美国桥牌协会简报的书评作者 JodyLatham1993 年7月
Book Review
The BULLETIN July 1993
The Squeeze at Bridge
by Chien-Hwa Wang
Squeezes have longbeen considered an expert's tool. This book will do little tochange that opinion.
The author, aprofessor at the University of Beijing, has some excellentillustrations but his prose is difficult to follow.
In addition, theauthor dwells on squeezes one is unlikely to encounter. The earlychapters−−which deal with elements of the squeeze and simplesqueezes—are helpful, but the later chapters would interest only astudent of the abstruse.
This is not acasual−−or an easy−−read. Also, the book has several glaring typos,which are distracting.
Jody Latham
Published by andavailable from Cadogan Books, 369 Euston Road, London NW1 3AR.Softcover. 203 pages. $14.95.