
作者:苏阿丽(Alys Spensley) 美国驻上海总领事馆世博事务联络官

总领事和苏阿丽女士与大鸟的合影Picture ofConsul General Camp and Alys with Big Bird

总领事与大鸟的合影Picture ofConsul General Camp with Big Bird





Like many children growing up in the U.S., some of my earliestmemories of television involve watching SesameStreet. The green and yellow sign, opening songand colorful Muppets taught me and generations of children to countand to enjoy learning to read. In my job as theU.S. Consulate’s Expo Liaison Officer during the Shanghai Expo thisyear, I was lucky enough to work with the team that produced theSesame Street show at the Expo and partner with them to creatememorable appearances of Sesame Street characters at the USApavilion. Through these events I was able to seefirsthand how Chinese children today also enjoy learning from Elmoand the Sesame Street team.

Yesterday I had the honor of accompanying Consul General BeatriceCamp to the launch of Sesame Workshop’s new Chinese-languageproduction of “Sesame Street: Big Bird Looks at the World” whichwill be broadcast by Shanghai Toonmax MediaCompany. The show will feature a brand new SesameStreet character created only for China — a martial arts expertMuppet called Tiger Lily. Tiger Lily will joinBig Bird and Elmo to teach kids to search for answers to basicquestions about the world around them focusing on Health and theHuman Body, Nature and the Environment, and Science andDiscovery.

At the launch a group of children helped Big Bird find his newfriend Tiger Lily and she, in turn, taught them to sayhello--unlike Elmo who says “ni hao” Tiger Lily “growls herhello”. The children laughed with delight andloudly practiced their growling hellos before taking a photo withBig Bird. It was clear from the joy in their eyesand wide smiles that the show will be as fun for children in Chinaas the original Sesame Street was for me.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101014/206346.html





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