海鲜吧 01、苏格兰新鲜生蚝 Scotland Style Fresh Oyster
Seafood Bar 02、新西兰深海青口 New Zealand Deep Sea Mussels
03、挪威烟熏红鳟鱼 Norwegian Style Smoked Trout
04、白灼新鲜基围虾 Boiled Fresh Prawn
05、清蒸深海湾花蟹 Steamed Red Crab
06、清蒸深海濑尿虾 Steamed Shrimp
07、清蒸深海小扇贝 Steamed Shell
辣椒仔、豉油汁 Served with Spice Tomato Paste、Tabasco
柠檬角、咯嗲汁 Cocktail Sauce、Lemon Wedge
辣根汁、番茄酱 Horseradish、、Chili &Soy Sauce
日本料理 08、日本什锦刺生船 Assorted Sashimi Ship
Japanese Food 09、日本什锦寿司船 Assorted Sushi Ship
10、日本鱼翅拌冷面 Cold Soba with Shark’s Fin
配芥末、柠檬 Served with Wasabi、Lemon Wedge
寿司姜、豉油 Sushi Ginger、Soy Sauce
冷面汁及配料 Soba Sauce and Condiments
冷盘 11、火腿蘑菇杏仁派 Ham and Mushroom Pate
Appetizer 12、德国什锦冻肉盘 Assorted Cold Cut Platter
13、港式全体烧乳猪 Hong Kong Style Roast Sucking Pig
14、意大利风干火腿 Italian Style Air Dry Ham
15、日本风味熏鸭胸 Japanese Style Smoked Duck Brisket
芝士台 16、各式芝士及干果 Assorted Cheese with Dried Fruit
Cheese Table
东南亚沙律 17、泰式酱拌肉末沙律 Thailand Style Spicy Minced Pork with Lettuce and Cabbage
South East 18、印度加多加多沙律 Indonesia Style Boiled Mixed Vegetables and Egg
Salads 19、槟城诺亚杂果沙律 Malaysian Style Fresh Fruit and Vegetables
20、越南粉丝青口沙律 Vietnamese Style Mussels with rice noodles
21、日本温室迷你青瓜 Japanese Mini Cucumber
西式沙律 22、核桃什锦水果沙律 Assorted Fresh Fruit Salad
Western 23、各款温室新鲜蔬菜 Variations Of Cress and Lettuce
Salad 24、车哩蕃茄 Cherry Tomatoes
25、红萝卜仔 Whole Red Radish
汁酱 千岛汁 Thousand Island Dressing 法 汁 French Dressing
Dressing 油醋汁 Vinaigrette Dressing 橄榄油 Olive Oil
凯撒汁 Caesar Sauce 红酒醋 Red Vinegar
盐 Salt 白胡椒 Whiter Pepper
配料 酸小瓜 Gherkins 酿橄榄 Stuffed Olives
Condiments 黑水榄 Black Olives 小洋葱 Cocktail Onion
水瓜柳 Capers 辣椒圈 Jalapeno 面包粒 Crouton 烟肉碎 Bacon Bit
芝士粉 Cheese Powder 指天椒 Baby Chili
花生 Peanut 虾片 Crispy Shrimp Slice
中式凉拌 26、凉拌红油海带丝 Kel p
Chinese 27、凉拌芝麻长豆角 Green Bean
Cold Dish 28、凉拌盐水芥兰片 Kale Slice
29、上海酱味拌支竹 Marinated Bean Curd Skin Sticks “Shanghai” Style
30、芝麻椒丝拌海蜇 Jelly Fish and Chili Shredded with Sesame
辣椒酱、麻辣油 Chili Paste、Red Oil
芝麻酱、花生酱 Sesame Paste、Peanut Paste
酱油 陈醋 Soy Sauce、Vinegar
汤类 31、法国传统什锦鱼肉汤 Bouillabaisse
Soups 32、新加坡肉传统肉骨茶 Singaporean Style Bak Kut Teh
33、广东南北杏桂圆肉丁 Double-Boiled Longan with Pork
面包类 软包 硬包 Soft Roll、 Hard Roll
