

Lilium lancifolium 卷丹百合

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Family: Liliaceae (lil-ee-AY-see-ee) ( Info ) 家庭: 百合科 (律- EE的唉,参见- EE)的( 信息 )

Genus: Lilium (LIL-ee-um) ( Info ) 属: 百合 (律- ee值微米)( 信息 )

Species: lancifolium (lan-sih-FOH-lee-um) ( Info ) 种类: 卷丹 (兰赐文物之友李微米)( 信息 )

Synonym: Lilium tigrinum 别名: 百合tigrinum

» View all varieties of Lilies » 查看所有的百合品种

One vendor has this plant for sale. 有这样一家厂商出售的工厂进行。

45 members have or want this plant for trade. 45个成员已经或想要这个行业的工厂进行。

Division: 司:

9 - Species 9 - 物种

Flower Habit: 花的习性:

(c) Down-facing (三)下面向

Height: 身高:

24-36 in. (60-90 cm) 24-36英寸(60-90厘米)

36-48 in. (90-120 cm) 36-48英寸(90-120厘米)

4-6 ft. (1.2-1.8 m) 4-6英尺(1.2-1.8米)

Spacing: 间距:

9-12 in. (22-30 cm) 9-12英寸(22-30厘米)

Hardiness: 耐寒性:

USDA Zone 3a: to -39.9 °C (-40 °F)美国农业部区3A条:为-39.9℃(-40 ° F)的

USDA Zone 3b: to -37.2 °C (-35 °F)美国农业部区3B条:为-37.2℃(-35 ° F)的

USDA Zone 4a: to -34.4 °C (-30 °F)美国农业部区4A条:为-34.4℃(-30 ° F)的

USDA Zone 4b: to -31.6 °C (-25 °F)美国农业部区4B条:为-31.6℃(-25 ° F)的

USDA Zone 5a: to -28.8 °C (-20 °F)美国农业部区5A条:为-28.8℃(-20 ° F)的

USDA Zone 5b: to -26.1 °C (-15 °F)美国农业部区5B条:为-26.1℃(-15 ° F)的

USDA Zone 6a: to -23.3 °C (-10 °F)美国农业部区6A条:为-23.3℃(-10 ° F)的

USDA Zone 6b: to -20.5 °C (-5 °F)美国农业部区6B型:为-20.5℃(-5 ° F)的

USDA Zone 7a: to -17.7 °C (0 °F)美国农业部区7A条:为-17.7℃(0℉)

USDA Zone 7b: to -14.9 °C (5 °F)美国农业部区7B条:为-14.9℃(5℉)

USDA Zone 8a: to -12.2 °C (10 °F)美国农业部区8A条:为-12.2℃(10 ° F)的

USDA Zone 8b: to -9.4 °C (15 °F)美国农业部区8B条:为-9.4℃(15 ° F)的

USDA Zone 9a: to -6.6 °C (20 °F)美国农业部区9A条:为-6.6℃(20℉)

USDA Zone 9b: to -3.8 °C (25 °F)美国农业部区9B条:为-3.8℃(25℉)

Sun Exposure: 孙曝光:

Full Sun孙全

Bloom Color: 布卢姆颜色:



Bloom Time: 开花时间:

Mid Summer盛夏

Flower Shape: 花形:


Bloom Size: 布卢姆大小:

6" to 12" (151 mm to 300 mm) 6“12”(151毫米至300毫米)

Color Pattern: 颜色模式:



Foliage: 观叶:


Other details: 其他详情:

Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater平均需水,水定期,不要水上

Soil pH requirements: 土壤pH值要求:

6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic) 6.1至6.5(轻度酸性)

6.6 to 7.5 (neutral) 6.6到7.5(中性)

7.6 to 7.8 (mildly alkaline) 7.6至7.8(弱碱性)

Patent Information: 专利信息:


Propagation Methods: 繁殖方法:

By dividing rhizomes, tubers, corms or bulbs (including offsets)除以根茎,块茎,球茎或灯泡(包括偏移)

By dividing the bulb's scales除以灯泡的尺度

From seed; sow indoors before last frost从种子,播种前的最后霜冻室内

From bulbils从珠芽

Seed Collecting: 采种:

Allow pods to dry on plant; break open to collect seeds允许干豆荚植物,收集种子破启

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By jody 由乔迪

By haighr 通过haighr

By haighr 通过haighr

By haighr 通过haighr


By carolann 由卡罗

By carolann 由卡罗

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17 positives 17阳性

6 neutrals 6中立国

3 negatives 3底片

Gardeners' Notes:园丁笔记:

Rating 等级 Author 作者 Comment 评论

Negative 负 JerryMurray JerryMurray On Sep 17, 2009, JerryMurray from Belfair, WA wrote:关于2009年9月17日,来自贝尔费尔JerryMurray,西澳说:

