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This ‘total and unconditionalfreedom’ Sri Amma Bhagavan speak about is elucidated in thefollowing verse on Awakening.
Moksho namajeevasya vimukthihi, yethasmaath
Indriyaanaam vimukthihi,yethasmaath
Ahankaaraatvimukthihi, yethasmaath
Manasovimukthihi, yethasmaath
Gnayatasyabandhaat vimukthihi, yethasmaath
Samskruterbandhaat vimukthihi, yethasmaath
Samajasyabandhaat vimukthihi, yethasmaath
Karmanobandhaat vimukthihi,
Ithi satyamsatyameva satyam
Ithi satyamsatyameva satyam
Ithi satyamsatyameva satyam
Liberationof life
Liberationof the senses
Liberationfrom the self
Liberationfrom the mind
Liberationfrom knowledge
Liberationfrom conditioning
Liberationfrom society
Liberationfrom work

This istruth.
Liberation of the senses
Awakening at a very fundamental level is to ‘livelife’. The scripture defines an awakened man assomeone who is able to hold his senses undercontrol. According to Sri Amma Bhagavan,Awakening on the other hand, is liberation ‘of’ the senses orfreeing the senses from the clutches of the mind.The mind with its judgments and commentaries interferes with everysensory perception, making it stale and lifeless.If not for this interference of the mind, the human nervous systemis capable of generating bliss through every sensory experience, beit seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting or touch irrespective of theobject of the experience. Thus one whose sensesare liberated transcends the life of the mind and experiences thelife of the senses.
觉醒的基本层面体现在“活生活”。这句箴言描述了一个觉醒的人有能力把握住自己的感官觉受。Sri AmmaBhagavan说,从另一方面而言,觉醒就是“从”感官解脱或者说没有头脑控制和介入地让感官获得自由。头脑带着评判和评论介入每一个感官觉受,让感受变得腐旧毫无生机。如果不是因为头脑的介入,无论是看,听,闻,尝,触,无论感官体验的对象是什么,人类的神经系统能在这每一个感官体验中产生喜乐。从感官中解脱的人,转化了头脑控制下的生活,从而经验着感官体验之中生活。
Liberation from the self
Self is the sense of separate existence. Whenever there is the‘me’ and the ‘other’, the result is fear – fear of what the otherwould do to me. Out of fear, struggle forsurvival, comparison, jealousy, hatred, all the rest areborn. Sri Amma Bhagavan say ‘Self is only aconcept’. A concept by definition is somethingthat does not exist in reality. It is anillusion.
自我是分离感的产物。只要有“我”和“我之外”,就有恐惧---恐惧他人会对我做不利之事。出于恐惧,于是又了为了生存下去的抗争,攀比,嫉妒,憎恨,以及随之而来的一切。SriAmma Bhagavan说:“自我只是一个概念”。实相中并不存在,定义而来的概念。自我是幻象。
Liberation from the mind
The popular notion about freedom from the mind is eithercessation of the mind where you enter a state of ‘thoughtlessness’or transformation of the mind where the mind experiences greaterfreedom and peace within itself. The liberationSri Amma Bhagavan speak about is neither ofthese. It is the cessation of the effort to stopor change the mind. Then you are free ‘with’ the mind. The mindwith its contents exists independently only to aid you withpractical issues of life but does not interfere with the experienceof life itself.
Liberation from knowledge
When Sri Amma Bhagavan speak about liberation from knowledge, itis liberation from the bondage of knowledge and not knowledgeitself. When knowledge is not translated into anexperience it becomes a hindrance to the very experience that youhave set out to achieve. Knowledge that is anobstacle to the experience of life is a burden and abondage. Hence has to drop.
Sri AmmaBhagavan所说的从知识解脱,指的是从知识的束缚中解脱而非知识本身。当知识没有转化成一份体验时,知识就成为了你想要获得的那个体验的一个障碍。那些阻碍着你体验生活的知识是负担和束缚。因而必须舍弃。
Liberation from conditioning
Man has developed the ideas of communism, capitalism, equality,nationality, religion etc., over millennia. Theseideas and concepts have a life of their own. Theyare making use of your life for their survival.They enter you as a ‘thought-bug’ and color every experience oflife. Liberation from conditioning is not to bedevoid of any idea or concept but to be free to choose them infunctional matters of life.
Liberation from society
Ultimately man is bound by the concept of ‘freedom’itself. He thinks freedom is achieved by goingagainst the existing system and the norms of thesociety. ‘Freedom’ is essentially an internalstate of existence where you no more arise fromfear. Hence there is no suffocation or resistanceagainst any structure, law or value that ‘society’ standsfor. Freedom is not a revolt against something.It is a state of consciousness that has no opposites.
Liberation from work
Sri Amma Bhagavan differentiates activity fromaction. Activity is an escape from inner void orpain of existence. It is done as a means to anend. You work, drive, cook, clean, pray becauseyou have a psychological need behind all these that you want tofulfill. Action is where the destination or thepurpose exists in a physical sense but not in a psychologicalsense. The experience is an end initself. It arises from an inner state of joy andfreedom. While the awakened man also works, he is free from thetyranny of work.
Sri AmmaBhagavan区分活动和行动。活动是一种逃避,逃避内在的空虚和存在的受苦。究竟而言,活动只是手段。你会工作,开车,做饭,清理,祈祷,是因为所有这些活动的背后有你想要满足的一种心理需求。行动是目的地和目标在于身体的觉受而非心理的感受。体验本身就是目的。行动发自内在的喜悦和自由。同样是工作,觉醒的人免于工作的压迫。
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