ArriveinChina arrive in

Wednesday, we arrived to China. My dad pickedus up near the baggage claim and drove us out of the airport. Whenwe were walking in to our apartment building, mybrother,grandfather,and grandmother showed up!!!Mybrother was standing and walking toward us. Iwas so surprised because the last time I saw him he was only 9months old! NowI saw him 1 years old walking andsmiling.I was also excited to see my house and my room. When Iopened te door, I saw a big house with aTV andsofa. I didn't worry about the dinner table at all. Instead, Iburst into my room and saw a bunk bed, a big book shelfanda big closet. I leaned on the bed and a softfeeling went through my body. This bed was so comfortable andsoft.In the afternoon,I went to see mygrandpa andgrandma. we had to pick up my grandma because my grandpa was in thehospital.Mygrandpa'swaistis alwayshurting. Anyway, I was happy to seeeverybody.That day was surelyan exciting and surprising day!


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