Jesse: Eastern? No, no...
Céline: No? I, uh, remember as a teenager I went to Warsaw, whenit was still a strict communist regime. Which I don't approve of atall.
Jesse: (Sarcastically.) Oh yeah, sure you don't...
Céline: No, I don’t.
Jesse: No, I'm just kidding!
Céline: But, anyway, something about being there was veryinteresting, I found. After a couple of weeks, something changed inme. The city was quite gloomy and gray and...but, after a while, mybrain seemed clearer. I was writing a lot more in my journal, ideasI had never thought of before.
Jesse: Communist ideas?
Céline: Listen, I'm not...
Jesse: I'm sorry, I can't...Go on!
Céline: I'll send you to a Gulag! No...but it took me a while tofigure out why it felt, you know, so different. And then, one day,as I was walking through the Jewish cemetery, I don't know why, butit occurred to me there, I realized that I had spent the last 2weeks away from most of my habits. TV was in a language I didn'tunderstand. There was nothing to buy, no advertisements anywhere.So, all I've been doing was...walk around, think, and write. Mybrain felt like it was at rest, free from the consuming frenzy. AndI have to say, it was almost like a natural high. I felt sopeaceful inside, no...strange urge to be somewhere else, toshop...Maybe it could have seemed like boredom at first, but itquickly became very, very soulful. It's interesting, youknow?
Jesse: Can you believe that it was 9 years ago that we werewalking around Vienna?
Céline: 9 years? No that's impossible.
Jesse: It was, I know, it feels like 2 months ago to me, but itwas summer '94.
Céline: (Placing her elbows on the table, and her chin in herhands. Then, she leans back.) Do we look any different? (Pauses.) Ido.
Jesse: (Pauses, sniffs then cocks his head to one side.) I'd haveto see you naked.
Céline: (Horrified.) What? (Starts laughing.)
Jesse: I'm sorry. Your hair was different back then, it waslike...
Céline: What, it's the same. (Flips her ponytail with herhand.)
Jesse: Yeah, take it down, let's see! (Motions with both hands toher to take her hair down.)
Céline: Down, it was down. OK. (Takes her hair down.) Well,voila! (Untangles her hair.) So? OK, come on, tell me.
Jesse: Uh...skinnier, I think, (nodding, and motioning to hischin) a little thinner.
Céline: Did you think I was fat before?
Jesse: No. (Laughs and looks away.)
Céline: Yeah, you thought I was a fatty. No, you thought I was afatty. Yeah, you wrote a book about a fat French girl! Oh, no!(Covers her eyes in mock shame.)
Jesse: No, listen. Seriously, alright, you look beautiful. Do Ilook any different? (Drinks from his cup.)
Céline: No. Not at all, although actually, (pointing to hisforehead) you have this line.
Jesse: I know. (Touches his forehead between his eyebrows.)
Céline: Looks like a scar.
Jesse: (Indignantly.) A SCAR? What, like a gunshot wound?
Céline: No, no, no, I lied to you, I'm sorry. I had thisfunny...well, horrible dream the other day. I was having this awfulnightmare, that I was 32, and then I woke up, and I was 23, sorelieved! And then I woke up for real, and I was 32. Scary!
Jesse: It happens.
Céline: Yeah, time goes faster and faster. Apparently, it'sbecause we don't renew our synapses after 20. So, it's pretty muchdownhill from then on. Oh well.
Jesse: I like getting older, you know, it feels...I don't know,it feels more immediate. You know, like I can appreciate thingsmore.
Céline: No, me too, actually. I really love it.
Jesse: I was once a... ...a drummer in a band.
Céline: You were?
Jesse: Yeah, we were pretty good, actually. But then...the leadsinger guy, he was just so obsessed with us getting a record deal.(Céline reaches into her bag and withdraws a cigarette.) You know,it's all we talked about, it was all we thought about, gettingbigger shows, and everything was just...focused on the future, allthe time. And now, the band doesn't even exist anymore, right? Andlooking back at the shows we did play, know, (motioning for emphasis) it was just so muchfun! Now I'd be able to enjoy every minute of it. Can I have adrag? (She hand him the cigarette.)
Céline: Well, your book has been published, that's... that's apretty big deal, and you've been all around Europe with it. Are youenjoying every minute of it?
Jesse: (Exhaling smoke, and shaking his head.) Notreally...
Céline: Not really? (They both laugh.)
Jesse: Do you have another one of those?
Céline: Yes, of course. (Hands him a cigarette.) Um, here. (Hetakes the cigarette and taps it 3 times on the table.) In my field,I see these people that... (Hands him her cigarette so he can lightthe one she has given him.)...uh, sorry...come into it with bigidealist visions of becoming the new leader that will create abetter world. They enjoy the goal, but not the process!
Jesse: Right.
Céline: But the reality of it is that the true work of improvingthings is in the little achievements of the day. And that's whatyou need to enjoy, just in that field.
Jesse: What, what do you mean, exactly?
Céline: Well, for example, I was working for this organizationthat helped villages in Mexico. And their concerns was how to getthe pencils sent to the kid in these little country schools. I wasnot about big revolutionary ideas, it was about pencils. I see thepeople that do the real work and what's really sad, in a way, isthat...the people that are the most giving, hard working andcapable of making this world better, usually don't have the ego andambition to be a leader. They don't see any interest in superficialrewards, they don't care if...if their name ever appear in thepress. They actually enjoy the process of helping others, they'rein the moment.
Jesse: Yeah, but that's so hard! You know, to be in the moment. Ijust feel like I'm...designed to be slightly dissatisfied witheverything. You know? I mean, like...always trying to better mysituation. You know, I satisfy one desire, and it just... agitatesanother, you know? Then I think, to hell with it, right? I mean,desire is the fuel of life, I mean, do you think it's true that ifwe never wanted anything, we'd never be unhappy?
Céline: I don't know... Not wanting anything, isn't that... asymptom of depression? Yeah, that is, right? I mean, it's healthyto desire, right?
Jesse: Yeah... I don't know, I mean, it's what all those Buddhistguys say, right? You know, liberate yourself from desire and you'llfind that you already have everything you need.
Céline: Yeah, but I feel really alive when I want something morethan just basic survival needs. I mean, wanting whether it'sintimacy with another person, or a new pair of shoes, is kind ofbeautiful. I like that we have those ever-renewing desires.
Jesse: Well, maybe it's just a sense of entitlement. You know,like whenever you feel like you deserve that new pair of shoes, youknow. It's OK to want things as long as you don't get pissed off ifyou don't get 'em. Right? Life's hard. It's supposed to be. If wedidn't suffer, we wouldn't learn a thing, you know?
Céline: So, what? Are you a Buddhist or something?
Jesse: No.
Céline: No? Why not?
Jesse: I don't know, uh...Same reason I don't consider myselfanything, really.
Céline: Yeah, I know. I decided a long time ago that I was gonnabe open to everything, but, not buy into any one-and-only beliefsystem.
Jesse: I went to this, uh, Trappist monastery, a couple of yearsago.
Céline: Trappist?
Jesse: Yeah, they're Catholics, Cistercians.
Céline: Why did you do that?
Jesse: Why? I had just been doing some reading, I guess... Idon't know, I thought it'd be cool. Have you ever spent any timewith any monks and nuns?
Céline: No. It's not really my style.
Jesse: No? I expected them to be all glowering and stern, youknow, but they weren't. They were really quick to laugh, reallyeasy to be around. Seriously, very attuned to everything. They werejust, know, they weren't trying to hustle anybody. They'retrying to live and die, in peace with God, you know, or whateverpart of them they feel is eternal. It was just so refreshing to bearound. You know, you realize that most of the people that you meetare trying to get somewhere better, you know, they're trying tomake a little bit more cash, trying to get a little more respect,have more people admire them, you know. It's just exhausting.
Céline: Yeah, no kidding.
Jesse: You know, it's exhausting to be one of those peopleyourself, you know? I mean, there I...there I am, right, you know,all greedy to be more spiritual, you know, I wanna be a betterperson, you know? You can't escape.
