黄河小浪底水利枢纽风景区英文简介 黄河小浪底风景区


王少华 校释

Introduction of Xiao Lang Di

Multi-purpose Dam Project Scenic Spot

The XiaoLang Di Multi-purpose Dam Project Scenic Spot is based on theworld-famous Xiao Lang Di Muliti-purpose Dam Project and composedof scores of sightseeing element in 6 units, ie. Patriotism,Showroom, Dam, Underground Powerhouse, After-dam Ecological park,Former Resiclence of Resettlement Facilities, and Holytree.

The XiaoLang Di Multi-purpose Dam Project is not only a monumental thehistory of the Yellow River management, but also the mostchallenging masterpiece in the world’s history of hydraulicengineering, the project objectives mainly include flood control,ice-jam prevention and sediment reduction, but also water supply,irrigation and power generation as well. Structures include aunderground power-house with a sloping clay core, lofty intaketowers, magnificent outlets, and 108 crisscross tunnels toexperience the dramatic changes of the Yellow River. Water sedimentregulation an annual basis provides and imposing and magnificentpicture.

TheAfter-dam Ecological Park enchants innumerable tourists. The nicelandscapes, lively animals, and fantastic sculptures, for them tofully experience the charm of nature while tasting the Yellow Riverand the project cultures.

Welcometo the Xiao Lang Di, top ecological toutist boutique, nationalwater constrvancy scenic spot, and one of the 10 hot spots in HenanProvince.


Patriotism    n. 爱国主义, 爱国心

Showroom    n. 陈列室

Resistencen. 抵抗力

Resettlementn. 重新定居, 重新安置

Facilitiesn. 工具, 设施, 设备

Holyadj.神圣的, 圣洁的, 令人敬仰的

monumentaladj. 纪念碑的, 作为纪念的, 不朽的

masterpiecen. 杰作

hydraulicadj. 水力的, 水压的

engineeringn.工程学, 工程

黄河小浪底水利枢纽风景区英文简介 黄河小浪底风景区

preventionn.阻止, 妨碍, 预防

sedimentn. 沉淀物

reductionn.减少,降低, 减价


intaken.吸入,招收, 入口,通风口

loftyadj.高的,崇高的, 高尚的, 傲慢的

          adj. 交叉的, 十字形的
          n. 十字形

regulationn.管理,规章, 规则

Ecological  adj. 生态的, 生态学的

Objectives  n.目标,宗旨

Enchants v. 施魔法, 使迷惑, 使喜悦, 使陶醉

Innumerable adj. 无数的, 数不清的


Landscapesn.风景, 风景画, 山水

Sculpturesn.雕塑, 雕刻

Charm  n.魅力,吸引力, 迷人, 美貌

Boutique   n.专卖流行衣服的小商店, 精品店

Conservancyn. 保护, 保护机构, <英>管理委员会


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101014/207607.html


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