英美概况试题3 英美概况试题及答案



I. Multiple Choices: Choose one rightanswer from the four choices:

1. The highest mountain in Britain is____.

A. Scafell B. Ben Nevis

C. the Cotswolds D. the Forth

2. The longest river in Britain is_____.

A. the Clyde B. the Mersey

C. the Severn D. the Thames

3. The largest lake in Britain is_____.

A. the Lough Neage B. WindermereWater

C. Coniston Water D. the LakeDistrict

4. Which part of Britain is alwaysfighting?

A. England B. Scotland

C. Wales D. Northem Ireland

5. The immigrants coming to Britain aremainly from _____.

A. Europe B. the United States

C. Africa D. the West Indies, Indiesand Pakistan 6. The first inhabitants in Britain were _____.

A. the Normans B. the Celts

C. the Iberians D. the Anglo-Saxons

7. British Recorded history began with_____.

A. Roman invasion B. the NormanConquest

C. the Viking and Danish invasion D.the Anglo-Saxons invasion

8. In 829, _____ actually became theoverlord of all the English.

A. John B. James I

C. Egbert D. Henry I

9. Christmas Day ____, Duke William wascrowned in Westminster Abbey.

A. 1056 B. 1066

C. 1006 D. 1060

10. Henry II was the first king of the_____ dynasty.

A. Windsor B. Tudor

C. Malcolm D. Plantagenet

11. In 1265 ____ summoned the GreatCouncil, which has been seen as the earliest parliament.

A. Henry III B. the Pope

C. Barons D. Simon de Montfort

12. The Hundred Years’ war stated in____ and wa ended in ____, in which the English had lost all theterritories of France except the French port of ____.

A. 1337, 1453, Flanders B. 1337, 1453,Calais

C. 1346, 1453, Argencourt D. 1346,1453, Brest

13. The Wars of Roses lasted for _____years and king _____ was replaced by king _____.

A. 30, Richard III, Henry Tudor B. 50,Richard III, Henry Tudor

C. 30, Richard I, Henry Tudor D. 50,Richard I, Henry Tudor

14. The Renaissance began in ____ inthe early ____ century.

A. England, 14 B. England, 15

C. Italy, 14 D. Italy, 15

15. The English Civil War is alsocalled _____.

A. the Glorious Revolution B. theBloody Revolution

C. the Catholic Revolution D. thePuritan Revolution

16. In _____, a small group of Puritanssailed from _____ in the Mayflower to be the first settlers in the<ST1 laceNamew:st="on">New</ST1laceName> <ST1 laceTypew:st="on">Land</ST1laceType>.

A. 1620, London B. 1620, Plymouth

C. 1720, London D. 1720, Plymouth

17. In the 18th century, there appeared____ in England, which owed a great deal to the invention ofmachines.

A. the Industrial Revolution B. theBourgeois Revolution

C. the Wars of the Roses D. theReligious Reformation

18. English colonial expansion beganwith the colonization of _____ in 1583.

A. Canada B. Australia

C. India D. Newfoundland

19. _____ was famous for his abdicationbecause of his marriage with a divorced American:

A. Edward VIII B. Edward VII

C. George VI D. George VII

20. In January _____ Britain became amember of the European Economic Community.

A. 1957 B. 1967

C. 1973 D. 1979

21. soon after _____, Britain not onlygave up its econmic hegemony but also suffered a deep loss of itsposition of industrial leadership.

A. 1900 B. the First World War

C. the Second World War D. 1960

22. In the 1970s among the developedcountries, Britain maintained the lowest _____ rate and the highest_____ rate.

A. inflation, growth B. growth,inflation

C. growth, divorce D. growth, birth

23. The following are all reasons ofBritish decline of coal industry except _____.

A. the exhaustion of old mines B.costly extraction

C. little money being invested D. thelabour shortage

24. Britain’s foreign trade is mainlywith _____.

A. developing countries B. otherCommonwealth countries

C. other developed countries D. EC

25. The House of Lords is presided overby _____.

A. the Lord Chancellor B. the Queen

C. the Archbishop of Canterbury D. thePrime Minister

26. A General Election is held every_____ years and there are _____ members of Parliaments areelected.

A. five, 600 B. five, 650

C. five, 651 D. four, 651

27. The Prime Minister is appointed by_____ and he or she always sits in _____.

A. the Archbishop of Canterbury, theHouse of Commons

B. the Archbishop of Canterbury, theHouse of Lords

C. the Queen, the House of Commons

D. the Queen, the House of Lords

28. The ultimate authority forlaw-making resides in _____.

A. the Queen B. the Cabinet

C. the House of Lords D. the House ofCommons

29. The sources of British law include_____.

A. statutes, common law, equity law andEuropean Community law

B. statutes, common law and equitylaw

C. statutes, common law and EuropeanCommunity law

D. a complete code and statutes

30. In criminal trials by jury, _____passes sentenced and _____ decide the issue of guilt orinnocence.

A. the judge, the jury B. the judge,the judge

C. the jury, the jury D. the LordChancellor, the jury

31. ____ tries the most seriousoffences such as murder and robbery.

A. Magistrates’ courts B. Youthcourts

C. district courts D. The CrownCourt

32. London’s Metropolitan Police Forceis under the control of _____.

A. the England secretaries B. theScottish Secretaries

C. Northern Ireland Secretaries D. theHome Secretary

33. The National Health Service wasestablished in the UK in _____ and based at first on _____.

A. 1948, Acts of Parliament B. 1958,Acts of Parliament

C. 1948, the Bill of Rights D. 1958,the Bill of Rights

34. The non-contributory socialsecurity benefits include the following except _____.

A. war pension B. child benefit

C. family credit D. unemploymentbenefit

35. Except that _____ may not be aRoman Catholic, public offices are open without distinction tomembers of all churchs or of none.