Breads 麦包 法包 Wheat Bread、French Bread
and Rolls 洋葱包、蒜蓉包 Onion Bread、Garlic Bread
配牛油 with Butter
肉车 34、香草黑椒牛仔腿 Roasted Veal Leg
Carving 黑椒汁、牛仔汁 Black Pepper Sauce、Beef Jus、
蘑菇汁、 Mushroom Sauce
西式热盘 35、新奥尔良炸牛仔 New Orleans Deep-fried Veal
Western 36、意大利香草时蔬 Grilled Vegetables with Pesto Sauce
Hot Dishes 37、银鱼柳菠萝披萨 Pizza
东南亚热盘 38、印尼风味咖喱鸡 Indonesian Style Chicken Curry
South East 39、马来西亚排骨王 Malaysian Style deep-fried Pork Spare-Rib
Hot Dish 40、印度风味咖喱羊 Indian Style Lamb Curry With Cumin
41、爪哇鲜鱿炒时蔬 Sautéed Squid with Oyster Sauce and Vegetables
42、泰国蚝油炒牛肉 Thailand Style Stir-Fried Sliced Beef in Oyster Sauce
43、新加坡香辣指蟹 Singaporean Style Sautéed Crab with Chili Sauce
44、印度尼西亚炒饭 Indonesian Style NASI GORENG
45、巴厘香蕉叶烤鱼 Bali Style Grilled Minced Fish in Banana leaf
46、和风山椒炭烧鳝 Japanese Style Charcoal Roast Eel
中式热盘 47、碧绿时蔬扒海参 Boiled Vegetable with Sea Cucumber
Chinese 48、苹果西芹金钱袋 Steamed Celery and Apple Bag
Hot Dishes 49、驰名泰国蒸香米 Steamed Thailand Style Fried Rice
50、粤式煮粥及配料 Guangdong Style Congee with Condiment
51、山寨酸辣米豆腐 Braised Rice Curd in Sour and Chili Soup
明档 52、朗景园新鲜肉类 B V Fresh Market
Show Cooking 牛仔、 牛肉、 Veal、Beef
猪肉、 鸡肉、 Pork、Chicken
鹿肉、 羊肉、 Venison、Lamb
鹌鹑、 鸵鸟、 Quail、Ostrich
53、朗景园新鲜海产 B V Fresh Market
54、印度风味煎飞饼 Indian Style Roti Canai
咖喱蔬菜 Vegetable Curry、
香蕉菠萝 苹果 Banana、Pineapple、Apple
鸡蛋葱花 牛油 Egg、Green Onion、Butter
花生酱 芝麻酱 Peanut Paste、Sesame Paste
55、马来西亚拉萨面 Malaysian Style Laksa Lemak
56、日本风味天麸罗 Japanese Style Tempura
甜品类 57、法国精美小甜品 Assorted French Pastries
Desserts 58、意大利芝士蛋糕 Tiramisu
59、印度尼西亚香蕉 Indonesia Banana Fritter
60、泰国南瓜椰奶冻 Thailand Style Pumpkin with Custard
61、马来西亚椰茸卷 Pancakes with Sweet Coconut Filing
62、 泰国粟米小布丁 Corn Pudding with Coconut Cream
63、 新加坡摩摩喳喳 Sweet Potatoes, Sago, Taro with Coconut Milk
64、东南亚什锦甜品 Asian Style Assorted Mini Desserts
水果类 65、什锦水果拼盘 Assorted Fruits
煎饼 66、东南亚煎薄饼 Pancake with Condiment
Pancake 及配料
冰淇淋 67、六款风味雪糕 6 Kinds of Ice Cream
Ice Cream Served with Strawberry Topping, Chocolate
Topping, Almond & Whipping Cream
饮品类 68、新鲜蒸馏咖啡 Fresh Brewed Coffee or English Tea
Drinks 或英国红茶
东南亚自助晚餐 菜单 B
海鲜吧 01、苏格兰新鲜生蚝 Scotland Style Fresh Oyster