Noxious weeds have taken America by storm; whether grasses, annuals, perennials, shrubs or trees.有毒杂草已风靡美国,是否草,一年生植物,多年生植物,灌木或小乔木。 Non-native plants should not be allowed to naturalize in a non-native environ, excepting 'possibly' a yard.非本土植物不应归在非母语与环境,除'可能'一码。 Yet, dependent on how the plant diseminates seed and propagates, one must take caution.然而,在如何传播种子和植物diseminates依赖,必须采取谨慎态度。 Some people think ivy and Scot's broom are decorative - now they have taken over many wild areas of the western US from Canada to Chili.有些人认为常春藤和苏格兰人的扫帚都装饰 - 现在他们已经接管了来自加拿大的美国西部许多地区的野生辣椒。 Lilium lancifolium can be a weedy species, depending on location.卷丹百合可一杂草种类,视乎地点而定。 What we gardeners do not want to see is a non-native lily marching across the nation and hybridizing with native lilies.我们的园丁不想看到的是一个非本地的百合花全国进军,与原生百合杂交。 I believe lancifolium is a weedy naturalized pest in the mid to eastern US.我相信是一个杂草丛生的归卷丹在美国东部的中期害虫。

Be very careful that if you do grow them do so in a closed environment, that they are kept from the wild and native lily populations.要非常小心,如果你这样做,他们成长在一个封闭的环境中,他们是从野生种群保存和原生百合。

Positive积极 elissad elissad On Jun 17, 2008, elissad from Lafayette, IN wrote:关于2008年6月17日,从拉法叶elissad中说:

My tiger lily just sprouted up last year by an act of nature.我的老虎百合刚刚发芽去年由一个性质的行为。 It is growing in a quite shady spot and maybe only receives and hour or two of light per day.它是生长在一个相当阴凉地方,也许只接收和小时或每天光2。 Last year I had 2 stalks and this year I'm up to 7.去年我曾2棵,今年我到7。 At the end of this growing season I plan on moving it to an area where it will be more appreciated, yet away from my other lilies where it may negatively affect them.在本赛季我生长在一个地方移动到它会更欣赏区,但离我的其他百合花的地方可能会产生负面影响他们的计划结束。

Positive积极 debric debric On Jun 9, 2008, debric from Hyde Park, MA wrote:写在2008年6月9日,从海德公园debric,硕士:

I have been growing this plant for the past 8 years and find that they are absolutely beautiful.我一直在增长,在过去8年这家工厂,发现他们是绝对美丽。 Over the past three years, I have noticed a red bug that has been eating the leaves and leaving a black sack on the underside of the leaves.在过去的三年中,我注意到一个红色的错误已被吃的树叶,留下的叶片下部黑色袋子。 I have sprayed an insecticide, but that is only a temporary remedy.我有一个喷杀虫剂,但是这只是一个临时的补救措施。 Does anyone know what this insect is or how to keep it off of the flowers?有谁知道这是什么昆虫是如何保持它或关闭的花?

Positive积极 holeth holeth On Apr 24, 2008, holeth from Lehigh Valley, PA (Zone 6a) wrote:写在2008年4月24日,来自利哈伊谷,功率放大器(区6A条)holeth:

I think they're beautiful & hardy.我认为他们是如此美丽和壮实。 They do multiply a little in zone 6, but they're not terribly prolific.他们在6区乘一点点,但他们并不十分活跃。

Unfortunately, in eastern PA people often say "Tiger Lily" when they mean "wild orange daylily."不幸的是,在东部宾夕法尼亚人们常常说“老虎百合”时,意思是“野生橙黄花菜。” This could lead to confusion in trading.这可能导致交易混乱。

Positive积极 feelinmymonkie feelinmymonkie On Apr 8, 2008, feelinmymonkie from Clover, SC wrote:关于2008年4月8日,由三叶草feelinmymonkie,资深大律师说:

I had only one plant last summer, & I harvested the seed pods.我只有一个工厂去年夏天,我收获的种子和豆荚。 I stored them in my fridge for about 6 weeks & then put them in a glass of water by a window.我储存了约6个星期,然后他们将与在一杯水的一个窗口,他们在我的冰箱。 When the tip of the seed started looking like a root was coming out I put the seed in a pot of soil & every seed made a new plant!当种子尖端开始寻找像根来了之后,我把每一个土壤及种子罐种子作出了新的工厂! I hope this information will be useful for someone else because I had to try a lot of different methods before I found one that worked.我希望这个信息将别人有用的,因为我已经尝试了很多不同的方法之前,我找到一个工作。

Positive积极 fburg696 fburg696 On Jan 17, 2008, fburg696 from Farmersburg, IN wrote:关于2008年1月17日,fburg696从法默斯在说:

Very nice plant for the garden, there have been tiger lilies at my house since as long as I can remember and they come back and multiply every year.非常漂亮的花园工厂,有在我家老虎百合花,因为只要我还记得,他们回来,每年繁殖。 I just throw the bulbils on the ground when they are ready and nature does the rest.我刚才扔在地上时,他们已经准备好与自然做其余的珠芽。

They grow under wisteria vines so I can use the vine to hold them up and its a great alternative to staking!他们藤藤下成长,所以我可以使用,顺藤摸瓜,追究他们和它的一个伟大的替代赌注!