A. the lord Chancellor B. the PrimeMinister

C. the Speaker D. the ministers of alldepartments

36. About 90 per cent of the statesecondary school population in the UK attend _____.

A. independent schools B. juniorschools

C. independent schools D. primaryschools

37. There are some ____ universities,including the Open University.

A. 900 B. 290

C. 90 D. 50

38. In Britain, children from the ageof 5 to 16 can _____ by law.

A. receive completely freeeducation

B. receive parly free education

C. receive no free education if theirfamilies are rich

D. receive no free education at all

39. With regard to its size, the USA isthe _____ country in the world.

A. largest B. second largest

C. third largest D. fourth largest

40. In the following rivers, _____ hasbeen called the American Ruhr.

A. the Mississippi B. the Missouri

C. the Hudson D. the Ohio

41. Among the following rivers, _____forms a natural boundary between Mexico and the U.S.

A. the Potomac B. the Columbia

C. the <ST1 laceNamew:st="on">Rio Grande</ST1laceName> <ST1 laceTypew:st="on">River</ST1laceType> D. the Colorado

42. All the following universities andcolleges are located in New England, except _____.

A. Yale B. Harvard

C. Oxford D. Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology

43. The nation’s capital cityWashington D.C. and New York are located in _____.

A. the American West B. the GreatPlains

C. the Midwest D. the Middle AtlanticStates

44. The Midwest in America’s mostimportant _____ area.

A. agricultural B. industrial

C. manufacturing D. mining industry

45. In the case of Brown versus Boardof Education, the Supreme Court ruled that _____.

A. separate educational facilities hadbeen illegal

B. educational facilities had beenseparate but equal

C. educational facilities had beenequal

D. separate educational facilities wereinherently unequal

46. The Chinese Exclusion Act waspassed in _____.

A. 1882 B. 1883

C. 1900 D. 1924

47. The first immigrants in Americanhistory came from ____ and ____.

A. Ireland/France B. England/China

C. Scotland/England D.England/Netherland

48. Uncle Tom’s Cabin andRoots are two novels which give a vivid description of themiserable life of the _____.

A. early settlers B. Puritans

C. native Indians D. black slaves

49. According to American historiansand specialists in demography, there are _____ great populationmovement in the history of the United States.

A. two B. three

C. four D. five

50. Many early Chinese immigrantsworked in the mining industry, especially in the _____.

A. gold mines B. silver mines

C. coal mines D. copper mines

51. The Declaration of Independence wasdrafted by _____.

A. James Madison B. ThomesJefferson

C. Alexander Hamilton D. GeorgeWashington

52. On July 4, 1776, _____ adopted theDeclaration of Independerce.

A. the First Continental Congress

B. the Second Continental Congress

C. the Third Continental Congress

D. the Constitutional Convention

53. The victory of _____ was theturning point of the War of Independence.

A. Saratoga B. Gettysburg

C. Trenton D. Yorktown

54. Ten amendments introduced by JamesMadison in 1789 were added to the Constitution. They are knows as_____.

A. the Articles of Confederation B. theBill of Right

C. the Civil Rights D. FederalistPapers

55. President Jefferson bought _____from France and doubled the country’s territory.

A. New Mexico B. the<ST1 laceNamew:st="on">Louisiana</ST1laceName> <ST1 laceTypew:st="on">Territory</ST1laceType>

C. Kansas D. Ohio

56. The Declaration of Independencecame from the theory of British philosopher _____.

A. Paul Revere B. John Locke

C. Cornwallis D. Frederick Douglass

57. During the WWII, the Axis powerswere mainly made up by __.

A. Germany, France and Japan B. France,Japan and Britain

C. Germany, Italy and Britain D.German, Italy and Japan

58. The Progressive Movement is amovement demanding government regulation of the _____ and _____conditions.

A. economy/political B.social/political

C. economy/social D.political/cultural

59. As a result of WWI, _____ was notone of the defeated nations.

A. Germany B. Austro-Hungary

C. Ottoman D. Russia

60. The aim of President Roosevelt’sNew Deal was to “save American _____.”

A. economy B. politics

C. society D. democracy

I. Multiple Choices: Choose one rightanswer from the four choices.

1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D

6. C 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. D

11. D 12. B 13. A 14. C 15. D

16. B 17. A 18. D 19. A 20. C

21. C 22. B 23. D 24. C 25. A 26. C 27.C 28. D 29. A 30. A

31. D 32. D 33. A 34. D 35. A 36. D 37.C 38. A 39. D 40. D 41.C 42. C 43. D 44. A 45. D 46. A 47. D 48. D49. C 50. A 51. B 52. B 53. A 54. B 55. B 56. B 57. D 58. C 59. D60. D 61. C 62. B 63. D 64. C 65. D 66. D 67. B 68. C 69. C 70. D71. B 72. B 73. B 74. D 75. D

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. Ceographically speaking, the northand west of Britain are _______, while the east and south-east aremostly______.

2. Welsh is located in the ______ ofGreat Britain.

3. The ancestors of the English ______,while the Scots, Welsh and Irish the ______.

4. In the mid-5th century, threeTeuronic tribes ______, _____, and _____ invaded Britain. Amongthem, the _____ gave their name to English people.

5. The battle of _______ witnessed thedeath of Harold in October, 1066.

6. Under William, the ______ system inEngland was completely established.

7. The property record in William’stime is known as ______, which was compiled in _____.

8. _____’s grave became a place ofpilgrimage in and beyond chaucer’s time after he was murdered.

9. ______ was the deadly bubonicplague, which reduced England’s population from four million to______ million by the end of the 14th century.

10. One of the consequences of theUprising of 1381 was the emergence of a new class of ______farmers.

11. James I and his son Charles I bothbelieved firmly in ______.

12. During the Civil War, the Cavalierssupported ________, while the Roundheads supported _______.

13. After the Civil War, OliverCromwell declared England a ______, later, he became _________.

14. In 1707, the Act of _______ unitedEngland and ______.

15. The two parties originated with theGlorious Revolution were _____ and _______. The former were theforerunners of the ______ Party, the latter were of the ______party.

16. In 1765, the Scottish inventor_____ produced a very efficient _____ that could be applied totextile and other machinery.

17. After the Industrial Revolution,Britain became the “______” of the world.

18. During the Second World War________ led Britain to final victory in 1945.

19. In 1974 and 1977, the two ______shock caused inflation to rise dramatically.

20. Natural gas was discovered in 1965and oil in 1970 under _______.

21. _______ has Europe’s largestcollection of foreign owned chip factories.

