
Exercise 1

1The boy acted ____ he had never lived in Canada before

A as though B even if C as D since

2 ____ to the doctor right away, he might have been alive

A If he went B Were he gone C Should he have gone D Had he gone

3If you were older, I ____ you to go there yesterday

A will allow B should allow C would have allowed D had allowed

4The secretary suggested that they ____ the men in at once

A had brought B should have brought C brought D bring

5I wish I ____ able to tell him all about it last night

A was B were C had been D should be

6If we ____ here ten minutes earlier, we ___ the bus

A arrived/would catch B arrived/would have caught

C had arrived/had caught D had arrived/would have caught

7If I ____ more time, I would have gone with him

A had B had had C have had D would have

8He was very busy yesterday, otherwise he ____ to the meeting

A would come B came C would have come D had come

9The Jade Emperor ordered that the Monkey King _____ right away

A would be arrested B must be arrested C be arrested D had to be arrested

10 Jane's uncle insisted ____ in this hotel any longer

A not staying B not to stay C that he not stay D staying not

11 Don't touch the sleeping tiger If he woke up, he _____ you

A would come to B would come at C would have come toward D will come to

12 Without electricity human life _____ quite different today

A is B will be C would have been D would be

13 How I wish I ____ to repair the watch! I only made it worse

A had tried B hadn't tried C have tried D didn't try

14 He demanded that the laboratory report ___ immediately after the experiment was done

A was written B be written C must be written D would be written

15 The man insisted that he _____ there

A should send B would be sent C sent D be sent

16 If he had not gone out in the storm _____

A he will be alive now B he would be alive now C he would have been alive now

17 If it ___ tomorrow, what would we do?

A rains B were to rain C would rain D rain

18 It is required that you ____ at six

A will arrive B arrive C arrived D would arrive

19 If only I _____ how to operate an electronic computer as you do

A had known B would know C should know D knew

20 He spoke in a quiet, distinct voice, as though his thought _____

A was far away B had been far away C were far away D went far away

21 If it ___ rain, we ___ get wet

A is to, should B were to, would C were going to, would D was going to, should

22 If he ___ to the teacher attentively, he ___ the answer to the problem now

A had listened, would have known B listened, would know

C listened, would have known D had listened, would know

23 But for the party, he ___ of hunger 30 years ago

A would have died B would die C must have died D must die

24 ___ today, he would get there for holiday

A Was he leaving B Were he to leave C Would he leave D If he leaves

25 I would have come earlier, but I ___ that you were waiting for me

A didn’t know B hadn’t know C would have known D haven’t known

26 It’s high time that we ___ to school

A would to B went C go D will go

27 It seems as if it ___ rain

A will to B is going to C is to D were going to

28 I’d rather you ___ right away

A leave B left C will leave D to leave

29 He is working hard for fear that he ___

A fails B failed C would fail D fail

30 It is really strange that the girl ___ so early

A has been married B has married C be married D would marry

31 Supposing I ___ this gift, what would he say?

A accept B accepted C should accept D would accept

32 The teacher agreed to the suggestion that the students ___ two weeks to prepare for the exam

A give B should give C be given D would be given

33 I was busy yesterday, otherwise I ___ your birthday party

A attended B had attended C would attend D would have attended

34 He insisted that he ___ me before

A see B should see C had seen D saw

35 The two strangers talked as if they ___ friends for years

A were B would be C have been D had been

36 We ___ our lives had it not been for the policeman

A would have lost B should lose C might lose D could have lost

37 ---- I thought you would come back tomorrow ---- I would if I ___ to attend a meeting

