计算机实用基础fundemental ofComputer application
代数与几何Algebra and Geometry
工科数学分析B Mathematics analysis
工程图学 engineering graphics
概率论与数理统计 Probability and statistics
C语言程序设计 Surefire Programming in C
计算机实用基础fundemental ofComputer application
代数与几何Algebra and Geometry
工科数学分析B Mathematics analysis
工程图学 engineering graphics
概率论与数理统计 Probability and statistics
C语言程序设计 Surefire Programming in C
大学物理A College Physics
理论力学 Theory Force
电工学 electrotechnician
机械原理课程设计supporting technology
大学物理实验 physics experiment
工程训练(金工实习、机类) metalworking experience
材料力学mechanics of materials
机械原理theory of machines and mechanisms
机械设计课程设计Course Design of Mechanical Design
计算机组成原理Principles of Computer Architecture
机械设计 machine design
互换性与技术测量Exchange and Technique Diagnosis
金属工艺学metal processing technology
机械工程材料material for mechanical engineering
机械系统计算机控制Mechanical system computer control
机械制造装备设计The machine manufacture equips thedesign
工程系统建模与仿真Engineering system modeling and simulation
检测与传感技术Examination and sensing technology
机械制造技术基础Machine manufacture technology base
热工原理Hot working principle
液压传动Hydraulic Transmission
机电液系统控制Mechanical and electrical fluid systemscontrol
CAD/CAM技术基础 supporting technology
自动控制原理B Principle of Automatic Control
机械系统设计Mechanical System Design
工业机器人技术 Introduction of Robot