22. New industries in Britaininclude______, ______ and other high-tech industries.

23. The party which wins the secondlargest number of seats becomes the official ______, with its ownleader and “______ cabinet”.

24. The Prime Minister is appointed by______, and his/her official residence is _____.

25. There are two tiers of localgovernment throughout England and Wales: _____ and ______.

26. The criminal law in Britainpresumes the _____ of the accused until he has been proved guiltybeyond reasonable doubt.

27. The jury usually consists of_______ persons in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, and _____persons in Scotland.

28. The ultimate court of appeal incivil cases throughout the UK is _______.

29. In Britain the welfare stateapplies mainly to _____, national insurance and ______.

30. The two established churches inBritain are ____ and _____.

31. Education in the UK is compulsoryfor all between the ages of (______ in Northen Ireland) and_____.

32. In the past children in Britainwere allocated to different secondary schools on the basis ofselection tests known as _______, which was replaced by ______.

33. Education after 16 in the UK isdivided into _____ and ______.

34. The most-known universities inBritain are _____ and _____ which date from the _____ and _____centuries.

35. In ____, Alaska and Havaii becamethe 49th and 50th states.

36. In the Great Lakes, only _____belongs to U.S. completely while the other four are shared withGanada.

37. _______ is separated from the mainland by Canada.

38. The Rockies, the backbone of theNorth American Continent, is also known as _____.

39. _____ is the largest continentalstate in area in the U.S.

40. The West can be divided into threeparts: the Great Plains, the Rocky Mountains and _____.

41. The South is the headquarters of alarge segment of the ______ and ________ industry.

42. New England is sometimes called the______ of America.

43. _______ is considered to be one ofthe characteristics of the American people since one in five movesto a new home every year.

44. The first blacks were brought tonorth America as slaves in _____.

45. The largest group ofAsian-Americans are the ______.

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. highlands, lowlands 2. west 3.Anglo-Saxons, Celts 4. Jutes, Saxons, Angles, Angles 5. Hastings 6.feudal 7. Domesday Book, 1086 8. Thomas Becket 9. Black Death, two10. yeomen 11. the Divine Right of Kings 12. the king, theParliament 13. Commonwealth, Lord Protector 14. Union, Scotland 15.Whigs Tories Liberal Conservative 16. James Watt steam engine 17.workship 18. Winston Churchill

19. oil 20. the North Sea 21. Scotland22. microprocessors and computer, biotechnology 23. Opposition,shadow 24. the Queen, No. 10 Downing 25. country councils, districtcouncils 26. innocence 27. 12, 15 28. the House of Lords 29. theNational Health Service, social security 30. the Church of England,the Church of Scotland 31. 5, 4, 16 32. eleven-plus, comprehensiveschools 33. further education, high education

34. Oxford, Cambridge, 12th, 13th 35.1959 36. Lake Michigan 37. Alaska 38. the Continental Divide 39.Texas 40. the Intermountain Basin and Plateau 41. rocket/missile42. birthplace 43. Mobility 44. 1619 45. Chinese-Americans

III. Explain the following terms.

1. the Hardian’s Wall:

2. Alfred the Great

3. William the Conqueror

4. the battle of Hastings

5. Domesday Book

6. the Great Charter

7. the Hundred Years’ War

8. Joan of Arc

9. the Black Death

10. the Wars of Roses

11. Bloody Mary

12. Elizabeth I

13. Oliver Cromwell

14. the Bill of Rights

15. Whigs and Tories

16. James Watt

17. Winston Churchill

18. Agribusiness

19. the British Constitution

20. Queen Elizabeth II

21. the Opposition

22. the Privy Council

23. common law

24. the jury

25. the NHS

26. comprehensive schools

27. public schools

28. the Great Lakes

29. New England

30. baby boom

31. the Chinese Exclusion Act

32. the Bill of Rights

33. the Emancipation Proclamation

34. the Constitutional Convention

35. the Progressive Movement

36. the Peace Conference

37. the Truman Doctrine:

38. the Marshall Plan

39. the New Frontier

40. checks and balances:

IV. Answer briefly the followingquestions:

1. What do you know about the Romaninvasion of Britain?

2. Why did the William the Conquerorinvade England after Edward’s death?

3. What were the consequences of theNorman Conquest?

4. What were the contents and thesignificance of the Great Charter?

5. What do you know about the EnglishRenaissance?

6. Why did the Restoration takeplace?

7. How did the “Glorious Revolution”break out? What was the significance of it?

8. What is your comment on landenclosures in England?

9. How did the English IndustrialRevolution proceed?

10. What do you know about the ChartistMovement and the People’s Charter? What’s your comment on them?

11. How did the Labour Party come intobeing?

12. What is a constitutional monarchy?When did it begin in Britain?

13. What is the role of the Monarchy inthe British government?

14. What are the main functions ofParliament?

15. Why do the criminal convicts liketo be tried first before the magistrates’ courts?

16. What does the civil courts systemdo?

17. What is meant by the term “welfarestate” in Britain?

18. What is the most importantestablished Church in Britain? How is it related to the Crown andlinked with the State?

19. What distinguishes the OpenUniversity from all other British Universities?

20. Say something about the threeimmigration waves.

21. Why did the early settlers come toAmerica? Who were the Pilgrims? Who were the Puritans? What werethe features in the colonial period which had influence on laterAmerican development?

22. What were the causes of the War ofIndependence?

23. What was unusual about the Articleof Confederation? What was the struggle at the ConstitutionalConvention? How was the conflict solved?

24. Why did the Civil War break out?How did the war end?

25. What were the contents of the NewDeal?

26. What was the impact of the VietnamWar-on American society?

27. Who was McCarthy and what wasMcCarthyism?

28. What is counterculture? What aresome of the forms of counterculture?

29. What are the functions of theCongress?

30. What are some of thecharacteristics of American education?

III. Explain the following terms.

1. the Hardian’s Wall: It was one ofthe two great walls built by the Romans to keep the Picts out ofthe area they had conquered.