A don’t have B didn’t have C will not have D would not have

38 He wishes ___ mistakes

A he doesn’t always make B he isn’t always making

C he didn’t always make D he wouldn’t always making

39 It ___ very nice if only it were possible

A will be B would be C is D were

40 Without your help, our team ___ the last match

A won’t win B will lose C wouldn’t have won D can’t win

41 I wish I ___ what to do

A knew B have known C know D would know

42 ___, I would take an umbrella with me

A Had I been you B I were you C Were I you D I had been you

43 If I had hurried, I ___ the train

A would catch B could catch C would have caught D had caught

44 He insisted that John ___ it

A do B does C did D would do

45 It is high time we ___ off

A are B were C be D will be

46 He felt as if he ___ more time to study for the test

A needs B were needed C needed D need

47 It is important that I ___ with Mr Williams immediately

A speak B spoke C will speak D to speak

48 James wishes he ___ the football game instead of the film

A saw B see C had been seen D had seen

49 I wish ___

A he left B he leaves me alone C he be left D he would leave me alone

50 If I had known that, I ___ so

A wouldn’t do B wouldn’t have done C won’t do D have not done

51 The doctor suggested that she ___

A will not smoke B not smoke C would not smoke D did not smoke

52 If I ___ you, I wouldn’t return the call

A be B am C was D were

53 You talk as if you ___ there

A were really B has really been C had really been D would really be

54 He suggested that the work ___ at once

A would started Bwould be started Cshould started D should be started

55 It is strange that such a thing ___ in your school

A will happen B happens C should happen D happened

56 It is imperative that you ___ on time

A are B will be C be D would be

57 I didn’t go to the party, but I do wish I ___ there

A was B were C had been D went

58 It is time we ___ up our results

A sum B summed C will sum D would sum

59 If the doctor had been available, the child ___

A would not die B would not have died C could not die D could not have died

60 Dr Bethune worked hard as if he ___

A never had felt tired B had never felt tired C never felt tired D was tired never

61 I enjoyed the movie very much I wish I ___ the book from which it was made

A have read B had read C should have read D am reading

62 You are late If you ___ a few minutes earlier, you ___ him

A came/ would meet B had come/ would have met

C come/ will meet D had come/ would met

63 I wish my husband ___ as well as yours

A had dressed B dress C will dress D dressed

64 Edison kept phosphorus carefully in a bottle lest it ___

A would burn B burned C was burning D should burn

65 He looked as if he ___ ill for a long time

A was B were C has been D had been

66 If the doctor had come earlier, the poor child ___

A would not have been lied there for two hours B would not have laid there for two hours

C would not have lied there for two hours D would not have lain there for two hours

67 I wish that I ___ with you last night

A went B could go C have gone D could have gone

68 Let’s say you could go there again, how ___ feel?

A will you B should you C would you D do you

69 --- Mr Brown left for London long ago ---That’s a pity I wish ___

A I meet him B I’ll have met him C I had met him D I’d meet him

70 I can’t stand him He always talks as though he ___ everything

A knew B knows C has known D had known

71 I wish I ___

A will tell him that B didn’t tell him that C told him not that D had not told him that

72 If you had told me in advance, I ___ him at the airport

A would meet B would had meet C would have met D would have meet

73 Kunar can take his car apart and put it back together again I certainly wish he ___ me how

A teaches B will teach C has taught D would teach

74 I would have told him the answer had it been possible but I ___ so busy then

A had been B were C was D would be

75 I wish I ___ able to tell him all about it last night

A should be B were C had been D was

76 If it ___ another ten minutes, the game would have been called off

A had rained B would had rained C have seen D did see

77 He suggested that they ___ use a trick instead of fighting

A should B would C do D had

78 My father did not go to New York; the doctor suggested that he ___ there

A not went B won’t go C not go D not to go

79 I would have gone to the meeting if I ___ time

A had had B have had C had D would have had

80 John wished ___

A he will study more B he had studied more C he studies D he won’t have studied more

81 You look so tired tonight It is time you ___

A go to sleep B went to sleep C go to bed D went to bed

82 “Why didn’t you buy a new car?” “I would have bought one if I ___ enough money ”

A had B have had C would have D had had

83 I recommended that the student ___ his composition as soon as possible

A finishing writing B should finish the writing C finish writing D finished writing

84 If she could sew, ___

A she make a dress B she would have made a shirt

C she will make a shirt D she would had made a coat

85 ___ today, he would get there by Friday

A Would he leave B Was he leaving C Were he to leave D If he leaves

86 His doctor suggested that he ___ a short trip abroad

A will take B would take C take D took

87 The Bakers arrived last night, if they’d only let us know earlier, ___ at the station

A we’d meet them B we’ll meet them C we’d have met them D we’ve met them

88 If I __ you, I ___ more attention to English idioms and phrases

A was/ shall pay B am/ will pay Cwould be/ would pay Dwere/ would pay

89 We might have failed if you ___ us a helping hand

A have not given B would not give C had not given D did not give

90 The Law requires that everyone ___ his car checked at least once a year

A has B had C have D will have

91 I wish ___ I busy yesterday; I could have helped you with the problem

A hadn’t been B weren’t C wasn’t D have not been

92 Had I known her name, ___

A or does she know mine? B and where does she live?

