Lesson 11
11. Evolution, Emotion, andReason: Emotions, Part I
情感,它们为什么存在,存在的目的是什么,how do they function?
微笑有好几种不同的类型。比如泛美微笑(Pan Amsmile),这是一种礼节性微笑。一个真正高兴的微笑被称为杜兴微笑(Duchennesmile)。两者之间的区别在于眼部的动作。大约只有十分之一的人能伪装杜兴微笑。
Teacher:I don’t know。
Fear is a kind of basic emotion,universal。
The basic question is: what are we afraidof?蜘蛛、蛇、高度、风暴、大型动物、黑暗、血、陌生人、羞辱、深水、一个人离家。并不完整,但却是最主要的。为什么人们不怎么害怕枪、电源插座,因为它们不是我们祖先所害怕的东西,而上述事物在人类进化史上对人类有威胁。有人对芝加哥市的孩子做过调查,发现他们最害怕的不是车祸、枪击,而是蛇和蜘蛛,这些是自然恐惧。
How do we deal with babies?
Thecry of baby is subtle,它既要使人感到厌烦而促使父母起身来关注婴儿。另一方面又不能太吵了以至于别人都想把它给灭了。那声音在最低的程度上非常惹人烦,这和音量和音调无关,而是因为你的大脑就是这么被设计的。 Thereason why we feel baby is cute,也是因为我们的大脑天生如此,理由同样在于基因延续。火星人可未必觉得人类的宝宝可爱。
Lesson 12
12.Evolution, Emotion, and Reason: Emotions, Part II
Keywords:the emotional relationship between parents andkids ;与非亲属;互惠利他;搭便车者;囚徒困境;最后通牒游戏;荣誉文化
At the beginning of this class,I’d like to answer the question raised by astudent last class first. That is,非人类的灵长类动物也像人类一样有这么多种微笑吗? Theanswer is no,非人类的灵长类动物不会用微笑来打招呼
Howdoes the brain of babies form the emotional rely on thatcreature?
亨利·哈洛did an experiment,证明猩猩更倾向于“布妈妈”
What’s the difference between children raised byparents and those sent to orphanage as a child?
No oneknows exactly the answer,but at least there is no bigdifference。
How about the child without mother’scaring?
Student:中间情况怎么样? 如果父母只给予很少的安抚会怎样?
Teacher:Such a situation doesexist,这些孩子会相对更加孤僻,but wedon’t have conclusive evidence
13. WhyAre People Different? Differences
2、why people are different?
Happiness,what makes people feel happy, and what not?人们之间的快乐有何不同?
人类差异的根源,two mainelements。一个是性格,一个是智力。
·开放性(openness): 富于想象对务实,寻求变化对遵守惯例,自主对顺从。具有想象、审美、情感丰富、求异、创造、智慧等特征。
抽象的推理能力、解决问题的能力、获取知识的能力,这是聪明的核心象征。还有Memory、心理速度、language、mathematics,knowledge and creativity。
斯皮尔曼。He thinks there are two typesof intelligence
Student:How about 情商(EQ: emotionalquotient)
Student:how do you judge a test is good orbad?
学生:when we are talking about personality,我们说它具有时间上的稳定性,但我们如何知道它随时间而稳定?,它能改变吗?
Why weare different?
Tworeasons:Gene and environment即本性和教育、遗传和经历
Ashocking viewpoint: the effect of environment on intelligence orpersonality is very small
For example, the IQ of two children without blood relationship haslittle relationship even though they live in one family.
14.What Motivates Us: Sex
Keywords:sex differences;sex attractiveness;the origin of sex preference
The average time American people spent on sexeveryday is 4 minutes 3 second. Actually, we don’t spent much timeon sex, but it doesn’t mean sex is not important.
1.First,we should discuss thedifference between male and female.
2.Second, we shall talk about sex attractiveness.
3.At last, we would talk about the origin of sex preferencebriefly.
基础性教育:性的道德性和必然性 【不太懂】
史蒂文平克——《心智探奇》: 自然并不指示我们应该接受什么,或者我们应该如何过我们的生活,在我适合生育的时候,我自愿不要孩子,把我的生物资源浪费在阅读写作、做研究、帮助朋友和学生,还有绕圈慢跑上,忽略了传播我的基因的严肃要求,根据进化论者的标准,我是一个可怕的错误,一个可怜的失败者,但我很开心于这种方式,如果我的基因不喜欢这种方式,他们可以去跳湖。
一、What’s the difference between male andfemale?
