HikinginCanadaandtheUSAisthe preferred term for a long, vigorous walk in the countryside,often onhikingtrails,while the word walking is used for shorter, particularly urbanwalks. On the other hand in theUnitedKingdom,and theRepublic ofIreland,the term walking is used to describe all forms of walking, whetherit is a walk in the park ortrekkingintheAlps.The word hiking is also sometimes used in the UK, along withrambling,hillwalking,and fell walking. InNewZealandalong, vigorous walk or hike is calledtramping.[1]Itis such a popular activity that there are numeroushikingorganizationsworldwide,and studies suggest that hiking and walking have healthbenefits.[2][3]Hikingtimes can be estimated byNaismith'sruleorTobler'shiking function.

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