Great color and stature, some of mine get well over 5ft in height.伟大的颜色和地位,远远超过了我的一些高5英尺得到。 Great summer show.大夏天的表演。

Neutral 中立 RaiderLep RaiderLep On May 6, 2007, RaiderLep from Los Alamos, NM (Zone 5a) wrote: 5月6日说,2007年,RaiderLep由洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室,新墨西哥州(区5A条):

These are tough, easy to grow plants that yeild an abundance of beautiful orange flowers.这是艰难的,容易生长的植物产生一个美丽的橙色花朵数量。 However, I agree with several experts that they can be a dangerous disease carrier.不过,我同意一些专家,他们可能是一个危险的疾病的载体。 I planted several of them next to a mass planting of Stargazer Lilies last spring.我种了其中几个旁边的群众种植百合的斯塔盖泽去年春天。 The Tiger Lilies look great this year and have multiplied.老虎百合看起来棒极了,今年有成倍增加。 Unfortunately, approximately one-third of the neighboring Stargazers have streaked leaves this year and they're smaller than their healthy counterparts.不幸的是,大约三分之一的邻近斯塔加泽斯三分之一条纹叶今年他们比他们的健康要小。 I planted around twenty other Stargazer bulbs from the same supplier in other parts of the yard and all of them look great so far.我种了约20其他斯塔盖泽从院子里其他地方的同一个供应商灯泡和他们都期待伟大迄今。

If you could keep these plants isolated I would give them a positive rating.如果你能保持这些植物中分离我想给他们一个正面的评价。 If you plant them near other lilies (or anything else), you may be asking for trouble.如果你厂附近(或任何其他人)其他百合它们,您可能会自找麻烦。 I can't prove that the Tiger Lilies were responsible for infecting my Stargazers with a virus, but it appears to be more than a coincidence.我不能证明虎百合被感染了病毒,为我的斯塔加泽斯负责,但它似乎是一个巧合比。 Although suppliers may guarantee that Tigers are virus free, they have no way of inspecting each bulb's tissue for viruses.虽然供应商可以保证老虎是病毒,他们没有检查每个灯泡的病毒的组织方式。 I've decided to give the Tiger Lily a neutral rating because I really like the plant itself, but it's not 100% safe to place them in your garden among other plants.我已经决定给泰格利利因为我真的很喜欢植物本身中性评级,但它不是100%安全放置在你的花园中有其他植物。

Negative 负 southern_nj southern_nj On Aug 2, 2006, southern_nj from Mauricetown, NJ (Zone 7a) wrote:关于2006年8月2日从里斯敦southern_nj,新泽西州(区7A条)写道:

this lily appeared out of nowhere and rapidly multiplied.这似乎从哪儿冒出来百合,迅速成倍增加。 all bulblets sprouted, it took over.所有小鳞茎发芽,接管。

Positive积极 CaptMicha CaptMicha On Jul 25, 2006, CaptMicha from Brookeville, MD (Zone 7a) wrote:关于2006年7月25日,来自布鲁克维尔CaptMicha医师(区7A条)写道:

These lilies are soooo striking and exotic looking.这些百合soooo突出前瞻性和异国情调。 Also very easy to grow, as stated above.也很容易种植,如上所述。

The only problem I have is that it takes so long for mine to flower.唯一的问题是,我有需要这么久我开花。 I planted mature plants two-three years ago and they're finally flowering now and still, only two of the stems.我种了两三年以前成熟的植物,他们终于开花现在仍,茎只有两个。 I'm going to transfer most of them to 100% full sun this fall.我将他们转移到100%最充分的阳光,今年秋天。

These plants produce a lot of bulbils, I've sometimes counted four at one leaf axis and they detach easily but I don't see this as being invasive.这些工厂生产的珠芽很多,我有时在一计轴四叶和他们分离容易,但我不认为这是入侵。

Most of the bulbils I've collected have sprouted in the plastic cup collection cup.我收集的珠芽萌发的大部分塑料杯收集杯。

Positive积极 Sherlock221 Sherlock221 On Jul 18, 2006, Sherlock221 from Lancaster, KY wrote:关于2006年7月18日,来自兰开斯特Sherlock221,肯塔基州说:

This is a reliable bloomer.这是一个可靠的姜子牙。 It grows nearly 5 feet tall in my garden.它生长了近5英尺高在我的花园。 It tolerates part-shade very well.它容忍部分遮荫很好。 It has nice, dark green foliage and sturdy stems.它具有良好的,深绿色的叶和茎坚固。 The down facing flowers have curled back petals and are an electric orange color with purple spots.该对着花朵有花瓣卷曲回来,并与电动橙色紫色斑点。

