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Bouguereau,Adolphe William


Bouguereau,Adolphe William布格罗(1825--1905),他一生获得多种殊荣,以神话和寓言题材的绘画吸引大批追随者,成为当时法国最著名的画家。其作品以高度完整、技法全面和擅长表现多愁善感的题材为特征。在人物造型处理上,为了追求高度的优美,舍弃技法创新,维护官方正统的艺术,排斥其他艺术流派,因而被现代批评家指责为保守的画家。


James Jacques Joseph Tissot

新古典主义画派 (1836 —— 1902)

Tissot雅姆·蒂索(1836 —— 1902),法国 维多利亚 新古典主义画派重要画家。
出生在法国南特(法国西部港口城市)一个中产阶级家庭。 他最初在巴黎的 Beaux 艺术学习艺术。 他的早期画主要是历史,最有成就的是伦敦社会生活的绘画,这其中诞生了著名的画作“Too Early”。一个伟大的艺术家与他美丽堕落的女人及其一个悲惨的爱情故事。这就是他的一生。

Edward Burne-Jones

Edward Burne-Jones伯恩·琼斯(1833-1898 )是拉斐尔前派理想的热情支持者与实践者。拉斐尔前派艺术中中世纪的神秘的元素深深吸引了原本就喜爱神话传说的伯恩-琼斯。伯恩-琼斯以亚瑟王传说,圣经故事,希腊神话为主题创造了一大批充满浪漫主义情调的杰作。清晰的肌肉描绘,无力的姿态和中性的人物造型是伯恩·琼斯画风的特点,他用这些要素创造出了一个非人间的、超世俗的艺术氛围。代表作《梅林的诱惑》、《国王与乞食少女》。

Frank Dickseei

Frank Dicksee 迪科塞尔(1835 - 1928 )成长在一个艺术家庭里,他的父亲,兄弟和姊妹玛格丽特(Margaret)都是众所周知的画家。在1870年中期他的作品被英国皇家艺术会员展示并在著名的Grosvenor 画廊展览。1877年名为“协调”的画作在艺术学院的展示给Frank Dicksee带来了无比的荣誉。他的作品开始被私人购买收藏。
1881年Frank Dicksee 被选举为英国皇家艺术会会员。并且在随后的十年之内一直保持该荣誉。大部份他的画作是戏剧性的历史和传奇的故事。同时他也以在绘画中完美表现优雅时髦的女人肖像而著称。完美的肖像绘画艺术使得当时的贵族妇女以能够成为Frank Dicksse 的肖像画模特儿为时髦。他也有许多风景画作品。
1924年Frank Dicksee 被选为英国皇家艺术院院长。1925年他被授以皇家爵士爵位。1928年去世。

Raoul Dufy


Raoul Dufy 杜飞(1877~1953年)生于法国北部港都勒阿弗尔。
20世纪初,Raoul Dufy——一位在阳光照耀、海风吹拂中成长的青年,满怀着对艺术的热爱来到巴黎。在进入美术学校学画、看画展、与画友交往之间,杜飞先从印象派入手,后来又尝试立体派的绘画,最后加入野兽派青年画家行列,与马蒂斯、甫拉曼克、佛利埃斯等共同活跃在当时画坛。杜飞的际遇真可谓如鱼得水,从一开始就步入绘画的坦途,而他一生的画家生涯也充满欢乐与光彩,为20世纪初叶的绘画,创作了鲜丽的一章。


Lawrence Alma Tadema


Lawrence Alma Tadema 罗伦斯.阿玛.泰德玛 (1836-1912)是个荷兰人,而且只在三十多岁的时候来英国待过。然而,这位伟大的亲英派画家,不仅是英国皇家艺术学院的重要创始人之一,更在一八九九年获颁骑士爵位。他早期的艺术风格,深受George Ebers,著名的埃及古物学家的影响,而阿玛.泰德玛自己也画了一些古埃及风景画,其中一幅即是著名的“Pastimes in Ancient Egypt”(1864)。后来他的画作主题,完全转到了古希腊罗马的世俗生活写照。
他第二任妻子Laura Epps那红棕色的卷发、玫瑰般的面颊、和强健的体态和女儿们的身影常出现在他的画中。大理石则是其画中的另一个特征,而他也是这项素材最重要的画家。Ruskin对他画中充满了精确的考古学上的考证,大加赞赏。


ThJohn William Godward

England, Victorian Neoclassicism

John William Godward England, Victorian Neoclassicism, b.1861 - d.1922
The serene beauty and astonishing technical execution of John William Godward's paintings contradict the fact that this important artist has received virtually no critical acclaim or art historical recognition. We know little about this artist's private life, which is not betrayed by his art. Melancholy, kindly, reclusive, handsome, talented and shy, J. W. Godward's life is still a mystery, a censored book, protected by himself and sealed by his family. Unlike most Olympian Classicists before him, he preferred anonymity and privacy.


