

Renowned NYU Professor:GMOs Could LiterallyDestroy the Planet



JohnDeike|March 6, 20141:52 pm|Comments268

Prof. Nassim Taleb, responsible to globalmankind


Nassim Taleb, a renowned New York University (NYU)professor recently raised eyebrows when he saidgeneticallymodified organisms(GMOs) have the potential to cause “anirreversible termination of life at some scale, which could be theplanet.”


What effects will the genetic manipulation ofnature have on our worldwideecosystem?


Photocourtesyof Shutterstock

Taleb, who specializes in risk engineering, hasoutlined the dangers of GMOs inThePrecautionary Principle, a paper recently madeavailable to the public.



The Precautionary Principle (with Application tothe Genetic Modification of Organisms)


作者:Nassim NicholasTaleb1, Rupert Read2, RaphaelDouady3, Joseph Norman4, YaneerBar-Yam4


1 School of Engineering, New YorkUniversity


2 School of Philosophy, University of EastAnglia


3 Institute of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics,C.N.R.S., Paris


4 New England Complex Systems Institute




Date of Paper: September 4, 2014


Abstract—The precautionary principle (PP) states that ifan actionor policy has a suspected risk of causing severe harm tothe public domain (affecting general health or the environmentglobally), the action should not be taken in the absence ofscientific near-certainty about its safety. Under these conditions,the burden of proof about absence of harm falls on those proposingan action, not those opposing it. PP is intended to deal withuncertainty and risk in cases where the absence of evidence and theincompleteness of scientific knowledge carries profoundimplications and in the presence of risks of "black swans",unforeseen and unforeseable events of extreme consequence. ... Ouranalysis makes clear that the PP is essential for a limited set ofcontexts and can be used to justify only a limited set of actions.We discuss the implications for nuclear energy and GMOs. GMOsrepresent a public risk of global harm, while harm from nuclearenergy is comparatively limited and better characterized. PP shouldbe used to prescribe severe limits on GMOs.

摘要:预防性原则指出,如果一项实施性政策具有对公共领域造成严重危害疑似风险(影响公众健康或者全球性环境),那么,在缺乏对其安全性科学上近乎确定性之前,则不应当实施。在这样的状况下,举证缺乏证据的危害是否存在的负担由提议该项行动的一方承担,而不是由反对这种行动的一方承担。预防性原则的目的是处理不确定性和风险尚不够清楚的情况,这样的情况中缺乏证据和科学知识的不完全性带来深远的影响并存在“黑天鹅”式的风险以及可能带来不可预见的或者尚未预见的极其严重后果。... 我们的分析清楚表明,对于有关情况不清下证明仅有有限组行动的情况,预防性原则至关重要。我们讨论了预防性原则对核能与转基因生物的意义。转基因生物代表造成全球性危害的公共风险,与转基因生物造成的风险相比,核能的危害反而相对有限而且具有更清楚的特征。应当采用预防性的原则来应对我们对于转基因生物复杂系统认识的严重局限性。


For the impact of GMOs on health, the evaluationof whether the genetic engineering of a particular chemical(protein) into a plant is OK by the FDA is based upon consideringlimited existing knowledge of risks associated with that protein.The number of ways such an evaluation can be in error is large. Thegenetic modifications are biologically significant as the purposeis to strongly impact the chemical functions of the plant,modifying its resistance to other chemicals such as herbicides orpesticides, or affecting its own lethality to other organisms—i.e.its antibiotic qualities.


The limited existing knowledge generally does notinclude long term testing of the exposure of people to the addedchemical, even in isolation. The evaluation is independent of theways the protein affects the biochemistry of the plant, includinginteractions among the various metabolic pathways and regulatorysystems—and the impact of the resulting changes in biochemistry onhealth of consumers. The evaluation is independent of itsfarm-ecosystem combination (i.e. pesticide resistant crops aresubject to increased use of pesticides, which are subsequentlypresent in the plant in larger concentrations and cannot be washedaway).

