out things that they don't necessarily like or adoreor appreciate.

people who have highest level ofintegrity.

2. I impress and I do such a good job of it that the otherperson or the other group actually likes me. Do they like me or theperson with mask? not me they really like. It will not last longtime.

To know our partners. Take time.

Growing together, thriving...

"Intimacy is about letting yourself really be known, includingparts that you or yr partner don't like. But it's not just aboutletting Warts be known, it often involves showing strengths you'vebeen hiding too. Most approaches focus on getting yr partner'svalidation and acceptance when you disclose. But you can't count onthis, and if you try, it inherently limits self-disclosure becauseyou won't say things your partner won't validate. Resolvinggridlock requires intimacy based on validating yourself."

The foundation is to be known. for both romantic relationship orrelationship with friends.

When you disclose yourself, it leads to aconflict, a disagreement, disease in a relationship. Howeverusaully, not always, but usually - that is a temporarydisease.

On the other hand, if you disclose over time and you open up andyou share, that's when you lead to long lasting, positiveconsequences to the relationship. In short term, it's hard, longterm lease to growth.

Mantra: 'be known' rather than to 'be validated'.

To be known, real person, including weakness, failure, noperfect to be validated.

Allowing for conflict in a relationship.

All relationships have conflicts. On average, 1 conflict in 5positive interaction have thriving relationship. none or too oftenis not healthy.

conflict is awful, it hurt relationship deeply.

Love boosters.

"God is in the details." same as love.

Love is in the details, the day to day rituals, the touch, thegaze, the meal together.

Love boosters:


30 sec pleasure: kiss, hold one another or hug, sending a SMS,the little things make big change.

A relationship is sustained by focusing on these details on dayto day activities.

demonstrated interest, get to know the other person - what theylike; what they don't like; and how they like it. rememberimportant date.

Appreciate makes a good appreciate.

I can live two months on a good compliment. -马克土温

Sex - improtant.


Love is in the detials.

mini love boosters

Extraordinary by focusing on ordinary

demonstrate interest

Show affection

Pay compliments

Demonstrate empathy




Why treat the others better than we treat those close toyou?

Cultivate deep meaningful friendship.

Happy marriages are based on a deep friendship. By this it meansa mutual respect for and enjoyment of each other's company. Thesecouples tend to know each other intimately, they are well versed ineach other's likes, dislikes, personality quirks, hopes, anddreams. They have an abiding regard for each other and express thisfondness not just in the big ways, but in little ways day in andday out.

Sharing and being known, big things and little things.

fourth point, Positive perception.

Benefit finder: - If we don't appreciate, the good willdeappreciate. don't take for granted.

Positive illusions.

Lesson 20 Humor




















Lasting passion, investigate bestRelationship.

1.Relationship is hard work. More important is to cultivate thatone chosenrelationship.

2.Being Known rather than beingvalidated.

Expressing rather than impressing being open, revealing ourweakness as well as our strengths, our desires, our passion, ownfears andinscurities.


4. Positive Perception. Benefit finder -> Benefitcreater.

"In a friend, what I am looking for is not a much of concessions, aperson who would agree with everything that I say; rather what I'mlooking for is a beautiful enemy, a person who will challenge me,who will push me, who will help me in my apprenticeship to thetruth."

Appreciate - Deappreciate.

ask positive questions:

1. What is grateful

2. What is wonderful about our relationships? What'sworking?

3.Why are we together at the first place? What is good?

Reality in marriges:

Even those stay together don't really thrive.

In terms of creating a more positive relationship, in terms ofbeing a benefit creator, we want to focus on the potential andthere is one more thing we can do is communicationg about positiveevents.

Positive conversation:

Active <-> Passive

Constructive <-> Desconstructive.

active constructive -> prolong keep for much longer,improvement in welbeing

2 inter-personal spiral upward.

based on responsibility, sacrity:

"This person really needs me, I feel sorry for the person, Idon't really like that person but I'm there just to be there forthem, because out of a sense of duty".

Instead of:

"you are the most important person in their lives, because theycare about so much that the I becames the we.

Healthy sacrifise.

The more in-dependent we are, the more inter-dependent we canbecome.

"What partner would you rather be?

"what partner would you rather have?

Work hard on relationship -> also enjoyable, pleasuable,meanningful.

The last topic, Self-esteem.











No one is coming, back to session.

Why self es-teem is important.
Three levels of self-esteem:
dependent Self-esteem
2014计划跟踪--幸福课笔记--IamwhatIam. 幸福课笔记
independent self-esteem, that comes from within, self-esteem thatis not contigent on what other people say.
unconditional self-esteem, or a state of being where we simply andnaturally exist.
How can we cultivate independent self-esteem as well asunconditional self-esteem.

Question, "How can I enhance my self-esteem"
Defination of self-esteem

"Those who express the sense of unworthiness aresaid to have low self-esteem, of the person who is to expressself-pride are said to hold themselves in highest esteem."
"The judgment and feellings about the self."
"Self-esteem is the evaluation which individual makes andCustomarily maintains with regard to himself. It expresses anattitude of approval of disapproval himself to be capable,significant, successful and worthy."
"In short, self-esteem is a personal judgment of worthiness that isexpressed in the attitudes individual holds toward himself."
"THe Disposition to experience oneself as competent to cope withthe basic challenges of life and as worthy of happiness."
Feeling and experience -> Competent and worthiness.
" of all the judements we pass in our lives, none is important asthe one we pass on ourselves."
Benefit for high sense of self-esteem
1.mental health:high levels of resilience, dealing withdifficulties, anxieties.
2.Relationship improvement

