动词简单过去式三 动词过去式的发音规则

1. He bought a comic book last weekend. (改为一般疑问句)

_______ he _______ a comic book last weekend?

2. She was a teacher 10 years ago. (改为否定句)

She _______ a teacher 10 years ago.

3. My parents go to Shanghai. (就画线内容用过去式提问)

Where _______ your parents _______?

同学们,这些空格处应该填写什么内容呢?有同学说了:这还不简单啊! 第1题答案应该是Does he buy a comic book last night? 第2题应该是She isn’t a teacher 10 years ago. 那么第三题就是Where did your parents went? 那到底这些答案对不对呢?过去时的否定句和一般疑问句到底应该是什么样子的呢?仔细往下看!



肯定:She watched TV last night. 她昨天晚上看电视了。

否定:She didn’t watch TV last night. 她昨天晚上没有看电视。

肯定:Tom went to the book shop last weekend. 汤姆上周末去书店了。

否定:Tom didn’t go to the book shop last weekend. 汤姆上周没有去书店。

肯定:My grandpa came my home yesterday. 我外婆昨天来我家了。

否定:My grandpa didn’t come my home yesterday. 我外婆昨天没有来我家。

看出来了吗?其实很简单,一般动词过去时若要变成否定句,只需要在动词前面加did not(=didn’t)就可以了,即:过去时否定句: 主语+ didn’t+原形动词


在过去式的否定句中,必须注意的是动词要用原形,而不是动词的过去式!为什么呢?因为did 本身已经表示过去的状态了。

(2)be 动词的否定句

肯定:I was very busy. 我很忙。

否定:I was not very busy. 我不是很忙。

肯定:You were in class yesterday. 你昨天在班上。

否定:You were not in class yesterday. 你昨天缺课了。

肯定:He was at home last night. 他昨晚在家。

否定:He was not at home last night. 他昨天夜里不在家。

肯定:We were very hungry at that time. 那个时刻我们很饿。

否定:We were not very hungry at that time. 那个时刻我们并不是很饿。

想要将be动词的过去时改为否定句,其实更简单:只要在was或者were 后面加上not 就搞定了!



陈述句:Mary walked to school yesterday. 玛丽昨天走路去上学。

疑问句:Did Mary walk to school yesterday? 玛丽昨天是走路上学的吗?

Yes, she did. 是的,她是。

陈述句:It rained last night. 昨天晚上下雨了。

疑问句:Did it rain last night? 昨天晚上下雨了吗?

No, it didn’t. 没有,昨晚没有下雨。

看出来点什么了吗?其实只需要将 “did” 置于句首,“?”置于句尾就Ok了!

  不管主语人称是单数还是复数,句首一律以did开头,回答的方法如下。肯定回 答“Yes, 主语的代词+did.”

否定回答 “No,主语的代词+didn’t.”

(2)be 动词的疑问句

陈述句:You were busy yesterday. 你昨天在忙。

疑问句:Were you busy yesterday? 你昨天在忙吗?

No, I was not. 不,我不忙。

陈述句:The movie was interesting. 那部电影很有趣。

疑问句:Was the movie interesting? 那部电影有趣吗?

Yes, it was. 是的,那部电影很有趣。


肯定回答 “Yes, 主语的代词+was/were.”

否定回答 “No,主语的代词+was not/were not.

看完这些内容之后刚开始的那3道题的正确答案是不是已经非常明确了呢?分别是:1. Did he buy a comic book last night?

2. She wasn’t a teacher 10 years ago.

3. Where did your parents go?




watch TV wash clothes clean the room

play football visit grandparents go ice-skating

go to a park go swimming read a book

go fishing have go hiking

learn Chinese get to sing and dance

eat delicious food go climb a mountain

take pictures buy presents row a boat

do see elephants go skiing


( )1. My father __________ ill yesterday.

A. isn't B. aren't C. wasn't D. weren't

( )2. __________your parents at home last week?

A. Is B. Was C. Are D. Were

( )3. Thetwins__________ in Dalianlast year. They __________ here now.

A. are; were B. were; are C. was; are D. were; was

( )4. __________your father at work the day__________ yesterday﹖

A. Was; before B. Is; before C. Was; after D. Is; after

( )5. —Who was on duty last Friday﹖


A. I am B. I was C. Yes, I was D. No, I wasn't


1. The Greens ________ (greet) me warmly yesterday.

2. __________ (be) you at the butcher‘s yesterday morning?

3. Long long ago, there __________ (be) an old temple.

4. I __________ (buy) a lovely dog last year.

5. A car ___________ (hit) a tree last week.

6. David ___________ (swim) very well this afternoon.

7. I __________ (do) my homework very carefully last night.

8. Who __________ (make) the first train?

9. He __________ (live) in America two years ago.

10. The boy __________ (listen) to the teacher carefully last week.

11. We __________ (watch) a Japanese cartoon last Friday.

12. Nancy __________ (pick) up oranges on the farm last week.

13. I __________ (pull) up carrot with Mike yesterday.

14. They __________ (play) chess in the classroom last PE lesson..

15. My mother __________ (cook) a nice food last Spring Festival(春节).

16. The girls __________ (dance) at the party last Wednesday.

17.The students __________ (study) very hard last month(月).

18. My parents __________ (plan) to have a good weekend last Thursday.

19. We__________ (visit) our grandparents last Sunday.

20. My grandparents__________ (be) very happy to see us.

21. The children__________ (water) the flowers and__________ (collect) eggs on the farm three days ago .

22. Su Yang__________ (clean) her house with Su Hai two days ago.

23. Mike__________ (taste) a lot of oranges on the farm when he was ten years old.

24. Yesterday evening, __________ I (walk) in the park with my cousin.

25. Ben__________ (ask) his mother many questions when he was five years old.


1. Ann sold his old car last month. (改成一般疑问句,并做肯定回答)

2. She studied English last night. (改成复数形式)

3. I had a good time yesterday. (改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)

4. He got up early this morning. (改为一般疑问句,作否定回答)
动词简单过去式(三) 动词过去式的发音规则

5. I didn’t enjoy myself at the zoo this morning. (改成肯定句)

6. My father read a story book for me yesterday. (就划线部分提问)


Long long ago, a tiger saw a cat in a jungle(), the tiger said, “I can’t hunt(), can you teach me ?” So the cat taught the tiger. But the tiger was a bad student, because he wanted to eat his teacher.

Then the cat climbed a tree very quickly, and said to the tiger, “ha , ha, you can’t eat me , because I didn’t teach you climb the tree!”

Answer the questions:

1. Where did the tiger see the cat?


2. Who was the teacher?


3. Did the cat teach the tiger to hunt?



爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101014/190954.html


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