好歌推荐2 流星花园钢琴曲《流星的伤》等十首 好歌








2、Smash Mouth-All Star

3、Andrea Bocelli-Il Mare Calmo Della Sera



6、李玖哲-Making Love Out Of Nothing At All

7、James Blunt-You're Beautiful

8、One-T - The Magic Key

9、Vina Panduwinata-Aku Makin Cinta

10、金范秀-loving you




2、Smash Mouth-All Star

很上口很亲民的一首歌。著名动画《怪物史瑞克》的原声。里面我最喜欢这一句歌词:You'll never know if youdon't go,You'll never shine if you don't glow,Only shooting starsbreak themold。只有流星才能冲破重重规则,也就是说,只有不断闪亮,不断冲击,敢闯敢做,才能走入新天地。很热血的歌,呵呵。

[00:00.00]歌名:All Star〖全明星〗
[00:00.01]演唱:Smash Mouth
[00:00.02]Made By 『月光·疾风TT』【QQ:441093762】
[00:00.30]Somebody once told me the world is gonna rollme〖某某曾几何时告诉我世界会颠覆我〗
[00:05.50]I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed〖我并不是棚里最锐利的工具〗
[00:09.85]She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and herthumb〖她看上去手脚有点笨拙〗
[00:14.05]In the shape of an "L" on herforehead〖从她前额的L字手形就可以看出〗
[00:18.90]Well the years start coming and they don't stopcoming〖噢时间飞逝 光阴似箭〗
[00:21.85]Back to the rule and I hit the groundrunning〖回到有规律的生活我脚踏实地地跑着〗
[00:24.20]Didn't make sense not to live for fun〖人生得意须尽欢〗
[00:26.50]Your brain gets smart but your head getsdumb〖头脑变聪明了反应却迟钝了〗
[00:28.80]So much to do so much to see〖无尽的任务 无数的琐事〗
[00:30.50]So what's wrong with taking the backstreets〖那么走小巷抄捷径有什么问题吗?〗
【好歌推荐2】流星花园钢琴曲《流星的伤》等十首 好歌
[00:33.40]You'll never know if you don't go〖你不去体验永远不会明白〗
[00:35.80]You'll never shine if you don't glow〖你不去闪烁永远都不会耀眼〗
[00:38.10]Hey now you're an All Star get your game on, goplay〖嘿你是明星运动员 去比赛 好好表现〗
[00:42.50]Hey now you're a Rock Star get the show on, getpaid〖嘿你是摇滚歌星 去演出 弄个票房冠军〗
[00:47.05]And all that glitters is gold〖赶快闪耀出金色的星光〗
[00:50.80]Only shooting stars break themold〖只有流星(喻指一夜成名的人)才能打破常规〗
[00:56.20]It's a cool place and they say it getscolder〖这是个凉快的地方他们说会越来越冷〗
[00:58.70]You're bundled up now but wait 'til you getolder〖你小心翼翼耐心等待机会〗
[01:00.85]But the meteor men beg to differ〖一夜成名的人(流星)却渴望标新立异〗
[01:02.85]Judging by the hole in the satellitepicture〖看看卫星云图上的洞就知道了〗
[01:05.05]The ice we skate is getting pretty thin〖溜冰时感觉如履薄冰〗
[01:07.40]The waters getting warm so you might as wellswim〖冰层下的水越来越暖 掉下去了也可以游泳〗
[01:09.60]My world's on fire how about yours〖我的世界到处都是纷争 你的如何〗
[01:12.05]That's the way I like it and I never getbored〖但我却很喜欢这样因为从来都感觉不到无聊〗
[01:15.10]Hey now you're an All Star get your game on, goplay〖嘿你是明星运动员 去比赛 好好表现〗
[01:19.50]Hey now you're a Rock Star get the show on, getpaid〖嘿你是摇滚歌星 去演出 弄个票房冠军〗
[01:23.85]And all that glitters is gold〖赶快闪耀出金色的星光〗
[01:27.70]Only shooting stars break themold〖只有流星(喻指一夜成名的人)才能打破常规〗
[01:51.95]Hey now you're an All Star get your game on, goplay〖嘿你是明星运动员 去比赛 好好表现〗
[01:56.50]Hey now you're a Rock Star get the show on, getpaid〖嘿你是摇滚歌星 去演出 弄个票房冠军〗
[02:00.85]And all that glitters is gold〖赶快闪耀出金色的星光〗
[02:04.50]Only shooting stars〖只有流星(喻指一夜成名的人)〗
[02:07.50]Somebody once asked could I spare some change forgas〖有人曾经问我能改变一下忙碌生活吗?〗
[02:11.75]I need to get myself away from thisplace〖我说我需要度个假远离这个鬼地方〗
[02:16.70]I said yep what a concept〖我说是的 多么好的一个概念〗
[02:18.90]I could use a little fuel myself〖自己也可以给生活添几分乐趣〗
[02:21.05]And we could all use a little change〖这样大家都能有所改变〗
[02:25.80]Well the years start coming and they don't stopcoming〖噢时间飞逝 光阴似箭〗
[02:28.85]Back to the rule and I hit the groundrunning〖回到有规律的生活我脚踏实地地跑着〗
[02:31.15]Didn't make sense not to live for fun〖人生得意须尽欢〗
[02:33.35]Your brain gets smart but your head getsdumb〖头脑变聪明了反应却迟钝了〗
[02:35.65]So much to do so much to see〖无尽的任务 无数的琐事〗
[02:37.50]So what's wrong with taking the backstreets〖那么走小巷抄捷径有什么问题吗〗
[02:40.20]You'll never know if you don't go〖你不去体验永远不会明白〗
[02:42.50]You'll never shine if you don't glow〖你不去闪烁永远都不会耀眼〗
[02:44.90]Hey now you're an All Star get your game on, goplay〖嘿你是明星运动员 去比赛 好好表现〗
[02:49.50]Hey now you're a Rock Star get the show on, getpaid〖嘿你是摇滚歌星 去演出 弄个票房冠军〗
[02:53.95]And all that glitters is gold〖赶快闪耀出金色的星光〗
[02:57.65]Only shooting stars break themold〖只有流星(喻指一夜成名的人)才能打破常规〗
[03:03.30]And all that glitters is gold〖赶快闪耀出金色的星光〗
[03:06.90]Only shooting stars break themold〖只有流星(喻指一夜成名的人)才能打破常规〗
3、Andrea Bocelli-Il Mare Calmo Della Sera






