loveexplainsitall----很好听 mongodb explain

Love explains itall
You say the words I need to hear
Dry my tears when I cry
You pull me close when I'm not near
You know the colours of my mind
Every breath that I take
And still they say that love makesblind
And here I am
Once again
Trying to think of what to say
And you're my friend
Knowing all of my dreams and my fears
And here we are
you and me
I guess love explains it all
I stay awake to watch you breath
So much I should have said
Somehow I tell you when you sleep
I love the silence when you're near
And I love knowing you
And every word you say I keep
And here I am
Once again
Trying to think of what to say
And you're my friend
Knowing all of my dreams and my fears
And here we are
you and me
I guess love explains it all
Time will pass
Time will change
Everything we know will turn to something else
Turn to something else
Time has shown
Us where to go
And still i wonder why you catch me when I fall
I guess love explains it all
Love explains it all
Cause here I am
Once again
Trying to think of what to say
And you're my friend
Knowing all of my dreams and my fears
And here we are
you and me
I guess love explains it all
Here I am
Once again
Trying to think of what to say
And you're my friend
Knowing all of my dreams and my fears
And here we are
you and me
I guess love explains it all
Love explains it all
I guess love explains it all
loveexplainsitall----很好听 mongodb explain
Love explains it all

VenkeKnutson的音乐更突出她声音的沙哑, IWonder一曲就能感觉到.她也是个偶像型的歌手,漂亮的外表理所当然更促进专集的销量,因为每年引起的音乐电影是有指标限制的,正常渠道里我们很难”世界大同”.如果没有香港台湾艺人翻唱过他们的歌,我们也许很难知道他们的存在,Venke Knutson的歌没人翻唱过,所以现在知名度小,没有同样来自挪威的Lene Marlin名气大, ,LeneMarlin,也是美女,因为林忆莲翻唱的<我坐在这里>.就让很多人知道了.

地处北欧的挪威是一个盛产清新派女歌手的地方,曾有LeneMarlin琳恩玛莲等在国际乐坛大红大紫。而Venke Knutson范琦 柯纳森则是继LeneMarlin后又一位来自北国挪威的音乐精灵,也是2004-2005年度挪威当地最当红的女新人,她不仅拥有漂亮性感的外形,最吸引人之处还是她异常清新甜美的嗓音,很像美国民谣天后Jewel珠儿,如矿泉水般清亮透彻又极富穿透力和感染力,而她对歌曲的演绎也是清新、乖巧、甜美,轻易就吸引了大批乐迷的注意。她的首张个人专辑《Scared不知所措》也登上了挪威2004年度最畅销的新人专辑宝座。专辑中流行抒情风格的主打单曲“Kiss”,旋律十分优美,清新可人,勇夺电台播放No.1!节奏轻快的“Scared”,展现了VenkeKnutson歌声的个性和张力。艾薇儿式流行摇滚风格的“Panic”,也顺利打入了流行销售榜Top10。


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