不要只想到penis和阴道,many animals have neither one.
1. Why the sex cell of male is small but they are big insize?
Thisquestion disturbs scientists a long time, but now we haveconclusion
Thelogical goes like this:the differenceof 生殖细胞大小leads totypical difference of 亲本投资,which lead to 各种心理和生理机能的进化差异。
Ofcourse, sometimes the position of male and female reverse, suchas 尖嘴鱼,male is responsible for bring upoffspring,therefore, thesize of female is bigger.再回忆一下《帝企鹅日记》,male and female bring up their offspringtogether,它们付出的亲本投资是相等的,so are equal in size.
Thinkabout human beings.
2. 攻击性
3. Howabout sex choice?
4. 对性种类的偏好是什么呢?
库里奇效应,is based on the story of American president卡尔文·柯立芝and hiswife.
5. What about sex behavior?
Infact,我们很难仅仅从人们做爱的平均次数来区分出人们想要什么,男性和女性的差异。可以更清楚地反映出这种差异的方法是在同性恋人群中。有数据调查说,lesbian 比gay更倾向于一夫一妻制。曾有艾滋病调查发现,男同的性关系非常混乱。对于这些男同,如果他们是异性恋的话,他们会倾向于找更多的女性进行性行为。
性别自我隔离 持续多久取决于文化,增强了性别差异
西蒙 巴伦肯恩《本质差异》其中一个差异是同情心
二、What about sex attractiveness?
Wehave great research date about cross-culturalhere:
A major discovery is very 靠谱,everyonelikes善良聪明的,atleast they say so.
Butthere are still some differences,women pay more attention to power andstatus,and十分看重对方是否愿意对孩子进行投资。 而这个男性的年龄有多大并不太重要,granted,男性的精子数量随着年龄的增长而下降,but it’s not very important。
Maleconcern slightly different,他们关注女性的生育能力,所以年龄的差异非常重要,因为年龄大的女性不能生育。
Back to another similarity ——Everyone likes Beauty ——and what is beauty?
Beautymeans young
Beautyalso means healthy
Generally,we think a face balanced is morepretty.
Thepreference to balance is not caused by culture, inherent to someextent.
三、The origin of sex preferences
98%的女人对男性来说is attractive
96%的男人对女性来说is attractive—— the data is not necessarilycorrect
Sexpreference并不是自己有意选择的,有一些同性恋者连自己都认为同性恋is immoral,但是自己无力改变
15. APerson in the World of People: Morality
We are going to deal with three facets ofmorality:
Moral feelings, moral judgments, and then moralaction
I’llparticularly focus on why good people do badthings,which lead us to review and discuss theMilgram study (米尔格拉姆研究)
Now, moral feelings is what we’ll start off with
Thequestion is ‘How could moral feelings evolve?’
Moral feelings we could view as feelings of condemnation,shame, pride, righteous anger, but also simple affection, caringfor other people, wanting to do well by them.
You might think that the existence of thesefeelings is a mystery from an evolutionary point of view.在适者生存的残酷背景下,how could animal evolve moralfeelings?
Thereare two answers to this:
Oneanswer is kin selection(亲缘选择): evolution works at the level of genes, and becauseof that it could give rise to animals that are themselvesaltruistic(利他主义的)。 And they arealtruistic because they act to preserve other animals that sharethe same genes.
The most altruistic behavior of all, giving your live tohelp another, can be explained in cold-blooded evolutionary terms.Animalsthat are altruistic even to the point of dying to help another,those genes will, under some circumstance, be preserved over thegenes of people who are less caring. And that is one force tokindness.
Asecond force towards kindness is cooperation. Even if animals areunrelated, they are nice to one another. Animals have evolved; ourminds have evolved, to enter sort of cooperative situations withother people to surmount deception and cheating.
But what do we know as psychologists about the emergence innature of moral feelings in individuals?
