核心爆破英语 核心爆破英语好吗

标题: Robots Milk Cows

核心爆破英语 核心爆破英语好吗


正文 Cows are sometimes ready for milking during the night. If they are forced to wait until morning, they feel uncomfortable and may stop producing milk. So, dairy(牛奶场) farmers often have to wake from their sleep.

But a Swedish(瑞典的) company has developed a milking system, based on computer-controlled robotic arms(机械手), to solve these problems.

This new system allows the cows to be milked any time they are ready. And farmers can sleep without worrying about them.

When they are hungry, the cows enter the new milking station for food. They have to wear tags(标签)— their ID cards, which are automatically scanned(自动扫描). The computer records each cow's visit and checks if it is actually ready to be milked. Data on each cow allow the robotic arms to fit the milking machine properly to make sure the cow is comfortable.

As the milk begins flowing, the computer monitors the fluid(流体)—checking for bacteria and other contaminants (污染物). If there is any problem, the flow of milk will go to special tanks that don't reach the main supply.

Once the milking ends, the system carefully cleans the cow, as well as itself and prepares for the next anxious beast.

The system is still being improved. But it is already widely used in Japan and across Europe, such as in Sweden, Denmark, Poland and Germany.


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101013/178031.html


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