Céline: I had this...this boyfriend of mine, many years ago, thatwanted to be a Buddhist, he went to Asia to visit some ofthose monasteries.
Jesse: Yeah, I thought about doing that, too.
Céline: Yeah, you should. I'll tell you why. Ah, he was quitegood looking, and, each time he went to one of those monasteries, amonk offered to suck his cock. (They both laugh.) True story!
Jesse: Well, it all comes down to that, doesn't it? I mean, Ithink that's why I really admire what you're doing, you know?
Céline: What do you mean, sucking cock?
Jesse: Ah, NO. I was gonna say, know, you're notdetached from life. You know, you're putting your passion intoaction.
Céline: Well, I try.
Jesse: (Reaches forward to put out his cigarette.) Hey, you knowsomething, I'm...I'm gonna be on planes, and like, in an airportfor the next 8 hours. I'd just love see a little bit moreof Paris. Would you walk around with me a little bit?
Céline: Yeah, yeah, let's do that!
Jesse: Do you mind?
Céline: No, no, no, that's great!
Jesse: Do you want to?
Céline: Let’s do that. Yeah, yeah, that's great! (They both standup and inspect the bill.)
Jesse: What do we owe here? 4,50. (She reaches for her purse.)No, no, I got it, I got it. I got a little per diem going on here.Is this good for like a tip?
Céline: Yeah, that's fine. That's more than enough.
Jesse: Alright, is there anywhere to go around here?
Céline: (Putting her bag over her shoulder.) Uh, it's sales day,today!
Jesse: (Grabs his coat and shakes his head.) What's that?
Céline: It's when everything is on sale in Paris. It's twice ayear. (To the cafe staff.) Au revoir, merci!
Jesse: (To the cafe staff.) Au revoir, merci! Alright, let's goshopping!
Céline: (They exit the cafe and turn left.) No, no, no, no,that's a bad idea. I don't want to inflict that on you. It'smadness. Let's just go on this garden path.
Jesse: Alright.
Céline: It's really nice.
Scene IV – Garden Walk A La Promenade Plantée
Location notes: the garden walk takes place at la PromenadePlantée, which is atop the Viaduc des Arts, on Avenue Daumesnil. Itis located in the 12th arrondissement, and is therefore a 25-30min. walk from Le Pure Café, not right around the corner as impliedby the editing of the film. Metro: Bastille stop on lines 1, 5,8.
(As of this revision, we do not yet know the exact location ofthe staircases used by Jesse and Céline to enter and exit thepromenade. Please post updates to yahoogroups.)
Jesse: Alright, that sounds better than shopping, actually. Imean, not that I wouldn't do whatever you wanted.
Céline: You know, sometimes I don't even need to buy anything. Ijust get high on trying on and looking at things.
Jesse: Yeah, well a therapist would tell you...Is this wherewe're going?
Céline: Yeah! (They begin to climb the stairs.)
Jesse: A therapist would tell you it's all good.
Céline: Really?
Jesse: Yeah.
Céline: Are you ever in therapy?
Jesse: Oh, no. Do I seem like I'm in therapy?
Céline: (Laughs.) I'm kidding. Has it helped your sexproblems?
Jesse: My SEX problems?
Céline: No, I'm kidding.
Jesse: No, c’mon, tell me the truth. I mean, we didn't have anyproblems that night.
Céline: No, I'm kidding! (He brushes her hair away from hereyes.) We didn't even have sex, anyway.
Jesse: But, that's a joke, right?
Céline: No, we didn't! I mean, that was the whole thing.
Jesse: No, of course we did!
Céline: No, no, no, no, we didn't. You didn't have a condom, andI never have sex without one. Especially on a one night thing. Imean, I'm extremely paranoid about my health. There's no way Iwould have...
Jesse: (Stops climbing the stairs, and holds his hands up. Célineturns to face him.) Whoa, I find this very scary that you don'tremember what happened.
Céline: What? (Turns away and starts climbing again. Jessefollows.) No, listen, OK...I didn't write an entire book, but Ikept a journal, OK? And I wrote the whole night in it. That's whatI mean, you idealizing the night!
Jesse: Alright, listen! I even remember what brand of condom weused.
Céline: OK, that's disgusting. I don't want to hear it!
Jesse: It's not disgusting.
Céline: OK, you know what, when I get home, I'll check my journalfrom '94, but I know I'm right! (Jesse shakes his head quietlywhile she pauses for a moment and slows down.) Wait aminute...
Jesse: What?
Céline: Was it in the cemetery?
Jesse:, we went to the cemetery in the afternoon, it wasin a park. VERY late at night? In the park.
Céline: (Hand to forehead.) Wait a minute.
Jesse: (Shakes his head in disgust.) I can’t…I can’t…
Céline: (Shakes her head as if trying to remember.) No…
Jesse: Is it that forgettable? I mean, you really don'tremember...(clapping hands together for emphasis) in thepark!
Céline: OK, wait a minute. I...I think you might be right.
Jesse: Alright now, you're messing with me, now. Are you messingwith me?
Céline: OK, no, I'm sorry! I think you...I mean, you're right,OK? Sometimes, I put things in drawers inside my head, and forgetabout it. (Jesse covers his eyes to show frustration.) I guess it'sless painful to put certain things away than to live with it! I'msorry!
Jesse: So that...that night was a sad memory for you?
Céline: No, I didn't mean that night in particular. I just meantcertain things are better off forgotten.
Jesse: I remember that night better than I do entire years.
Céline: Me too.
Jesse: (Sarcastically.) Really?
Céline: Well, I thought I did...But, maybe I...Maybe I put itaway because of the fact grandmother's funeral was theday we were supposed to meet again.
Jesse: Yeah, right, it was a tough day for me, but it must havebeen worse for you.
Céline: It was unreal. I remember looking at her dead body in thecoffin. (Sighs.) Her beautiful hands so warm, so sweet, that usedto hold me, that...Nothing in that coffin resembled what Iremembered of her. All the warmth was gone. Then I was crying...soconfused if I was crying because I was never gonna see her againand never gonna see...(sighs) you again. I'm sorry. I'm sorry to goon like this, I've been a little down this week, I don'tknow.
Jesse: Why?
Céline: I don't know, nothing bad, just... reading your book,maybe? No, but...thinking about how hopeful I was that summer andfall, and since then it's been kind of a...I don't know. Memory isa wonderful thing, if you don't have to, uh, deal with thepast.
Jesse: “Memory is a wonderful thing, if you don't have to dealwith the past.” Can I put that on a bumper sticker? No, you knowwhat? If you wrote a book about our night, that would be a goodtitle!
Céline: Yeah, it could be a totally different book.
Jesse: Yeah, there'd be no sex scenes. (Céline laughs.)
Céline: But you know what?
Jesse: What?
Céline: Now that we've met again, we can change our memory ofthat December 16th. It no longer has that sad ending of us neverseeing each other again. Right?
Jesse: Yeah, you’re right. I guess a memory is never finished. Aslong as you're alive...
Céline: Yeah, I know. I have this memory from my childhood, thatI realized recently, never happened.
Jesse: What?
Céline: Well, when I was 8 or 9, my mom was so paranoid when Iwas walking home, from my piano lesson at night. She would alwayswarn me about dirty old men, giving me candies, and then showing metheir peepees. She was so obsessed with it, that later in life, youknow, I had...I had this image in my head that this reallyhappened. To the point that I even associated sex with that walkhome. I mean, sometimes, even now, when I'm...(sighs and laughs)when I'm…when I’m having sex, I see myself walking down thatstreet. I swear! (Laughs.) It's so weird, right?
Jesse: Well, is that street nearby? I mean, could...
Céline: NO. (Laughs.) Very far. Did you ever keep a journal whenyou were a kid?
Jesse: Um, yeah...On and off, I guess.
Céline: It's funny, I read of mine from '83, the otherday.
Jesse: Yeah?
Céline: And, what really surprised me, is that I was feeling withlife, the same way am now. I was much more hopeful and naive, butthe core, and the way I was feeling things, is exactly the same. Itmade me realize I haven't changed much at all.