Positive积极 flakeygardener flakeygardener On Jul 9, 2006, flakeygardener from Montreal, QC (Zone 5a) wrote:写在2006年7月9日,来自蒙特利尔flakeygardener,品管(区5A条):

I grow this in Zone 5a and my sister grows it in Zone 4a.我生长在这个区第5a和姐姐生长在区4A条。 She gave me - 5 plants 4 years ago and I forgot them in a plastic bag at my mother's for two weeks.她给了我 - 4年前5个工厂,我忘了在一个塑料包,在我母亲两个星期的他们。 I finally brought them home and planted them - after a few more days.我终于把它们带回家,他们种植 - 后数天。 The next year I had 8 plants.明年我有8种植物。 This year I have 17.今年我已经17。 I have neglected them badly.我却忽视了他们的生活。 I'm not much of a weeder.我不是一个除草机多。 I have a city garden that had not been used for years (if ever).我有一个城市花园,已多年没有使用(如果有的话)。 The earth is heavliy laced with clay from 75 years of run-off from the building I live in.地球是heavliy股价由75年的运行从我住进来的建设小康粘土

There is one plant that is not doing well this year.有一个工厂,这是不好的一年。 There are only two tiny buds on it and the bulbils (?) are oversized.只有两个小芽上和珠芽(?)的超大。 I'm thinking of taking it out now in case it is diseased.我服用了现在的思想情况下,它是患病。

All the other plants have 6 or more buds on them and I'm expecting the first blooms in a day or two - right on schedule.所有其他植物有6个或更多的对他们的味蕾和我期待在一两天 - 在第一如期开花。 They'll look gorgeous beside my purple coneflowers.他们会看我的旁边华丽紫色coneflowers。

I feel special because there are day lilies all over in this area, but nobody else has tiger lilies.我觉得自己很特别,因为有一天百合在这方面了,但没人有老虎百合花。 I'm not sure why - they seem indestructable to me!我不知道为什么 - 他们似乎indestructable我!

Positive积极 rubygloomrox rubygloomrox On May 13, 2006, rubygloomrox from Red Wing, MN wrote: 5月13日,2006年,从红翼rubygloomrox,百万说:

While they aren't scented, they are super easy to grow and very hardy.虽然他们没有香味,他们是超级容易增加,很壮实。 They were my first try at collecting seeds to propagate and I ended up with so many plants I had to give them away.他们是我的第一次尝试在收集种子传播,我结束了我这么多的工厂不得不放弃他们走了。

A lot of times when people admire my garden and would like to start gardening themselves, I give them a few of these to s tart with.很多时候,当人们欣赏我的花园里,想开始自己的园艺,我给他们这些少数至S与挞。 It is such a confidence booster for the new gardener that they are soon willing to try a lot of other plants.正是这种新的园丁,为增强信心,他们很快就会愿意尝试了很多其他植物。

They look very pretty and striking with the right background.他们看起来非常漂亮,与正确的背景惊人的。 I have them in an area where the color really stands out.我在一个地方的颜色就显得很引人注目他们。 Some of my best plant photos are of the tiger lilies.我最好的工厂的照片有些是老虎百合花。

Neutral 中立 Leehallfae Leehallfae On Apr 8, 2006, Leehallfae from Seattle, WA wrote:关于2006年4月8日,从西雅图Leehallfae,佤族说:

These grow in Seattle, Washington, Zone 8b.这些生长在西雅图,华盛顿,区8B条。

The only drawback: The bulbs are not sold in any stores.唯一的缺点:不,在球茎在任何商店出售。

Gorgeous plants, though.华丽的植物,虽然。

Positive积极 sallyg sallyg On Mar 10, 2006, sallyg from Anne Arundel Co., MD (Zone 7a) wrote:关于2006年3月10日,从阿内阿伦德尔有限公司医师(区7A)条sallyg说:

This is a sentimental favorite of mine.这是我的一个感性的最爱。 I remember the bulblets, from childhood, being really 'neat.'我记得小鳞茎,从童年,是真正'整洁。 My dad gave me the plant back a couple of years ago.我爸爸给我的工厂回了几年前。 Last summer, I cut a stem for him to have in his room at the nursing center where he had rehab.去年夏天,我将要为他在干他在护理康复中心,他的空间。 It gave a succession of open flowers for days in such a bright color he couldn't miss it with his bad eyes.它给在这么明亮的颜色为天开的花继承他不能错过与他的眼睛就不好了。 Maybe it's good luck too, because he's doing great!也许是太好运,因为他在做伟大的!

