what it was
when you took the job
what you did
and explain why you enjoyed
The job I'd like to share with you was a sales promotion activityof a sausage company which was an interesting job. It was at mysecond year of the university and I had decided to earn some moneyby myself. I went to a job agency with my friends and found thisone. It didn't require any working experience which I had none. AndI had thought it shouldn't be a hard one. All I needed to do waswearing funny sausage costume and walking along the street! Howhard it could be! But I was wrong.
The job was fine, the superior was fine, the costume was fine, theonly thing that was not fine was the temperature, it was the midsummer! I had to wear the costume for like 4 hours a day in themidday of mid summer!! First day I nearly got myself a heat stroke!The second day, I was well prepared. I was naked inside the costumeand bought a lot of chilled water in my costume to cool me down.When I walked, those chilled bottles rolled me all over, it was afunny feeling!
When I walked along the street with the sausage costume, I saw atoothpaste coming from the opposite direction. We hugged and Ishared the experience with him. Though the pay was not high, I wasstill happy. Money doesn't grow on trees!