Seafood Bar 02、新西兰深海青口 New Zealand Deep Sea Mussels
03、挪威烟熏红鳟鱼 Norwegian Style Smoked Trout
04、白灼新鲜基围虾 Boiled Fresh Prawn
05、清蒸深海湾花蟹 Steamed Red Crab
06、清蒸深海濑尿虾 Steamed Shrimp
07、清蒸深海小扇贝 Steamed Shell
辣椒仔、豉油汁 Served with Spice Tomato Paste、Tabasco
柠檬角、咯嗲汁 Cocktail Sauce、Lemon Wedge
辣根汁、番茄酱 Horseradish、、Chili &Soy Sauce
日本料理 08、日本什锦刺生船 Assorted Sashimi Ship
Japanese Food 09、日本什锦寿司船 Assorted Sushi Ship
10、日本鱼翅拌冷面 Cold Soba with Shark’s Fin
配芥末、柠檬 Served with Wasabi、Lemon Wedge
寿司姜、豉油 Sushi Ginger、Soy Sauce
冷面汁及配料 Soba Sauce and Condiments
冷盘 11、法国风味鹅肝派 Goose Liver and Dry Fruit Pate
Appetizer 12、德国什锦冻肉盘 Assorted Cold Cut Platter
13、自制潮州卤水拼 Chaozhou Style Marinated Meat Platter
14、意大利风干火腿 Italian Style Air Dry Ham
15、日本风味熏鸭胸 Japanese Style Smoked Duck Brisket
芝士台 16、各式芝士及干果 Assorted Cheese with Dried Fruit
Cheese Table
东南亚沙律 17、越南风味大虾沙律 Vietnamese Style Prawn Salad
South East 18、泰国芒果蟹肉沙律 Thailand Style Mango and Crab Meat Salad
Salads 19、马来西亚诺亚沙律 Malaysian Style Nonya Salad
20、斯里兰卡鸡丝沙律 Sri Lanka Style Chicken Shredded Salad
21、日本温室迷你青瓜 Japanese Mini Cucumber
西式沙律 22、核桃什锦水果沙律 Assorted Fresh Fruit Salad
Western 23、各款温室新鲜蔬菜 Variations Of Cress and Lettuce
Salad 24、车哩蕃茄 Cherry Tomatoes
25、红萝卜仔 Whole Red Radish
汁酱 千岛汁 Thousand Island Dressing 法 汁 French Dressing
Dressing 油醋汁 Vinaigrette Dressing 橄榄油 Olive Oil
凯撒汁 Caesar Sauce 红酒醋 Red Vinegar
盐 Salt 白胡椒 Whiter Pepper
配料 酸小瓜 Gherkins 酿橄榄 Stuffed Olives
Condiments 黑水榄 Black Olives 小洋葱 Cocktail Onion
水瓜柳 Capers 辣椒圈 Jalapeno 面包粒 Crouton 烟肉碎 Bacon Bit
芝士粉 Cheese Powder 指天椒 Baby Chili
花生 Peanut 虾片 Crispy Shrimp Slice
中式凉拌 26、凉拌红油海带丝 Kelp
Chinese 27、凉拌芝麻长豆角 Green Bean
Cold Dish 28、凉拌盐水芥兰片 Kale Slice
29、上海酱味拌支竹 Marinated Bean Curd Skin Sticks “Shanghai” Style
30、芝麻椒丝拌海蜇 Jelly Fish and Chili Shredded with Sesame
辣椒酱、麻辣油 Chili Paste、Red Oil
芝麻酱、花生酱 Sesame Paste、Peanut Paste
酱油 陈醋 Soy Sauce、Vinegar
汤类 31、美国乡村牛肉蔬菜汤 American Style Mixed Vegetables and Beef Soup
Soups 32、泰国传统冬阴酸辣汤 Thailand Style Tom Yam Soup
33、广东菜胆火腿鲨鱼骨 Double-Boiled Chinese Ham and Shark’s Soft Bone
面包类 软包 硬包 Soft Roll、 Hard Roll
Breads 麦包 法包 Wheat Bread、French Bread
