主语从句总结 what引导的主语从句


一 定义:在句子中担当主语的是一个从句,这个从句就叫做主语从句。

Whyhe refused to work with you isstill mystery.


  Whoever comes is welcome.


二 引导主语从句的词有从属连词that, whether以及连接代词who,what, which, whoever,

whatever,whichever和连接副词when, where, why, how等.例如:

  That she was chosen made us veryhappy.她当选了使我们很高兴.

  What caused the accident is a completemystery.是什么导致了这次事故还完全是一个


  Whether she will come or not is still aquestion.她是否来还是一个问题.

  Which team will win the match is stillunknown.哪个队会赢得这场比赛还不知道.

  Whoever comes to the party will receive apresent.参加聚会的每一个人都将收到一份


  When they will start has not been decidedyet.他们何时出发还没决定.



  It is a pity that she has made such amistake.她犯了这样一个错误,真是遗憾.

  It depends on the climate whether they are goingshopping today.他们是否今天去



(1) It is +名词+从句
It is a factthat… 事实是……
  It is a pity/shame that...遗憾的是……
类似的名词还有:awonder;a good thing; no wonder; surprise等。
例如:It is amystery to me how it all happened.
It is nosurprise that Bob should have won the game.
(2) It is +形容词+从句
It isnecessary that … 有必要……
It is clearthat … 很清楚……
It is likelythat … 很可能……
主语从句总结 what引导的主语从句
It isimportant that … 重要的是……
It ispossible that...很可能……
类似的形容词还有:strange; natural; obvious; true; good; wonderful;possible; unlikely; quite; unusual; certain; evident; worth-while;surprising; interesting; astonishing, etc. 例如:

It is obvious that conductors and insulators are bothimportant in industry.
It is doubtful whether she will be able to come.
It was really astonishing that he refused to talk to you .
It is essential that he should be here by the weekend .
It seems obvious that we can not go on like this.
(3) It is +过去分词+从句
It is saidthat...据说……

  It is known to all that...众所周知……

  It is reported that...据报道……

  It is believed that...据信……;人们相信……

  It is suggested that...有人建议……

  It must be pointed out that...必须指出……

  It has been proved that...已证明…….例如:
类似的过去分词还有:estimated; expected; thought; hoped; noted;discussed;
required; decided; suggested; demanded; made clear; foundout,etc.
例如:It is thought that he is the best player.
It is estimated that the vase is 2000 years old.
It is used to be thought that a new star must be due to a collisionbetween two stars.
It has not been made clear when the new road is to be opened totraffic.
(4) It +不及物动词+从句
It seems/appears that...似乎……

It happened that...碰巧……

It has turned out that … 结果是……
类似的不及物动词还有:seem, appear, occur, follow, happen, turn out,etc.
例如:It turned out that nobody remembered the address.
It now appears that they are in urgent need of help.
It happened that I saw him yesterday.


  1. Does _______ matter if he can't finish the job ontime?

  A. this B. that C. he D. it

  2. It worried her a bit _______ her hair was turninggrey.

  A. which B. that C. if D. for

  3. _______ is a fact that English is being accepted asan international language.

  A. There B. This C. That D. It

四 学习主语从句应该注意的几个问题
1 引导词that与what
what既有引导主语从句的作用,同时又在从句中作句子成分(主语、宾语、表语等).这时what相当于allthat/everything that...,常译成"所……的(东西、事情、话等.)";

  What we can't get seems better than what wehave.我们得不到的东西似乎比已得到的要好.
  That a new teacher will come to teach us geography istrue.一位新老师将来教我们地理,这是真的.


  4. _______ what they told me really true?

  A. Has B. Is C. Does D. Have

  5. It matters little _______ a man dies, but _______matters much is _______ he lives.

  A. how; what; how B. how; it; how C. why; it; why D.that; what; that

  6. _______ she couldn't understand was _______ fewerand fewer students showed interest in her lessons.