3.self concept is destiny

low self esteem is associate with anxiety, depression, highself-esteem help overcome society problem

narcissism, A people who is narcissist, who is arrogant, doens'thave high-esteem.
"The person who feels weak becomes a bully, the inferior person abraggart; a flexing of muscles, much talk, cockiness,and endeavorto brazen it out, are symptoms of covert anxiety in person or agroup.
Psendo self-esteem
true self-esteem

Self-esteem is not a product of empty reinforcement. Self-esteemhas bo be distinguished from pseudo narcissism, that's detachmentfrom reality.
Psychological healthy is a function of connecty to reality.Self-esteem is founded in reality in actual performance in actualsuccess, in actual practices.
It is a product of hard work.
Secret of success:
2.Belief in oneself
3.Passion for what one is doing
4.hard work

6 practices for cultivation of self-esteem
2.self awareness

3.perposefulness having goals, having self-concordant goals

4.Taking responsibility - no one is coming



Self-esteem not associated with social status,with money,;

3 level of self esteem

The first level of self-esteem is a dependent self-esteem,

2nd level is not contigent to others,

third level essentially simply a sense of self.

Two component of self-esteem

Worthiness - self respect


In term of worthiness, who has high dependent self-esteem isother determinded, sense of competent, comes form the compare.

Competence -> compare to others.

everyone has some dependent self-esteem. that's human nature.just degree is different.

It's a life long process, we'll always have elements ofdependent as weill as the independenet sense of self-esteem.

It's a epigenetic model.

Epigenetic is that you first need to get past the first stage inorder to get the 2nd stage.

you first need to get past the second stage in order to get tothe third stage.
So everyone experiencesdependent self-esteem always. However, aftera time if we have a healthy dependence, later on it becomesindependent. And if we are able to cultivate a healthy independentself-esteem we go up to the unconditional self-esteem, to the stateof inter-dependence, which is the highest level. But even at thehighest level, we still have reminisce.

2nd level, independent self-esteem.

not contingent on other people.

in terms of worthiness, I evaluate myself according to my ownstandards.

Competence, not comparison to others but comparison tooneself.

un-conditional self-esteem.

Worthiness, not contingent on other's evaluation;even notcontingent on my evaluation. I'm confident enough not to be engagedin evaluations.

In terms of competence, it's interdependent.I don't comparemyself to how well I am doing relative to others, nor even how wellI'm doing relative to myself. In state of being. Interdependencewith others, fully comfortable in my own skin.

Ordinarily, we become very upset when we arecriticized or insulted. We are angry when our possessions arestolen; We are jealous if someone else gets the promotion wewanted; We are proud of our looks or athletic ability. By contrast,when we reach the state of detachment, our mind becomes clearer andmore capable of enjoying things for what they are. We live more inthe present, appreciating things as they are now, without fantasiesabout what they are or will be. We become less ego-sensitive toevery action other people do in relation to us. On the contrary,when we are not attached our relationships with others areharmonious, and in fact, we care more about them.

Lesson 22

"I was not always like this."

It takes time, takes work, self awareness.

It takes being human, fully humen.

To be modest.

Being real to reach the modest.

Independency is important because:

1. Moral

2. happiness higher

"Differentiation is your ability to maintain your sense of selfwhen you are emotionally and/or physically close to others,especially as they become increasingly important to you.Differentiation permits you to maintain your own course whenlovers, friends and family pressure you to agree and conform.Well-differentiated people can agree without feeling like they'relosing themselves and can disagree without felling alienated andembittered."

How to enhance self-esteem.

1.People with high independent self-esteem generally calmer.-> meditation.

being centered, being myself

or physical exercise induces calf -> behavior leading to calmexperiencing the calm leads to a changing attitude.

2.in case nobody would know what you are doing.

"what is important to you that you would do regardless of otherpeople's approval, nods, accolades or cheering or disapproval?

People who have high independent self-esteem pursue theirpassions people who pursue their passions enjoy higher levels ofself-esteem. People who enjoy a lot of flow their independentself-esteem will increase as well.

when or where you lose yourself?

Those who chase honor, honor will run away from them. those whorun away from honor, honor will chase them.

behavior hamblly, honor internally generated honor will chaseme.

bahavior can change attitude.

conform to a group -> dependent ourselves

take the time -> reflection and action ->think about->emerges independent self-esteem

we hurt ourselves when we conform, instead of doing what wereally want to do.

3. Integraty

We pay a high psychological and emotional price whenever we liecheat, dishonest.

my words are worthy...

when we tell lies, I'm not good enough. not being a realself.

We are oursleved, we don't try to impress our journeal, we areourselves.

To a week of integrity treatment so to speak to lifelong.

We can just be ourself, how much freedom, more power, happier,lighter.

"Your true potential lies way way down in the depths of yoursoul... in the pit of your stomach past your knowledge, beyoud yournervousness and buried under your fears and anxieties. As it hiddenas it may be, it is stil there. I know it's there because I've feltit before and I know it's there in others too, because I've seenothers perform miracles. There is a faint glow of unparalleledpotential in all of us and wehen we find it - it shines. "

"I am what I am. I am my own special creation. So come take alook, give me the hook. or the ovation, it's my world thant ...It's not a place I have to hide.

Lesson 23


Two meaningful or interesting ideas

two commitments, two behaviours to change

acctitude change or action change.

First, the questions that you ask would very often determine thequest that you take.

beliefes create reality.

learn to fail or fail to learn

The permission to be human



simplify, find what you really want to do.





爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101014/211333.html


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