商务必备英文E-MAIL模板——节日问候 问候邮件模板

节日问候 Season’s Greeting

On theoccasion of (节日名称),I am writing to extend my warmest greetings toyou, (节日祝福).

Thank youfor (致谢原因) (时间).We know that the growth and success of ourcompany is largely dependent on (公司取得进步和成功的原因).We also recognize the contributions you have madein (对方所做的贡献).

We lookforward to (期盼未来).

Onceagain, I would like to present my sincere wishes in(节日名称).


⑦ 此处可用其他对未来的期盼来填充,如:

● the futuredevelopment of the IT industryIT业未来的发展

● a furtherextension of pleasant business relations 进一步发展友好的生意往来

● the satisfactionof both parties in this transaction 在这次交易中双方获得满意


● 在邮件的开头向对方致以节日问候

① I am writing to express…to you

② The purpose of this email is to extend…toyou

③ By this email I am pleased to sendyou…

● 对对方所作出的努力表示极大的认可

① We also acknowledge your contributionsin…

② We also appreciate your contributionsin…

③ The contribution you have made in…are alsorecognized.

● 再次向对方致以诚挚的节日问候

① Once more, wish you…in the comingyear

② Once again, wish you…in the NewYear

③ Once more, wish you…in the year tocome


商务必备英文E-MAIL模板——节日问候 问候邮件模板


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101014/197584.html


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