and Rolls 洋葱包、蒜蓉包 Onion Bread、Garlic Bread
配牛油 with Butter
肉车 34、美国传统香草烤西冷 American Style Roasted Sirloin Steak
Carving 黑椒汁、 原味牛汁 Black Pepper Sauce、Beef Jus、
蘑菇汁、 芥末 Mushroom Sauce、Mustard
西式热盘 35、露丝玛利红酒烩牛尾 New Orleans Deep-fried Veal
Western 36、清汤小茴蘑菇椰菜卷 Grilled Vegetables with Pesto Sauce
Hot Dishes 37、意大利传统海鲜披萨 Pizza
东南亚热盘 38、马来西亚香草炸鸡 Indonesia Style Chicken Curry
South East 39、泰国风味紫苏牛柳 Thailand Style Stir Fried Beef Slice with Basil
Hot Dish 40、菲律宾青柠烩猪柳 Philippine Style Braised Prawn in Coconut Sauce
41、越南风味甘蔗虾棒 Vietnamese Style Sugarcane and Shrimp Meat Stick
42、印度杏仁烩牛肉丸 Indian Style Braised Beef Ball with Almond
43、斯里兰卡煎银雪鱼 Sri Lanka Style Pan Fried Cod Fish with Chili Sauce
44、印度尼西亚咖喱羊 Indonesia Style Curry Lamb
45、马来西亚叁巴时蔬 Malaysian Style Stir Fried Vegetables with Sambal Sauce
46、爪哇海鲜菠萝炒饭 Java Style Fried Rice with Pineapple and Seafood
中式热盘 47、山珍野菌碧绿时蔬 Boiled Vegetable with Sea Cucumber
Chinese 48、佛山风味腐乳藕片 Foshan Style Stir Fried Lotus root Slice
Hot Dishes 49、驰名泰国风味香米 Steamed Thai Style Fried Rice
50、粤式煮粥及配料 Guangdong Style Congee with Condiment
51、山寨酸辣米豆腐 Braised Rice Curd in Sour and Chili Soup
明档 52、朗景园新鲜肉类 B V Fresh Market
Show Cooking 牛仔、 牛肉、 Veal、Beef
猪肉、 鸡肉、 Pork、Chicken
鹿肉、 羊肉、 Venison、Lamb
鹌鹑、 鸵鸟、 Quail、Ostrich
53、朗景园新鲜海产 B V Fresh Market
54、印度风味煎飞饼 Indian Style Roti Canai
咖喱蔬菜 Vegetable Curry
香蕉菠萝 苹果 Banana、Pineapple、Apple
鸡蛋葱花 牛油 Egg、Green Onion、Butter
花生酱 芝麻酱 Peanut Paste、Sesame Paste
55、韩国风味酱烧烤 Korean Style B B Q
56、越南牛肉汤河粉 Vietnamese Style Hefen in Beef Bone Soup
甜品类 57、法国精美小甜品 Assorted French Pastries

Desserts 58、意大利芝士蛋糕 Tiramisu
59、印度尼西亚香蕉 Indonesia Banana Fritter
60、泰国南瓜椰奶冻 Thai Style Pumpkin with Custard
61、马来西亚椰茸卷 Pancakes with Sweet Coconut Filing
62、 泰国粟米小布丁 Corn Pudding with Coconut Cream
63、 新加坡摩摩喳喳 Sweet Potatoes, Sago, Taro with Coconut Milk
64、东南亚什锦甜品 Asian Style Assorted Mini Desserts
水果类 65、什锦水果拼盘 Assorted Fruits
煎饼 66、东南亚煎薄饼 Pancake with Condiment
Pancake 及配料
冰淇淋 67、六款风味雪糕 6 Kinds of Ice Cream
Ice Cream Served with Strawberry Topping, Chocolate
Topping, Almond & Whipping Cream