by Michael Newberry


Frederic Leighton:


弗雷德里克·莱顿(Frederic Leighton,1830——1896)是19世纪末英国最有声望的学院派画家,他辉煌的艺术光芒甚至冲淡了雷诺兹的影响,成了英国皇家学院派的代名词。不像19世纪大部分画家那样,莱顿并没有在皇家艺术学院学习,他在布鲁塞尔、巴黎、法兰克福接受绘画训练,1852年他搬到罗马居住,古典艺术给了他很大影响。1855年,他回到英国,他的作品Cimabue's Madonna展出并被维多利亚女王购买,这是他事业的转折。1878年,莱顿当选为(英国)皇家艺术学院院长。1896年受封为男爵。他是英国唯一获此殊荣的画家。他于同年去世。



毕加索(1881~1973)出生在西班牙,是当代西方最有创造性和影响最深远的艺术家,他和他的画在世界艺术史上占据了不朽的地位。毕加索是位多产画家,据统计,他的作品总计近 37000 件,包括:油画 1885 幅,素描 7089 幅,版画 20000 幅,平版画 6121幅。

William Whitaker


威特肯(William Whitaker)美国现代著名画家,擅长以饱含情韵的笔触描绘梦幻般的少妇形象。






德加 (E.Degas 1834-1917)法国画家,印象画派代表人物。在巴黎出生和去世的爱德加·德加是银行家之子.生来便是大资产阶级,他对古典主义的浓厚兴趣和他行为的谨慎似乎与出身十分合拍.不过,他那异常强烈的个性和独立自主的思想却又把他抛入革命阵营.他在美术学院安格尔弟子拉莫特的班级里习画,并且,始终对安格尔极为敬仰.不管他的天才如何演变,他却从不背弃过去.毫无疑问,这种对于人类创造的崇敬,对于行善的明确意识是其性格的基础,也是人们指责他的根源.其画风的演变也比较清楚地表明德加对印象主义采取了一种非常特殊的立场.他的绘画作品都无可争辩地面对着素描严谨、古典之极的艺术.这种手法渐渐地让色彩占据越来越重要的地位.不过,这种色彩始终为现实主义服务.天才的德加赋予它以扩大的视野和独特的画面布局,并永远地离开了学院主义,其作品意义远远超过人们在印象派中给予他的地位。

Vincent Willem van Gogh


正一艺术画廊 艺术家画廊

Michelangelo Bounaroti


米开朗基罗.博那罗蒂(Michelangelo Bounaroti, 1475-1564),作为文艺复兴的巨匠,以他超越时空的宏伟大作,在生前和后世都造成了无与论比的巨大影响。他和达芬奇一样多才多艺,兼雕刻家、画家、建筑家和诗人于一身。他得天独厚活到89岁,度过了70余年的艺术生涯,他经历人生坎坷和世态炎凉,使他一生所留下的作品都带有戏剧般的效果、磅礴的气势和人类的悲壮。

Leonardo Da Vinci


列奥那多·达·芬奇(Leonardo Da Vinci,1452年4月15日—1519年5月2日),意大利文艺复兴时期最负盛名的艺术大师。他是人类智慧的象征,他怀有神灵般的无限理想,试图重新创造世界的美,量度世界的广大无垠,解释世界的奥秘。可是他只有常人的生命和力量。他的抱负是发现一切、研究一切、创造一切。他的生命是一条没有走完的道路,路上是撒满了崇高的未完成作品的零章碎片,他在临终前心酸地说过:“我一生从未完成一项工作。”

The Source



Resurgence of the 19th Century Market
at April Sales

Editorial Staff, Art Renewal Center
After a short slump after September 11th, when many items failed to sell in New York and London, the market for 19th century Academic and Naturalist painting came surging back. A Boldini portrait sold for over $1,400,000 at Sotheby's April 24th, and two out of three minor Bouguereaus sailed past their estimates, selling solidly for $270,000 and $510,000 respectively at Christie's the day before. Young Girl Holding Flowers was half painted by his student, which had worried those running the sale, who had attributed the work to both Doyen and Bouguereau. But it didn't phase collectors, who bidded the work well beyond the $300,000 to $400,000 estimate. We are all waiting to see what a major Bouguereau will bring in the sales room, considering that even his minor works continue to climb in value ...

Meaningful Art in a Meaningful Universe:
the Fallacies of Abstractionist Ideology

Frederick Turner
Human beings take a natural delight in form and pattern. Our eyes and visual cortex are designed to pick out shapes and hints of half-hidden presences, and to recognize the colors, textures, and fine details of natural objects. These are the necessary skills of a hunter-gatherer species, adapted to follow the obscure tracks of fleeing prey, to resolve the outline of a camouflaged animal in hiding, to remember and find again a nutritious berry, root, or herb. Nature rewards the exercise of such skills, which require concentration and work, with a pleasure that modern birdwatchers, naturalists, and scuba divers know well ...

