Contract of Commission Processing
Translated from Chinese to English by Mr. ChangYunejune.
受委托方(以下简称:甲方):Consigneeof Manufacture (hereinafter called asparty A)
地 址:Address
定做方(以下简称:乙方): OrderingClient (hereinafter called asparty B)
地 址:Address
Party Bcommission party A to manufacture the product of forwhich parties hereto through full negotiation conclude and enterinto this contract for abidance by parties.
第一条 加工成品 Article One ProcessingProduct
产品编号 Serial Number ofProduct
产品名称 Name ofProduct
产品规格 Specification ofProduct
第二条 加工成品质量要求 Article Two Technical Requirementof Processed Product
第三条 原材料的提供办法及规格、数量、质量
Article Three Provision,Specification, Amount and Quality of Raw Material
Wheremanufacture by party A’s provision of raw material, party A should,in accordance with the stipulation of this contract and throughtest and check of party B, select and use raw material. Providedthat if party A conceal the defects of material or use thenonconforming material by which the processed product’s qualitybeing effected, party B is entitle to require party A redo, repair,reduce price or refuse delivery of product.
Wheremanufacture by party B’s provision of raw material, the consumptionof the same should be specifically agreed or stipulated by partieshereto. Party B should, pursuant to the time limited, amount,quality and specification stipulated herein, provide raw materialto party A and party A should, without any undue delay, make checkand inspection to the raw material provided by party B, if, findany nonconformance of material, inform forthwith party B to makereplacement or complement thereof. Party A shall not any way changeor replace the raw material which provided by party B withoutauthorization, not shall surreptitiously change the components andparts of the repaired article.
Thecalculation of date and period of provision of raw material shallbe by reference to the stipulations of Article Seven.
第四条 技术资料、图纸提供办法 Article Four Provision ofTechnical Data and Drawing
Providedthat party A, in the period of working pursuant to the requirementof party B, find drawing or technical requirement submitted byparty B are unreasonable, should in time inform party B with thesame and party B should reply within the prescribed time andpropose amendments thereon. Where fail to reply by party B, party Ahas right to suspend its work and notify party B in reasonabletime, any loss arising out of or relation to the failure of replyshall be born by party B.
2. 甲方对于委托的工作应当严格遵守保密约定,未经乙方许可不得留存技术资料的复制品。
Party Ashould keep the commission confidential in strict by theNondisclosure Agreement, shall not hold copy of technical materialwithout party B’s prior consent.
Party Bshould, within the prescribed day provide technical material,drawings and so on.
第五条 价款或酬金Article Five Price or Remuneration
Price orremuneration shall be implemented on the reference of state orcompetent authority, if, without such price, shall be decided bynegotiation of parties hereto.
第六条 验收标准和方法 Article Six Standard and Ways of Acceptance
Theacceptance standard shall subject to the technical requirement,drawing and sample stipulated herein.
Party Bshould within the time limited pursuant to this contract make checkor acceptance of the commissioned work which accomplished by partyA and party A should, prior to the check or acceptance, submitparty B with necessary technical material or concerned qualitycertificate. In respect to the ordered article or item which beingdifficult to find its defects within the short time’s check ortest, should be under negotiation by parties hereto and stipulatethe warranty period in contract. Where any problem or troubleoccurred within warranty period except to the quality problemarising out of or relation to the improper use or storage of partyB, party A shall be responsible for repairing or exchange theordered purchase.
Providedthat if any dispute between parties hereto on the quality check ofordered article or item, inspection certificate shall be submittedby competent quality supervision inspection authority.
第七条 交货的时间和地点Article Seven Time and Place of Delivery
The timelimited of delivery / acceptance of ordered articles should subjectto the conditions of this contract. Where any party require toeffect delivery / acceptance in advance or postpone, should reachprior agreement with other party and implement thereby.