2. Alfred the Great Alfred was a strongking of the wisemen. It was created by the Anglo-Saxons to advisethe king. It’s the basis of the Privy Council which still existstoday.

3. William the Conqueror William wasDuke of Normandy. He landed his army in Oct, 1066 and defeated kingHarold. Then he was crowned king of England on Christams Day thesame year. He established a strong Norman government and the feudalsystem in England.

4. the battle of Hastings In 1066, KingEdward died with no heir, the Witan chose Harold as king. William,Duke of Normandy, invaded England. On October 14, the two armiesmet near Hasting. After a day’s battle, Harold was killed and hisarmy completely defeated. So this battle was very important on theway of the Roman conquest.

5. Domesday Book Under William, thefeudal system was established. William sent officials to compile aproperty record known as Domesday Book, which completed in 1086. Itwas the result of a general survey of England made in 1085. Itstated the extent, value, the population, state of cultivation, andownership of the land. It seemed to the English like the Book ofdoom on Judgement Day.

6. the Great Charter King John’s reigncaused much discontent among the barons. In 1215, he was forced tosign a document, known as Mangna Cara, or the Great Charter. It has63 clauses. Though it has long been regarded as the foundation ofEnglish liberities, its spirit was the limitation of the king’spowers, keeping them within the bounds of the feudal law of theland.

7. the Hundred Years’ War It referredto the intermittent war between France and England that last from1337 to 1453. The causes were partly territorial and partlyeconomic. When Edward III claimed the French Crown but the Frenchrefused to recognize, the war broke out. At first the English weresuccessful, but in the end, they were defeated and lost almost alltheir possessions in France. The expelling of the English was ablessing for both countries.

8. Joan of Arc She was a nationalheroine of France during the Hundred Years’ War. She successfullyled the French to drive the English out of France.

9. the Black Death It was the deadlybubonic plague who spread through Europe in the 14th century. Itswept through England without warning and any cure, and sparing novictims. It killed between half and one-third of the population ofEngland. Thus, much land was left untended and labour was short. Itcaused far-reaching economic consequences.

10. the Wars of Roses They referred tothe battles between the House of Lancaster and the House of Yorkbetween 1455 and 1485. The former was symbolized by the red rose,and the latter by the white one. After the wars, feudalism receivedits death blow and the king’s power became supreme. Thdor monarchsruled England and Wales for over two hundred years.

11. Bloody Mary Henry VIII’s daughterand a devout Catholic. When she became Queen, she persecuted andburnt many Protestants. So she was given the nickname “BloodyMary”. Mary is also remembered as the monarch who lost the Frenchport of Calais.

12. Elizabeth I One of the greatestmonarchs in British history. She reigned England, Wales and Irelandfor 45 years and remained single. Her reign was a time of confidentEnglish nationalism and of great achievements in literature andother arts, in exploration and in battle.

13. Oliver Cromwell The leader duringthe Civil War who led the New Model Army to defeat the king andcondemned him to death. Then he declared England a Commonwealth andmade himself Lord of Protector. He ruled England till therestoration of charles II in 1660.

14. the Bill of Rights In 1689, Williamand Mary accepted the Bill of Rights to be crowned jointly. Thebill excluded any Roman Catholic from the succession, confirmed theprinciple of parliamentary supremacy and guaranteed free speechwithin both the two Houses. Thus the age of constitutional monarchybegan.

15. Whigs and Tories It referred to thetwo party names which originated with the Glorious Revolution of1688. The Whigs were those who opposed absolute monarchy andsupported the right to religious freedom for Noncomformists. TheTories were those who supported hereditary monarchy and werereluctant to remove kings. The Whigs formed a coalition withdissident Tories and became the Liberal Party. The Tories were theforerunners of the Conservative Party.

16. James Watt The Scottish inventorwho produced an efficient steam engine with rotary motion thatcould be applied to textile and other machinery.

17. Winston Churchill Prime Minister ofBritain during the Second World War. He took over Chamberlain in1940 and received massive popular support. He led his country tofinal victory in 1945. He was defeated in the general election of1945, but returned to power in 1951.

18. Agribusiness It refers to the newfarming in Britain, because it’s equipped and managed like anindustrial business with a set of inputs into the farm of processeswhich occur on the farm, and outputs or products which leave thefarm. The emphasis is upon intensive farming, designes to give themaximum output of crops and animals.

19. the British Constitution There isno written constitution in the United Kingdom. The BritishConstitution is not set out in any single document, but made up ofstatute law, common law and conventions. The Judiciary determinescommon law and interpret statues.

20. Queen Elizabeth II The presentSovereign, born in 1926, came to the throne in 1952 and was crownedin 1953. The Queen is the symbol of the whole nation, the center ofmany national ceremonies and the leader of society.

21. the Opposition In the GeneralElection, the party which wins the second largest number of seatsbecomes the offcial Opposition, with its own leader and “shadowcabinet”. The aims of the Opposition are to contribute to theformulation of policy and legislation, to oppose governmentproposals, to seek amendments to government bills, and to putforward its own policies in order to win the next generalelection.

22. the Privy Council Formerly thechief source of executive power. It gave the Sovereign private(“privy”) advice on the government of the country. Today its roleis mainly formal, advising the Sovereign to approve certaingovernment decrees and issuing royal proclamation. Its membershipis about 400.

23. common law A written law gatheredfrom numerous decisions of the courts and other sources.

24. the jury A legal system establishedin England since king Henry II. The jury consists of ordinary,independent citizens summoned by the court: 12 persons in England,Wales and Northern Ireland, and 15 persons in Scotland. In criminaltrials by jury, the judge passes sentence but the jury decide theissue of guilt or innocence.

25. the NHS The National Health Servicewas established in the UK in 1948 and based first on Acts ofParliament. This Service provides for every resident a full rangeof medical services. It is based upon the principle that thereshould be full range of publicly provided services designed to helpthe individual stay healthy. It is now a largely free service

26. comprehensive schools Statesecondary schools which take pupils without reference to abilityand provide a wide-ranging secondary education for all or most ofthe children in a district. About 90 per cent of the statesecondary school population in GB attend comprehensive school.

