金士顿假U盘现有泛滥趋势,所仿冒的型号以及数量都比较惊人。假U盘的质量很不稳定,即使出了问题。整理出了一些常见真假金士顿U盘辨别方法,希望消费者在购买时一定要谨记,以免上当受骗。假货(左)正品(右) 接口处比较:假货(左)正品(右)金士顿正品U盘的接口上,在出厂时会打有该产品的型号/容量/串号/产地等信息;而仿冒品的接口上是看不到这些信息的。接口处比较:假货(左)正品(右)金士顿正品U盘的接口上,在出厂时会打有该产品的型号/容量/串号/产地等信息;而仿冒品的接口上是看不到这些信息的。 本文由http://pc.jxhuaqiang.cn(PC电脑技术)为您整理提供。 任何一个金士顿正品上都贴有金士顿代理商的防伪标,可以短信查询,也可以网站查询。

假货(上)正品(下) 假货(上)正品(下) 正品的型号/容量信息,是采用激光印制,字迹有烧烫的感觉,用手轻触有凹凸感,而假货上的信息一般是墨水印刷,比较好辨认。 假货(上)正品(下) 真假U盘的质地和做工 假货(上)正品(下) 假货(上)正品(下)正品的型号/容量信息,是采用激光印制,字迹有烧烫的感觉,用手轻触有凹凸感,而假货上的信息一般是墨水印刷,比较好辨认。 假货(上)正品(下)真假U盘的质地和做工还是有差距的,正品的盘帽在插拔时有明显的顿挫感,而假货则比较粗涩。 假货(上) 正品(下) 假冒产品,头像和字符边缘棱角质感不明显 正品kingston逸盘,头像和字符边缘棱角质感明显 正品头像清晰逼真,而假货头像做工较粗糙,五官不清。 假货 正品 假货的状态指示灯位置不统一,颜色多为红色,而正品的指示 假冒产品,头像和字符边缘棱角质感不明显 正品kingston逸盘,头像和字符边缘棱角质感明显正品头像清晰逼真,而假货头像做工较粗糙,五官不清。 假货 正品假货的状态指示灯位置不统一,颜色多为红色,而正品的指示灯为绿色,其位置刚好在金士顿头像处,并且只在进行读取操作时闪烁。 首页 上一页 1 2 下一页 尾页 1/2/2 ";/*:::
'; Kingston proliferation of fake U disk existing trends, the number of fake models and are more alarming. False U disk quality is very unstable, even a problem. Sorted out some common methods to identify true and false Kingston U disk, wants consumers to purchase must keep in mind, so as not to be deceived. The proliferation of fake Kingston U disk existing trends, the number of fake models and are more alarming. False U disk quality is very unstable, even a problem. Sorted out some common methods to identify true and false Kingston U disk, wants consumers to purchase must keep in mind, so as not to be deceived. Fake (left) Genuine (right) interface comparison: fake (left) Genuine (right) Genuine Kingston U disk interface, the factory will play with the product type / capacity / serial number / origin and other information; The counterfeit goods on the interface can not see this information. Interface comparison: fake (left) Genuine (right) Genuine Kingston U disk interface, the factory will have to play the type of the product / volume / serial number / origin and other information; and counterfeit goods is invisible on the interface to this information. This article from the http://pc.jxhuaqiang.cn(PC computer technology) to provide for your order. Any genuine Kingston Kingston agents are affixed to the security standard, you can check messages, you can also website. Fake (the) authentic (the) fake (the) authentic (the) authentic model / capacity information, is the use of laser printing, writing with the feeling of burns, hand touch concavity, and the fake on the information is generally ink printing, better identification. Fake (the) authentic (the) U-disk texture and genuine fake work (on) authentic (the) fake (the) authentic (the) authentic model / capacity information, is the use of laser printing, writing a the feeling of burns, hand touch concavity, and the fake messages is generally on the printing ink, is better identified. Fake (the) authentic (the) genuine texture and workmanship U disk or a gap, genuine disc cap in the plug had a clear sense of frustration, while the fakes are more Cuse. Fake (the) authentic (the) counterfeit products, avatars and character texture edges obvious genuine edge kingston Yi plate, head and obviously genuine character edge angular head clear and realistic texture, and rough work fake head, facial features unclear. Genuine fake fake status indicator position is not uniform, colors, mostly red, while the direction of genuine counterfeit products, avatars and character texture edges obvious genuine edge kingston Yi plate, head and obviously genuine character texture edge angular head clear and realistic, The fake picture rough work, features unclear. Genuine fake fake status indicator position is not uniform, colors, mostly red, while the genuine light green, its location just head office in Kingston, and only during flash read operation. First Previous 1 2 Next Last 1/2/2