2.交(提)定做物日期计算:甲方自备运输工具送交定做物的, 以乙方接收的戳记日期为准;委托运输部门运输的,以发运定做物时承运部门签发戳记日期为准;自提定做物的,以甲方通知的提取日期为准,但甲方在发出提取定做物通知中,必须留给乙方以必要的途中时间;双方另有约定的,按约定的方法计算。
Respect tothe calculation of time of delivery/acceptance, where party Adeliver the ordered articles by its own conveyance, timecalculation shall subject to the stamped date of party B’sacceptance; where commission of transporter for delivery, shallsubject to the stamped dated of carrier; where party B makeacceptance by itself, shall subject to the time on notice fromparty A, provided that party A should, in the note to party B,leave necessary time en route to party B, if, another agreement byparties hereto, shall subject to the calculation way ofagreement.
第八条 包装要求及费用负担Article Eight Package and Concerned Fees
第九条 运输办法及费用负担 Article NineTransportation and Concerned Fees
第十条 结算方式及期限 Article TenMeans of Settlement and Time Limited
第十一条 其他约定 Article ElevenMiscellaneous
第十二条 甲方的违约责任 Article TwelveResponsibility of Party A’s Default
Shouldparty A fail, in accordance with the quality stipulations ofcontract, to effect delivery of ordered articles or implement thecommission to party B, where party B agree to accept and utilize,the price concerned shall be subject to the quality and reduce incorrespondence remuneration or price therewith, where party Brefuse to accept, party A shall be liable for repair or replacementin addition to take the liability of overdue delivery. Providedthat if though repair or replacement the delivery or commission ofparty A is still not conformity with contract stipulation, party Bis entitle to accept and any loss shall be liable on partyA.
Providedthat the amount of ordered articles or commissions are less thanthe same stipulated in contract, where still need by party B, theshortfall should be compensated as original schedule, for thecompensation part applied to the provision of overdue deliveryherein; where no need by party B for shortfall or overdue part,party A should make compensation for the loss consequent thereon orincidental thereto.
Where thefailure to make package of the ordered articles pursuant tocontract, need to return for repair or re-package, party A shouldbe liable for repair or re-package and bear all expense thusoccurred. Should party B require to effect compensation for loss inlieu of returned repair or re-package, party A should makereimbursement to party B for the value part which equal to thedifference price between non-conforming package and qualifiedpackage. Party A should make compensation for the loss and damageof the ordered articles resulting from non-conforming the term ofcontract.
四、逾期交付定做物(包括返修、更换、补交等),应当向乙方偿付违约金____ 元;合同中无具体规定的,应当比照中国人民银行有关延期付款的规定。违约金按照逾期交付部分的价款总额计算。向乙方偿付违约金以酬金计算的,每逾期一天,按逾期交付部分的酬金总额的千分之一偿付违约金。
Providedthat if overdue delivery of the ordered articles including returnfor repair, replace and compensation for shortfall, party A shouldpay the penalty of ,if, without specific stipulation therewith, reference should bemade to the provision of deferred payment of China People’s Bank.The penalty amount shall be calculated on the basis of total priceof overdue delivery part. Should the penalty be calculated on thebasis of remuneration, The penalty should be charged 1‰ of totalvalue of overdue delivery for every day the delivery isdelayed.
Party B isentitle to refuse to accept the advance delivery without priorwritten consent of party B.
Providedthat party A fail to effect delivery of the ordered articles oraccomplish the commission should make reimbursement of liquidateddamages which equal to the price value of %of non-delivery part or unaccomplished part, or %of total remuneration value.
Theordered delivered at different place, if, fail to satisfy the termsof contract, may be under temporary custody and safekeeping byparty B, the fees arising out or relating to thereof shall be bornby party B.
Providedthat the ordered article , through the transportation of carrieragency or delivery, is sent to wrong place or wrong receivingcompany / person, party A should take the responsibility of theoverpaid transport fees and overdue delivery in addition totransport the designed place or deliver to the receiving company /person.