Somecase studies:
Empathy (同理心):empathy can be viewed as a feeling that your painmatters to me. If you are hurt, in some sense, painful forme.曾有心理学家做过一个实验,当然现在这种实验是违法的。心理学家在两个房间里各放了一只黑猩猩,中间是一道玻璃墙,可以互见彼此,但两只黑猩猩既没有亲属关系,也没见过对方。一只黑猩猩若要得到食物,就要不断地拍打杠杆,而每一次它拍打杠杆,另一只黑猩猩就会被电击一次。心理学家发现,黑猩猩不会让自己饿死,但它会极力减少拍打杠杆的次数,以使对方不受太多的痛苦,自己也不会陪他一同承受。
Now we’ve know for a long time that empathetic feeling isnot logically linked to morality. This is a point made byAristotle(亚里士多德).
I cansee you writhing in pain. That could cause me pain. But thatdoesn’t mean I’m going to be nice to you. I could run away from youor I could blame you for causing me this misery.
Butthis sort of empathy does lead to moral concern andaction.
Empathetic feeling, like any other human capacity, differsacross people.
There is some reason to believe that in thepopulation known as ‘Psychopaths’, this sort of instinctive empathyis broken and the pain of others just doesn’t bother them verymuch.
The second case study of moral feelings is ‘In-group’ and‘Out-group’
I carea lot more about my children than I do about my friends and I caremore about my friends than I care about strangers. We also favorour groups over others.
Robber’s cave study 罗宾斯山洞研究
Tobring together all the warring countries and religion of thisplanet is an alien attack. By the logic of the Sherif it will bringus all together as a group.
Thepsychologist Tajfel after World War Ⅱ, was interested in the question of what couldmake a group.
In one experiment he showed people pictures ofmodern art, and based on their responses he described them as Kleelovers or Kandinsky lovers. Now, this is all made up. They werejust random assignments. But the Klee lovers viewed themselves asmore similar to other Klee lovers. They thought the Klee lovertended to be smarter than the Kandinsky lovers and the Klee loverwould devote more resources to themselves than toothers.
There are three hallmarks for moral judgments
Doesit carry a sense of obligation?
Doseit carry a notion of sanctions?
If yousay you don’t believe in morality. I believe in Nietzsche(尼采).
Idon’t believe you if you were to say that.
Some sort of moral judgment happens all the time, oftenunconsciously.
Well,we know that there are some universals. There are some aspects ofmoral reasoning that show up everywhere on earth.
But,the anthropologist Richard Shweder gives a list here of humandifferences.
A goodtheory of psychology has to explain how these differencesarise.
Shweder argues there are three styles ofthought:
An ethics of autonomy, an ethics of community, an ethics ofdivinity.
调查发现,大多数人觉得这是不可接受的,但是为什么?他们可能给不出强有力的理由,只是说,反正这就是不对的。强纳森把这称为“Moral dumbfounding 道德错愕”
The motivation for Milgram’s work was theHolocaust大屠杀
Two forces for evil:
Deindividuation of self(去个性化):one reason why people are so bad in groups Ibecause you could diffuse your responsibility. Other ways ofdiminishing responsibility include coerce,anonymity.
使对象不再成一个个体:如把人当做货物,take away their names,see them as disgusting,to dehumanize people, all these make people matterless,and make themeasier to kill.
Force for good:
Contact and interdependence联系和相互依赖:this can be viewed as an extend version of selfish gene theory,that is you care about them more for purely selfishreasons.
Robert Wright 罗伯特·赖特 presented this in a very blunt way, but Ithink his quote is quite moving: one of the many reasons I don’twant to bomb the Japanese is that they built myminivan.
Interdependence gives rise to a moralconnection.
Thomas Friedman 托马斯·弗里德曼proposed the “Golden ArchesTheory of Human Conflict”(金色拱门防止冲突理论),which said no two countries which each haveMcDonald’s will ever go to war, because McDonald’s forces globalinterdependence.
Moregenerally, there’s what’s been called “The ContactHypothesis”接触假说,maybe more interesting issimple contact with other people. Particularly if you are of equalstatus, you have common goal, and you have social support make youlike people more.
Themilitary is a superb example.
The final force for good from a moralperspective:
If youtake another person’s perspective, you’ll care more aboutthem.