Jesse: Yeah, I don't think anybody does; people don't want toadmit it, but it's like we just...we have these innate setpoints.
Céline: Uh-huh.
Jesse: You know, it's like...nothing much that happens to uschanges our disposition.
Céline: Really, you believe that?
Jesse: I think so. I read this study where they followed peoplewho had won the lottery, and people who had become paraplegics,right. I mean you'd think know, one extreme is gonnamake you...euphoric, and the other suicidal. But the study showsthat after about 6 months…
Céline: Uhum?
Jesse: soon as people got used to their new situation,they were more or less the same.
Céline: The same?
Jesse: Well, yeah...Like if they were basically an optimistic,jovial person, they're now an optimistic, jovial person, in awheelchair. If they're a petty miserable asshole, OK, they're apetty miserable asshole with a new Cadillac, a house and aboat.
Céline: So, you’ll now be forever depressed, no matter what greatthings happen in my life?
Jesse: Definitely.
Céline: Great! (Laughs.)
Jesse: No, c’mon...Are you depressed now?
Céline: No, no, I'm not depressed. But, sometimes I worry thatI'll get to the end of my life feeling I haven't done all I've allI wanted to do.
Jesse: Oh, what do you wanna do?
Céline: (Sighs.) I, um, I want to paint more, I myguitar everyday, I wanna learn Chinese, I wanna write moresongs...There're so many things I wanna do, and end up doing notmuch.
Jesse: (Laughs.) Alright well, well let me ask you this: do youbelieve in, like... ghosts or spirits?
Céline: Um, no.
Jesse: No?
Céline: No.
Jesse: OK, uh, what about reincarnation?
Céline: Not at all.
Jesse: God?
Céline: No. (They both laugh.) That sounds…that sounds terrible.No, no, no. But, at the same time I don't wanna be one of thosepeople that don't believe in any kind of magic, you know.
Jesse: So then, astrology.
Céline: Yes, of course!
Jesse: There we go, right!
Céline: I mean, that makes sense, right? You're a Scorpio, I'm aSag, so we get along. (They both laugh.) No! No, no…There's a…anEinstein quote I really, really like. He said, um: "If you don'tbelieve in any kind of magic, or mystery, you’re basically as goodas dead."
Jesse: Yeah, I like that. I've always felt there was some kind ofmystical core to the universe. You know that…More recently, Istarted to think that...that know, my personality,whatever, that...I don't have any permanent place here. You know,in eternity, or whatever, you know. And the more I think that, Ican't go through life saying that this is no big deal, you know.(Punches his right fist into left hand for emphasis.) I mean, thisis it! This is actually happening. What do you... think isinteresting, what do you think is funny, what do you think isimportant? You know, every day is our last.
Céline: When I feel that way, I...usually call my mom to tell herhow much I love her.
Jesse: Yeah.
Céline: And she's always: "Are you OK? Do you have cancer? (Jesselaughs.) Are you going to commit suicide?" It's almost not worthit. (Laughs and looks at Jesse.) So, uh…So what about us?
Jesse: What about us?
(At this exact moment, the man in the red shirt and sunglassesgets up from a bench on Jesse’s right and starts to walk towardthem. The camera is behind them when he appears. The camera cuts tothe front view of Jesse and Céline, but the man in red does notappear for nearly 6 seconds after the cut. We have unconfirmedreports that he stopped to tie his shoe.)
Céline: No, what I mean is, if we were both going to die,tonight…
Jesse: What, like if the Apocalypse was coming?
Céline: No, no, that's too dramatic. But, what if... you know,just the two of us were going to die. I mean, would we talk aboutyour book, the environment or...
Jesse: If today was our last day?
Céline: Yeah, what would we talk about, what would you tell me,for example?
Jesse: Well...
Céline: That's hard.
Jesse: No, I'll do it, I'll do it. I definitely... would stoptalking about my book. I have to admit I would probably drop theenvironment. But, I would still...want to talk about, you know,magic and the universe. I'd just wanna do it from a...
Céline: What?
Jesse: ...a hotel room. You know? In between sessions of us, uhwildly fucking, until we die.
Céline: Wow?! Well, why waste time with an hotel room? Why not doit right there…(motioning) on a bench?
Jesse: (Grabs her by the left wrist and drags her to the bench,sitting down while he puts her on his lap.) Come here, comehere...
Céline: No! (Covers her eyes and whimpers in mock horror.) OK.We're not gonna die tonight. OK?
Jesse: Alright, too bad.
Céline. Yeah.
Jesse: I'm sorry.
Céline: (Gets off his lap, and sits on the bench on Jesse’sleft.) That was…an extreme example.
Jesse: I'm sorry.
Céline: OK. What I...My point was, you know, to truly communicatewith people is very hard to do.
Jesse: No, I know, I mean most of our...most of our day to dayexchanges…
Céline: Yeah, I know, I mean... not to bring everything back tosex.
Jesse: But, why not?
Céline: No, no, this example, this friend of mine, she...she wastalking about..she and her boyfriend…problems in bed.
Jesse: Right?
Céline: And, uh, how when, they had been dating for a year, shestarted telling him what he could do to please her more. And ittotally freaked him out.
Jesse: Why?
Céline: Totally. Well, he felt all threatened and he thought hewas a bad lover.
Jesse: Maybe she shouldn't have waited so long. You know, after ayear…
Céline: Well, yeah, but, men are so easily offended!
Jesse: Oh, what, more than women, you think?
Céline: Oh, definitely on that subject!
Jesse: You think so?
Céline: Yeah! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Well, maybe it's because, are...easier please.
Jesse: (At the same time.) To please?
Céline: Well, I don't know...
Jesse: Yeah, they are, they definitely...definitely.
Céline: Anyway, this friend of mine, she was telling me that, um,next time she dates another man, she's gonna make a littlequestionnaire, about what they like and dislike, before theyeven...
Jesse: Oh, like written down, or out loud?
Céline: Yeah, yeah, written down, mostly written down. But itwouldn't be know, yes or no, it would be a little morecomplex than that. Like for example, if the question is: "Are youinto S&M?" The answer could be, "No, but, a good spanking oncein a while doesn't hurt." (Jesse laughs.) Right?
Jesse: Right. Or like, uh, what, "So do you like talking dirty inbed?" That kind of thing?
Céline: Yeah, yeah, yeah, but not just like...any dirty talk.Just like: "What specific word would you like to hear?" You know,like...
Jesse: What, me?
Céline: Well, yeah. Like, for example, like what specific wordwould you like to hear?
Jesse: I don't know...
Céline: Um...what do you feel about the word "Pussy"? (Gesturesas if writing the word.)
Jesse: I...LOVE…IT.
Céline: Good. (Laughs.) It's amazing what...perverts we've becomein the past 9 years.
Jesse: I know, I know. Well, at least now we don't have topretend that each new sexual experience is like a life-alteringevent.
Céline: I know, by now, I know you've stuck it in so many places,it's like, about to fall off.
Jesse: I mean, you know, I can't realistically expect you to havebecome anything but a total ho’, at this point.
Céline: Yeah, thank you.
Jesse: (Laughs.) No, I'm sor...
Céline: That's true, what can you do?
Jesse: What can you do? (Both look away for a moment.) So...whatkind of songs do you write? I didn't know you did that.
Céline: What kind?
Jesse: Yeah, sure.
Céline: I don't know, just songs. Like some are about, you know,people, um, relationships. One's about my cat.
Jesse: Sing one! Just...
Céline: No, I can't, I don't have a guitar.
Jesse: Oh, I mean, come on, a capella.
Céline: No, no, no. No, no, no, I'm not singing a song without aguitar, you're nuts!
Jesse: (In mock disbelief.) Why not? (Céline laughs.)
Céline: No, OK, not now.
Jesse: One! (Holds up his finger.)
Céline: No.
Jesse: If not now, when? You want to meet here in six months,with a guitar? You know, I'll fly all they way over here, you mayor may not make the metro...