现有局限性的知识通常不包括对于人们长期接触添加的这些化学成分或提取物进行长期试验。所进行的评价独立于这些转基因蛋白对转基因作物的生物化学实际影响,包括这些转基因蛋白在不同代谢途径以及监管系统之间的相互作用-- 以及它们所造成的生物化学变化对消费者健康的影响。这些评价还独立于其农场--生态系统结合(如,抗农药作物与增加使用农药关联,它们造成转基因作物中更大浓度的农药残留而且无法清洗除掉)。

Rather than recognizing the limitations of currentunderstanding, poorly grounded perspectives about the potentialdamage with unjustified assumptions are being made. Limitedempirical validation of both essential aspects of the conceptualframework as well as specific conclusions are being used becausetesting is recognized to be difficult.


We should exert the precautionary principle here –our non-naive version – because we do not want to discover errorsafter considerable and irreversible environmental and healthdamage.

正是在这里我们应当实施预防性原则 --我们非天真的版本 --因为我们不要在发生了客观的与不可逆转环境性与健康损害后才发现我们的错误。

One of the most extensively debated cases for GMOsis a variety of rice—"golden rice"—to which has been added aprecursor of vitamin A as a potential means to alleviate thisnutritional deficiency, which is a key medical condition affectingimpoverished populations. Since there are alternatives, includingtraditional vitamin fortification, one approach is to apply a costbenefit analysis comparing these approaches.


Counter to this approach stands both the largelyunknown risks associated with the introduction of GMOs, and theneed and opportunities for more systemic interventions to alleviatenot just malnutrition but poverty and hunger worldwide.


While great attention should be placed onimmediate needs, neglecting the larger scale risks is unreasonable[10]. Here science should adopt an unyielding rigor for both healthbenefit and risk assessment, including careful application of thePP. Absent such rigor, advocacy by the scientific community notonly fails to be scientific, but also becomes subject to challengefor short term interests, not much different from corporateendorsers. Thus, cutting corners on tests, including tests withoutadequate consent or approvals performed on Chinese children [15],undermines scientific claims to humanitarian ideals.


Given the promotion of "golden rice" by theagribusiness that also promote biofuels, their interest inhumanitarian impacts versus profits gained through wider acceptanceof GMO technology can be legitimately questioned [16].


The Rio Declaration on Environment and Developmentpresents it as follows: "In order to protect the environment, theprecautionary approach shall be widely applied by States accordingto their capabilities. Where there are threats of serious orirreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not beused as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to preventenvironmental degradation."


原文信息来源:Nassim Nicholas Taleb et al., The PrecautionaryPrinciple (with Application to the Genetic Modification ofOrganisms), Extreme Risk Initive -- NYU School of EngineeringWorking Papers Series, 2014-09-04




The threat


Often, GMO seeds are favored because of their ability to yieldlarger harvests and avoid certain pests or weeds that usually eatup some of their productivity, reportsDailyFinance.


Taleb’s primary concern isn’t that ingesting GMOsis necessarily bad for people; rather, he’s focused on what effectsthe genetic manipulation of nature will have on the worldwideecosystem.


While Taleb concurs the risk of any one GMO seedruining the planet is incredibly small, he argues that people areunderestimating the domino effect of risk that’sinvolved.


For example, if one genetically modified seedproduced holds a 0.1 percent chance of causing a catastrophicbreakdown of the ecosystem, then the probability of such an eventwill only increase with each new seed that’sdeveloped.


Taleb writes that given enough time the “totalecocide barrier” is bound to be hit despite incredibly smallodds.


The argument hinges on the fact that GMOsrepresent a systemic, and not localized, risk. As GMO goodscontinue to be exported to countries throughout the world, the ideaof being able to control GMOs in nature is impossible toguarantee.


As Taleb says, “There are mathematical limitationsto predictability in a complex system, ‘in the wild,’ which is whyfocusing on the difference between local (or isolated) and systemicthreats is a central aspect of ourwarnings.”


Responding tocritics


GMO supporters have criticized his work as GMOshave yet to significantly harm the ecosystem, but Taleb argues thatpoint strengthens his theory.


Daily Finance reports:


The Precautionary Principle—which is what Taleb calls his warning—is allabout managing risk, not about waiting for it to surface. The factthat GMOs are a systemic entity is undeniable. Taleb is equallyskeptical of all entities that carry systemic risk—liketoo-big-to-fail banks.


We don’t, as Taleb says, argue that a game ofRussian roulette issaferwitheach empty barrel we find. It is, in fact, moredangerous.