Party Ashould make compensation to party B for its loss and damage, whicharising out of or relating to party A’s improper care, of rawmaterial, equipment, packing article and other items provided byparty B
Whereparty A’s failure of , by the means and time limit of contract,making inspection of raw material provided by party B and /orrequirement of replacement or shortfall compensation within thetime limit of contract, for which party A should be liable for thequality and quantity of the commission.
Whereparty A, at its own initiative, replace or change the raw materialor parts of repaired article from party B, party B has right toreject delivery and claim party A for compensation the lossconsequent thereon or incidental thereto. Provided that party Brequire party A to redo or re-pairing for which party B should dounder such requirement and bear the responsibility of overduedelivery.
第十三条 乙方的违约责任Articles Thirteen Responsibility of Party B’s Breach
Providedthat party B change, at midway of production, the amount,specification, quality or design of the ordered articles, party Bshould make compensation of party A’s loss occurredtherein.
Whereparty B, in half way of performance, propose to cancelcontract, if, the raw material provided by party A, party B shouldmake reimbursement which equal to ____% of total valueof non-performing part , to party A, as liquidated damages. Shouldthe raw material not be provided by party A, party B should makereimbursement which equal to ____% of total valueof non-performing part , to party A, as liquidateddamages.
Whereparty B fail to provide, by the requirement within the periodstipulated in contract, raw materials, technical date, packagingand/or complete the necessary auxiliary work or preparation, partyA has right to terminate contract and party B should indemnifyparty A’s loss occurred therein. Provided that party A don’trequire to terminate contract, party B should reimburse to party Afor the loss of shutdown for raw materials in addition to extensionor postponement of delivery time.
Shouldparty B accept the ordered articles over the period ruled bycontract, should undertake the cost of storage, maintenanceactually paid by party A in addition to pay liquidated damagesstipulated in paragraph 5 of this article, if, failure ofacceptance by party B overdue more than six months, party A isentitle to sell off the ordered articles and the balance ofproceeds therefrom, after deduction of remuneration and fees ofstorage, maintenance, shall be returned to party B. Where theproceeds of sold ordered articles is less the sum of remunerationand fees of storage, maintenance, party B should make compensationof shortfall money, if, unable to sell, party B should indemnifyparty A against loss and damage thereto.
In casethat party B fail to make payment overdue the date limited ofcontract, party B should pay party A breach penalty by reference tothe rule of deferred payment of China People’s Bank, where thepenalty calculated on the remuneration, for each delay day, penaltyshould be charged at rate of 1 ‰ of thetotal value of remuneration.
Shouldparty B refuse without reason to make acceptance of the orderedarticle, party B should indemnify party A for loss and damageconsequent thereon or incident thereto as well as the penalty bycarrier authority.
In case ofalteration of delivery place or accepting company (person) by partyB, party B should bear the overpaid cost thereby occurred by partyA.
第十四条 不可抗力 ArticleFourteenForce Majeure
Where inthe term of performance of contract due to force majeure whichbring about the damage and destroying, party A may, by acquirementof legal proof, discharged its breach liability, however in casesuch force majeure occurred duration of party B’s rejectingacceptance, party B should bear the responsibility and makecompensation for party A’s loss thereto.
第十五条 纠纷的处理Article Fifteen Dispute Resolution
因履行本合同发生纠纷时,当事人双方应协商解决;协商不成按( )项处理:
In case ofany dispute in performance of contract parties hereto should makeconsultation for settlement, if, fail to settle thoughconsultation, agree to settle the dispute by the term:
1.向仲裁机关申请仲裁;Effect the application of arbitration;
2.向人民法院起诉。Lodge a lawsuit in People’sCourt.
Thiscontract shall take effect from and on the date of andcease its force upon complement of performance. Parties heretoshall not, during the continuance of contract, alter or cancel thiscontract. In case of outstanding issues herein parties hereto makesupplementary provisions by mutual negotiation and supplementaryprovision with the same effect as this contract.
Thiscontract is made duplicate for one copy each party.