用R计算简单线性回归模型的决定系数 线性回归相关系数

用R计算简单线性回归模型的决定系数 线性回归相关系数

Coefficient of Determination

The coefficient ofdetermination of a linear regression model is thequotient of the variances of the fitted values and observedvalues of the dependent variable. If we denote yi as theobserved values of the dependent variable, as itsmean, and as thefitted value, then the coefficient of determination is:


Find the coefficient of determination for thesimple linear regression model of the data set faithful.


We apply the lmfunction to a formula that describes the variable eruptions by the variable waiting, and save the linear regression model ina new variable eruption.lm.


Then we extract thecoefficient of determination from the r.squared attribute of its summary.



The coefficient ofdetermination of the simple linear regression model for the dataset faithful is 0.81146.


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