发布时间:2022年04月15日 03:03:46分享人:墨镜来源:互联网1
Self Confidence
- My greatest strength is self confidence. I will try until I amsuccessful.
- —Guest chandra
Hard Work
- My greatest strength is hard work. I give my best effort toachieve positive results.
- —Guest Manjunath
- My greatest strength is persistence. I work really hard and donot give up easily.
- —Guest haziq
Good Listener
- My strength is that I am good at listening to people who haveproblems. I can counsel them to find solutions for themselves. Ihave strong confidence in my judgment.
- —Guest Ent Seng
Not Getting Distracted
- I am optimistic and my strength is that I won't get distractedeasily during working hours, and I finish my projects earlier thanthe allotted time.
- —Guest saranya
Inner Strengths
- I'm quick learner, optimistic, and hardworking. I have thepatience to control my anger.
- —Guest sonu sharma
- My greatest strength is the hardwork I do to give my besteffort to achieve positive results.
- —Guest Nithya
- My greatest strength is adaptability... If one can adaptoneself to a particular situation or an environment in a positiveway, he/she will always be a winner.
- —Guest Alok
This, too, shall pass
- My greatest strength is that I can thrive under pressure, beingpatient and optimistic because I know that everything is happeningfor a reason and it's going to pass.
- —Guest razel
- A Strong emphasis on maintaining open communication across theboard in all environments and situations .
- —Guest Lena
influencing power
- My greatest strength... I don't have to make an effort toimpress people. They get impressed by me anyway!!!!!
- —Guest darshana
Concentrated Effort
- I can work with concentration and can devote my entire energyand time to the task assigned to me.
- —Guest lilly
Not a Problem, but an Opportunity
- I see challenging situation not as a problem, but rather as anopportunity to learn sometime new. This keeps me focused andmotivated to stick to the task no matter how difficult, and get itdone. And I feel a great sense of accomplishment when thishappens.
- —Guest Hippolytus Oluoha
Customer Service Skill
- My greatest strengths are my customer service skills and myability to resolve what could be difficult situation. I can troubleshoot issues and come up with solutions in a timely manner.
- —Guest adejolu
Know the Competition
- My greatest strength is that I am a competitive person. Even ifI lose in the end, I will know that I was a close competitor.
- —Guest Shubhankar baghel
- Love toLearn
- I love to learn from my mistakes and I won't take my failuresto my heart.
- —Guest shalini
Greatest Strength
- Honesty and co-operative nature are my greatest strengths...and I always do work with excellence and dedication.
- —Guest Mahtaj Banu
Time Management
- My greatest strength is that I like to consult/ask so I canmanage my time efficiently, stay on top of things, and maintainbalance between home and work.
- —Guest JBARRIA
My strength
- I'm good at my work and I always have positive attitude.
- —Guest soujanya
My greatest strength
- I believe my greatest strength is my willingness to learn.
- —Guest belinda
Personal Strengths
- Simplification is my biggest strength. I aim to innovateeverything around me in sync with my workplace and personal life tosimplify my deliverables to the company.
- —Guest natasha verma
My Greatest Strength
- My greatest strength is God, because He is always therewhenever I need Him. He is my strength.
- —Guest ynah08
Self confidence
- My greatest strenght is that I am a self confident person, Idon't hesitate to perform any work if I don't have any knowledgeabout that work which is delegated to me. First I try my best toperform that work.
- —Guest Dipesh
My Attitude
- My biggest strength is my attitude, being optomistic anddetermined, the gift of wisdom that I use to pursue myself ineverything I do, just believing in yourself!
- —Guest mia
My Greatest Strenghts are
- I learn new job skills very quickly, I thrive under pressure,I'm very self-motivated, and I have a strong sense of personalintegrity.
- —Guest bmhill71
My Greatest Strength?
- My greatest strength is what I have learned from my collegedays SKA---skills,knowledge and attitude.
- —Guest almira
My Greatest Strenth
- My greatest strength is my ability to be a performer in achallenging the environment.
- —Guest Friend
My greatest strength
- My greatest strength is my ability to connect to differentpeople in all walks of life, how effective I am in selling myideas, services & products to others.
- —Guest macy
I Am an Optimist
- I am an optimist in everything and also patient. I knoweverything is happening for a reason and it's going to pass.
- —Guest sweety
- Strong feelings and determination are my greateststrength.
- —Guest julius
- My greatest strength is my considerable patience in dealingwith people, and of course, this is the best tool for becoming asuccessful teacher.
- —Guest shabnam
Sticking To It
- I feel that my greatest asset is my ability to stick to thingsto get them done. I feel a great sence of accomplishment when Ifinish a job and it turns out just as I'd planned.
- —Guest Amy
My Strengths
- I'm honest, communicative, responsible and open-minded.
- —Guest manju unesco banglore
Diverse Talents
- I have excellent interpersonal skills. I enjoy interacting withpeople, listening to their problems or issues. This challenges meme when it comes to problem solving and decision making, and I alsolearn from them. I take challenges in a positive manner instead ofviewing them as a hindrance to doing a good job. I make an actionplans for every issue. I'm a competitive person, and I alwayswanted to be at my best. Even if I lose in the end, i will still beproud because i know that I was in a close fight.
- —Guest Mae Kristine
My Greatest Strength
- Is my willingness to learn and practice new things every day,so that I can keep my confidence and be better at the things that Iface and do everyday.
- —Guest Maria
- My greatest strength is my willingness to give my best effortto achieve positive results.
- —Guest maria joy
my patience
- i think it is my patience, it is a great virtue in one'scharacter for we are in the environment with different people withdifferent personality and patience will be definitely helps indealing with...
- —Guest ronald
- I can work with concentration and can devote my entire energyand time to the task assigned to me.
- —Guest technocrat
My greatest strength
- My greatest strength is being a positive thinker, and I faceall the challenges in my job with confidence..
- —Guest chum
Consistency and Integrity
- My greatest strengths are consistency and integrity with mywork.
My greatest strength?
- My greatest strength is that I have a great knowledge aboutcustomer relationships and I have learned a great deal of mylearning through my customer relations.
- —Guest shabbir raza
My strength
- my greatest strength is to learn from my past mistakes and toask for a fresh start.
- —Guest fons lbaen
My Greatest Strength
- To create a friendly work environment with successful dischargeof assignment without supervision.
- —Guest 'kome Ovu
Focus on the Positive
- My greatest strength is to think of positive points when I tryto do something new, rather than thinking about the negatives, andfocusing on the positive gives me more confidence and hope that Iwill achieve.
- —Guest HAFIZ
Planning and Organization
- My greatest strength is getting job ahead of time so if thereare anything that needs to be changed, I can fix it before thedeadline, so that when my job is done, I can present it with noerrors.
- —Guest rolo

爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101014/208860.html

We may not have all the answers我们可能没有所有的答案Oh I know that we can change some of the thingsthat are beyond our control

I know just how to whisper我明白如何轻声细语And I know just how to cry也明白如何哭喊I know just where to find the answers我知道哪里可以找到答案And I know just how to lie也知道怎样撒谎I know just how to fake it我知


外方与客户的验收证书上同时出现了guarantee和warranty,这两个词有什么不同吗?搜索了半天,找到一些答案,却也只懂了个模棱两可。不过还是试着把有益于理解的部分翻译了一下:(1)Yahoo Answers:What's the difference between a guarantee

objective clause(宾语从句)一、 宾语从句的概念宾语从句属于名词性从句,在句中作主句的宾语。eg. We know Mr. Green teachesEnglish.She asked if these answers were right.二、宾语从句三要素