Renowned Expert: GMOs Pose More Risk Than WeThink



Brian Stoffel, The Motley FoolMar 5th 2014 2:00PM Updated Mar 5th 20142:15PM

Source: Nassim Taleb, Quozio

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) have theability to cause "an irreversible termination of life at somescale, which could be the planet."


This warning, as emotional and overstated as itsounds, isn't coming from some anti-science zealot or conspiracytheorist.


It is, instead, coming from Nassim Taleb,distinguished professor of risk engineering at New York University,author of best-sellersThe BlackSwanand Fooled by Randomness, andshrewd investor who made a fortune when "blackswans" like September 11and the GreatRecession occurred.


Recently, he's been making his feelings on GMOscrystal clear: they're dangerous to the overall health of ourplanet. In apaperthat'savailable to the public, yet still in draft form, Taleb -- alongwith two colleagues -- lay out their case.


The threat

GMOs are historically different from theirnaturally occurring peers in that their genetic make-up has beenaltered in a laboratory before being planted in fields.


Often, these types of seeds are favored because oftheir ability to yield larger harvests and avoid certain pests orweeds that usually eat up some of their productivity.


Source: Lindsay Eyink, via WikimediaCommons

Taleb's primary concern isn't that ingesting GMOsis necessarily bad for us; he's instead focused on the monumentalthreat such technology has on our worldwide ecosystem.


While Taleb agrees that the relative risk of anyone transgenic seed ruining the ecosystem is incredibly small,people are still underestimating the risks involved.


That's because, as humans, we are ill equipped tounderstand the mathematics behind such risks. Let's say each GMseed that's produced holds a 0.1% chance of -- somehow, in theintricately interdependent web of nature -- leading to acatastrophic breakdown of the ecosystem that we rely on for life.All by itself, it doesn't seem too harmful, but with each new seedthat's developed, the risk gets greater and greater.

这是因为,作为人类,我们已有的知识使我们难于理解这样的风险后边的数学。让我们说,每一种转基因种子具有0.1%几率-- 在复杂的相互依赖的网络性质自然中 -- 导致对我们的生命赖以生存的生态系统造成灾难性的的崩溃。一个一个看,看来没有多大危害,但是,随着每研发一种新的转基因种子,风险变得越来越大。

The chart below demonstrates how, over time, evena 0.1% chance of ecocide can be dangerous.


I cannot stress enough that the probabilities I amusing arefor illustrative purposes only.Neither I, nor Taleb, claim to know what the chances are of any onetype of seed causing such destruction.


The focus, instead, should be on the fact that the"total ecocide barrier" is bound to be hit, over a long enoughtime,with even incredibly small odds. Talebincludes a similar graph in his work, but no breakdown of theactual variables at play.



Source: Author's input, based on Taleb, Read, andBar-Yam paper

As Taleb says, "Over time, something bound to hitthe [ecocide] barrier is about guaranteed to hit it."


Why be so worried if the level of threat isn'tknown?


The crux of this argument hinges on the fact thatGMOs represent a systemic, and not localized, risk. Because thewind will blow where it wants to, insects will go -- and carry withthem -- what they please, and GM goods will surely be exported tocountries throughout the world, the concept of being able tocontrol GM traits in nature is impossible to guarantee.

这个论点的关键取决于这样的事实,转基因生物代表的是系统性的而不是局部的风险。因为,风在它愿意的地方刮,昆虫也去到它们愿意去的地方-- 并带着转基因一起去,而且转基因产品当然被出口到世界各处所有国家,因此“对自然界中的转基因予以控制“的概念无法得到保证。

As Taleb says, "There are mathematical limitationsto predictability in a complex system, 'in the wild,' which is whyfocusing on the difference between local (or isolated) and systemicthreats is a central aspect of ourwarnings."


What it means for investors


Obviously,Monsanto,Syngenta,DowChemical,andDuPonthave a vestedinterest in the success of GMOs -- as these four produce the vastmajority of GMOs in use right now.

显然,孟山都、先正达、陶化学,以及杜邦有既得利益在转基因的成功中 - 因为这四家公司目前持有最大多数转基因生物的专利权。

And if authorities start to heed Taleb's warnings,it would cause investors in these four companies to take a serioushit.


But the amount of revenue that each companyderives from GMO activity varies quite a bit. Here's how eachcompany's revenue total breaks down in their most recent annualreports.