6、李玖哲-Making Love Out Of Nothing AtAll

耳熟吧这首歌,air supply唱的《史密斯夫妇》原声。不过看了豆导的电影《艋舺》,你一定会对李玖哲版的《making loveof nothing at all》印象深刻。我没想到李玖哲能唱这么好,而且整个也很有一种古味儿,值得收藏。

[00:-13.53]李玖哲-Making love out of nothing at all(让爱一切成空)
[00:-1.42]By StephenySo 最爱玖哲
[00:02.01]I know just how to whisper
[00:05.43]And I know just how to cry
[00:08.89]I know just where to find the answers
[00:12.14]And I know just how to lie
[00:16.00]I know just how to fake it
[00:19.07]And I know just how to scheme
[00:22.86]I know just when to face the truth
[00:25.88]And then I know just when to dream
[00:29.86]And I know just where to touch you
[00:33.37]And I know just what to prove
[00:36.81]I know when to pull you closer
[00:39.99]And I know when to let you loose
[00:43.63]And I know the night is fading
[00:46.83]And I know the time's gonna fly
[00:50.42]And I'm never gonna tell you everything I've gotta tellyou
[00:53.45]But I know I've gotta give it a try
[00:57.64]And I know the roads to riches
[01:00.89]And I know the ways to fame
[01:04.77]I know all the rules and then I know how tobreak'em
[01:06.87]And I always know the name of the game
[01:11.30]But I don't know how to leave you
[01:14.79]And I'll never let you fall
[01:19.88]And I don't know how you do it
[01:23.38](Making love)out of nothing at all
[01:32.97](Making love)Out of nothing at all, (Making love)out ofnothing at all
[01:39.93](Making love)Out of nothing at all, (Making love)out ofnothing at all
[01:47.68](Making love)Out of nothing at all, (Making love)out ofnothing at all
[01:55.18]Everytime I see you all the rays of the sun
[01:58.22]Are all streaming through the waves in your hair
[02:01.71]And every star in the sky
[02:03.52]Is taking aim at your eyes like a spotlight
[02:09.03]The beating of my heart is a drum and it's lost
[02:11.36]And it's looking for a rhythm like you
[02:16.97]You can take the darkness at the pit of the night
[02:19.99]And turn into a beacon burning endlessly bright
[02:25.27]I've gotta follow it 'cause everything I know
[02:28.08]Well, it's nothing 'till I give it to you
[02:53.97]I can make the runner stumble
[02:57.21]I can make the final block
[03:00.70]And I can make every tackle at the sound of thewhistle
[03:04.90]Make all the stadiums rock
[03:07.67]I can make tonight forever
[03:11.08]Or I can make it disappear by the dawn
[03:14.70]I can make you every promise that has ever beenmade
[03:18.44]And I can make all your demons be gone
[03:21.87]But I'm never gonna make it without you
[03:25.18]Do you really wanna see me crawl
[03:30.39]And I'm never gonna make it like you do
[03:34.12]Making love out of nothing at all
[03:36.84](Making love)Out of nothing at all, (Making love)out ofnothing at all
[03:39.95](Making love)Out of nothing at all, (Making love)out ofnothing at all
[03:52.08](Making love)Out of nothing at all, (Making love)out ofnothing at all
[03:57.39](Making love)Out of nothing at all
[04:02.28]李玖哲-Making love out of nothing at all (让爱一切成空)