Positive积极 Gabrielle 加布里埃尔 On Jan 15, 2006, Gabrielle from Washington, IL (Zone 5a) wrote:在1月15日,从华盛顿加布里埃尔,白细胞介素(区5A)条说:

These are big showy flowers that bloom over a decent span of time.这些都是大艳丽的花朵盛开在一段时间体面的跨度。 There are a couple of things to keep in mind about them.有一对夫妇的事情要记住他们。 If you don't pick the bulbils off, they can easily take over.如果你没有选择珠芽后,他们可以很容易地接管。 Put them where you want them for a long time, because they are hard to move.很长一段时间把他们你想要他们,因为他们难以行动。 Not that they don't transplant well, but because they like to keep coming back where they originally were.这并不是说他们不移植好,而是因为他们想继续回来,他们本来是。 Also, the pollen does stain and bears a magnetic attaction to white/light clothing!此外,花粉不染色和熊磁attaction白色/轻便服装! Other than rabbits, I don't think it has any enemies.兔子比其他,我不认为这有任何敌人。 I've read that it is hardy in zones 1-10.我读过,这是在区1-10壮实。

Neutral中立 tyshee tyshee On Oct 17, 2005, tyshee from Kenai, AK wrote:关于2005年10月17日,从基奈tyshee,支AK说:

Lily blooms well but it blooms so late that one has to hope for a late fall to enjoy it.百合花朵盛开很好,但它这么晚了,人们必须为一个深秋希望享受它。 No other problems.没有其他问题。

Neutral中立 MitchF MitchF On Jan 19, 2005, MitchF from Lindsay, OK (Zone 7a) wrote:写在2005年1月19日,由林,行(区7A)条MitchF:

The rabbits eat them off every time before we get the chance to see the flowers more then a day or two.兔子吃了,每次在我们有机会看到那么多的花一两天。

Positive积极 kdjoergensen kdjoergensen On Jan 17, 2005, kdjoergensen from Waxhaw (Charlotte), NC (Zone 7b) wrote:关于2005年1月17日从瓦克斯霍(夏洛特)kdjoergensen,数控(区7B条)写道:

One of the most handsome lilies you can find.最漂亮的百合花一个你可以找到。 It has a strong orange color with black spots.它与黑点强烈的橙色。 I simply love the bulbils which form at the leaf axis ..我只是喜欢在珠芽的叶轴形式.. they produce flowering lilies in 2-3 years.他们在2-3年生产百合开花。

Highly recommended.强烈建议。

Positive积极 grammaj46 grammaj46 On Jul 18, 2004, grammaj46 from Charlevoix, MI (Zone 4a) wrote:关于2004年7月18日,grammaj46从夏利华,心肌梗死(区4A)条说:

I have had Tiger lillies in my gardens for years, and get many new plants every year.我曾在我的花园虎利莱斯多年,并取得了许多新的工厂每年。 two years ago I transplanted 6 lillies into a new bed, this year I had twice that many mature plants, (shocked me), they over shadowed other plants, so "I bit the bullett" and transplanted them when they were over 2 feet tall, BIG clump of dirt, plenty of water in the next few days, now they`re twice as tall with lots of buds, Needless to say I am pleased.两年前我到一个新的床移植6利莱斯,今年我曾两次有很多成熟的植物,(震惊我),他们比其他植物阴影,所以“我咬了布利特”和移植时,他们都超过2英尺高,大丛的灰尘,大量的水,在未来数天,现在他们`重新与芽的两倍多,不用说,我很高兴高。 Lucky too!!!!太幸运!!

Positive积极 Dan_Brown Dan_Brown On May 21, 2004, Dan_Brown from Elm Grove, LA wrote: 5月21日,2004年,Dan_Brown从埃尔姆格罗夫,洛杉矶说:

I love this plant!我爱这个厂! I aquired my first bulbs from a neighbor up the dirt road from my house, and they have bloomed faithfully for about six years in a large bed with dutch and bearded irises, hymenocallis, hippeastrum and other lilies like Easter, Stargazer, and some other hybrids!我获得了从土路从我家邻居我的第一个灯泡,和他们开一个约6胡子与荷兰和菖蒲,水鬼,朱顶红,像复活节,斯塔盖泽,以及其他一些混合动力车其他百合大床多年忠实! Mine has spread from a clump of about 3 bulbs to about 12 stems and many of the black bubils have come up although these plants are small, but are making bubils of their own.矿井从约3灯泡聚集扩散到约12茎和黑bubils很多人都来,虽然这些植物虽小,但是却利用自己的bubils。 I would like to spread them out but really don't want to disturb them, although my wife would like them carefully separated and planted in several places.我想传播出来,但真的不希望打扰他们,虽然我的妻子想仔细分开,并在几个地方种植。 Maybe I'll get my nerve soon.也许我会尽快让我的神经。 As far as the unsightly dead stems, I cut them off at the ground with loping shears as quickly as they die and burn them and it's no trouble.至于难看死茎,我将它们赶走在与洛剪刀尽快死烧他们,这是毫不费力地。

Blessed, Dan Brown, Elm Grove, LA有福,丹布朗,榆树格罗夫,洛杉矶

Negative 负 pungo 庞戈 On May 8, 2004, pungo from Norfolk, VA wrote: 5月8日,2004年,从诺福克潘戈,弗吉尼亚州说:

