《寂寞先生》英译 寂寞先生吉他谱

今晚听“中国好声音”的选手之一刘悦,一曲《寂寞先生》,打动了我,立即找来歌词,一气呵成拿出英文版(很啰嗦,我的老毛病,无法用它来唱这首歌),贴在这里。Watchedtonight's heat of The Voice of China. One of the singers, Liu Yue,moved me with her song and her story, so I found the lyrics and dida quick translation (marred, once again, by clumsy wordiness,making it impossible to sing along in this version)...



你的笑容是恩惠 世界難得那麼美
於是追 要你陪 可惜本能終會將美麗汗水化成淚水

黑夜之所以會黑 叫醒人心裡的鬼
在遊說 在縈迴 在體內是什麼 在把我摧毀在傷痕累累

我可以無所謂 寂寞卻一直掉眼淚
人類除了擅長頹廢 做什麼都不對 Oh... I'm not okay
《寂寞先生》英译 寂寞先生吉他谱

我假裝無所謂 才看不到心被擰碎
人在愛情裡越殘廢 就會越多安慰 無論(有)多虛偽

空虛並非是詞彙 能夠形容的魔鬼
它支配著行為 能擺脫寂寞我什麼都肯給 就像個傀儡

Mr Lonesome



Your smile,bestowed on me, brought glory

Out of aworld so sorry

So I chased,for your company

But sweettoil

Is reduced tosoil

Crawled withtears

At the handsof fears

Dark is thenight

As it wakesin my heart

The phantomof no light

What is it inme, that murmurs, that loiters

Rending meapart, leaving me in tatters

Nonchalanceis my mask

Masking atearful solitude

Humans justcan’t get it right

So giving upand going down

Is their onlyattitude

Oh… I’m notokay

IndifferenceI feign

To the heartthat’s been slain

Love so numbsyou

As itcomforts you

Be it genuineor totally untrue

Hollow is thehell that no words can tell

It dictatesmy doing, and sways my being

Get me out ofthis low

Anything elseI can forgo

So you pullthe strings

Andyes I shall follow


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101014/199312.html


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