饮品类 68、新鲜蒸馏咖啡 Fresh Brewed Coffee or English Tea
Drinks 或英国红茶
东南亚自助晚餐 菜单 C
海鲜吧 01、苏格兰新鲜生蚝 Scotland Style Fresh Oyster
Seafood Bar 02、新西兰深海青口 New Zealand Deep Sea Mussels
03、挪威烟熏红鳟鱼 Norwegian Style Smoked Trout
04、白灼新鲜基围虾 Boiled Fresh Prawn
05、清蒸深海湾花蟹 Steamed Red Crab
06、清蒸深海濑尿虾 Steamed Shrimp
07、清蒸深海小扇贝 Steamed Shell
辣椒仔、豉油汁 Served with Spice Tomato Paste、Tabasco
柠檬角、咯嗲汁 Cocktail Sauce、Lemon Wedge
辣根汁、番茄酱 Horseradish、、Chili &Soy Sauce
日本料理 08、日本什锦刺生船 Assorted Sashimi Ship
Japanese Food 09、日本什锦寿司船 Assorted Sushi Ship
10、日本鱼翅拌冷面 Cold Soba with Shark’s Fin
配芥末、柠檬 Served with Wasabi、Lemon Wedge
寿司姜、豉油 Sushi Ginger、Soy Sauce
冷面汁及配料 Soba Sauce and Condiments
冷盘 11、三文鱼大虾它莲 Poached Salmon and Prawn Terrine
Appetizer 12、德国什锦冻肉盘 Assorted Cold Cut Platter
13、自制潮州卤水拼 Chaozhou Style Marinated Meat Platter
14、意大利风干火腿 Italian Style Air Dry Ham
15、日本风味熏鸭胸 Japanese Style Smoked Duck Brisket
芝士台 16、各式芝士及干果 Assorted Cheese with Dried Fruit
Cheese Table
东南亚沙律 17、泰国青柠辣鸭沙律 Thailand Style Duck and Lime Salad
South East 18、菲律宾青木瓜沙律 Philippine Style Green Papaya Salad
Salads 19、巴厘芒果吞拿沙律 Bail Style Mango and Tuna Fish Salad
20、马来西亚罗加沙律 Malaysian Style Rujak
21、日本温室迷你青瓜 Japanese Mini Cucumber
西式沙律 22、干果什锦水果沙律 Assorted Fresh Fruit Salad
Western 23、各款温室新鲜蔬菜 Variations Of Cress and Lettuce
Salad 24、车哩蕃茄 Cherry Tomatoes
25、红萝卜仔 Whole Red Radish
汁酱 千岛汁 Thousand Island Dressing 法 汁 French Dressing
Dressing 油醋汁 Vinaigrette Dressing 橄榄油 Olive Oil
凯撒汁 Caesar Sauce 红酒醋 Red Vinegar
盐 Salt 白胡椒 Whiter Pepper
配料 酸小瓜 Gherkins 酿橄榄 Stuffed Olives
Condiments 黑水榄 Black Olives 小洋葱 Cocktail Onion
水瓜柳 Capers 辣椒圈 Jalapeno 面包粒 Crouton 烟肉碎 Bacon Bit
芝士粉 Cheese Powder 指天椒 Baby Chili
花生 Peanut 虾片 Crispy Shrimp Slice
中式凉拌 26、凉拌红油海带丝 Kelp
Chinese 27、凉拌芝麻长豆角 Green Bean
Cold Dish 28、凉拌盐水芥兰片 Kale Slice
29、上海酱味拌支竹 Marinated Bean Curd Skin Sticks “Shanghai” Style
30、芝麻椒丝拌海蜇 Jelly Fish and Chili Shredded with Sesame
辣椒酱、麻辣油 Chili Paste、Red Oil
芝麻酱、花生酱 Sesame Paste、Peanut Paste
酱油 陈醋 Soy Sauce、Vinegar
汤类 31、法国风味蘑菇奶油汤 French Style Cream of Mushroom Soup
Soups 32、泰国青柠香辣海鲜汤 Thailand Style Seafood and Lime Spicy Soup
33、广东淮山枸杞炖水鱼 Double-Boiled Baby Turtle Soup