27. public schools Fee-paying secondaryschools which are longestablished and have gained a reputation fortheir high academic standards, as well as their exclusiveness andsnobbery. The boys’ public schools include such well-known schoolsas Eton and Harrow, and girls’ famous schools include Roedean. Mostof the members of the British Establishment were educated at apublic school.

28. the Great Lakes The Great Lakes arethe most important lakes in the United States. They are LakeSuperior, which is the largest fresh water lake in the world, LakeMichigan —— the only one entirely in the U.S. —— Lake Huron, LakeErie and Lake Ontario. They are all located between Canada and theUnited States except Lake Michigan.

29. New England New England is made upof six states of the North-East. They are Maine, New Hampshire,Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut. It issometimes called the birthplace of America.

30. baby boom “baby boom” refers to thegreat increase of birth rate between 1946 and 1964. People born inthis period are called baby bammers.

31. the Chinese Exclusion Act It waspassed by the U.S. Congress in may, 1882. It stopped Chineseimmigration for ten years.

32. the Bill of Rights In 1789, JamesMadison introduced in the House of Representations a series ofamendments which later were drafted into twelve proposed amendmentsand sent to the states for ratification. Ten of them were ratifiedin 1791 and became the first ten amendments to the Constitution ——the Bill of Rights.

33. the Emancipation ProclamationDuring the Civil war, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamationto get more support for the Union at home and abroad. It grantedfreedom to all slaves.

34. the Constitutional Convention In1787, a conference was held in Philadelphia to consider what shouldbe done to make the Articles of Confederation adequate. All thedelegates agreed to revise the Articles of Confederation and drawup a new plan of government. After struggle, the Constitution wasratified at last. This conference is called the ConstitutionalConvertion.

35. the Progressive Movement TheProgressive Movement is a movement demanding government regulationof the economy and social conditions. It spread quickly with thesupport of large numbers of people across the country. It was notan organized campaign with clearly defined goals.

36. the Peace Conference The PeaceConference or the Paris Conference, began on January 18, 1919. Theconference was actually a conference of division of colonies ofGermany, Austro-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire and the grabbing ofas much as possible from the defeated nations. It was dominated bythe Big Four (the United States, Britain. France, and Italy)

37. the Truman Doctrine: On March 12,1949, President Truman put forward the Truman Doctrine in a speechto the joint session of Congress. The Truman Doctrine meant to saythat the U.S. government would support any country which said itwas fighting against Communism.

38. the Marshall Plan On June 5, 1947,the Secretary of State George Marshall announced the Marshall Plan,which meant that in order to protect Western Europe from possibleSoviet expansion, the United States decided to offer WesternEuropean countries economic aid.

39. the New Frontier It was thePresident Kennedy’s program which promised civil rights for blacks,federal aid to farmers and to education, medical care for all andthe abolition of poverty.

40. checks and balances:

The government is divided into threebranches, the legislative, the executive and the judicial, each haspart of the powers but not all the power. And each branch ofgovernment can check, or block, the actions of the other branches.The three branches are thus in balance. This called “checks andbalances”.

IV. Answer briefly the followingquestions.

1. What do you know about the Romaninvasion of Britain? —— In 55 BC and 54 BC, Julius Caesar, a Romangeneral, invaded Britain twice. In AD 43, the Emperor Claudiusinvaded Britain successfully. For nearly 400 years Britain wasunder the Roman occupation, though it was never a total occupation.British recorded history begins with the Roman invasion.

2. Why did the William the Conquerorinvade England after Edward’s death? —— It was said that kingEdward had promised the English throne to William but the Witanchose Harold as king. So William led his army to invade England. InOctober 1066, during the important battle of Hastings, Williamdefeated Harold and killed him. On Christmas Day, William wascrowned king of England, thus beginning the Norman Conquest ofEngland.

3. What were the consequences of theNorman Conquest? —— The Norman Conquest of 1066 is one of the bestknown events in English history. It brought about manyconsequences. William confiscated almost all the land and gave itto his Norman followers. He replaced the weak Saxon rule with astrong Norman government. So the feudal system was completelyestablished in England. Relations with the Continent were opened,and civilization and commerce were extended. Norman-French culture,language, manners, and architecture were been introduced. Thechurch was brought into closer connection with Rome, and the churchcourts were separated from the civil courts.

4. What were the contents and thesignificance of the Great Charter? —— The Great Charter, or theMagna Carta, was document signed in 1215 between the barons andking John. It had altogether 63 clauses, of which the mostimportant contents were these: (1) no tax should be made withoutthe approval of the Grand Council; (2) no freeman should bearrested, imprisoned, or deprived of his property except by the lawof the land; (3) the church should possess all its rights andprivileges; (4) London and other towns should retain their ancientrights and privileges; (5) there should be the same weights andmeasures throughout the country. The Great Charter was a statementof the feudal and legal relationship between the Crown and thebarons, a guarantee of the freedom of the Church and a limitationof the powers of the king. The spirit of the Great Charter was thelimitation of the powers of the king, but it has long been regardedas the foundation of English liberties.

5. What do you know about the EnglishRenaissance? —— Renaissance was the revival of classical literatureand artistic styles in European history. It began in Italy in theearly 14th century and spread to England in the late 15th century.The English Renaissance had 5 characteristics: (1) English culturewas revitalized not so much directly by the classics as bycontemporary Europeans under the influence of the classics; (2)England as an insular country followed a course of social andpolitical history which was to a great extent independent of thecourse of history else where in Europe; (3) Owning to the greatgenius of the 14th century poet chaucer, the native literature wasvigorous enough and experienced in assimilating foreign influenceswithout being subjected by them; (4) English Renaissance literatureis chiefly artistic, rather than philosophical and scholarly; (5)the Renaissance coincided with the Reformation in England. TheEnglish Renaissance was largely literary, and achieved its finestexpression in the so-called Elizabethan drama. Its finest exponentswere Christopher Marlowe, Ben Jonson, and William Shakespeare.

6. Why did the Restoration take place?—— When Oliver Cormwell died in 1658 and was succeeded by his son,Richard, the regime began to collapse. One of Cromwell’s generalsoccupied London and arranged for new parliamentary elections. TheParliament thus was elected in 1660, and to resolve the crisis, itasked the late king’s son to return from his exile in France asking Charles II. It was called the Restoration.

