题 名 作 者 喻剑利 作者单位 吉林大学,行政学院,长春市 130012 专 业 行政管理 指导教师 张创新, 学位级别 303 馆藏索取号 3020045 中文文摘 我国正在建设社会主义市场经济,提高管理水平极为重要。要充实市场经济的管理理论与经验,学习了解德鲁克的目标管理理论是一个较好的选择。一、德鲁克目标管理理论产生的背景彼得·德鲁克(Peter.F. Drucker又译为彼得·杜拉克),是当代美国著名的管理学家。德鲁克被公认为目标管理理论的创始人。1954年德鲁克在《管理实践》一书中首次提出目标管理的概念,并对之不断加以完善。德鲁克传奇式的经历对他理论的形成有很大影响。德鲁克目标管理理论是现代管理理论不断发展,并适应现代化大生产的结果。同时它也是美国社会生产力和生产关系不断发展的产物。二、德鲁克目标管理理论渊源(一)泰勒的科学管理理论泰勒主张明确划分计划职能与执行职能,改变传统的工作方法。计划职能与执行职能的分开,为确立目标,实行目标管理奠定了基础。泰勒还提出,必须建立良好的管理目标,根据目标分工协作,这与目标管理的内容有好多相似之处。泰勒在组织机构的管理控制上实行例外原则。在目标管理过程中,同样根据例外原则,组织成员自我管理与自我控制,上级只过问重大问题。(二)专门化理论专门化理论为制定标准和目标提供了条件。目标管理理论是在专门化理论的基础上产生,这就要求组织的总目标必须分解为各部门的分目标,构成一个目标体系才能实现管理的高效率。(三)y理论麦格雷戈认为y理论是关于人性和人类动机的更恰当的假设。人是“社会人”,人并非天生厌恶工作,愿意有所成就。影响人的积极性的因素,除了物质因素,还有社会因素和心理因素。德鲁克目标管理理论要求以y理论看待组织成员,实行自我管理与自我控制。(四)授权理论所谓授权是上级把一定的决策权力授予部属以利任务的完成。目标制定后,就必须授予下属适当的权力,否则难以完成任务。因此授权是提高目标管理效果的关键。从某种意义上说,目标管理就是授权的一种形式。(五)激励理论实行目标管理的根本目的,在于发挥目标的激励作用,调动人的积极性,以实现组织的目标。因此,激励理论是目标管理的重要理论基础之一。目标管理理论根据人的需要制定目标,并把组织目标和个人目标结合起来,引导人们去实现组织目标。三、德鲁克目标管理理论的基本内容(一)目标管理的基本概念1、目标。德鲁克认为目标是企业的基本战略。我们可以把组织的目标概括为“想要达到的境地或标准”。2、目标管理。德鲁克指出“所谓目标管理就是管理‘目标’,也是依据目标进行的‘管理’。”德鲁克强调的是企业中的目标管理,但是他指出包括政府在内的公共机关同样需要目标管理。政府要取得绩效,必须根据目标进行管理。总的来看,所谓目标管理就是一个组织的上级和下级管理人员共同制定一系列目标,该目标应同每个人的工作成果相联系,通过确立目标,规定他的主要职责范围,并用这些目标作为经营一个组织和评价每一个成员的标准。目标管理的概念可以从以下几方面来理解:(1)目标管理是参与管理的一种形式。(2)强调自我管理与自我控制。(3)促使下放权力。(4)注重成果的管理。(二)目标管理实施的先决条件1、高层管理人员的积极参与。2、下级人员的参加。3、有充分的信息交流。4、对实现目标的手段有控制权。5、对为实现目标而勇于承担风险的组织成员予以保护和激励。6、对组织成员有信心。(三)目标管理的实施概括地说,德鲁克认为目标管理包括制定目标、实现目标和对成果进行检查和评价三个阶段。这又可分为七个步骤:(1)、对参加者的准备工作。(2)、由高层领导制定战略目标。(3)、由各级管理人员制定试探性的策略目标(4)、上级和下级之间相互影响;对各种建议的反映。(5)、对各项目标和评价标准达成协议。(6)、在一般监督下为实现目标而进行过程管理。(7)、对达到的成果进行检查和评价。四、德鲁克目标管理理论的应用。德鲁克目标管理理论在世界上已广为应用。先是在美国企业和政府中广泛使用,后来日本和西欧也相继引入。我国自改革开放以来,工厂企业、政府等组织都有不少成功使用目标管理理论的范例。(一)在企业中的应用德鲁克认为目标管理能促进企业的繁荣和发展,我国很多企业采用目标管理取得了良好的效果。本文以某机床厂的目标管理为例,来说明目标管理在企业中的应用。(二)在公共行政管理领域的应用目标管理的理论和方法最初在企业中推广,而后又在政府机构中广泛地应用。我国不少政府部门采用了目标管理理论,这对于改进政府工作作风、提高工作效率,起到了很好的作用。本文以河南省政府部门的目标管理工作为例,来说明目标管理理论在公共行政管理领域的应用。五、德鲁克目标管理理论的简单评价(一)德鲁克目标管理理论的特点1、面向未来的管理。2、系统整体的管理。3、重视成果的管理。4、重视人的管理。(二)德鲁克目标管理理论的优点1、提高管理水平。2、弄清组织结构。3、促使人们去承担完成任务的责任。4、有助于开展有效的控制活动。(三)目标管理理论的弱点1、很难认清它的基本原理。2、不能及时把指导方针告诉目标制定者。3、过于强调短期目标。4、其他一些缺点。综上所述,德鲁克目标管理理论是一种比较具体细致的管理理论和管理方法。它具有能提高管理水平等许多优点,也存在不够灵活等缺点。德鲁克目标管理理论在企业、政府得以广泛应用,取得了不错的效果。我们应对之加以深入的研究,并根据我国国情特点创造性地加以应用,使之为我国社会主义现代化服务。 英文文摘 Socialist market economy is being built in our country. It is very important to heighten the standard of management. In order to enrich the theory and experience of management in market economy, it is a better choice to learn and understand Drucker's theory of management by objective(MBO).Drucker is a famous American managerialist in present age. He is regarded as the founder of the theory of management by objective. Drucker posed the conception of management by objective in“The Practice Of Management”, and perfected it constantly. The creation of Drucker's theory of management by objective is a result of modern management theory's development and modern production. It is also the result of the development of productive forces and production relations' development in American. Drucker's theory of management by objective formed on the basis of the former theory. It mainly absorbed the content of scientific management theory and behavior science theory.