转载 英译朱自清散文《春》 朱自清散文代表作


[] 《春》是朱自清的名篇佳作,被收录在7年级的语言课本里,一直是中学生的必背篇章之一。朱自清的多篇散文比如《荷塘月色》、《背影》、《桨声灯影里的秦淮河》、《匆匆》都有名家的英译本,但《春》似乎还没有。网上有篇流传较广的的英译本,但并没有注明译者是谁,且语言也多值得商榷之处,所以就有了尝试翻译的念头。《春》写得活泼灵动,具有典型的汉语特点,无主句、并列句、排比句、流水句很多,语言写意,连接成分尽在不言中,确实给翻译增添了很大难度。我在翻译时尽量忠实原文,但考虑到英语毕竟不同于汉语,所以也会打破原文段落中的句序,重新组合,增添或删减一些词句,以使译文语义更粘连,行文更自然。我也是尽力为之,还请译友们多提宝贵意见。


by Zhu Zhiqing

So long and so muchhave I been looking forward to it. Now the east wind blows againand I finally hear the footsteps of spring approaching.

All the creatures seemto awake from a sound sleep and open their eyes cheerfully. Hillsbecome green again, rivers begin to rise and the sun shines morebrightly.

The newgrass, fresh green and tender, emergesfrom dormancy in such a quiet way that Iam not even aware when it's sprouted out of the earth. Look, in thegardens, in the fields, there are stretches and patches ofgreenness. And you may feel inclined to sit, or lie, or just rollyourself on the soft grass,you mayalsowant to play football, do several rounds ofrunning, or play hide-and-seek there, accompanied by the gentlebreeze.

The apricotflowers, peach flowers, and pear flowers seem to contend to bloom,some as red as fire, some as pink as pale sunglow, and some aswhite as snow, all giving off sweet scents. Amongthem are busy swarms of humming honeybees and colorful butterflies.With your eyes closed, you could almost seethe copious amount of apricots, peachesand pears hanging from the branches. And there are wildflowerstoo,their names both known and unknown, dotting thegrasslike blinking eyes or stars.

And it’s true that“you won’t feel chill in a willow breeze that blows on yourcheeks.” The spring breeze just feels like a mum’s tender touch! Italso carries the smell of the newly-ploughed soil, which is mixedwith the scent of grass and fragrance of flowers, brewing in themoist air. Birds build their nests in flowering branches, they arein high spirits now, singing to their friends and mates, and theirsweet songs are echoed by the gentle breeze and the flowing water.In such a happy springtime buffalo boys’ bamboo flutescanbe heard all day long.

Rains are common in thisseason, and always last a couple of days. But please don’t beannoyed. They are drizzles, falling like ox hair, threads or silkto weave into a mist, enveloping the country cottages sparselyscattered around. Leaves and grass appears more bright green. Inthe dusk when lights are lit, the rainy evenings seem more peacefulwith the warm yellow halos. On the country roads and by the stonebridges there are travelers with their oilpaper umbrellas, and inthe fields there are still working farmers with their palm cloaksand bamboo hats on.

People in theurban or rural, no matter young and old, are eager to come out anddo some outdoor activities when the days are fine. Flying kites isone of their favorites, and you see, there are more and more kitesin the sky. The fresh spring air and some exercises make them feelrecharged with energy.

Spring is a timefull of hopes and animation. As an old saying goes, “Ayear’s plan starts in spring.”* It’s just the right time for us tomake our hopes come true.

Spring is like anewborn baby, new from head to toe, it grows anddevelops.

Spring is like apretty girl in a gorgeous dress, walking with a sweetsmile.

Springis like a young man stout oflimb and robust of body, leading usforward.

* We can also borrow RobertBrowning’s “The year’s at the spring” to translate this oldsaying.

trs. by Crossover




[转载]英译朱自清散文《春》 朱自清散文代表作





For so long we had been waiting before the east windfinally resumed its course. Now Spring is to arrive in notime.

It seems that everything is just after a long sleep, theireyes still sleepy. Mountains and hills turn more luxuriant, riversand lakes fuller and clearer, and the sun hotter.

The new grass, tender and greenish, sneaked out of the groundwithout anybody knowing when. The gardens, fields, everywhere youturn, you see but tracts after tracts of greenness. You may like tosit down, or lie down, or roll yourself over on the grass; and youmay feel like playing footfall or doing several rounds of runningor even playing hide-and-seek on it. The breeze was simply sogentle and the grass so tender.

The peach trees, apricot trees, and pear trees seem to vieagainst each other in blossoming. The red resemble fire, the pinkclouds, and the white snow, giving off a sweet fragrance. With youreyes closed, you could almost see peaches, apricots and pears onthese trees. And swarms of bees are buzzing among the flowers,together with butterflies, large and small, busy flying to and fro.Wild flowers are seen here and there: a miscellany with or withouta name each, dotting the grass like eyes, or stars that blink fromtime to time.

“Blowing into your face without making you feel cold is thespring breeze.” True, it was just like a mother’s hand fondlingyou. The smell of the newly-cultivated land carried by the wind toyou, mixed with that of the grass as well as fragrance of variouskinds of flowers, was brewing in the slightly-moistened air. Nowthat the nestle had been completed among luxuriant flowers andtender leaves, the birds grew happy, singing proudly to call theirfriends as well as mates with their notes in perfect harmony withthe gentle breeze and gurgling water. And the cowboys on thebaffalo back can be heard blowing their flute so resonantly thesedays.

Rain is nothing unusual now, and often lasts two to threedays. Never get annoyed! Look, could it be ox hair, or needles, orthin threads instead ? Those thin threads simply weave sideways, sodensely that a thin mist pervades over all the house-tops. The treeleaves are, however, dazzlingly green, so is the grass with itsluxuriance. When the dusk sets in and lights are on, the the poolof dim light suggests a night of peace and quiet. In thecountryside, on the trails and beside the stone bridges, there arepeople strolling leisurely, holding an umbrella, and there are alsofarmers working in the fields, wearing a straw-cloak and abamboo-hat. Their houses, sparsely located, stand still in theweaving rain.

Gradually, there are more and more kites in the sky and thethe number of
children on the ground grows, too. In cities as well as in thecountryside, people from every household, young and old, are allpouring out of their homes one after another to stretch their limbsand, with their spirits aroused, go about their ownbusiness.

“The whole year’s plan is made in Spring,”the saying goes. A year has just started, so there is still muchtime and one can have as many hopes.

Spring comes as a newly-born baby, new from head to toe, whogrows.

Spring comes as a charming maid, dressed in her Sunday best,who laughs as she walks.

Spring comes as a robust lad with a strong arm, waist andfeet, who leads us forward.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101014/210492.html


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