Céline: OK, that's... that's funny. That’s really no…(Stands upsuddenly from the bench, and extends her left hand.) We've got toget going back to the bookstore!
Jesse: (Looks at his watch.) What, we’ve got…
Céline: You'll miss your flight. Come on, let's go! (Takes him bythe left hand, and pulls him up off the bench.)
Jesse: Alright, alright.
Céline: We can walk down la Seine. It's…it’s a nice thing. (Ajogger runs past them.) So, you're flying back to New York?
Jesse: Yeah, yeah.
Céline: So I read in that article that you're married, with akid. That's great!
Jesse: Yeah, he's um…He's 4.
Céline: Uhum, what's his name?
Jesse: Henry. Little Hank, he's so much fun.
Céline: Oh, wow, I'm sure. (They reach some stairs and start towalk down.) And, your wife, what does she do?
Jesse: She teaches elementary school. Do you…do you havekids?
Céline: Yes, two…Shit! (Stops and grabs the railing.)
Jesse: What?
Céline: I left them in the car! With the windows up, it was 6months ago. (Jesse laughs.) No, I'm kidding. (They start climbingdown again.) No, but um...(Jesse climbs onto the railing, andbegins sliding down with his feet first.) I want to have kidssomeday, I'm just not ready, yet.
Jesse: (Still sliding down the railing.) Yeah?
Céline: Yeah, I'm in a good relationship, though.
Jesse: Oh, yeah? That's good.
Céline: Yeah.
Jesse: What's he do?
Céline: He's a photojournalist. He does, uh, war coverage. He'saway a lot, which in a way is good for me, because I'm so busy.(They reach the bottom of the stairs and continue walking.)
Location notes: at this point, the camera cuts to Jesse andCéline walking along la Seine on the Left Bank. The scene hasjumped from the 12th arrondissement to the 5th, not far from thebookstore. In reality, you would need to walk 20-25 min. from laPromenade Plantée to reach this point. Behind them, Pont de laTournelle is visible.
Scene V – Boatride A La Seine
Location notes: Jesse and Céline board the boat at Quai de laTournelle, facing Notre Dame from the south, and get off the boatat Quai Henri IV. In reality, their ride would only cover 1 stop onthe normal boat route, and take about 5 minutes. In the film, theystay on the boat much longer. We know the boatride on film does notexist by counting the number of bridges that they pass through – 7.In reality, riding the boat between those two stops, you would onlypass under 2 bridges. The Quai de la Tournelle is only 5 min. walkfrom the bookstore. Note Céline’s mild protests about getting onthe boat were not entirely about Jesse being late for his plane;these boats, known as “les bateaux mouches,” are rather looked downupon by the Parisian locals.
Jesse: Yeah, but isn't it dangerous? I mean, aren't a lot ofthose guys getting killed these days?
Céline: He promises me he doesn't take risks. (They veer rightfrom the sidewalk to walk close toward the river.) But I oftenworry. He goes in this trance when he starts to photograph somethings.
Jesse: What do you mean?
Céline: Well, once we were in New Delhi and we passed a bum, thatwas lying down the sidewalk…
Jesse: A “bom”?
Céline: A bum! A homeless...
Jesse: A bum (laughs), alright.
Céline: Anyway, like, he looked like he needed help, but hisfirst reaction was to photograph him. He went, like, really closeto his face, fixing his collar, to make it look better. He was liketotally detached from the person.
Jesse: Yeah, but don’t you have to be like that to be good atthat job?
Céline: Yeah, I mean, I'm know, I'm not...I'm notjudging him for it, you know? What he does is essential andincredible. All I'm saying is I could never do it.
Jesse: (Motioning to tourist boat.) Let's get on that boat! Comeon!
Céline: No!
Jesse: No, come on, it will be fun!
Céline: You don't have time! We gotta go.
Jesse: It's just about to take off. Look, I've got... I'vegot...15 more, do you have a cell phone?
Céline: Yeah.
Jesse: Alright, look, I got that...that driver guy's number, andI can call him, and then they... can pick us up at wherever thenext stop is.
Céline: OK, you know I've never been on these boats, it's fortourists, it's embarrassing!
Jesse: C’mon.
Céline: OK, alright. (To the boat attendant.) Ahh, c’est bon? Onpeut rentrées? (Is it OK for us to get on?) (They board the boat.)Deux tickets, s'il vous plait! (Two tickets please.)
Jesse: No, I'll get it, I'll get it.
Céline: Non, non, c'est bon, j’ai de l’argent! (No, it’s OK, Ihave money!)
Jesse: Alright, alright, alright.
Céline: (To the boat attendant.) C'est ou qu'il s'arrete…leprochain arrete? (Whene does it stop…the next stop?)
Attendant: C’est au quai…merci monsieur. (At the next quai…thankyou, sir.)
Jesse: So, you're in love with that guy?
Céline: What guy?
Jesse: The... the war photographer.
Céline: Yes, of course. (To the attendant.) Merci. (Thankyou.)
Attendant: Merci.
Jesse: (To the attendant) Merci. (To Céline.) I'm sorry, you have that cell phone?
Céline: Oh, yeah. OK.
Jesse: (Turns on the phone.) Alright, what do I tell him?
Céline: Yeah, tell him to pick you up at "Quai Henri IV"
Jesse: Oh, shit. At "Que..."
Céline: Henri quatre, Quai Henri quatre...HEN-RI QUA-TRE...(Laughs.) What's wrong with you? No, do you want me to...Henriquatre.
Jesse: Henry four?
Céline: Yes!
Jesse: Come on, why didn't you say so?
Céline: I'm sorry! (Walks slowly to the bow of the boat as itpulls away from the dock while Jesse speaks on the phone.)
Jesse: (On telephone.) Yes, is this Philippe? Yeah, Philippe,this is Jesse Wallace...uh yeah. Listen, I'm...I'm ah, on one ofthose boats, right? Um and we're gonna arrive Port Henry Four, you know, you know what that is?Alright, gre...And you have my bags, right? Yeah, so will be therein...I don't know it's the next stop. OK. Au revoir. (Heads to thebow of the boat and sits down next to Céline, facing the back ofthe boat.)
Céline: OK?
Jesse: Yeah, yeah.
Jesse: (Looks up at Notre Dame Cathedral behind the boat.) Oh,wow! Notre, check that out!
Céline: Oh, wow!
Jesse: I heard this story once, about when the...the Germans wereoccupying Paris and they had to retreat back, they wired Notre Dameto blow. But they had to...they had to leave one guy in charge ofhitting the switch and the guy, the soldier, he...he couldn't doit. You know, he just sat there, knock
, knocked out by how beautiful the place was. And then, when theAllied troops came in, they found all the explosives just lyingthere...and the switch unturned and they found the same thingat...Sacre Coeur...Eiffel Tower...a couple of other places, Ithink.
Céline: Is that true?
Jesse: I don't know... I always liked the story, though.
Céline: Yeah, that's a great story. But you have to think thatNotre Dame will be gone one day. There used to be another church orcathedral at the same...right there.
Jesse: What, right in the same spot?
Céline: Yeah. Yeah, this is great, I've never done this!
Jesse: Yeah.
Céline: I forget about how beautiful Paris is.
Jesse: It's not so bad being a tourist, you know.
Céline: Thank you for getting me on the boat.
Jesse: Well, you're welcome. You know, I think that book that Iwrote, in a way, was like building something. So that I wouldn'tforget the details of the time that we spent together. You knowlike, just as a reminder that...that once we really did meet, youknow, that this was real. This happened.
Céline: I’m happy you’re saying that because...I mean, I alwaysfeel like a freak because I'm never able to move on like (snaps herfingers) this! You know? People just have an affair oreven...entire relationships...they break up and they forget! Theymove on like they would have changed brand of cereals! I feel I wasnever able to forget anyone I've been with. Because each personhave...their own specific qualities. You can never replace anyone.What is lost is lost.
