都有垃圾的意思。 美国通常用“trash”。英国多数用“rubbish”
“litter”:乱丢的垃圾。指在公众地方路过行人掉下的体积小、数量不多的小垃圾。所以路边的垃圾桶是可以“litter bin”来形容。可以作动词,是“丢垃圾”的动作。litter通常用在标语和印刷品上。n.【口】把...当废物丢弃;抛弃1. 废弃物,零乱之物[U] There were piles of litter onthe streets.街上有一堆一堆的废弃物。
2.杂乱[S]Her room was in such a litter that she was ashamed to ask mein.
3. (动物睡窝里垫的)干草等物;厩肥[U]
4. (猪、狗等生下的)一窝(仔畜)[C][G] A female rat may havefive or six litters yearly, and anaverage of nine per litter.一只雌鼠每年可产幼仔五至六窝,平均每窝九只。
5. (森林里的)枯枝落叶层[U]
6. 轿,舆;担架[C]
1. 把...弄得乱七八糟[(+with)]Don't litter up the floor with scraps ofpaper.别往地上乱丢纸屑。
2. 乱丢(杂物)
3. 给(牲畜)垫褥草[(+down)]
4. (多产动物)产(仔)
5. 使充满[H][(+with)]The fire-place was littered with cigarettebutts.壁炉里丢满了烟头。
1. 乱扔废弃物 Please don't litter. 请勿乱扔纸屑杂物。
2. 产仔
garbage:n.[U]普通意义上的垃圾,或者是没有意义的玩意(美语)。来自法文“garbelage”[倾倒垃圾]或意大利文“garbuglio”[混杂]。1. 【主美】垃圾;剩菜;废物 In herhome, garbage was fed to the pigs. 在她家,剩菜用来喂猪。
2.废话,无聊话;无聊作品He talked a lot of garbage on the subject.关于这个问题,他讲了许多废话。
3. 【美】【俚】谎话;大话
rubbish:n.[U]也是垃圾,但日常使用中没有garbage用得多。也有废话、无聊想法的意思1.垃圾;废物Ourjob is to clear away the rubbish. 我们的工作是清除这些垃圾。
2. 废话;无聊的想法 The book is all rubbish.这本书全是胡扯。
vt.1.抨击;贬低Teachers in schools have been rubbished for the last tenyears.过去十年学校教师一直受抨击。
1.【主美】废物,垃圾Pleasetake the bag of trash to the garbage can.请将这袋垃圾拿到垃圾筒去。
2. 拙劣的文学(或艺术)作品 I told him not to read thattrash. 我叫他不要读那种蹩脚作品。
3. 废话;谬论
4. 断枝;落叶;甘蔗枯叶
5. 【主美】无用的人;社会渣滓[G] His father hated him traveling with trash likethem.
1. 修剪(树等)的枯枝残叶
2. 丢弃;把...视为废物
3. 【主美】【口】捣毁,破坏
1. 浪费;滥用;未充分利用[(+on)] Don't waste your time and energy ontrifles.
2. 消耗;使消瘦;使衰弱
3. 使荒芜;使荒废 The drought wastedthe land.旱灾使田地荒芜。
4. 【俚】杀害,谋杀
1. 被浪费
2. 消瘦[(+away)] She is wasting away from anillness. 她因病消瘦了。

1. 浪费;滥用[U][S][(+of)] Doing such a job is a waste of his talents.做这种工作是在浪费他的才能。
2. 废(弃)物;废料[U][P1],排泄物 A lot of poisonous wastefrom the chemical works pollutedtheriver.化工厂的许多有毒废料污染这条河。
3. 荒地,荒野[P1] Few animals can exist in the frozenwastes of the Arctic.
4. 一大片[S]
5. 消耗,损耗;毁坏[U]
6. 忽略不用,错过[U]
1. 废弃的,无用的 Throw out that wastepaper. 把废纸扔掉。
2. 盛放废物的,排除废物的
3. 荒芜的;荒废的;未开垦的 It was a stretch of wasteland.那是一片荒地。junk n.[U]
1.废弃的旧物Get that junk off the table, will you!你给我将那件破烂从桌上拿开!
2. 【口】假货;垃圾;废话 His writing isall junk. 他的写作一文不值。
3. 【俚】毒品(尤指海洛因)