7. How did the “Glorious Revolution”break out? What was the significance of it? —— In 1685 Charles IIdied and was succeeded by his brother James II. James, who wasbrought up in exile in Europe, was a Catholic, He hoped to rulewithout giving up his personal religious views. But England was nomore tolerant of a Catholic king in 1688 than 40 years. So theEnglish politicians rejected James II, and appealed to a Protestantking, William of Orange, to invade and take the English throne.William landed in England in 1688. The takeover was relativelysmooth, with no bloodshed, no any execution of the king. This wasknown as the Glorious Revolution. William and his wife Mary wereboth protestants and became co-monarchs. They accepted the Bill ofRights. It’s the beginning of the age of constitutionalmonarchy.

8. What is your comment on landenclosures in England? —— Agricultural enclosure became frequent inthe late 18th and early 19th centuries. It has good as well as badresults: (1) Farms became bigger and bigger units as the greatbought up the small; (2) more vegetables, more milk and more dairyproduce were consumed, and diet became more varied; (3) enclosurewas a disaster for the tenants evicted from their lands by theenclosures. They were forced to look for work in towns, whichrapidly became hopelessly over crowded. It also lead to massemigration, particularly to the New World; (4) a new classhostility was introduced into rural relationships. Concentration ofland in fewer hands increased the price of land and dashed thelabourers’ hopes of even owning his own land. Many became wagelabourers, earning low rates in spite of agriculture’s newprosperity.

9. How did the English IndustrialRevolution proceed? —— The Industrial Revolution began with thetextile industry. It’s characterized by a series of inventions andimprovements of machines, such as John Ray’s flying shuttle, JamesHargreaves’ spinning Jenny, Richard Arkwright’s waterframe andSamuel Cropton’s mule. The Scottish inventor James Watt produced avery efficient steam engine in 1765, which could be applied totextile and other machinery. The most important element in speedingindustrialization was the breakthrough in smelting iron with cokeinstead of charcoal in 1709. Similar developments occurred in theforging side of the iron industry which enabled iron to replacewool and stone in many sectors of the economy. Improvedtransporation ran parallel with production. As a result of theindustrial revolution, Britain was by 1830 the “workshop of theworld”; no other country could compete with her in industrialproduction.

10. What do you know about the ChartistMovement and the People’s Charter? What’s your comment on them? ——The Chartist Movement was an industrial working class movement thathappened in England from 1836 to 1848. In 1836 a group of skilledworkers and small shopkeepers formed the London Working Men’sAssociation. They drew up a charter of political demands (known asthe People’s Charter) in 1838, which had six points: (1) the votefor all adult males, (2) voting by secret ballot, (3) equalelectoral districts, (4) abolition of property qualifications formembers of Parliament, (5) payment of members of Parliament, and(6) annual Parliament, with a General Election every June. Supportfor these six demands was loudly voiced all over the country. Otherworking men formed Chartist groups throughout the country to pressParliament to accept the 6 points. But Parliament rejected them forthree times. In the end, the Chartist Movement failed. It failedbecause of its weak and divided leadership, and its lack ofcoordination with trade-unionism. The working class was stillimmature. The Chartist Movement, however, the first nation wideworking class movement and drew attention to serious problems. The6 points were achieved very gradually over the period of 1858-1918,although the sixth has never been practical.

11. How did the Labour Party come intobeing? —— As the new working class became established in theindustrial towns in the late 18th century, they became aware of thepower which they could possess if they acted together instead ofseparately. So various working class organizations were formedwhich brought about the formation of the Labour Party. The LabourParty had its origins in the Independent Labour Party, which wasformed in January, 1893 and Led by Keir Hardie, a Scottish miner.The foundation of an effective party for labour depended on thetrade unions. In 1900, representatives of trade unions, the ILP,and a number of small societies set up the Labour RepresentationCommittee (LRC). The LRC changed its name to be Labour Party intime for the general election which was called for 1906. The LabourParty remains one of the two major parties in Britain untiltoday.

12. What is a constitutional monarchy?When did it begin in Britain? —— A constitutional monarchy is agovernmental system in which the head of State is a king or a queenwho reigns but does not rule. The country is namely reigned by theSovereign, but virtually by His or Her Majesty’s Government —— abody of Ministers who are the leading members of whicheverpolitical party the electorate has voted into office, and who areresponsible to Parliament. The Constitutional Monarchy in Britainbegan in 1689, when king William and Queen Mary jointly acceptedthe Bill of Rights, which guaranteed free speech within both theHouse of Lords and the House of Commons and constitutionalmonarchy, of a monarchy with power limited by Parliament began.

13. What is the role of the Monarchy inthe British government? —— The sovereign is the symbol of the wholenation. In law, he/she is head of the executive, an integral partof the legislature, head of the judiciary, the commander-in-chiefof all the armed forces of the crown and the “supreme governor” ofthe established church of England.

14. What are the main functions ofParliament? —— The main functions of Parliament are: (1) to passlaws; (2) to provide the means of carrying on the work ofgovernment by voting for taxation; (3) to examine government policyand administration, including proposals for expenditure; (4) todebate the major issues of the day.

15. Why do the criminal convicts liketo be tried first before the magistrates’ courts? —— A Magistrates’court tries summary offences and “either way” offences. It is opento the public and the media and usually consists of three unpaid“lay” magistrates. A magistrates’ court sits without a jury. Thecriminal law presumes the innocence of the accused until he hasbeen proved guilty beyond reasonable doubt; every possible step istaken to deny to the prosecution any advantage over the defence. Noaccused person has to answer the questions of the police beforetrials; he is not compelled to give evidence or to submit tocross-examination in court.

16. What does the civil courts systemdo? —— The civil courts system does the following jurisdiction: (1)actions founded upon contract and tort; (2) trust and mortgagescases; (3) actions for the recovery of land; (4) cases involvingdisputes between landlords and tenants; (5) admiralty cases andpatent cases; and (7) divorce cases and other family matters.