7、James Blunt-You're Beautiful

这首情歌绝对是百听不厌型,而且描述的爱情故事还是痛并快乐型。歌手的声音很适合这个曲子,张力放大到完美的程度,把那种对命中注定的她深沉的爱和无法和她在一起的痛苦完美的融合到了一起。最爱那句Isaw your face in a crowdedplace,每到这句的时候我脑海里面立即就能有那个画面,男人站在人群中,望着女人的脸,却如同时空定格了一样,迈不出脚步,也叫不出声音。然而Mylife仍然是brilliant,就算不能得到你,也从不后悔曾遇到你。太棒太经典的歌了!

[00:-1.00]You're beautiful
[00:03.96]艺人名称:James Blunt (詹姆仕‧布朗特)
[00:05.70]专辑名称:Back To Bedlam (不安於室)
[00:06.22]发行公司:Warner Music
[00:06.61]歌曲名称:You're Beautiful
[00:09.30]Big5 编辑 BY MSN:opera1219@hotmail.com.tw
[00:24.00]My life is brilliant. 我的人生缤纷灿烂
[00:35.55]My life is brilliant. 我的人生缤纷灿烂
[00:38.59]My love is pure. 我的爱如此纯真
[00:41.50]I saw an angel. 因为我见过天使
[00:44.34]Of that I'm sure. 对此,我深信不疑
[00:45.43]She smiled at me on the subway.她在地下铁上对着我微笑
[00:49.59]She was with another man.虽然身边伴着另一个男人
[00:52.50]But I won't lose no sleep on that,但我可不会为此辗转难眠
[00:55.59]'Cause I've got aplan. 因为我已有心理准备
[00:58.54]You're beautiful. You're beautiful,你就是这麽美 你就是这麽美
[01:04.00]You're beautiful, it's true.你就是这麽的美这是千真万确
[01:09.47]I saw your face in a crowded place,我曾在人潮拥挤之处瞥见你的脸
[01:17.01]And I don't know what to do,这令我不知所措
[01:22.48]'Cause I'll never be withyou 因为 我和你永远无法相依
[01:37.00]Yeah, she caught my eye,是啊,我视线被她占据
[01:40.21]As we walked on by. 在我们擦身而过的瞬间
[01:43.06]She could see from my face that I was,她应该可以从我的神情看出
[01:47.02]flying high,我欣喜若狂飞上云霄
[01:48.90]And I don't think that I'll see heragain, 我想,我将再也见不到她
[01:54.06]But we shared a moment that will last till theend. 但我们共享了永恒的片刻
[02:01.34]You're beautiful. You're beautiful.你就是这麽美 你就是这麽美
[02:07.23]You're beautiful, it's true.你就是这麽的美这是千真万确
[02:12.30]I saw your face in a crowded place,我曾在人潮拥挤之处瞥见你的脸
[02:15.00]And I don't know what to do,这令我不知所措
[02:25.22]'Cause I'll never be with you.因为我和你永远无法相依
[02:43.25]You're beautiful. You're beautiful你就是这麽美 你就是这麽美
[02:49.65]You're beautiful, it's true.你就是这麽的美这是千真万确
[02:54.80]There must be an angel with a smile on herface, 我看到了笑起来跟她一模一样的天使,
[03:02.40]When she thought up that I should be withyou. 当她也想到我们应该在一起时
[03:12.25]But it's time to face the truth,但该是面对事实的时候了
[03:18.00]I will never be with you. 我和你永远无法相依