About 5 years ago I planted 10 of these bulbs.大约5年前,我种下这些灯泡10。 Not one of them sprouted.不在其中发芽。 I don't know if it was my soil or what went wrong.我不知道这是否是我的土壤,哪里出了问题。

Positive积极 ZenZinnia ZenZinnia On Oct 11, 2003, ZenZinnia from Lakeview, MI (Zone 5a) wrote:关于2003年10月11日,由湖景ZenZinnia,心肌梗死(区5A)条说:

In my area Lilium lancifolium is very hardy. 卷丹百合在我的领域是很壮实。 The flowers last beautifully for about four weeks.最后一个漂亮的花了约4个星期。

Neutral中立 echoes 回声 On Oct 10, 2003, echoes from Southern MB在10月10日,从南MB的回声

Canada wrote:加拿大说:

Lilium lancifolium can be a virus carrier without showing any signs - be sure to keep it away from other lilies! 卷丹百合可成为病毒携带者没有表现出任何症状-务必保持其他百合花远离!

(Some tulips also can host viruses that do damage to lilies.) (有些还可以举办郁金香病毒做损害百合花。)

There are both triploid and diploid forms of this lily.同时有三倍体和二倍体本百合形式。 Many hybrids have L.许多杂种属 lancifolium in their breeding. 卷丹在其繁殖。 This lily was long known as L.这是长期以来被作为百合属 tigrinum . tigrinum。

Positive积极 suncatcheracres suncatcheracres On Jul 31, 2003, suncatcheracres from Old Town, FL wrote:关于2003年7月31日,从旧城区suncatcheracres,佛罗里达州说:

I acquired my plants from a fellow Master Gardener at a plant swap in a suburb of Atlanta about three years ago.我从一位硕士获得园丁在三年前在亚特兰大郊区的一个关于植物交换我的植物。 My plants survived one summer in a pot, and they are now doing quite well in a raised flower bed in northcentral Florida, zone 8b.我国植物生存在一个锅一个夏天,他们正在做的佛罗里达州,在北中央提出的花坛不错,区8B条。

The oldest plant grew to about five feet tall this summer, with numerous bulbils and four large flowers.最古老的植物生长到大约5英尺高今年夏天,众多的珠芽和4个大型花卉。 I removed the bulbils just before and during flowering in early June this year, and placed them in pots, and they have begun sprouting, with one new plant gowing about six inches tall in just two months.我删除了珠芽之前和期间在今年6月初开花,并将其放置在花盆他们,他们已经开始发芽了一个新的工厂,大约6英寸高宁在短短两个月高。 The tall dying mature stems do become brown and unattractive in late summer, so this tall plant does well in the back of a perennial border, where its late summer unattractive stems can be hidden by later, lusher vegetative growth.高个子做垂死的成熟茎褐色成为夏末和吸引力,所以这并不高大植物以及常年在一个边界,在夏末缺乏吸引力源于其可以通过后,卢舍营养生长隐藏回来。

This plant will spread readily through its fallen, black bulbils that form in the leaf axils, and I've already given some baby plants away to friends, as it is a long standing "pass-a-long" plant of the Coastal South.该工厂将通过其传播迅速下降,在叶腋形成黑色珠芽,我已经给一些婴儿植物远的朋友,因为它是一个长期存在的“传递一长”的沿海南厂。

Steve Bender's & Felder Rushing's book, Passalong Plants says this lily has been grown in China for over 2,000 years as a major food crop.史蒂夫班德的和费尔德拉欣的书,PassAlong公司说,这植物百合种植在中国已为超过2000作物年度为主要食物。 "Scales from its egg-shaped bulbs were peeled, seasoned, cooked and eaten by the millions." “从它的蛋型灯泡表是去皮,调味,熟吃数以百万计。” It came to Europe in the late 1600's through the Dutch East India Company, and to America in the 1830's where " many places it naturalized and is now considered an American wildflower."它来到欧洲,1600年底通过荷兰东印度公司,并在1830年的美国出现了“...在它归化,是目前被认为是美国野花很多地方。”

This lily is often confused with the US native Lilium superbum (Turk's Cap Lily), but is different in leaf structure and coloring.百合是经常混淆这与美国本土百合superbum(土耳其人的第百合),但不同的是色素的结构和叶。 And according to this book, Tiger Lilies resist hybridizing because they are a rare "triploid" that can't be made to change their spots.而根据这本书,老虎百合抵制杂交,因为它们是一个罕见的“三倍体”无法作出改变的地方。

Positive积极 jan_M jan_M On May 17, 2003, jan_M from Creighton 5月17日,2003年,从克赖顿jan_M

Canada wrote:加拿大说:

Our Tiger Lilies have lived for many years, even through very cold winters.我们的老虎百合已居住多年,甚至通过非常寒冷的冬天。 The bulbils that grow on the leaves can be used to propagate new plants, treated similar to "seeds".珠芽,关于叶子可以用来传播新厂,经处理类似“种子”。

