Me:My Order Number: xxx-xxxxxx-xxxx. Because this order had beensent to my friend and she just told me that the three sets ofclothes were missing from my package. Could you please help toconfirm whether you had sent the wrong goods for my order,thanks!14:44:23
Renuka :Hello, my name is Renuka.I'll be glad to assistyou.14:44:56
Me:Could you please help to confirm whether you had sent thewrong goods for my order?14:46:06
Renuka :I am really sorry for the inconvenience.14:47:18
Renuka :Can you hold for a minute or two while I research thisfor you?14:47:24
Me:Ok, thanks!14:47:38
Renuka :Thank you for waiting.14:50:28
Renuka :May I please know which items were missing?14:51:22
Me:Jackson Amazon.com Exclusive Men's Slim Fit Jean, Black, 3614:51:42
Me:Kids Headquarters Baby-Boys Infant Puffy Vest Hooded TeePants, Orange, 24 Months 14:51:51
Me:Disney Cars Boys 2-7 Blazin Speed Cars Snowsuit, Black, 3T14:52:00
Renuka :You have only received "14:53:03
Renuka :Ixtreme Boys 8-20 Chevron Rip Stop Puffer Jacket, Navy,18 "?14:53:03
Me:I had received the item you just mentioned and another twoitems:Disney Cars Boys 2-7 Blazin Speed Cars Snowsuit, Black, 4Tand Jackson Amazon.com Exclusive Men's Slim Fit Jean, Indigo, 3214:54:40
Renuka :Please confirm me that you have received these items"14:57:12
Renuka :1)Ixtreme Boys 8-20 Chevron Rip Stop Puffer Jacket,Navy, 18 14:57:24
Renuka :2)14:57:40
Renuka :Disney Cars Boys 2-7 Blazin Speed Cars Snowsuit, Black,4T 14:58:49

Renuka :Disney Cars Boys 2-7 Blazin Speed Cars Snowsuit, Black,3T 14:59:01
Renuka :Jackson Amazon.com Exclusive Men's Slim Fit Jean,Indigo, 32 14:59:20
Me:This item(Disney Cars Boys 2-7 Blazin Speed Cars Snowsuit,Black, 3T) is missing14:59:45
Me:And i had received this itme (Jackson Amazon.com ExclusiveMen's Slim Fit Jean, Indigo, 32)15:00:37
Renuka :Okay it means you have not received 3 items.15:01:55
Renuka :Please donot worry I will refund you for these items.15:03:30
Me:Thanks a lot!15:03:46
Renuka :You are most welcome.15:04:04
Me:Could you please told me how and when i will get the refund?Thanks!15:06:11
Renuka :I willrefund you and you will receive it within 2-3 businessdays,.15:06:35
Renuka :Is there anything else I can do for you today?15:08:20
Me:You had done lot for me, thanks a lot!15:08:54
Renuka :My pleasure!! 15:09:02
Renuka :Thanks for visiting Amazon.com. We hope to see you againsoon! 15:09:07
Renuka :Have a blessed day, Bye!! 15:09:07
Me:bye, thanks again!15:09:17
Renuka :You are most welcome.