8、One-T - The Magic Key


[00:02.68]曲名: The Magic Key
[00:09.11]Listen up!
[00:15.08]To my days change my ways
[00:19.48]This sudden end to my days
[00:21.67]Makes me wish I'd changed my ways
[00:24.13]Spent more time with the posse
[00:26.09]One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me
[00:28.79]From up here, life seems so small
[00:31.02]what's the
[00:32.01]meaning of it all?
[00:33.65]Miss the way it used to be
[00:35.43]One-t, nine-t, bull-t, me
[00:38.31]Where in the world could I be?
[00:40.25]Homies looking so cool, cool, I'm cool-t!
[00:43.36]Tuxedos made of snow
[00:45.04]Is there something I should know?
[00:47.66]Mom and Pop and little bro
[00:49.67]Dead and gone so long ago
[00:52.09]Could this be paradise at last?
[00:54.44]The first test I've ever passed
[00:57.07]Music's the odyssey
[00:59.43]It's here for you, for me
[01:01.72]Just listen find the magic key
[01:06.53]Music's the odyssey
[01:08.93]It's here for you, for me
[01:11.27]Just listen let your life be free
[01:16.02]Blissful days, what you gonna do?
[01:17.83]Still I miss my old t-crew
[01:20.59]Can't afterlive without'em
[01:22.63]I just wish they only knew!
[01:25.34]May they have lived without a home
[01:27.73]But my homies love me kept me warm
[01:30.17]Taught me to forget 'bout the game
[01:32.07]Money, hatred, hunger, pain
[01:34.86]This sudden end to my days
[01:36.91]Makes me wish I'd changed my ways
[01:39.43]Spent more time with the posse
[01:41.43]One-t, Nine-t, Bull-t, me
[01:44.20]Music's the odyssey
[01:46.47]It's here for you, for me
[01:48.81]Just listen find the magic key (yours truly)
[01:53.54]Music's the odyssey (yeah)
[01:55.78]It's here for you, for me (magic key)
[01:57.91]Just listen like your life be free
[02:03.43]Missing you, missing you
[02:07.87]Missing you, magic crew
[02:12.60]Missing you, missing you
[02:17.70]Missing you, magic crew
[02:22.13]Had a meeting with my maker
[02:24.09]The superhuman baker
[02:26.55]He popped me in the oven
[02:28.64]And set the dial to lovin'
[02:31.15]Now I watch over my boys
[02:33.55]Help'em keep on making noise
[02:35.99]Never pictured me with wings
[02:38.20]Guess I've heard of stranger things
[02:52.50]Music's the odyssey
[02:54.65]It's here for you, for me
[02:57.13]Just listen find the magic key (Cool T yours truly)
[03:01.75]Music's the odyssey (aha aha)
[03:05.59]It's here for you, for me (yeah yeah)
[03:06.62]Just listen like your life be free (Cool T yourstruly)
[03:11.28]Music's the odyssey
[03:14.31]It's here for you, for me
[03:15.90]Just listen find the magic key
[03:20.32]Listen up!
[03:20.89]Music's the odyssey
[03:22.87]It's here for you, for me
[03:25.18]Just listen let your life be free
[03:29.94]Listen up!

9、Vina Panduwinata-Aku Makin Cinta


[00:08.22]Vina Panduwinata
[00:17.61]Sekian lama kita bersama
[00:24.83]Diantara banyak peristiwa
[00:31.50]Sering aku tak mengerti
[00:38.23]Perasaanku padamu
[01:57.47][00:45.28]Mungkinkah ini tandanya cinta
[02:03.61][00:51.90]Ataukah perasaanku saja
[02:11.15][00:58.68]Kini baru kusadari

[02:17.99][01:05.71]Yang sesungguhnya terjadi
[02:54.75][02:23.75][01:12.73]Ternyata aku makin cinta
[03:01.35][02:30.28][01:17.84]Cinta sama kamu
[02:33.53][01:20.91]Hanya kamu seorang kasih
[02:38.79][01:27.86]Ku tak mau yang lain
[02:44.05][01:32.66]Hanya sama kamu
[03:18.75][02:47.30][01:35.04]Kamu yang terakhir
[03:21.52][02:50.31][01:38.36]Yang kucinta
[03:04.98]Hanya kamu seorang kasihku

10、金范秀-loving you

最近很迷韩剧《giant》,讲韩国南部大开发的时候几个年轻人的爱恨情仇- -~这首歌曲就是金范秀配唱的主题曲,配合着剧情,唱的是相爱却因地位悬殊无法走到一起的那种纠结- -~金范秀算是韩国最好的情歌歌手了,那首经典的《想你》就是他唱的,这首歌更是把他超强的唱功以及歌喉体现的淋漓尽致。下到了MV,欣赏下吧。


【好歌推荐3】东京爱情故事good evening heartache等十首:



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《往前走》等9首2015年6月第一批 苹果7第一批首发国家


《爱的礼赞》钢琴曲 爱的礼赞


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