The Art of the Last Man

Miles Williams Mathis
In a recent New Yorker article Louis Menand cites a poll on the definition of art and shares the answer given by several well-known people "in the arts" (curators and critics, but no artists). The unanimous concensus is that everything is art. This poll is used to confirm what Mr. Menand calls "pluralism," an art theory of all-inclusion. Mr. Menand subtly undercuts some of the assumptions of this theory, but like all printable journalists in this age of "fairness" he does not strongly advance his opinion, or any opinion. He makes a few observations: leaving us to our own greater wisdom, one supposes ...

John William Godward:
The Eclipse of Classicism

Vern Grosvenor Swanson, Ph.D.
The serene beauty and astonishing technical execution of John William Godward's paintings contradict the fact that this important artist has received virtually no critical acclaim or art historical recognition. We know little about this artist's private life, which is not betrayed by his art. Melancholy, kindly, reclusive, handsome, talented and shy, J. W. Godward's life is still a mystery, a censored book, protected by himself and sealed by his family. Unlike most Olympian Classicists before him, he preferred anonymity and privacy.

Ignored by the quickly changing tastes of the art critics, Godward became the climatic figure of English classical-subject painting as this genre itself shriveled under the blaze of the 20th century avant-garde. He was the best of the last great European painters to straight-forwardly embrace classical Greece and Rome in their art. Herein lies his significance to art history. With him and his colleagues, we see the nightfall of five hundred years of Classical subject painting in Western art ...

Biography of
William Bouguereau

Damien Bartoli and
edited by Fred Ross
William Bouguereau is unquestionably one of history's greatest artistic geniuses. Considering his consummate level of skill and craft, and the fact that the great preponderance of his works are life-size, it is one of the largest bodies of work ever produced by any artist. Add to that the fact that fully half of these paintings are great masterpieces, and we have the picture of an artist who belongs like Michelangelo, Rembrandt and Carravaggio, in the top ranks of only a handful of masters in the entire history of western art ...

SORA: Classical Training
in Downtown Chicago

P e t e rB o u g i e
The School of Representational Art (SORA) is located in Chicago's River North area, a renovated neighborhood of galleries, restaurants and condominiums north of The Loop in downtown Chicago. Founder and Director Bruno Surdo established the school in 1992. "We started out up on Howard Street in Evanston," says Bruno, "and we were there for three years. But we needed to improve the facility, and have more space, and a skylight for life drawing. When I approached the real-estate agent and told him where I wanted to go and how much I had to spend, he laughed at me. But somehow we got it done, and we've been in our current facility ever since ..."

Impressionism Revisited

T e dS e t hJ a c o b s
Over one-hundred years ago Impressionism appeared on the scene. It is my understanding that it was created as a reaction against the classicist 'Salon' painting of the period, which was endorsed by the state and appreciated by the public. Impressionism claimed to show the seen world more truly, in a less artificial and stylized manner. It also was supposed to bring painting out of the studio and into the open air of the outdoors. It usually preferred to celebrate everyday life and the pleasures of real middle-class people, rather than to draw its subjects from mythology, historical episodes from the past or other escapes from everyday reality. The contemporaneous Naturalist movement, on the other hand, painted down-to-earth laboring people and the suffering poor ...

Letters to ARC

A R CS t a f f
In the fourteen months since the Art Renewal Center was created, we have received a voluminous correspondance from visitors to the website. Some are professional artists, some students struggling to acquire the techniques denied them in a modernist education. Others are collectors and scholars, while hundreds are simply art lovers in the purest sense.

From out of the thousands of letters we've received, we thought we would select a few and share these with you. These are letters that we find particularly touching. Our thanks go out to all who have written to us ...

The Nincompoop Prize

by John Derbyshire
As faithful readers know, I am a true Renaissance man. Humani nihil a me alienum puto, and there is no sphere of human endeavor into which I have not, at one time or another, peered inquisitively, grasped the fundamentals more or less immediately, and formed a well-rounded opinion which, of course, I am ready to defend to the death. I am willing to admit, though, that while I know something about everything, I know much more about some things than others; and among those topics about which my stock of knowledge is perilously close to the minimum required to pontificate confidently, is art ...

When Art Becomes Inhuman

K a r lZ i n s m e i s t e r
Many of today抯 avant-garde artists, I抳e decided, have modeled themselves on that well-known societal fixture, the snot-nosed teenager. Since the 1960s, the hippest modern art has aspired to exactly what every garden-variety 13-year-old brat aims for: maximum opportunities to shock, flout, insult, and otherwise chuck rocks at polite society ...


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