But also I knew who was on the other end of those messages, thosecalls. A woman I’ve been seeing for many months, a woman I’ve spentmore time with than any other; a woman who loves me more than Ilove her.
Angered by these interruptions, after I had finished with JingjingI replied to tell her I had been with a woman. A testy exchangefollowed. In the following days our online conversations, which hadbeen close, became cool, strained.
I met her for lunch yesterday.
She told me how hurt she was.
So a week or ten days back while I’m in bed with Jingjing, I get abarrage of messages and then calls on my mobile, all of which Iperforce must ignore, as one cannot answer a call midmaking-love.
But also I knew who was on the other end of those messages, thosecalls. A woman I’ve been seeing for many months, a woman I’ve spentmore time with than any other; a woman who loves me more than Ilove her.
Angered by these interruptions, after I had finished with JingjingI replied to tell her I had been with a woman. A testy exchangefollowed. In the following days our online conversations, which hadbeen close, became cool, strained.
I met her for lunch yesterday.
She told me how hurt she was.
She told me she’d read this blog. Unwisely, some months back I’dmentioned I’d begun writing it but had not given her the address,due to its frank content. Honorable woman that she is, she’d notsought it out, leaving me my anonymity. But, after that night,angry, she tracked it down (which she had a perfect right to do allalong) and read it, start to end.
Before this she had no idea of this part of my life. Yes, she hadsome suspicions, and indeed once told me ‘I am sure there have beenmany other women at the same time as me.’ But I deflected thequestion and she, fearing the answer, did not look any moreclosely.

But now she has read this. How much it must have laceratedher!
I want to write about her more. But that is not really possible.Firstly, she asked me not to write about her, and so beyond this, Iwill not write.
Secondly, knowing she will read this, I cannot be objective.Whatever I write would be an appeal to her, an attempt to exculpatemyself, even though such exculpation is not really possible. Iwould like to try to explain my feelings for her, to write abouthow truly unique she is among all the thousands of people I havemet here. To say how with her I was more my real self than withanyone else. To talk of my admiration and respect for her.
But how can I do that without coming off, to her, as insincere,trite? How could she believe it, knowing I wrote it knowing shewould read it? How could she believe it after reading all thecrude, basic pages below?
So I feel pretty rotten. Guilty, to have hurt her so badly.Ashamed, even.
And is even that true, after all? If I really felt guilty surely Iwould begin to behave in a more socially acceptable way?
Partly, the chase is just too much fun. Partly, I do not, deepdown, really view it as betrayal at all. Most of the women I’minvolved with are willing partners and, really, compared to thedepth of my relationship with this woman, all the philandering isjust surface trivia. And partly (and perhaps the biggest part) I amjust a selfish scumbag.
Hah, these matters with myself which I too much discuss.