By pressing a tiny amount of nitrogen between two diamonds to apressure of 25 million pounds per square inch,scientistsnotonly were able to transform the gas into a solid, but they alsocreateda semiconductor similar tosilicon.
(A) not only were able to transform the gas into a solid, but theyalso created
(B) not only were able to transform the gas into a solid but alsocreating
(C) were able not only to transform the gas into a solid but tocreate
(D) were able not only to transform the gas into a solid but alsocreating
(E) were not only able to transform the gas into a solid, but theywere also able to create
The skill and theprecision of the Anasazi, ancient inhabitants of theSouthwest,inmeasuring the movements of the Sun and Moon areevidencednotonlyat Chaco Canyonbutatanumber of other sites.
(A) in measuring themovements of the Sun and Moon is evidenced not onlyat
(B) in measuring themovements of the Sun and Moon are evidenced not onlyat
(C) in measuring themovements of the Sun and Moon is evidenced at notonly
(D) to measure themovements of the Sun and Moon is evidenced at notonly
(E) to measure themovements of the Sun and Moon are evidenced not onlyat
51. Gasoline marketingis undergoing major changes as stationsoftennotonly add convenience stores but also combine with major fast-foodchains to buildcomplexes wherecustomers can shop and eat as well as buygasoline.
(A) not only addconvenience stores but also combine with major fast-food chains tobuild
(B) not only addconvenience stores but also they combine with major fast-foodchains to build
(C) are not onlyadding convenience stores but also in combination with majorfast-food chains they build
(D) add not onlyconvenience stores, but also combining with major fast-food chainsto build
(E) are not onlyadding convenience stores, but also in combining with majorfast-food chains they build

80. Changes in sealevelarenot only a result of changes in water temperature, affecting waterdensity, but of melting glaciers as well.
(A) are not only aresult of changes in water temperature, affecting water density,but of melting glaciers as well
(B) not only resultfrom changes in water temperature, which affect water density, butalso when glaciers melt
(C) are a result notonly of changes in water temperature, which affect water density,but also the melting glaciers
(D) result not onlyfrom changes in water temperature, which affect water density, butalso from the melting of glaciers
(E) result from notonly changes in water temperature, affecting water density, but aswell as when glaciers melt
-GMAC曾出现过一个非递进关系但是使用了notonly but also的题目。如下:正确答案是D,去掉了not also, 只剩下butit also. 这也是第一次在SC中出现butalso之间有代词的。原句是倒装句,但是正确答案改变了倒装,but后用it(it指代systematicclearing of forests)是因为but在这里是一个连词。GMACprefer后面使用完整的句子。
Not only did the systematic clearing of forests in the UnitedStates create farmland (especially in the Northeast) and gaveconsumers relatively inexpensive houses and furniture, but italsocaused erosionand very quickly deforested wholeregions.
A. Not only did thesystematic clearing of forests in the United States create farmland(especially in the Northeast) and gave consumers relativelyinexpensive houses and furniture, but italso
B. Not only did thesystematic clearing of forests in the United States create farmland(especially in the Northeast), which gave consumers relativelyinexpensive houses and furniture, butalso
C. The systematicclearing of forests in the United States, creating farmland(especially in the Northeast) and giving consumers relativelyinexpensive houses and furniture, butalso
D. The systematicclearing of forests in the United States created farmland(especially in the Northeast) and gave consumers relativelyinexpensive houses and furniture, but italso
E. The systematicclearing of forests in the United States not only created farmland(especially in the Northeast), giving consumers relativelyinexpensive houses and furniture, butit
prep 20.The hognosesnake puts on an impressive bluff, hissing and rearingback,broadensthe flesh behind its head the way a cobra does, feigning repeatedstrikes, but, having no dangerous fangs and novenom,eventually,if its pursuer is not cowed by the performance, will fall over andplay dead.
(A) broadens the fleshbehind its head the way a cobra does, feigning repeated strikes,but, having no dangerous fangs and no venom,
(B) broadens the fleshbehind its head the way a cobra does and feigns repeated strikes,but with no dangerous fangs and no venom,
(C) broadening theflesh behind its head the way a cobra does and feigning repeatedstrikes, but it has no dangerous fangs and no venom,and
(D) broadening theflesh behind its head the way a cobra does and feigns repeatedstrikes, but with no dangerous fangs and no venom,and
(E) broadening theflesh behind its head the way a cobra does, feigning repeatedstrikes, but with no dangerous fangs and no venom,and
prep 41. The budgetfor education reflects the administration's demandthatthemoney is controlled by local school districts, but it can only bespenton teachers,not on books, computers, or other materials oractivities.
(A) the money iscontrolled by local school districts, but it can only bespent
(B) the money becontrolled by local school districts, but it allows them to spendthe money only
(C) the money is to becontrolled by local school districts, but allowing it only to bespent
(D) local schooldistricts are in control of the money, but it allows them to spendthe money only
(E) local schooldistricts are to be in control of the money, but it can only spendit
IN ACTUALITY, there is really only one base structure here, whichis "not ... but ..."
that's actually the only TRUE set of parallel markers here. "only"and "also" are adverbs, and so ultimately function as modifiers --i.e., they aren't necessary to the structure.
still, since "not only ... but also ..." is so common, you may wantto memorize it separately -- but be aware that this is NOT the onlycorrect form of this idiom.
the MOST reliable way to deconstruct this idiom is just to memorize"not ... but ...", and then ignore the adjectives "only" and "also"in deciding whether structures are grammaticallyparallel.
in deciding the MEANING of the structure, you can't dismiss "only"and "also" ... but that's a separate issue. see below.
the writer was not only mortified by her mistake but determined tocorrect it in print.
the writer not only was mortified by her mistake but was determinedto correct it in print.
the writer was not only mortified by her mistake but was determinedto correct it in print.
the small child was relieved to hear that the rustling under thebed was caused not by a ghost but by his pet cat.
the small child was relieved to hear that the rustling under thebed was caused not by a ghost but his pet cat.
"not only ... but also ..."
"not only ... but ..."
"not ... but ..."
the difference here is strictly one of MEANING.
the first two are pretty similar; the last one is TOTALLYdifferent.
(1) "not only ... but also ..." is used to refer to twodescriptions that REINFORCE each other (i.e., both have the sameconnotation -- two good things, two bad things, two helpful things,etc.), but are fundamentally independent.
this drug is not only an alertness aid, but also anantidepressant.
--> "alertness aid" and "antidepressant" are TWOGOOD THINGS that have basically NOTHING TO DO WITH EACHOTHER.
therefore, "not only ... but also".
(2) "not only ... but ..." is also used to refer to twodescriptions that REINFORCE each other, but it's generally usedwhen the second description EXPANDS or GOES BEYOND thefirst.
ryan not only competed in all the events, but won first prize inthree of them.
--> note that "won first prize in three of [theevents]" is an EXTENSION of "compet[ing] in all the events". theseare not independent.
the above difference between (1) and (2) is subtle, and istherefore not terribly important. however, you MUST be able to tellthose from the next one:
(3) "not ... but ..." is used when the FIRST thing is EXPECTED,ASSUMED, or PREVIOUSLY THOUGHT, but is REFUTED / CONTRADICTED /DISPROVED by the SECOND thing.
the snacks known as "french fries" were invented not in france, butin belgium.
--> the initial assumption, which is refuted, isthat french fries are from france.