Each relationship when it ends really damages me; I never fullyrecover. That's why I'm very careful with getting hurts too much! Even getting laid - I actually don'tdo that. I will miss of the person the most mundane things. LikeI'm obsessed with little things.
Maybe I'm crazy, but...when I was a little girl, my mom told methat I was always late to school. One day she followed me to seewhy. I was looking at chestnuts falling from the trees rolling onthe sidewalk or...ants crossing the road...the way a leaf casts ashadow on a tree trunk...little things. I think it's the same withpeople. I see in them little details so specific to each of themthat move me and that I miss, and...will always miss. You can neverreplace anyone, because everyone is made of such beautiful specificdetails.
(Smiling directly at Jesse.) Like I remember the way your beardhas a little bit of red in it. And how the sun was making it glowthat...that morning, right before you left. I remember that and...Imissed it! I'm really crazy, right?
Jesse: Alright, now I know for sure. You wanna know why I wrotethat stupid book?
Céline: Why?
Jesse: So that you might come to a reading in Paris, and I couldwalk up to you and ask, "Where the fuck were you?"
Céline: (Sits down close to him.) No, you think I'd be heretoday?
Jesse: I'm serious, I think I...I wrote it in a way to try tofind you.
Céline: OK, that's... I know that's not true, but that's sweet ofyou to say it.
Jesse: I think it is true. What do you think the chances were ofus ever meeting again?
Céline: After that December I'd say almost zero. If we're notreal anyway, right? We're just...characters in that old lady'sdream. She's on her death bed fantasizing about her ofcourse we have to meet again!
Jesse: Oh, God! (Sighs loudly as he walks to the side of theboat, and looks back at her.) Why weren't you there inVienna?
Céline: (Hesitantly.) I told you why!
Jesse: Well, I know why, I just (pounds his fist into his handtwice) I wish you would've been! Our lives might have been so muchdifferent!
Céline: You think so?
Jesse: I actually do...
Céline: Maybe not, maybe we would have hated each other,eventually.
Jesse: Oh, what, like we hate each other now?
Céline: (Follows him to the side of the boat.) You know, maybewe're...we're only good at brief encounters, walking around inEuropean cities, in warm climate!
Jesse: Oh, God, why didn't we exchange phone numbers and stuff?Why didn't we do that?
Céline: (Puts a finger to her mouth in a sarcastic gesture.)Because we were young and stupid?
Jesse: You think we still are?
Céline: I guess when you're just believe there'll bemany people with whom you'll connect with. Later in life yourealize it only happens a few times.
Jesse: Yeah, you can screw it up! You know, misconnect...
Céline: (Circles from his left to his right.) Well, the past isthe past. It was meant to be that way.
Jesse: What, you really believe that? That everything isfated?
![BeforeSunset-爱在夕阳落日时-英语剧本-2-全文完 before sunset 1080p](
Céline: Well, you know, the world might be less free than wethink.
Jesse: Yeah?
Céline: Yeah, when given this exact circumstances, that's whatwill happen every time. Two part hydrogen, one part oxygen, you'llget water every time.
Jesse: No,, I mean, what if your grandmother had lived aweek longer, you know? Or passed away a week earlier, days even,you know. Things might have been different, I believe that!
Céline: No, you can't think like that.
Jesse: I mean...I know you shouldn't on most things,'sjust...on this one it seemed like something was off! You know, the months leading up to my wedding, OK, I was thinkingabout you all the time. I mean, even on my way there. I'm in thecar, and a buddy of mine is driving me downtown, and I'm staringout the window, and I think I see you - not far from the church,right – folding up an umbrella and walking into a deli on thecorner of...13th and Broadway. And I thought I was going crazy, youknow? But now I think it probably was you.
Céline: (Quietly.) I lived on 11th and Broadway.
Jesse: You see?
Céline: So, (sigh) what is it like to be married? You haven'ttalked much about that. (Circles back to Jesse’s left and leans onthe front railing.)
Jesse: I haven't? (Sarcastically.) How weird?! I don't know, know when I was in college...and uh…we broke up and gotback together, for a period of years, and…what…we weresort of back together, and she was, marriage.
Céline: What is she like?
Jesse: She's a great teacher, a good mom. Ahh, she'ssmart...pretty...I remember thinking at the time, that so many ofthe men that I admired most, you know, that their lives were...werededicated to something greater than themselves.
Céline: So you got married because men you admired weremarried?
Jesse: No, no,'s more like I have this...this idea of mybest self! You know? And I wanted to pursue that...even if it mighthave been overriding my honest self! You know what I'm saying? Imean, it's funny the moment I remember thinking that itdidn't much matter the "Who?" of it all...I mean that…that nobodyis gonna be everything to you...and that ultimately it's just asimple action of committing yourself, you know meeting yourresponsibilities that...that matters. I mean what is love, right,if it's not respect, trust, admiration…and I...I felt all thosethings! So cut to the present tense, and I feel like I'm running asmall nursery with somebody I...used to date, you know. I mean, I'mlike a monk, you know. I mean, I've had sex less than...10 times inthe last 4 years. (Céline breaks into laughter.) What? What, what?Are you laughing at me?
Céline: No.
Jesse: It sounds pathetic?
Céline: What monastery do the monks have sex…uh, 10 times?
Jesse: OK, I'm doing better than most monks, alright? But I do, Ifeel like if somebody were to touch me, you know, I would (waveshis hands for emphasis) dissolve into molecules.
Céline: Well, we're here. (Looking back, and nudging Jesse in theelbow.) We've gotta go. Come on.
Jesse: (Looking back to see they’ve suddenly arrived.)Shit!
Céline: (To the boat attendant.) Bonsoir! (Good evening.)
Attendant: Bonsoir!
Jesse: Bonsoir.
(They walk up a ramp toward Philippe, who is waiting with thecar.)
Céline: I'm sorry, uh... to hear that.
Jesse: What?
Céline: You know, that you're not that happy with your marriage.Well, this friend of mine, she's a shrink, and uh...
Jesse: Yeah? How's she doing?
Céline: She's a mess,, she was telling me that she'sbeen dealing with a lot of couples that are breaking up for thesame exact reason.
Jesse: Uhum, what reason is that?
Céline: Well, all these couples expected after a few years ofliving together for the passion, that consuming desire, to be thesame as in the beginning.
Jesse: Yeah…right.
Céline: It's impossible!
Jesse: No, I know, I know that...
Céline: I mean, God, otherwise we would end up with an aneurysmif we were in that constant state of excitement, right? We wouldend up doing nothing at all with our lives. Do you think you wouldyou would have finished your book, if...if you were fuckingsomebody every 5 minutes?
Jesse: I might have welcomed the challenge.
Céline: But, you know it's not true, for your wife after thebirth of your son...she has to give all her love to the littleone!
Jesse: Of course…of course.
Céline: Imagine that she was totally obsessed with sex, right,and you’re like a wild cat...that wouldn't make any sense,right?
Jesse: Everything you say makes sense! It''s not about sex.I...
Céline: No, I know, it's...obvious. I...You know, couples are soconfused, uh lately. I think it must be need to feelessential, and they don't anymore. Because it's been imprinted intheir heads for so many years that they had to be I, I'm a strong independent woman in myprofessional life. I don't need a man to feed me but I still need aman to love me and that I could love, you know. (They approach thecar.) So, uh...your driver's here. Well, I guess this is goodbye,and...uh, you'd better give me your...
Jesse: No, no...why don't we just give you a ride home, whereveryou're going. Huh?
Céline: Well, I can take the Metro...
Jesse: No, no, no. My flight it's not until 10, right? They’vegot me arriving two hours early. This way we can keep talking. No,no no…(Speaking to Philippe.) Monsieur...can…
Céline: (Speaking to Philippe.) Ca vous arrive me deposer aupassage 18 rue des Petites Ecuries? (Can you drop me off at 18 ruedes Petites Ecuries?)
Jesse: Oui. (Yes.)
Philippe: Oui, oui. Allons-y, allons-y. (Yes, yes. Let’s go,let’s go.)
Céline: D’accord. Ce n'est pas de probleme pas? (It’s not aproblem, is it?)