A quite tall plant, for its flower size.一个相当高的植物,其花的大小。 A very bright orange, with black spots.一个非常明亮的橙色,有黑色斑点。 The flowers hang down, on droopy stems.对下垂的花朵下垂,茎。 Very hardy, and strong rain doesn't even bend them.很哈代,强降雨甚至不弯他们。

Neutral中立 Baa 咩 On Aug 28, 2002, Baa wrote:关于2002年8月28日,咩说:

A lily species from China and Japan.来自中国和日本的百合种。

Has long, lance shaped mid to deep green leaves borne on dark stems which are sometimes hairy.长期以来,长矛形中,以深绿色的叶茎是黑暗的负担,有时有毛。 Bears reddish orange, pendant, unscented, turkscap (petals strongly recurved) flowers, spotted with purple.熊红橙色,挂件,无味,turkscap(花瓣强烈后弯)花,有紫色斑点。 Also forms small bulbils in the leaf axils on the upper part of the stems which are quite easy to propagate.此外形式对茎是很容易传播上部叶腋小珠芽。

Flowers July - September花7至9月

Loves moist but well-drained, neutral to acid soil in sun or light shade.喜欢潮湿但排水良好,中性至酸性太阳或浅色土壤。 It will tolerate slightly alkaline soils and will happily form a clump in the right conditions.它会容忍弱碱性土壤和愉快的形式将在适当的条件下丛。


This plant has been said to grow in the following regions:这家工厂已经说生长在以下地区:

, (2 reports) ,报告(2)

Jones, Alabama琼斯,亚拉巴马

Northport, Alabama诺斯波特,亚拉巴马

Tuscaloosa, Alabama (2 reports)塔斯卡卢萨,阿拉巴马州的报告(2)

Vincent, Alabama文森特,亚拉巴马

Kenai, Alaska基奈,阿拉斯加

Malvern, Arkansas莫尔文,阿肯色

Morrilton, Arkansas莫里尔顿,阿肯色

Brownsville, California布朗斯维尔,加州

Canoga Park, California卡诺加公园,加利福尼亚州

San Francisco, California旧金山,加州

Colorado Springs, Colorado科罗拉多斯普林斯,科罗拉多

Sterling, Colorado斯特灵,科罗拉多

Apopka, Florida阿波普卡,佛罗里达州

Fort Lauderdale, Florida劳德代尔堡,佛罗里达州

Hollywood, Florida好莱坞,佛罗里达州

Jacksonville, Florida杰克逊维尔,佛罗里达州

Old Town, Florida旧城区,佛罗里达州

Orange Springs, Florida奥兰治斯普林斯,佛罗里达州

Pensacola, Florida佛罗里达州彭萨科拉

Tallahassee, Florida塔拉哈西,佛罗里达州

Dallas, Georgia达拉斯,格鲁吉亚

Hawkinsville, Georgia霍金斯维尔,格鲁吉亚

Mcdonough, Georgia麦克多诺,格鲁吉亚

Royston, Georgia罗伊斯顿,格鲁吉亚

Evanston, Illinois埃文斯顿,伊利诺伊

Freeport, Illinois弗里波特,伊利诺伊

Jacksonville, Illinois杰克逊维尔,伊利诺伊

Macomb, Illinois马科姆,伊利诺伊

Morris, Illinois莫里斯,伊利诺伊

Nilwood, Illinois Nilwood,伊利诺伊

Rockford, Illinois罗克福德,伊利诺伊

Washington, Illinois华盛顿,伊利诺伊

Westchester, Illinois威彻斯特,伊利诺伊

Williamsville, Illinois威廉姆斯,伊利诺伊

Bremen, Indiana不来梅,印第安纳

Chesterton, Indiana切斯特顿,印第安纳

Demotte, Indiana德莫特,印第安纳

Farmersburg, Indiana法默斯,印第安纳

La Porte, Indiana拉波特,印第安纳

Macy, Indiana梅西,印第安纳

Mooresville, Indiana穆尔斯维尔,印第安纳

Hutchinson, Kansas哈钦森,堪萨斯

Lancaster, Kentucky兰开斯特,肯塔基

Mcdowell, Kentucky麦克道尔,肯塔基

Collinston, Louisiana科林斯顿,路易斯安那州

Elm Grove, Louisiana埃尔姆韦,路易斯安那州

Skowhegan, Maine什科根,缅因

Brookeville, Maryland布鲁克维尔,马里兰

Millersville, Maryland米勒斯维尔,马里兰

Preston, Maryland普雷斯顿,马里兰

Cambridge, Massachusetts剑桥,马萨诸塞州

Halifax, Massachusetts哈利法克斯,马萨诸塞州

Haydenville, Massachusetts海德维尔,马萨诸塞州

Hyde Park, Massachusetts海德公园,马萨诸塞州

Quincy, Massachusetts (2 reports)昆西,马萨诸塞州的报告(2)

Springfield, Massachusetts马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德

