CCTV-9《upclose》主持人徐亦怡的简介 cctv5女主持人

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官方的翻译 《人物零距离》
Eyee Hsu(徐亦怡),CCTV-9"Upclose"节目主持人。EyeeHsu出生在美国,毕业于加利福尼亚大学-伯克利分校,她以自己独特的主持风格受到很多观众的喜爱。

Eyee Hsu is the host of Up Close, CCTV9’s only guest interviewprogram with a live studio audience. Eyee Hsu has worked with UpClose since its inception as the writer for the program, and bringsa Western perspective grounded in Eastern philosophy andsensitivity. An American-born Chinese, Eyee has always been drawnto her Chinese roots and vowed that she would one day establish herhome in China. Now currently residing in Beijing, her dream hasbeen realized.

Eyee graduated magna cum laude from UC Berkeley with adouble-major in Economics and Environmental Science. For over fiveyears, she was a management consultant with a leading healthcareconsulting firm, advising America’s largest healthcare systems onorganizational, operational and strategic issues. She has performedhealthcare work in the United States, Canada, Japan, China’smainland and Taiwan.

Eyee has a passionate interest for cultures, has traveledextensively and loves the outdoors. She is an avid snowboarder andhiker and is always ready to try anything new. With a welcomingspirit and an objective perspective, Eyee Hsu brings warmth andgenuine sincerity to Up Close.

1.Where did your name come from?

My name in Chinese is 徐亦怡。 In English, my first name is Eyee,pronounced like two “e”s. My last name is Hsu, pronounced like“Xu”. Trust me, it was not easy growing up in the United Stateswith a name like this, but now I am grateful for having such anunusual name.

2.To you, what is the most important thing in a person?

I believe that being a good listener is one of the mostimportant characteristics in a person. Only by listening to otherscan you gain a richer perspective and really begin to learn abouthow to be a global citizen. You can learn something fromeveryone.

3.What do you dislike most in a person?
Arrogance. I believe that arrogance breeds ignorance.

4.Which Up-Close programs have been your favorite?

Each guest on Up-Close has left a strong impression on my ownpersonal outlook. And that’s because each individual has a trulyinspiring story to tell. I admire all of our guests like GeneralJohn Fugh, Dr. Henry Lee, Annie Wu... But the ones who have reallyleft an indelible mark are The Flying Tigers, for their heroicsacrifices and courageous spirit celebrating life; SabriyeTenberken and Paul Kronenberg for her extraordinary bravery anddedication to the blind in Tibet; Flora Zhang Tian-ai for heramazing grace, beauty and eloquence...

We’ve interviewed incredible people! But if you forced me topick a couple, I would have to say the two would have to be theFlying Tigers, and Dr. Jane Goodall.

The Flying Tigers were true heroes in the Sino-Japanese War. Nowmostly in their 80s and 90s, a group of Flying Tigers and otherWWII heroes came to Up Close to share their stories from that time.Their heroic sacrifices and courageous spirits are a rare thing tofind. But most touching was their way of celebrating life with eachother. I’ll never forget having the honor of being surrounded by somany heroes in one studio.

Dr. Jane Goodall is a childhood hero of mine. I first learnedabout her when I was six years old. She has and always will be apersonal inspiration. The most incredible thing is that after allthese years admiring her, when I finally met her; she surpassed allof my expectations. Sitting next to her in the studio is a lifeexperience I will treasure. I feel so lucky to have had theopportunity .

5.Which was your most "fun" interview?
The diplomatic answer would be “all of them.” But ok since you needme to pick one, I would have to say it was the David Wu, Talk daTalk interview. It was unique because actually David and I arefriends, so it was easy to talk and have fun. There was a lot ofjoking, although we touched upon some more serious topics as well.We also had a great time playing games with our studio audience –it was hilarious.

Oh yeah, near the end of the interview, I also got a chance toput David “on the spot” so tune in if you want to see him squirm alittle! (laughter)

6.Who would you want to interview most?
CCTV-9《upclose》主持人徐亦怡的简介 cctv5女主持人
The list is endless. But if I had to choose someone in China, Iwould have to say Vice Premier Wu Yi. Here is a woman of incredibleintelligence, integrity, ambition and elegance. She is the mostpowerful woman in China today and a very important role model forthe women of the world.

7.What is your philosophy on life?
Stay positive and aim to be happy. Life will continue to throwchallenges at you no matter how much you plan. These are tests ofindividual character and it will be up to you to assert yourselfand turn an impossible situation into a positive opportunity.

8.What is your advice to everyone out there?
Remember there is only one person in the world like you - yourself.That makes you absolutely unique and special.

9.What do you do in your spare time?
I have a variety of hobbies. I love to do all forms of exercise.Lately in Beijing, I have been learning boxing, as well as beenpracticing pilates. But my favorite forms of exercise are outdoors? snowboarding, hiking.

I love to read. But if I have a larger block of free time, Iwill always try to do some type of travel, whether it’s withinChina or outside of China. My passion is to experience newcultures, and explore new sights. I feel this really stimulates thesoul and makes one feel connected to the rest of the world. Irecently went to India. Next stop is hopefully SouthAmerica.


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