Philippe: Non, non, c’est pas de probleme. (No, no, noproblem.)
(Jesse and Céline get in the back seat of the car.)
Céline: Vous pouvez me laissez au metro Chateau d'Eau.Ca ira tres bien. (You can drop me off at the theChateau d’Eau stop. That would be great.)
Philippe: Entendu! (Got it, thanks.)
Céline: Merci!
Jesse: You told him where you are and all that shit?
Céline: Oui, oui, yeah. (Céline speaks in French to Philippe,directing him to her apartment. She mentions Boulevard deStrasbourg at some point, but this is perhaps intentionalmisdirection for the film audience; you’ll see why, below.)
Jesse: So, he knows where he's going?
Céline: Yes.
(The car pulls away.)
Scene VI – The Car Ride
Location notes: Quai Henri IV is located on the Right Bank justwest of Pont d’Austerlitz.
Jesse: Glad somebody does. Now, this is better than the Metro,right?
Céline: Definitely!
(The camera cuts ahead of the car, leading it as it pulls ontothe main road. The conversation continues.)
Céline: I was thinking...for me it's better I don't romanticizethings as much anymore. I was suffering so much all the time. Istill have lots of dreams, but they're not in regard to my lovelife. (Cut to interior of the car.) It doesn't make me sad, it'sjust the way it is.
Jesse: Is that why you're in a relationship with somebody who'snever around?
Céline: Yes, obviously, I can't deal with the day to day life ofa relationship. Yeah, we have, you know, this exciting timetogether and then he leaves, and I miss him, but at least I'm notdying inside. When someone is always around me, I'm likesuffocating!
Jesse: No, wait, you just said that you need to love and beloved...
Céline: Yeah, but when I do it quickly makes me nauseous! It's adisaster... I mean I'm really happy only when I'm on my own. Evenbeing's better than...sitting next to a lover andfeeling lonely. It's not so easy for me to be all romantic. Youstart off that way and after you've been screwed over a…you forget about all your delusional ideas andyou just take what comes into your life. That's not even true Ihaven't been...screwed over, I've just had too many blahrelationships. They weren't mean, they cared for me, but... therewere no real...connection or excitement. At least not from myside.
Jesse: God, I'm sorry, is it really that bad? It's not,right?
Céline: (Shaking her head with eyes nearly watering.)'s not even that. I was...I was fine, until I read yourfucking book! It stirred shit up, you know? It reminded me howgenuinely romantic I was, how I had so much hope in things, and nowit's like...I don't believe in anything that relates to love. Idon't feel things for people anymore. In a way...I put all myromanticism into that one night, and I was never able to feel allthis again. Like...somehow this night took things away from meand...I expressed them to you, and you took them with you! It mademe feel cold, like if love wasn't for me!
Jesse: I... I don't believe that. I don't believe that.
Céline: You know what? Reality and love are almost contradictoryfor me. It's funny...every single of my ex’s...they're now married!Men go out with me, we break up, and then they get married! Andlater they call me to thank me for teaching them what love is,and…
Jesse: (Smiling sympathetically.) Oh God. (Rubs his face withboth hands.)
Céline: …and that I taught them to care and respect women!
Jesse: (Pointing at himself.) I think I'm one of thoseguys.
Céline: (Yelling.) You know, I want to KILL them!! Why didn'tthey ask ME to marry them? I would have said "No", but at leastthey could have asked!! But it's my fault, I know it's my fault,because...I never felt it was the right man. Never! But what doesit mean the right man? The love of your life? The concept isabsurd; the idea that we can only be complete with another personis...EVIL!! RIGHT??!!
Jesse: (Sheepishly.) Can I talk?
Céline: (Speaking more quietly.) You know, I guess I've beenheartbroken too many times. And then I recovered. So now, you know,from the starts I make no effort…because I know it’s not going towork out, I know it’s not going to work out.
Jesse: You can't do that. You can't do that, you can't live yourlife trying to avoid pain, at the expense of en...
Céline: (Interrupting.) OK, you know what? (Moving her fingers tomock the movement of Jesse’s mouth as he speaks.) Those are words!I've gotta...I've gotta get away from you. (To Philippe.) Stop thecar, I want to get out!
Jesse: No, no, no, don't...don't get out.
Céline: You know, it's being around you...
Jesse: Keep talking...
Céline: (Jesse grabs her arm) Don't touch me! (Slaps his hand.)You know, I wanna get on a cab...
(To Philippe.) Monsieur! Arretez-vous! Non, non, c'est bon, aufeu la! Juste au feu, au coin, il y a un metro meme! Je veuxprendre le metro. (Sir, please stop! No, no, it’s okay, at the nexttraffic light, at the corner, there is even a metro! I want to takethe metro.)
Jesse: (To Philippe) No, no, no, keep going... (To Céline) No,listen, I'm just so happy... (To Philippe) Thank you, just keepgoing...(To Céline.) Alright. Look, I am just so happy, be with you. I am. I'm so glad you didn’t forget aboutme. OK.
Céline: No, I didn't...and it pisses me off, OK? You come here toParis, all romantic, and married, OK? Screw you! Don't get mewrong, I'm not trying to get you or anything. I mean, all I need ismarried man! There's been so much water under the bridge,it''s not even about you anymore, it's about that time, thatmoment in time that is forever gone, I don't know!
Jesse: say all that, but you didn't even rememberhaving sex. So...
Céline: (Flatly, with resignation.) Of course I remembered.
Jesse: (Confused.) You did?
Céline: Yes! Women pretend things like that. I don’tknow…(Laughs.)
Jesse: (Still confused.) They do?
Céline: Yeah, what was I supposed to say? That I remember thewine in the park looking up at the stars fading away asthe sun came up? We had sex TWICE (claps her hands), youidiot!
Jesse: Alright, you know what? I'm just...happy to see you,'ve become an angry, manic depressive activist. I stilllike you! I still enjoy being around you!
(Reaches out to touch her face, but pulls his hand back quickly,before she notices.)
Céline: And I feel the same. (Laughing.) I'm...I'm sorry, I don'tknow what happened. I just...I had to let it all out. I...
Jesse: Don't worry about it.
Céline: I'm so miserable in my love life, in my relationship, Ialways act as... know, I'm detached, but I'm... I'mdying inside. I'm dying because I'm so numb. I don't feel pain, orexcitement. I'm not even bitter, I'm just...uh…
Jesse: You think you're the one dying inside? My life is twentyfour-seven...BAD.
Céline: I'm sorry.
Jesse: No, no, no...I mean, the only happiness I get is when I'mout with my son. I've been to marriage counseling, I've done thingsI never thought I would have to do. I lit candles, bought self-helpbooks, lingerie...
Céline: Did the candles help?
Jesse: HELL. NO. (Plaintively.) Alright, I don’t love her the wayshe needs to be loved, and...I don't even see a future for us. Butthen I look my little boy, sitting at the table across fromme, and I think I would suffer any torture to be with him for allthe minutes of his life. You know, I don't wanna miss out on one.But then...there's no joy, or laughter, in my home. You know, and Idon't want him growing up in that!
Céline: Oh, no laughter? That's terrible. My parents have beentogether for 35 years and even when they have a bad fight they endup laughing like crazy.
Jesse: I just...I don't wanna be one of those people whoare...getting divorced at 52 and falling down into tears admittingthat they never really loved their spouse, and they feel that theirlife has been (waves his hand, as if being pulled) sucked up into avacuum cleaner! You know, I want a great life. I want her to have agreat life. She deserves that! Alright? But we're just living in apretense of a marriage, responsibility and all these...just...ideasof how people are supposed to live. Then I...I have thesedreams...
Céline: What dreams?