面包类 软包 硬包 Soft Roll、 Hard Roll
Breads 麦包 法包 Wheat Bread、French Bread
and Rolls 洋葱包、蒜蓉包 Onion Bread、Garlic Bread
配牛油 with Butter
肉车 34、美国传统香草烤西冷 American Style Roasted Sirloin Steak
Carving 黑椒汁、 原味牛汁 Black Pepper Sauce、Beef Jus、
蘑菇汁、 芥末 Mushroom Sauce、Mustard
西式热盘 35、芝士什锦海鲜焗海贝 Baked Cheese and Mixed Seafood on Shell
Western 36、脆杏仁豆蔻虾仁薯蓉 Deep Fried Shrimp Almond in Mashed Potatoes Ball
Hot Dishes 37、帕尔玛风干火腿披萨 Pizza
东南亚热盘 38、马来西亚风味沙爹 Malaysian Style Assorted Sates
South East 39、印度风味咖喱鸡腿 Indian Style Chicken Curry
Hot Dish 40、爪哇风味芒果煎鱼 Java Style Pan-fried Fish with Mango
41、新加坡风味烧排骨 Singapore Style BBQ Pork Spareribs
42、印尼风味牛肉酥角 Indonesia Style Curry Puffs
43、巴厘风味咖喱膏蟹 Bail Style Stir Fried Crabs with Curry Sauce
44、菲律宾椰汁菠萝虾 Philippine Style Braised Pineapple and Prawn
45、泰国风味香茅青口 Thailand Style Braised Mussel with Lemongrass
46、印度尼西亚海鲜面 Mee Goreng
中式热盘 47、上汤金蒜碧绿时蔬 Green Vegetables in Soup
Chinese 48、酱爆松仁什锦海鲜 Stir Fried Seafood and Pine nut
Hot Dishes 49、驰名泰国风味香米 Steamed Thai Style Fried Rice
50、粤式煮粥及配料 Guangdong Style Congee with Condiment
51、山寨酸辣米豆腐 Braised Rice Curd in Sour and Chili Soup
明档 52、朗景园新鲜肉类 B V Fresh Market
Show Cooking 牛仔、 牛肉、 Veal、Beef
猪肉、 鸡肉、 Pork、Chicken
鹿肉、 羊肉、 Venison、Lamb
鹌鹑、 鸵鸟、 Quail、Ostrich
53、朗景园新鲜海产 B V Fresh Market
54、印度风味牛油飞饼 Indian Style Roti Canai
咖喱蔬菜 Vegetable Curry
香蕉菠萝 苹果 Banana、Pineapple、Apple
鸡蛋葱花 牛油 Egg、Green Onion、Butter
花生酱 芝麻酱 Peanut Paste、Sesame Paste
55、越南风味什锦春卷 Vietnamese Style Spring Rolls
56、九洲风味猪骨拉面 Japanese Style Laman
甜品类 57、法国精美小甜品 Assorted French Pastries
Desserts 58、意大利芝士蛋糕 Tiramisu
59、印度尼西亚香蕉 Indonesia Banana Fritter
60、泰国南瓜椰奶冻 Thai Style Pumpkin with Custard
61、马来西亚椰茸卷 Pancakes with Sweet Coconut Filing
62、 泰国粟米小布丁 Corn Pudding with Coconut Cream
63、 新加坡摩摩喳喳 Sweet Potatoes, Sago, Taro with Coconut Milk
64、东南亚什锦甜品 Asian Style Assorted Mini Desserts
水果类 65、什锦水果拼盘 Assorted Fruits
煎饼 66、东南亚煎薄饼 Pancake with Condiment
Pancake 及配料
冰淇淋 67、六款风味雪糕 6 Kinds of Ice Cream
Ice Cream Served with Strawberry Topping, Chocolate
Topping, Almond & Whipping Cream
饮品类 68、新鲜蒸馏咖啡 Fresh Brewed Coffee or English Tea
Drinks 或英国红茶