  A. What; why B. That; what C. What; because D. Why;that

  7. It is pretty well understood _______ controls theflow of carbon dioxide in and out the atmospheretoday.

  A. that B. when C. what D. how

  8. _______ fashion differs from country to country mayreflect the cultural differences from one aspect.

  A. What B. That C. This D. Which

  9. -What made her parents so angry?

  - _______ she had failed in theexamination.

  A. As B. Because C. Since D. That
2 引导词if和whether



  Whether we shall raise ducks or geese remains to bedecided.我们是养鸭还是养鹅仍没决定.

  =It remains to be decided whether/if we shall raiseducks or geese.

  但我们不能说If we shall raise ducks or geese remains to bedecided.


  10. _______ we'll go camping tomorrow depends on theweather.

  A. If B. Whether C. That D. Where
3 其它引导词

  连接代词who, which, whom,whose有各自的意义,起连接作用,并在从句中充当语、宾语、表语、定语等;连接副词when,where, why,how等有各自的意义,起连接作用,并在从句中充当状语.


  11. -Do you remember _______ he came?

  -Yes, I do. He came by car.

  A. how B. when C. that D. if

  12. It was a matter of _______ would take theposition.

  A. who B. whose C. whom D. whomever

  13. -I drove to Zhuhai for the air show lastweek.

  -Is that _______ you had a few days off?

  A. why B. when C. what D. where

  14. I read about it in some book or other, does itmatter _______ it was?

  A. where B. what C. how D. which


  "It be + adj./n. + that-clause"与强调句型均有Itbe...that...之类的语言标志,但不同的是:①前者中的that从句是主语从句.若删掉其中的Itbe和that,则剩余部分不论结构还是语意都不能成为一个句子;但若将后者中的Itbe和that去掉,则剩余部分的结构和语意仍能构成一个完整的句子.②强调句型译为汉语时可加上"正是……"或"就是……"之类的字眼,而主语从句则不可以.请比较下面两个句子:

  It is surprising that Mary should have won firstplace.令人惊奇的是玛莉竟然获得了第一名.

  It is Mary that has won firstplace.正是玛莉得了第一名.


  第二句是强调句型,其中的It is和that可以去掉,因为没有Itis和that句子仍然很通顺.

5 语气

  在It is necessary / natural / important / strange...+that-clause这类句型里,that所引导的主语从句中谓语动词用"should+原形",表虚似语气.例如:

  It is necessary that the problem should be settled atonce.这个问题必须马上解决.

  It's strange that he should have gone away withouttelling us.他竟然没向我们说一声就走了,真是奇怪.


  15. It is necessary that a college student _______ atleast a foreign language.

  A. masters B. should master C. mastered D. willmaster

Key: 1-5 DBDBA 6-10 ACBDB 11-15 AAADB

6 必背
It is said that... 据说…… It is reportedthat... 据报导……
It is well known that... 众所周知……It is announced that... 据宣布……
It is believed that... 人们相信……It is thought that... 人们认为……
It is understood that... 自不待言……It must be pointed out that... 必须指出……
It must be admitted that... 必须承认……


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with引导的独立主格结构 witn的6种独立主格结构

英语中,with引导的独立主格结构很富有表现力,在句子中作状语,表示伴随、方式、原因、结果等。它不是句子而是短语,其结构为:with+名词/代词+介词短语/形容词 /副词/ 名词 / 非谓语动词。公式:with+宾语+宾补(with复合结构)现将with引导的独立主格

永安小学集体备课总结 集体备课的经验总结


连词que引导的宾语从句 宾语从句连接词

连词que引导的宾语从句 有些动词后面可以接一个以连词que引导的从句,作为主句的直接宾语,这类从句叫作宾语从句。这类动词有:dire, savoir, voir, comprendre, apprendre,croire, penser, espérer, écrire, raconter等。如:

强调句引导词whom whom引导的定语从句

《世纪金榜高中全程学习方略》北师大版英语选修6Unit17It was GuoMeimei ______ the Red Cross should thank for her “contributions” tothe construction of the organization.A.whoB.whomC.whichD. that书后给的答案是D,

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