使用 Origin 时,用户可执行以下操作(有些用户可能只需要其中部分功能):
1. 向 Origin 中输入数据
2. 准备作图和分析所需的数据
3. 使用数据作图
4. 分析数据
5. 自定义图形
6. 导出或打开图形以备发布或介绍
7. 组织项目
8. 混合编程以提高效率
Origin 7.5 新增主要功能
对于 Origin 7.5,OriginLab 的目标是创建一整套功能,提高 Origin 的易用性并进一步拓展其分析能力。通过重新设计旧的软件并引入新功能,已经实现了这个目标。使用 Origin 7.5,已经显著地简化导入数据、创建图形以及为图形应用各种格式所需的步骤。
Origin 新的“导入向导”(Import Wizard)提供可视化的反馈,帮助您将一个或多个ASCII 或 Binary文件导入工作表或图形窗口中。高级选项包括提取标头变量和指定绘图名称。您可以将导入设置保存至过滤文件中。然后通过简单地拖放数据文件就可以创建工作表或数据图。
现在,您可以通过分析一个内置或用户定义的格式信息集合(称为“主题”(Theme))立即更改图形视图。由于许多发布具有独特的要求,因此,在创建用于多个发布的图形时,主题就非常有用。“主题画廊”(Theme Gallery)允许您快捷地选择、编辑及应用保存的主题。
New controls allow you to customize how Origin increments the color, symbol, line type, and other format settings for grouped data plots. You can eliminate, reposition, and nest shapes, interiors, colors, and styles. All settings for grouped plots can even be copied and pasted to another graph or saved to a theme.
plto data from any worksheet within your project. An intuitive interface allows you to quickly and easily select the data to be plotted, as well as configure plot setting. In one step, you can even plot colums of the same name from multuple worksheets.
If you need to repeatedly perform data set calculations, you can speed up your work by enabling the new AntoUpdate option in the Set Column Values dialog, You can even specify calculation based on colunms from other worksheets.
日期 (DDD) 和 IRIG 时间支持
Days (DDD) support allows easy import and plotting of data files that include IRIG Time data.
Specify tick labels for an axis using an onlinear function.
LabVIEW 连接
Send data to Origin using LabVIEW VIs for Origin.
If you have MATLAB on your machine, you can import data from the current MATLAB workspace or from a saved workspace file (*.MAT).
Make quick changes to your data plots using the Style toobar. Line color, thickness, ans connetion type as well as the pattern, pattern color, and pattern width can be uodated using the Style toobar.All color drop-down lists even include Group Format Color Pattern for grouped data.
Origin Project (*.OPJ) files now accept any type of file attachment. This includes files such as Microsoft Word documents, Adobe Acrobat PDFs, and more. Attached Origin C files automatically compile and are ready for use. Origin Script files are also immediately accessible.

可编程的 Origin C 语言对话框
Use a single Origin C command to create custom dialod boxes for your graphing and analysis routines. This new feature is a dynamically generated, easy-to-use, and powerful graphical user interface device.
Access Origin from other applications, such as Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Visual Basic, and National Instruments LabVIEW. For example, you can program Excel to call Origin to perform data analysis, such as FFT, smoothing, or curve fitting and then return the results, including an Origin graph, to your workbook. Origin 是为研究人员研究各种科学规律而专门设计的全面的图形和分析解决方案。
Origin 为您导入、转换、处理、作图以分析数据以及发布研究结果提供了各种各样的工具和选项。
G63S4-2478-7777777 标准版
G63S4-9490-7777777 企业版
G63S4-9489-7777777 专业版(通常用此序列号即可)
G63S4-3490-7777777 企业服务器版
G63S4-3489-7777777 专业服务器版
2、提示输入许可证license key,此处随便填些东西即可。
4、初次运行程序的时候会要求进行注册,此时选择第二项“I am already registered”,其后的注册标识符中随便填些东西即可(破解版均会识别为有效注册)。至此安装完成,让功能强大的origin为你服务吧!