肯尼迪, when making the plea for equal rights, didn’tproduce an abstract philosophical argument but rather try to invitehis listeners who were white to engage in a perspectivetaking.站在黑人的角度上,他们愿不愿意仅仅因为肤色的原因而受到歧视,他们愿不愿意与黑人对换位置。
Youcan also use the power of metaphor:
So, ifI want to cause you to feel moral concern for a fetus, I will dowell to describe it as a pre-born child.
If I wanna to think about all of you and establishmore connection with you, I would not describe you as unrelatedstrangers. Rather, you are my brother and sisters, just as mostpolitician did.
16. APerson in the World of People: Self and Other, PartI
Keyword: social psychology
BeforeI get into the theory of social psychology, I wanna talk about anindividual difference. I have talked about individual differences,but I want to talk a little bit more an individual difference inour social natures.
Milgram: The game of Six Degrees of Separation
Onegood reason for going to Yale is you develop powerfulfriends.
1. Spotlight effect:
Gilovich have found that you believe that people arenoticing you all the time but they aren’t. They are busing noticingthemselves.
2. The Transparency effect:
Peopleare actually good at lying.
Thisis that we believe that we’re more transparent than weare.
3. Asecond social psychological phenomenon is you think you’reterrific. People will view themselves better than average. This hasbeen called the “Lake Wobegon effect”.
Theself-serving bias: when thing go well, we will credit ourselveswhile things go bad, we tend to blame the situation ormisfortune.
Whatyou do make sense.
4. Cognitive dissonance theory:
Youread the information which already exists in your mind.
Ingeneral, when people devote a lot of energy or money or expense tosomething, they are extraordinarily resistant to having it provenwrong. Soin love, when the couple gets separated, the one who devote a lotwould feel more painful than the one who devote little.
5. Attributions:
Peopletend to give too much weight to the person or his personality andnot enough weight to the situation. _____the fundamentalattribution error.
1.the enhancement of self
2.the simplification of others.
6. Why we like other people?
1.Proximity. The mere exposureeffect.
3.people like good-looking people
17. APerson in the World of People: Self and Other, PartII
Impression formation:
1.First impression matters a lot.
2.We form impressions very fast, veryquickly.
3.Pygmalion effect: If I think you have acharacteristic, then it turns out that as if you do have thecharacteristic. How our expectationsreally matters.
Makinggeneralizations is essential to our ability to live.
Positive aspects: stereotypes are often accurate
Negative aspects: they are sometimesinaccurate.For the reasons below:
2.Your data may be misleading.
Hereis a moral principle: some people insist that even though somestereotypes are correct, it is still immoral to apply them in dayto day life. Butthe problem is there are some stereotypes we do need to apply indaily life.
Stereotype threat:
Private stereotypes: what you really think, but you don’ttell people
Unconscious stereotypes
4stages:transition period
REM sleep (rapid eye movement sleep)
2kinds of sleep:
1、Slow-wavesleep or quiet sleep: hard to be awakened
2、REMsleep: your brain is active as you awake. Men get erections. Lotsof dreams.
1、Are we living in the real world or that it is justa big dream?
2、We do all sorts of things in dream, are theysin?
A: You can’t usually be immoral in a dream.
Distinction between real dream and sleepthought.
Everybody dreams, 3 to 4 times one night, but dreams fadeaway quickly.
Whatdo people dream?
Mostpeople dream about bad dreams, but not nightmares.
Bechased ranked top of all dreams.
Whatare dreams for?
1.Why we laugh?
2.It is a universal trait of humankind.
3.Laughter is social and communicative. we laughloud. To laugh loud is to communicate with other people.
4.Laughter is contagious.
5.Laughter is associated with mockattack.
6.Tragedy is I cut off my finger. Comedy is when youfall in an open sewer and die.
7.To sum up, ingredients of humor is there has to bea target who experiences some harm. It could enemy, it could befriends, and it could yourself.
8.But the harm shouldn’t be so serious.
9.Laughter comes in some level ofsurprise.
18.What Happens When Things Go Wrong: Mental Illness, PartI
Thefirst and the most fundamental question in clinical psychology is“what is abnormality”? Where do we draw theline between normal, healthy, typical behavior?
1.Social norm
2.Certain characteristic of the targetperson. Forinstance, gender. Crying means quite differently towards male andfemale.