Jesse: (Looks away distantly, eyes starting to water.) I havethese dreams, you know, that I’m…I'm standing on a platform, anduh, you keep going by on a train, go by, and you go by,and you go by, and you go by, and I wake up with the fuckingsweats, you know? And then I have this other dream, oh...whereyou're...pregnant, in bed beside me, naked, and I want so badly totouch you, but you tell me not to and then you look away and...andI...I...I touch you anyway, right on your ankle and your skin is sosoft and I wake up in sobs, alright? (Inhales deeply.) And my wifeis sitting there looking at me, and I feel like I'm a million milesfrom her, and I know that there's something...wrong! (Célinereaches out to stroke Jesse’s face, but pulls her hand back beforehe sees her.) You know, that I ca...that I can't keep living likethis, that there's gotta be something more to love than commitment.But then I think that...I might have given up...on the whole ideaof romantic love. That I...I might have put it to bed that...thatday when you weren't there. You know, I think I might have donethat.
Céline: (Eyes starting to water again.) Why are you telling meall this?
Jesse: I'm sorry. I don't know, I'm...I...I should...I...Ishouldn't have.
Céline: You know, it's so weird...that people think they are theonly one going through tough times. I mean when I read the articleI thought...your life was perfect. A wife, a kid, a publishedauthor. (Jesse laughs.) Your personal life is more of a mess thanmine! I'm sorry! (Both laugh.)
Jesse: Well...I'm glad it's good for something.
Céline: (To Philippe.) Oh, monsieur, c'est la! Rentrez dans lapasse la. (Sir, this is it. Pull into the alley right there.)
(Camera cuts to exterior of the car pulling into the driveway ofCéline’s apartment.)
Scene VII – Chez Céline
Location notes: Céline’s apartment is NOT on rue des PetitesEcuries as she had verbally directed Philippe. It is located in“Cour de l’Etoile d’Or” (Courtyard of the Golden Star) somewhereoff of rue Faubourg St. Antoine, which borders the 11th and 12tharrondissements directly east of Place de la Bastille. You can seethis name above the driveway during the opening montage of streetscenes.
(As of this revision, we do not yet know the exact location ofCour de l’Etoile d’Or on rue Faubourg St. Antoine. Please postupdates to yahoogroups.)
(They walk around a vehicle barricade then proceed down acobblestone walkway lined with trees and vines.)
Jesse: This is...this is...this is where you live?
Céline: Yeah.
Jesse: So, uh, you're just relieved that I'm in even more deepshit than you are?
Céline: Yes. You've made me feel better.
(Camera cuts to interior of the car.)
Jesse: Oh, good, I'm glad.
Céline: No, I really wish you the best. It's not because I'mincapable of having a good relationship or a family that I wisheveryone to be doomed like me.
Jesse: I'm sure you might make a great mom someday.
Céline: Really, you think so?
Jesse: Oh, yeah. A few know, you'll dogreat.
Céline: Oh, no…(As she did earlier in the film, she raises herleft hand and wiggles her fingers back and forth in front of hisface.) OK…say "Stop"!
Jesse: Um, "Stop"!
Céline: (Stops wiggling her fingers, and gives him just the 3rdfinger. They cheer together.) Ohhhh!!
Jesse: Heey! OK, you ready?
(They get out of the car and walk forward a few steps, stoppingnear the front of the car.)
Céline: So... I want to try something.
Jesse: What?
Céline: (Hugs him tightly - Jesse is surprised and holds back,momentarily.) I want to see if you stay together or if you dissolveinto molecules.
Jesse: (Hugs her closer.) How am I doing?
Céline: Still here.
Jesse: Good, I like being here. (They separate and look intentlyinto each other’s eyes.) Is this your apartment? (Motions behindher.)
Céline: Oh, no, I live down there. (Motions ahead of them.)
Jesse: Down there?
Céline: Yeah.
Jesse: (To Philippe who is waiting in the car.) Um,monsieur...I'm gonna walk her to her door. Uh…
Céline: (Translating for Philippe.) Il va m'accompagner a laporte.
Jesse: This is incredible! This is where you live?
Céline: Yeah.
Jesse: How long have you been here?
Céline: Four years. So tell me...
Jesse: What?
Céline: Is it all true, about your dreams, or...did you just saythat to hopefully get in my pants?
Jesse: Oh, I just said that to get into your pants! I use thatall the time...
Céline: Oh, OK. Does it work?
Jesse: Eh, you know...sometimes.
Céline: (Motions to her cat in the path before them.) Here is mykitty! Oh, so cute! Look at him. You know what I love about thiscat? It's that...every morning, I bring him down to the courtyard,and every single morning he looks at everything like it was thefirst time! Every corner, every tree, every plant. He smellseverything with his little cute nose. Oh, I love my kitty! I lovemy kitty!
Jesse: What's his name?
Céline: Che.
Jesse: (Disbelievingly, then smugly.) Che? Uh-huh.
Céline: What?
Jesse: Commie!
Céline: No, "Che" in Argentina means "Hey"! (Cuddling the cat.)Oh, baby! Oh, yes, yes, yes.
(They approach her apartment building, veering to their left asthey get closer to the doorway. In the courtyard, hanging paperlanterns, tables, and chairs have been set up for a cookout. A manstands at a barbecue grill, cooking, while other people mill aboutpreparing for the party.)
Céline: We're having a little party. It's so much fun!
Man: (To Céline.) Qu'est-ce que vous avez fait de bon pour cesoir? (What good thing are you making for tonight?)
Céline: Un taboulet! Je vais descendre en cinq minutes! (Sometabouli, I’ll be down in 5 minutes.)
Man at the grill: Salut! (See you later.)
Jesse: (To the man.) Uh...Salut!
(They approach the stairs. Céline walks up the stairs and turnsaround to speak to him standing below.)
Jesse: So...
Céline: So…
(A woman appears in the doorway behind Céline, carrying platesfor the party.)
Woman: (Smiling directly at Jesse, who smiles back.) C'est quicelui-la? Il est mignon! Il mange avec nous? (Who’s this? He’scute. Is he going to eat with us?)
Céline: Non, il prend l'avion. (No, he has to catch aplane.)
Woman: Tant pis. Il goutera pas mes pates au pois chiches. (Toobad. You won’t get to try my garbanzo bean pasta.)
Man at the grill: Pour-quoi il ne mange pas avec nous? (Whydoesn’t he stay to eat with us?)
(Cut to woman walking towards man at grill.)
Woman: Il n'aime pas ton short! (He doesn’t like yourshorts.)
Man at the grill: (Looking down at his shorts.) Mais qu'est-cequ'il y a mon short? (What’s wrong with my shorts?)
(Céline and Jesse laugh at the couple and return to theirconversation.)
Jesse: You know what I...I was thinking…um...would you play meone of your songs?
Céline: You're gonna miss your flight!
Jesse: I won't, I won't! I’m gonna be sitting in the airport forover an hour, reading the newspaper, alright. Wishing you played meone of your songs.
Céline: One song?
Jesse: Yeah.
Céline: OK, but quickly.
Jesse: OK.
(They enter the building and walk up the stairs. The paint on thewalls is chipped and seasoned.)
Jesse: God, I love these old staircases.
(They slowly ascend the stairs to the 2nd floor, walkingside-by-side as the camera watches them catching glances at eachother. Céline is still cuddling with her cat. We hear only theirfootsteps and the stairs creaking underneath them as they climb foralmost 40 seconds.)
Céline: Hold this! (Hands the cat to Jesse as she unlocks thedoor to her apartment.)
Jesse: (To the cat) Hey there, buddy! Che...
(They enter Céline’s studio apartment with many photographs onthe walls and books stacked on the floor.)
Céline: Would you like some tea?
Jesse: Yeah, sure.
(Céline stays in the kitchen to make tea while Jesse looks aroundher apartment.)
Céline: Is chamomile OK?
Jesse: Yeah. Great. Merci!
Céline: “Messy”? You think my apartment is messy?
Jesse: No, no, no. Merci, merci...merci beaucoup.
Céline: Ah, "merci." I meant to tell you. Your French hasimproved a lot.
Jesse: (Surprised.) Really?
Céline: Yeah! Yeah, you've really mastered the language.(Laughs.)
Jesse: Alright, alright. What song are you gonna play me, huh?(Takes off his coat.)