Ann Arbor, Michigan美国密歇根州安阿伯

Charlevoix, Michigan夏利华,密歇根

Elkton, Michigan埃尔克顿,密歇根

Grosse Pointe, Michigan格罗斯波因特,密歇根

Houghton Lake, Michigan霍顿湖,密歇根

Lakeview, Michigan湖景,密歇根

Mason, Michigan梅森,密歇根

Royal Oak, Michigan皇家橡树,密歇根

Minneapolis, Minnesota明尼阿波利斯,明尼苏达

Red Wing, Minnesota红翼,明尼苏达

Saint Paul, Minnesota圣保罗,明尼苏达州

Mathiston, Mississippi马西斯顿,密西西比

Columbia, Missouri哥伦比亚,密苏里州

Mount Vernon, Missouri芒特弗农,密苏里州

Springfield, Missouri斯普林菲尔德,密苏里州

Ogallala, Nebraska奥加拉拉,内布拉斯加

Reno, Nevada内华达州里诺市

Auburn, New Hampshire奥本,新罕布什尔州

Dover, New Hampshire多佛尔,新罕布什尔州

Littleton, New Hampshire利特尔顿,新罕布什尔州

Malaga, New Jersey马拉加,新泽西

Mauricetown, New Jersey里斯敦,新泽西州

Neptune, New Jersey海王星,新泽西

South Plainfield, New Jersey南普兰菲尔德,新泽西州

Los Alamos, New Mexico洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室,新墨西哥

Brooklyn, New York布鲁克林,纽约

Croton On Hudson, New York哈得孙河畔克罗顿,纽约

Nineveh, New York尼尼微,纽约

Bessemer City, North Carolina贝瑟默锡蒂,北卡罗莱纳州

Elizabeth City, North Carolina (2 reports)伊丽莎白市,北卡罗莱纳州的报告(2)

Raeford, North Carolina雷伊福,北卡罗莱纳州

Belfield, North Dakota贝尔菲尔德,北达科他州

Cleveland, Ohio美国俄亥俄州克里夫兰市

Columbus, Ohio哥伦布,俄亥俄州

Englewood, Ohio恩格尔伍德,俄亥俄州

Tipp City, Ohio蒂普城,俄亥俄州

Okeene, Oklahoma奥金,俄克拉荷马

Baker City, Oregon贝克城,俄勒冈州

Salem, Oregon萨利姆,俄勒冈州

Delaware Water Gap, Pennsylvania特拉华沃特加普,宾夕法尼亚州

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania哈里斯堡,宾夕法尼亚州

Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania利哈伊谷,宾夕法尼亚州

Malvern, Pennsylvania莫尔文,宾夕法尼亚州

Wilkes Barre, Pennsylvania威尔克斯巴里,宾夕法尼亚州

Conway, South Carolina康威,南卡罗来纳州

Laurens, South Carolina劳伦斯,南卡罗来纳州

Murrells Inlet, South Carolina默里尔斯因莱特,南卡罗来纳州

Rock Hill, South Carolina石山,南卡罗来纳州

Sumter, South Carolina萨姆特,南卡罗来纳州

Huron, South Dakota休伦湖,南达科他州

Crossville, Tennessee克罗斯维尔,田纳西州

Germantown, Tennessee日耳曼,田纳西州

Hixson, Tennessee希克森,田纳西州

Lafayette, Tennessee拉斐特,田纳西州

Broaddus, Texas布罗德斯,德州

Gilmer, Texas吉尔默,德州

Kilgore, Texas基尔戈,德州

Paris, Texas巴黎,德克萨斯州

Richmond, Texas里士满,德州

La Sal, Utah拉萨勒,犹他州

Montpelier, Vermont蒙彼利埃,佛蒙特

Fancy Gap, Virginia花式差距,弗吉尼亚

Belfair, Washington贝尔费尔,华盛顿

Camas, Washington卡马斯,华盛顿

Chimacum, Washington奇马克姆,华盛顿

Eatonville, Washington伊顿维尔,华盛顿

Seattle, Washington (2 reports)西雅图,华盛顿的报告(2)

Selah, Washington锡拉,华盛顿

Washougal, Washington沃肖格尔,华盛顿

Great Cacapon, West Virginia大卡克庞,西弗吉尼亚州

Altoona, Wisconsin阿尔图纳,威斯康星

Madison, Wisconsin麦迪逊,威斯康星

Minocqua, Wisconsin米诺奎,威斯康星

Thiensville, Wisconsin辛斯维,威斯康星

Cody, Wyoming科迪,怀俄明州

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鲜百合鲜芹百合 1902 18 3王迪敏2013-01-09 19:51:58简介:芹菜百合,惜情,百年好合,很好的寓意,颜色又漂亮,营养又丰富。做起来也挺方便的,是一个家家户户可以做的家常菜。标签: 家常菜 热菜 美容 瘦身 排毒 高血压 阴虚质 痰湿质 清淡 白领

专业切花百合生产种植指南下 切花百合的行情