(1) Taylor's scientific management theory. Taylor advocated the division of the plan and the performance. It makes a base for the settlement of plan and performance of management by objective. Taylor put forward that good objective of management should be set up and farm-out by objective. There are the same contents as management by objective. Taylor carried out exception principle in management of organ. In course of management by objective organ's numbers execute self-management and self-control too. Superiors only control important problems according to exception principle.(2) Specialization theory. It provides the conditions for the drafting of standard and objective. Theory of MBO is based on the specialization theory. It demands that the total objective of the organ should be divided into the individual objective. And it forms a system of objectives to realize the high efficiency of management.(3) Y-theory. McGregor deemed that it was a suitable hypothesis on human's motives. Y-theory regards human as“social human”. It considers that the influence of positive factor of human is social factor and mental factor besides material conditions. Drucker's theory of management by objective request to treat member according to Y-theory and carry out self-management and self-control so as to give full play to members' potential force.(4) Delegation theory. It is the theory that superiors give subordinates some decision-making power in order to perform the task. After the objective having been made out, it is necessary to give subordinates appropriate power otherwise could not accomplish the aim of self-management and self-control. So the delegation is the key to heighten the result of management by objective. In certain sense, Drucker's theory of management by objective is the form of the delegation.(5) Stimulation theory. It sets up some appropriate objectives to meet the requirement of human in order to urge a person's motive of realizing objectives. Under the guide of the motive, people perform the behavior of objectives to fulfill the objective and to meet the demand. Drucker's theory of management by objective is based on this theory. It sets up objective according to people's demand and combines the objective of the organ with personal objective in order to guide people's behavior to accomplish integrate objective.Drucker's theory of management by objective mainly embraces follow basic contents:(1)The basic conception of MBO. Drucker thinks that the objective is strategy of the enterprise. To sum up, the objective is the standard or condition to accomplish in certain time and space. Drucker considers that management by objective is not only management of objective but also management by objective. Specially to say, Drucker's theory of management by objective is that superiors and subordinates draw up a series of objectives which are linked with the result. It prescribes their main duty by objectives and thinks of these objectives as the standards that run an organ and evaluate every member. We can understand the conception of management by objective from follow aspects: Management by objective is the form of participation management; stress self-management and self-control; urge to transfer power to low level; play stress on management of result.(2) The precondition of carrying out of MBO: positive participation of superiors; participation of subordinates; ample interchange of information; the control on the means of accomplishing the objective; protect and encourage the member who dare to undertake risk; trust in member of organ.(3)The execution of MBO.