17. What is meant by the term “welfarestate” in Britain? —— The welfare state is a system of governmentby which the state provides the economic and social security of itscitizens through its organization of health services, pensions andother facilities. The system is funded out of national insurancecontributions and taxation. In Britain the term applies mainly toNational Health Service (NHS), national insurance and socialsecurity.

18. What is the most importantestablished Church in Britain? How is it related to the Crown andlinked with the State? —— The most important established Church inBritain is the Church of England. It is uniquely related to theCrown in that the Sovereign must be a member of that church and, as“Defender of the Faith”, must promise on his or her accession touphold it. Church of England archbishops, bishops and deans ofcathedrals are appointed by the Monarch on the advice of the PrimeMinister. The Church is also linked with the State through theHouse of Lords, in which the two archbishops (of Canterbury andYork), the bishops of London, Durham and Winchester, and 21 othersenior bishops of London, Durham and Winchester, and 21 othersenior bishops have seats

19. What distinguishes the OpenUniversity from all other British Universities? —— The OpenUniversity is non-residential university which is “open” to all tobecome students. It offers degree and other courses for adultstudents of all ages in Britain and other member countries of theEU. It was founded in 1969 and began its first courses in 1970. Itwas a combination of specially produced printed texts,correspondence tuition, television and radio broadcasts andaudio/video cassettes. For some courses, there are residentialschools. There is a network of study centers for contact withpart-time tutors and counselors, and with fellow students.

20.Say something about the threeimmigration waves. —— The first immigration wave began in the mid1810s, grew steadily during the 1830s and 40s and reached thehighest point in 1845. The second wave covered the period between1860 and 1890. The third wave was the largest of the three. Ithappeded between 1890 and 1914.

21. Why did the early settlers come toAmerica? Who were the Pilgrims? Who were the Puritans? What werethe features in the colonial period which had influence on laterAmerican development? —— The early settlers came to America eitherfor the opportunity to realize their dreams and better their livesor for the freedom from religious and governmental persecution. ThePilgrims were persons who suffered religious persecution in Englandand went to Holland and later moved to America in 1620. ThePuritans were the members of a Protestant group in England whowanted to purify the Church of England. Dissatisfied and threatenedin England, they saw America as a refuge and migrated to Americasince 1630. There were a number of features in the colonial periodwhich had influence on later American development. They were:representative form of government, rule of law, respect ofindividual rights, religious tolerance and a strong spirit ofindividual enterprise.

22. What were the causes of the War ofIndependence? —— The economy in the thirteen colonies developedvery fast and people wanted more power to detemine their ownbusiness. But the policy of the British government was to bring thedevelopment under control and to collect more taxes from thecolonies. On April 19, 1775, on their way to Concord to seize themilitary supplies of the militia there, the British soldiers metarmed militiamen. The shots were fired, the War of Independencebegan.

23. What was unusual about the Articleof Confederation? What was the struggle at the ConstitutionalConvention? How was the conflict solved? —— The Article ofConfederation was unusual in many ways. First, it provided for noking. The drafters blamed the troubles with Britain on king GeorgeIII. So they decided not to have a king but to have a republic.This was revolutionary. Second, while the Articles created acentral government in the form of a Congress, the emphasis wasstill on state powers. Third, the Articles of Confederation was awritten constitution for the United States. No important country inthe world at that time, including Britain, had a writtenconstitution. At the Constitution Convertion the delegates allagreed it was impossible to try to patch up the Articles ofConfederation, and decided to ignore them and draw up a new plan ofgovernment. Here contradictions emerged between the bigger statesand smaller states, between the industrial commercial interests andlanded interests, etc. In the end, the conflict was resolved by the“Great Compromise” of July 16, giving each state and equal vote inthe Senate but making representation in the House reflect the sizeof each state’s population.

24. Why did the Civil War break out?How did the war end? —— In the early 1800s, the Northern statesturned from farming to manufacturing. Black slavery soondisappeared in the North. But things were different in the South.The South expanded both its agriculture and its slavery. Theproblem of slavery became a serous political issue. Theabolitionists tried to abolish slavery while the South tried tokeep it. When Abraham Lincoln was elected President, the Southernstates broke away and formed a new nation. Then Lincoln wasdetermined to maintain the Union and the war broke out on April 12,1861, Lincoln realized that he could win support for the Union athome and abroad by making the war a just war against slavery. So heissued Emancipation Proclamation. Thus England and France stood bythe Union’s side. Many black slaves joined the Union Army. After aseries of battles, Robert Lee could no longer hold Richmond. Hesurrendered on April 9, 1865. The Civil War ended.

25. What were the contents of the NewDeal? —— The New Deal included the following contents; (1)establishment and strengthening of government regulation andcontrol of banking, credit and currency systems, overcoming thefinancial crisis and restriction of certain extreme practices offinancial capital; (2) federal government management of relief andestablishment of social security system such as the formation ofthe Civilian Conservation Crops and the setting-up of the TennesseeValley Authority; (3) stimulation of the recover of industry andagriculture; (4) formulation and implementation of federal labourlaws to raise the role of labour in the relations of production;(5) improvement of the situation of minorities and members ofcertain religious groups.

26. What was the impact of the VietnamWar-on American society? —— The Vietnam War had a great impact onAmerican society. (1) The United States was weakened as a result ofthe long war. (2) American society had never been so divided sincethe Civil War. (3) There was serious disagreement with in theruling circle. (4) The image of the United States, especially theimage of the American armed forces, was discredited.

27. Who was McCarthy and what wasMcCarthyism? —— Joseph R. McCarthy was U.S. Senator. He started hiscampaign by saying on Feb. 9, 1950 that he had the names of over200 Communists in the State Department. His campaign of accusationand anti-Communist hysteria was called McCarthyism.

28. What is counterculture? What aresome of the forms of counterculture? —— Counterculture is amovement of revolt against the moral values, the aestheticstandards, the personal behavior and the social relations ofconventional society. Revolutionaries became models for somepeople. Many young people experimented with drugs. Music,especially rock music, became the chief vehicle for thecounterculture attack on the status quo.