3Ds :distress(痛苦), dysfunction(功能失常), and deviance(异常)
Asmany as one in four women will have an episode of seriousdepression at some time in her life and about 13% of men will havean episode of serious depression in their life. So, these areextremely common kinds of problems that people experience,particularly at your age.
1.The individual has to either show sadness or adiminished interest or pleasure in their usualactivities.
2.Weight and appetite change
3.Sleep disturbances ____insomnia
4.Psychomotor retardation or agitation(精神运动迟缓或激越)
5.Feelings of worthlessness or excessiveguilt.
6.Diminished ability to concentrate orindecisiveness.
Thepeople who got depression stay in this stage for a very long time,but the minimum criterion in the DSM is at least twoweeks.
抑郁症will influence your physicalhealth:心血管疾病、stroke、immunesystem disease.
Genderdifference in depression:
Before13, boys and girls have relatively similar levels ofdepression.
19.What Happens When Things Go Wrong: Mental Illness, PartII
What’sthe line between normal and abnormal?
Whenwe label somebody as mentally ill this is not a medical decision.It’s rather a social decision designed to ostracize people whodeviate from society’s norms.
But insome serious sense, mentally illness is as much a disease as cancerand it should be thought of in the same way. It would damage yourbody; disable your function such as creativity, productivity and soon.
About1% of the world’s population suffers from schizophrenia(精神分裂症), and this is the most common reason for being ina mental hospital and the reason for that is because of howterrible an illness it is.
Somepeople think schizophrenia refers to having multiple personalitieswhich is incorrect. A multiple personality disorder is an entirelydifferent disorder. What people with schizophrenia have is aproblem with relating to reality.
Thereare five main symptoms ofschizophrenia. Four of them are the positive symptoms, meaningthings that you do, one symptom that you don’t have.
1.Hallucination(幻觉). The most typical hallucinations areauditory.
2.Delusion(错觉): it’s a belief that you should have. What can bedefined as hallucination and what can be defined as delusion isquite controversial. They often tend tobelieve they are famous people. One theme of delusion is what’scalled “ideas of reference”(牵连观念). An idea of reference is you think that there are allsorts of things happening that revolve around you. You hear peoplewhispering and you think they are talking aboutyou.
3.There is disorganized speech.
4.And sometimes there is disorganized behaviortoo.
5.Absence of normal thought or emotion. They may notcare about anything.
Thereare five different subtypes ofschizophrenia, but I’m going to focus on the three majorones.
1.Paranoid schizophrenia 偏执型精神分裂症患者. They believe others are spying andplotting against them. They often believe that other people arejealous of them.
2.The catatonic schizophrenia 紧张型精神分裂症患者are unresponsive to theirsurroundings.
3.The disorganized schizophrenia 瓦解型精神分裂症患者 are maybe what you most think of when youthink of somebody who is insane.
It’shard to pin down what exactly the root ofthese diseases. But a very general summary is that there isa problem, an inability to put together your thoughts andperceptions, to sequence them and coordinate them, to impose alogical structure and a reasonable realistic temporal sequence onyour experience.
Genetic againplay a very important role in schizophrenia, but whether or not youbecome schizophrenia depends on what happens in your environment.
There’s some recent research that ties schizophrenia to thepossibility of toxoplasmosis(弓形虫), which is a disorder carried by cat feces.
Adifferent sort of trigger is stressful familyenvironments.
Lessindustrialized countries have a better rate of recovery fromschizophrenia than industrialized countries and nobody knowswhy.
Anxiety disorders
1.Generalized anxiety disorders. 广泛性焦虑症 It does seem to have its possible roots insome sort of childhood trauma(童年创伤). Because you arehyper-vigilant.
2.phobias 恐惧症.
3.compulsive disorder强迫症. Checking and washing.If youdevelop compulsive disorder, you might find yourself being curedsimply with medicines.
Somedisorders are “comorbid” 并存疾病. So, if you have a severe depression for instance, you mayalso have an anxiety disorder.
Q: Arepeople with schizophrenia dangerous?
A: Asa rule statistically, it tends to be not the case. They tend to bemore likely victims than harmful. They tend to be fairlyhelpless.