Céline: No, I...I can't. It's too embarrassing. It'sbeen...
Jesse: Whoa! No way, no way! I came all the way up here, youcannot crap out on me now. One song (plops down on the couch),anything will be great.
Céline: No, but listen, you're gonna laugh at me...
Jesse: You think so?
Céline: Yes!
Jesse: I doubt it.
Céline: (Walks slowly toward him from the kitchen.) OK. What doyou want to hear? I have a...I have 3 songs in English. One's aboutmy cat, one's ex-boyfriend, well, ex-ex-boyfriend, andthere’s one about…(sits on the bed opposite Jesse)'s justa...little waltz. (Picks up her guitar, which is leaning againstthe bed.)
Jesse: A waltz? Yeah, play the waltz.
Céline: I haven't played it in a while, you sure? (Jesse nodsenthusiastically, with a big grin.) Alright, the waltz.OK…(sings)
Let me sing you, a waltz. Out of nowhere, out of my thoughts. Letme sing you, a waltz. About this one night stand. You were for methat night, Everything I always dreamt of in life.
But now you're gone. You are far gone. All the way to your islandof rain.
It was for you just a one night thing. But you were much more tome, Just so you know.
I don't care what they say I know what you meant for me thatday.
I just wanted another try. I just wanted another night. Even ifit doesn't seem quite right.
You meant for me much more Than anyone I've met before.
One single night with you, little...Jesse... Is worth a thousandwith any-body. I have no bitterness, my sweet. I'll never forgetthis one night thing. Even tomorrow in other arms. My heart willstay yours until I die.
Let me sing you a waltz Out of nowhere, out of my blues. Let mesing you a waltz. About this lovely one night stand.
(Céline breathes a huge sigh of relief as she finishes the song.Jesse claps.)
Jesse: No, one more, one more. Please, please? C’mon. Please,please?
Céline: No! No, no, no, no - it was our deal. One... one song!No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
Céline: You can have your tea, and then ah... (Quickly retreatsto the kitchen.)
Jesse: (Stands up and approaches the bookcase.) Alright, letme...Let me ask you one question. Do you just plug that name in forevery guy that comes up here?
Céline: Oh, yes, of course! What do you think, that I wrote thissong about you? Are you nuts? (Laughs.)
Jesse: (Points to a childhood photo of Céline hanging on thewall.) Oh, is this you? Little cross-eyed Céline?
Céline: Yes. That’s funny…
Jesse: Cute! Is that your grandmother? (Motions toward a photo ofCéline and her Grandmother.)
Céline: Yeah.
Jesse: Oh, wow.
Céline: You want some honey?
Jesse: Yeah, sure.
(Jesse looks through her collection of CD’s, selects one, andputs it in the CD player. Céline smiles when she hears themusic.)
Céline: (Referring to the CD Jesse has selected.) Did you eversee Nina Simone in concert?
Jesse: No, I never did. I can't believe she's gone.
Céline: I know, it's so sad!
(Jesse sits back down on the couch as Céline brings him thetea.)
Jesse: Thanks.
Céline: It’s hot. (Walks back to the kitchen.) I saw her twice,in concert. She was so great! (Motions to the CD player.) That'sone of my favorite songs of hers.
(Singing along with the CD.) ...I know where I'm going... ...Nomore doubt or fear... ...Found my, click, click."(Laughs.)
She was so great! She was so funny in concert! She, she would...she would be right in the middle of a song and know,stop and...and uh…walk from the piano all the way to the edge ofthe stage. Like, really slowly...
(Mimics Nina Simone, pouting her lips, shifting her hips as shewalks.) And she'd start talking to someone in the audience...
(Still mimicking Nina, with pouted lips, Jesse is watching fromthe couch, laughing.) Oh, yeah, baby... Oh, yeah... Uhum...Ooh… Ilove you too...
(Giggles.) And then she'd walk back, took her time, no hurry, youknow. She had that...big...cute ass! She would move...whoo!
(Moves her hips side to side as she dances away from Jesse.) Andthen she would, uh... go back to the piano, and play some more. Andthen she would, uh… I don't know, just...start another song, in themiddle of another, you know, like...stop
(Pretends to talk to someone in the audience.) "Oh, you overthere...can you move that fan? Uh-huh. Ohh, you're cute! Oh...Oh,yeah! Uhum.”
(Jesse laughs.)
“Oh….ohhh, yeah. Mmm hmm. “
(Pouts and continues to dance, then turns and points at Jesse.)“Baby, you are gonna miss…that…plane…”
(The camera zooms in closer to Jesse as he smiles knowingly andlaughs at her dancing.)
Jesse: (Holds his left hand up and briefly twirls his weddingring with his left thumb.) I know...
(Céline continues her dance as the scene fades to black.)
Scene VIII – Closing Credits
“Just in Time” by Nina Simone
Let's go
Just in time you've found me just in time Before you came my timewas running low I was lost the losing dice were tossed My bridgesall were crossed nowhere to go Now you hear now I know just whereI'm going No more doubt of fear I've found my way For love camejust in time you've found me just in time And changed my lonelynights that lucky day Just in time Before you came my time was running low oh baby I was lost thelosing dice were tossed My bridges all crossed nowhere to go Nowyou hear now I know just where I'm going No more doubt of fear I'vefound my way For love came just in time you've found me just intime And changed my lonely nights and changed my lonely nights Andchanged my lonely nights and changed my lonely nights And changedmy lonely nights that lucky day “Je T’aime Tant” by JulieDelpy Tu me suis tu me souris dans la nuit tu me seduis You follow meYou follow me in the night you seduce me Je sais que tu sais que je ne sais plus qui je suis I know thatyou know that I no longer know who I am Je t'aime tant je t'aime tant pourtant I love you so, I love youso, however Comme le temps qui passe et ment j'attends Like time that passesand I wait Toujours perdante tu me tourmentes Always the loser, you tormentme Et tes desirs me prirent pour me detruire And your desires take ahold of me to destroy me Je prends un certain plaisr a souffrir I take a certain pleasurein suffering A me punir a me repentir At punishing myself, at myrepentance Toujours soumise tu me meprises tu me rejettes tu me maltraitesAlways subjected, you take a hold of me, you reject me Douleur et desir sont synonymes de mon plaisir You treat mebadly, pain and pleasure are synonym of my pleasure Je m'abandonne aux hommes sans souci ni tourment I abandon myselfto men without worry or torment Je me suis perdue sans retenue pour un jeune homme I lost myselfwith abandon to a young man Un peu hors de la norme A little outside of the the norm Tu me cherches tu me guettes tu me tiens et je me sens bien Youlook for me, you watch me, you hold me and I feel good Tu me prends si lentement je desapprends You take me oh soslowly, I lose myself Puis tu me rends mon tourment And you bring me back Je serai ce qui te plait la lumiere sur ta peau I will bewhatever pleases you, the light on your skin Celle qui t'attend a la porte The one who waits at yourdoor Et celle qui peu importe je serai ce que tu veux The onewho.....whatever, I will be what you want La sueur sur ton front la brise dans tes cheveux The sweat onyour brow, the breeze in your hair Ou celle qui te brisera le cou Or the one that breaks yourneck Je te souris je te nuis je t'aime I smiled at you, I love you so,I love you so Je te detruis je te tiens et tu viens I destroy you, I hold youand you come Tout est bien qui finit bien All is well that ends well Tu sais que je sais que tu ne sais plus qui tu es You know that Iknow that you don’t know who you are Depuis que tu t'adonnes a nos petits jeux hors de la norme Sinceyou gave yourself to our little show out of the norm Je te plais tu me plais You please me, I please you Nous sommes les amants du tourment We are the lovers oftorment La nuit nous tuons l'ennui l'amour toujours nous suit At night wekill boredom, love always follows us Toujours l'amour nous fuit l'amour toujours nous detruit Lovealways escapes us, love always destroys us Comme la pluie et l'oubli comme des cris dans la nuit Like therain and forgetting, like the cries in the night Je t'aime tant je t'aime tant pourtant. I love you so, I love youso, anyway |