29. What are the functions of theCongress? —— The Congress has many functions, but the most centralis the passage of law. One of the most important non-legislativefunctions of the Congress is the power to investigate. A secondimportant power is to compel testimony from unwilling witness andto cite for contempt of Congress witness who refuse to testify, andfor perjury those who give false testimony.

30. What are some of thecharacteristics of American education? ——(1) Formal education inthe United States consists of elementary, secondary and highereducation. (2) Public educations is free and compulsory. (3)Diversity is considered to be an outstanding characteristic ofAmerican education. (4)Education is a function of the states, notthe federal government.

V. Write about 150 on the followingtopic.

1. Why and how did the EnglishParliament come into being? —— After king John died in 1216, hisson became Henry III. He filled the most important offices withforeigners, undertook an expensive war which ended in the loss of alarge land and demanded more money to enable his son to be king ofSicily. So the barons rebelled. Under the leadership of Simon deMontfort, they defeated the king in 1264. In 1265, Simon deMontrort summoned the Great Council to meet at Westminster,together with two knights from each country and two citizens fromeach town. This meeting has been considered as the earliestparliament. The Great Council developed later into the Lords andthe Commons known as a parliament. Both Houses were called to agreeto taxation. The Commons could present petitions to the king whichwere the first parliamentary bills. But Parliament only met byroyal invitation. Its role was to offer advice, not to makedecisions. The most important part of Parliament was the House ofLords.

2. How did the Civil Wars break out?What were the consequences of the Civil Wars? —— Charles I, alsobelieved “the Divine Right of kings”. His prerogative rights shouldnot be challenged by anyone. It encouraged confrontation withParliament, whose members had become increasingly Puritan insympathy. He managed to rule England for 11 years withoutParliament. But in 1640, Charles needed money and feared theinvasion of the Scots and had to call the Long Parliament. Then awhole series of measures were introduced by the Parliament limitingthe authority of the Crown while increasing its own. Thus, by 1642,the king and the commons were at each other’s throats, war wasinevitable. In 1642, the first Civil War broke out. By autumn 1646,Parliament held most of England and next year Charles was capturedbut escaped. He made a deal with the Scots who invaded England butwere defeated by Cromwell. Thus was the beginning of the SecondCivil War. In November 1648, the king was captured again andcondemned to death. The English Civil Wars have been seen aconflict between Parliament and the king, but also as a conflictbetween the economic interests of the urban middle classes and thetraditional economic interests of the Crown. The English Civil Warsnot only overthrew feudal system in England but also shook thefoundation of the feudal rule in Europe. It is generally regardedas the beginning of modern world history.

3. Tell briefly the history of thetwo-party system in the United States. What are the characteristicsof the two major parties in the United States today? —— Politicalparties are the basis of the American political system. In general,America has a two-party system. This means that two major politicalparties-now the Democrats and the Republicans-dominate politics atthe federal, state and local levels. There have been four periodsin the history of political parties in America. The first periodsof the party system began with the first two major parties or camps—— the Federalists and the Anti-Federalists led by AlexanderHamilton. Most of the Anti-Federalists later accepted theConstitution with the Bill of Rights, and began to call themselvesDemocratic-Republican. After the 1828 election of Andrew Jackson,the Democratic-Republican Party split. The main faction, led byAndrew Jackson, called themselves the Democratic Party, while thefaction opposed to Jackson formed the Whig Party in 1834. As thestruggle over slavery intensified, the majority of the Whig Party,part of the democrats, and other anti-slavery elements founded in1854 the Republican Party. The third phase of the two-party systemran from the 1860s to the 1920s with the Republican Partydominating the political scene for most of the time. The fourthperiod began with Franklin D. Roosevelt’s coming into power andlasted till the 1980s. In this period, for about 50 years, withshort interruptions, the Democratic Party was dominant. The Twomajor parties are really not very different today. But this doesnot mean there is not difference between them. On economic issues,the Democrats traditionally favour government intervention whilethe Republicans stress the role of the market more. On socialissues the Democrats support a strong social security system whilethe Republicans oppose large government social security programs.In spite of these differences, the two parties both believe inindividualism, defend capitalism and uphold private ownership ofmeans of production. In terms of organization the two parties areactually loose political coalitions.

4. What were the causes andconsequences of the War of 1812? —— The causes leading to the warwere the following: (1) A war between Britain and France was goingon in Europe. First the American government adopted a policy of notallowing trading with both countries. Later the U.S. governmentchanged its policy by stating that if any of the two countries gaveup its blockade against American shipping, the U.S. world lift theprohibition. In 1811, the U.S., on the condition that France woulddrop its blockade against American shipping, lifted the ban. Thisangered the British. (2) The Americans resented the Britishpractice of impressing or forcibly removing seamen from Americanships on the grounds that they were British subjects. (3) The U.S.wanted to take advantage of the War in Europe, when Britain andFrance had no time to look after their interests in the New World,to expand into Canada or Spanish Florida. This harmed the interestsof the British. —— The war had great impact on the development ofthe Unite States. Firstly, the war made people realize theimportance of a strong national government. Secondly, the warstrengthened the feeling of national unity and patriotism. Thirdly,for almost 10 years after the war, the Americans turned theirattention to the devlopment of the western part of the continent.Fourthly, it made both Britain and the United States realize theirdisputes should be slove through negotiation. A shaky peace in 1814turned into lasing peace between the two countries.

5. What role does the community collegeplay? What functions does it perform? What is it important inAmerican higher education? What is the guiding principle of such acollege? —— The community college as an institution is one of themost important innovations in the history of American highereducation more accessible and in meeting the needs of educatedadults, employees of local business, professional requiringcertification as well as community organizations. It performs fivemain functions. First, it prepares students for transferring to aBA program at a four-year institution. Second, it providesvocational training for people who are already working or expect tobe working in the future. Third, it gives remedial instruction tohigher school students who are underprepared for collegeacademically and adults who did not learn basic skills inelementary or secondary school. Fourth, it offers recreational,cultural activities for adults who are not seeking regularvocational or academic skill. Fifth, it absorbs students in afour-year program who are not qualified into a lower-statusvocational program. The guiding principle of community college ishigher education for everyone and the philosophy that equality mustmean equal opportunity for self-realization and for the recognitionof individual differences.


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