系动词包括感官动词 语法归纳 五个感官系动词

系动词,亦称连系动词(Linking Verb)。作为系动词,它本身有词义,但不能单独用作谓语,


如:He felt ill yesterday. 他昨天病了。(felt是系动词,后跟表语ill,说明主语情况。)



be, look, sound, smell, taste, feel, seem, appear


keep, stay, remain


become, get, grow, go, turn, fall


1. He is a teacher.

2. He is ill.

3. He always keeps silent at the meeting.

4. He looks tired.

5. He seems (to be) very sad.

6. This kind of cloth feels very soft.

7. This flower smells very sweet.

8. He became interested in animals after that.

9. The days are getting longer and longer.

10. Maple trees turn red in autumn.


◇最普通的“系动词”就是be动词。be有各种形态如:am, is, are, was, were及其时态变化。



◇系动词一般不用进行时态。但也有例外,如:Are you feeling better now?


◇系动词常用在某些词组中:stay healthy(保持健康), come true(实现), fall asleep(睡觉),

go bad(变质)。


要和后面的表语合起来构成谓语。 需要特别注意的是,实义动词后面要用副词修饰,这跟系动词后跟形容

词完全不一样。该考点主要涉及五大感官动词:look, sound, smell, taste, feel。这五大感官动词如果中文




He looked at me happily. (实义动词,“看”,后有宾语me,用副词happily修饰。)

He looked happy. (系动词,“看起来……”,后接形容词作表语。)


It sounds like a good idea.



1. 那个人正在仔细地品尝鱼。

2. 这鱼尝起来很好吃。

3. 小姑娘正在闻那朵花。

4. 那朵花闻起来很香。

5. 棉花摸起来软。

6. 听起来真不错。

7. 他生气地看着我。

8. 他看起来生气了。



( ) 1. ----Which of those radios sounds ________?

----The smallest one. (09无锡)

A. good B. well C. better D. best

( ) 2. Grandma, you must feel ________ after cleaning the house. Let’s take a rest. (09淮安)

A. tired B. well C. good D. angry

( ) 3. The music in the supermarket sounded so _____ that I wanted to leave at once. (09常州)

A. soft B. wonderful C. friendly D. noisy

( ) 4. ----Do you like the film?

----No, it’s _________. It makes me want to sleep. (09徐州)

A. boring B. interesting C. sleepy D. noisy

( ) 5. ----What is Mum cooking in the kitchen? (09扬州)

----Fish, I guess. How nice it _________!

A. looks B. sounds C. tastes D. smells

( ) 6. ----Have you ever heard the song Welcome to Beijing? (09泰州)

----Yes, it _______ nice.

A. hears B. sounds C. looks D. listens

( ) 7. I've got nothing to do. I'm ________. (08徐州)

A.bored B. interested C. excited D. frightened

( ) 8.----How much money did you pay for the drink?

----None. It was ________. (08扬州)

A.easy B. free C. cheap D. expensive

( ) 9. The girl's voice sounds ________. Maybe she can become a good singer when she grows

up. (08淮安)

A. sweet B. sweetly C. beautifully

( ) 10. In the Science Museum, the children felt _____ to see so many ______ things. (08镇江)

A.surprised; amazed B. surprising; amazing C. surprising; amazed D. surprised; amazing


1. Don't get _________(patient) about your personal trouble. (08无锡)

2. He seemed __________(friend) at first, but now I've got to know him and I realize he's warm

and kind. (08徐州)

3. The weather today becomes even ________(bad). Why not take a raincoat with you? (08宿迁)

4. If someone doesn't show good manners to others, he or she is __________(polite). (08宿迁)

5. If you don't see the doctor at once, you'll get even __________(ill) later on. (08泰州)

6. I like listening to light music. It can make me feel _______(relax) (09镇江)

7. This question is very ________(容易的). Every one of us can answer it. (09宿迁)

8. The illness can make you feel tired and _________(not strong) (09宿迁)

9. The mother looked _______(angry) at her naughty daughter. (09宿迁)


系动词(包括感官动词)语法归纳 五个感官系动词
1. 当我妈妈和我在一起时,我从不会感到无聊。 (09苏州)


2. 我希望我的所有学生都对英语感兴趣。(09苏州)




1. The man is tasting the fish carefully.

2. The fish tastes delicious/nice.

3. The girl is smelling the flower.

4. The flower smells sweet/good.

5. Cotton feels soft.

6. That sounds great.

7. He looked at me angrily.

8. He looked angry.


1~5 D A D A D 6~10 B A B A D


1. impatient 2. unfriendly 3. worse 4. impolite 5. worse 6. relaxed 7. easy 8. weak 9. angrily


1. I never feel bored when my mother is with me.

2. I hope all my students are interested in English.


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