好听的英文歌游戏风云曾用回放音乐特辑三 MasterPassionGreed greed day


What the hell are you to tell me?
What to do, why to do, why bother
Leech in a mask of virtue
Such waste, to ever think of you again
Hey Judas, your Christess was our love
Hit and run, your will be done
Never sorry, never wrong
More more more more more
Master Passion Greed
Master Passion Greed
Hello, how are you?
Let me explain one thing.
All for her and more for me
Why is it so hard to see?
I see no sense in doing this
Not enough for me
I fuck up everything but let me explain.
Some day you shall flee,
Panting and weak
Some day you shall flee,
Some day you shall flee,
Some day you shall flee,
Some day you shall flee,
All within me gone but pain and hope
Hoping that the pain would fade away
Greed, your master passion
I Feed the mouth that bites me
Mammon, opiate of the masses
Seek her
Seduce her
Tame her
Blame her
Have her
好听的英文歌游戏风云曾用回放音乐特辑(三)MasterPassionGreed greed day
Kill her
Seek her
Feast on it all
Seduce her
Tame her
Blame her
Have her
Kill her
Feast on it all
Seek her
Seduce her
Tame her
Blame her
Have her
Kill her
Feast on it all
With awakening the tears will begin
To my everlasting shame silence took me




爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101014/197054.html


好听的英文歌——She 最好听的英文歌

《She》这首歌是德国Groove Goverage乐队的另一首非常流行好听的歌曲, Groove Coverage(“舞动精灵”)乐队2002年出道,出道时间虽然不长,却以其混合多种元素的舞曲风格迅速走红,驰名全欧。她的另一首歌《god is a girl》想必大家都耳熟能

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