% of Rev fromGMO-related products




60% to 90%







Dow Chemical


2% to 12%

Source: SEC filings.


Dow Chemical herbicides and pesticides account for10% of total sales, and cannot be determined to be a by-product ofGMO seeds or not.


Monsanto derives about 30% of its revenue from"agricultural productivity," which is the word they use forherbicides. It's hard to tell how much of that is sold because ofthe Roundup Ready GMO seeds that are sold. Either way, it's clearthat GMOs are a huge part of Monsanto's business.


DuPont and Dow Chemcial, which have far morediverse business segments, are less exposed to sensitivities orpossible regulations regarding GMOs.


Answering the critics

Unsurprisingly, Taleb has run into a fair share ofcriticism for his views.


But Taleb also addresses those concerns in hispaper. Here's how he responds to the most commoncritiques:


Humans have been modifying plants for years viaselective breeding and tinkering with crops.


While this may be true, Taleb claims there's afundamental difference between this and GMOs. "There is nocomparison between the [bottom-up] tinkering of selective breedingand the top-down engineering of taking a gene from an organism andputting it into another."


Furthermore, Taleb claims that nature has neverallowed such a systemic risk to evolve. "The planet took aboutclose to zero risks of ecocide in trillions of variations over 3billion years, otherwise we would not have beenhere."


How about the risk of famine withoutGMOs?


This is "a deceitful strategy, no different fromurging people to play Russian roulette in order to get out ofpoverty." That's because, as his probability shows, we'll all endup dying in the end when we hit the ecocide barrier.


New technologies could solve these problems ifthey arise


The whole point is that these threats could laydormant for years before they finally surface. When they do, theywould be difficult to control, and could act fast.


Risk is inherent in everything. We can't just beparalyzed by fear and not progress.


The risk of "generalized human extinction" is notinherent in everything. That's because most consequences arelocalized, not systemic. And progress can be made using bottom-uptechniques that have worked for eons.


There is no evidence that this type of ecocidecould really happen


The precautionary principle -- which is what Talebcalls his warning -- is all about managing risk, not about waitingfor it to surface. The fact that GMOs are a systemic entity isundeniable. Taleb is equally skeptical of all entities that carrysystemic risk -- like too-big-to-fail banks.

预防性原则 -- 塔勒布教授这样称呼他的警告 --完全是关于管理风险,而不是等待这样的风险显现。转基因生物不可否认是一种系统性实体是不可否认的事实。对于所有携带系统性风险的实体,如“规模巨大不会垮掉的银行”,塔勒布教授持相同的怀疑。

New organisms have been introduced into newecosystems before and this hasn't caused totalcollapse


Many of these new organisms -- people often referto potatoes or tomatoes being introduced into the Old World fromthe New World -- were naturally occurring in nature, or the resultof bottom-up tinkering.

许多这些新的生物体 -- 人们往往提到来自新世界(西方人原先没有进入的区域--译注)的马铃薯(土豆)或者番茄(西红柿)被引入老的世界(西方人的世界)-- 是自然界中自然产生的,或者是自下而上选择性育种修饰的结果。

Also, the fact that there's no evidence showingthat GMOs have so far caused system damage doesn't mean it won'teventually surface. We don't, as Taleb says, argue that a game ofRussian rouletteissaferwith each emptybarrel we find. It is, in fact, more dangerous.


By no means am I as smart as Taleb when it comesto risk, and I don't have a degree in agricultural sciences. I dofind Taleb's assertions to be a little alarmist.


At the same time, as someone who spends a quarterof every year working on a coffee farm in Costa Rica thattransitioned from conventional farming methods to permaculture ones-- and having seen the vast improvements in the overall ecosystemon the farm, I think it's wise to, at the very least, give somecredence to the concerns Taleb raises.

在此同时,作为每年有四分之一时间在哥斯达黎加的一个咖啡园工作,它从传统耕作方式转换为永久培育方式-- 见到这个咖啡园上的总体生态系统的广泛改进,因而我认为,对塔勒布提出的担心给予某些考虑至少是明智的。

After all, it's not that scientists are dumberthan Mother Nature; it's simply that Mother Nature has been aroundfor about 300,000 times longer than us humans, and what she'spicked to stay around have obviously passed the test oftime.



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