Dissociative disorders 解离症
Whatpeople mean by that is literally a dissociation ofmemory.
Thereare three different types:
1.dissociative amnesia 解离性失忆症:
2.dissociative fugue 解离性漫游症:
3.dissociative identity disorder 解离性人格障碍: so people, from the philosopher DanDennett to the psychologist Judith Harris have pointed out thatwe’re different selves in different situations. We can consciouslyplay act the different selves but we could just shift personalitiesdepending on whether we are with our friends or our family or withstrangers. The claim is that dissociative identity disorder howeverdramatic it looks might merely be an extended version of this wherepeople as well are to some extent play acting to make theirtherapist and doctors happy.
Narcissistic personality disorder 自恋型人格障碍
Avoidant personality disorder 逃避型人格障碍
Dependent 依赖型
Histrionic 表演型
Borderline 边缘型
Paranoid personality disorder 偏执型人格障碍 you’re just – to a greater extent thannormal. You think other people are against you and plotting againstyou.
Antisocial personality disorder. 反社会人格。
Thesuccessful ones, are the ones that run the world that excel inevery field because they are successful enough that they don’t looklike psychopaths精神变态者. They have no conscience, no compassion, love,loyalty. They are cold-blooded and ambitious but they don’t goaround making this so obvious.
Does therapy work?
Lesson 20
20. TheGood Life: Happiness
Therapy by andlarge works. We can not cure these diseases, but we can often makethem better.
Mostpsychology focuses on misery.
Positive Psychology
1.Marty Seligman 马丁 塞里格曼is the pioneer of positive psychology.He’s written an excellent book called 《Authentic Happiness》.
2.Jonathan Haidt
4.Dan Gilbert’s 《Stumbling on Happiness》
How happy you are?
Itturns out that most people think they are happier than theaverage.
There’s the Lake Wobegon effect (the tendency of takingeverything above the average) with happiness.
Happiness vary in different people
1.Happiness doesn’tchange as much as you think. Your happiness is not sensitiveto what happens in your environment as you might think itis.
2.There are some geneticdetermination, not entirely but some, in how happy youare.
3.We think these things would have profound effectson our happiness but they need not and they oftendon’t.“Affectiveforecasting”幸福感预测
4.The reason lie in weadapt, we get used to it. But there are exceptions: the effects of cosmeticsurgery整形手术. It makes people happier and stays in happier.And one of the explanations of this is how we look is veryimportant to us.
5.How do you deal with the fact that everything you aspireto, once you get it you’ll be used to it and it will lose itsvalue?One answer is possession is not the key to happiness. From there,you have two alternatives, one is endless novelty. Then there isthe old guy alternative ____give up chasing the whole happinessthing and then seek out more substantial goods like friends andfamily and long-term projects.
6.Happiness is relative.Your happiness depends on your relative circumstance as long as youare not desperately poor. Your role in a hierarchy plays asignificant effect on your level of happiness.
7.Ending reallymatters. It turns out that if you want to give people a goodmemory, or a less bad memory, of a horrible event, topping them offwith some mild pain will do the trick.
So Iwant to close this course by emphasize two themes.
1.There are some very basic questions about the mindthat nobody knows the answer to yet. We know the brain is thesource of mental life but we don’t have any understanding at allabout how exactly this happens, about how a physical object, a lumpof meat, can give rise to conscious experience. We know that abouthalf of the variants in personality, about half the differencesbetween people are due to genetic factors. 但我们不知道如何解释另一半。应该是由于经历不同,但我们不能很好解释是何种经历,让一个人很爱冒险,而另一个很保守,一个很刻薄,一个很知足,我们十分了解社交影响,它能使一个人对其他人做出可怕的举动,但我们无法回答更难的问题。为什么有些人能不受它影响。为什么有人做好事,甚至是英雄举动,无论他们身陷何种处境。所以还要做很多研究,这是一个令人激动的领域。因为我们需要了解的东西还有很多。
做完笔记的最大感受是——我好像没做过笔记。不记得那谁谁谁说的来着,一遍等于没有。 我不能再同意了。一份笔记的作用——如果有的话——无非是重复地再现你所学过的东西,而重复,是所有人成就伟大的关键之一。不管有空没空,只要还对心理学有些兴趣,就该常回来看看。