C she would be beautiful D I would have invited her to lunch

93 He has just arrived, but he talks as if he ___ all about that

A know B knows C known D knew

94 If I ___ the money, I would have bought a much bigger car

A possessed B owned C had D had had

95 I wish I ___ a young man again A am B was C were D will be

96 The librarian insists that John ___ no more books from the library before he returns all the books he had borrowed

A will take B took C take D takes

97 I left very early last night, but I wish I ___ so early

A didn’t B hadn’t left C haven’t left D couldn’t leave

98 I do not have a job I would find one but I ___ no time

A had B didn’t have C had had D have

99 I wish that you ___ such a bad headache because I’m sure that you would have enjoyed the concert

A hadn’t B didn’t have had C hadn’t had D hadn’t have

100 He insisted that we all ___ in his office at one o’clock

A be B to be C would be D shall be

101-- Helen couldn’t go to France after all --That’s too bad, I’m sure she would have enjoyed it if ___

A she’s gone B she’ll go C she’d gone D she’d go

102I must go there earlier John has suggested that I ___ an hour before the discussion begins

A go B shall go C will go D would go

103If her husband had not liked the dress ___

A she would be delighted B he would get mad

C she would have returned it D she must have taken it back to the store

104 If I ___ you, I ___ worry

A were/ wouldn’t B was / wouldn’t C been/ would have D be/ would

105 We ___ delighted if the report ___ true

A were / were B shall be/ were C should be/ were D were/ would be

106 If he ___ here, he ___ you

A had been/ would have helped C would have been/ should have helped

B were/ had helped D would have been/ would had helped

107 If I ___ so busy, I ___ the lecture that day

A were not be/ should attend B should not/ should have attend

C was not/ would attend D had not been/ would have attended

108 If I ___ the way to New York, I ___

A knew / would drive B knew/ will drive

C knew/ would have drive D had known/ would drive

109 But for the leadership of our Party, we ___

A shouldn’t succeed B could not have succeed

C will not succeed D should not have succeeded

110 You ___ the train if you ___ a little earlier

A could take/ started B could have taken/ had started

C could take/ had started D could have taken / started

Exercise 2

1.Were it not for the snowy weather, we _______ all right

A would be B would have been C were D may be

2 ________more careful, his ship would not have sunk

A If the captain were B Had the captain been

C Should the captain be D If the captain would have been

3 If he_______me tomorrow, I would let him know

A should call B should not have been able C were not able D are not able

4 If you asked your father you ________ permission

A may get B might get C should have called D maybe get

5_______ today, he would get there by Friday

A Would he leave B Was he leaving C Were he to leave D If he leaves

6 ______I you, I would go with him to the party A Was B Had been C Will be D Were

7The millions of calculations involved, had they been done by hand, ______all practical value by the time they were finished

A could lose B would have lost C might lose D ought to have lost

8 Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he_______ our chairman now

A must have been B would have been C were D would be

9 If you_____ Jerry Brown until recently, you’d think the photograph on the right was strange

A shouldn’t contact B didn’t contact C weren’t to contact D hadn’t contacted

10_____ he English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday

A In spite of B But for C Because of D As for

11 Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I______ your advice

A follow B would follow C had followed D have followed

12 Had Paul received six more votes in the last election, he_______ our chairman now

A must have been B would have been C were D hadn’t contacted

13 If the horse won today, it______ thirty races in five years

A would have won B won C must have won D did have won

14 There is a real possibility that these animals could be frightened, _______a sudden loud noise

A being there B should there be C there was D there having been

15 The board deemed it urgent that these files_______ right away

A had to be printed B should have been printed C must be printed D should be printed

16 Jean Wagner’s most enduring contribution to the study of Afro-American poetry is his

insistence that it________ in a religious, as well as worldly, frame of reference

A is to be analyzed B has been analyzed C be analyzed D should have been analyzed

17 I would have gone to visit him in the hospital had it been at all possible, but I ______ fully occupied the whole of last week A were B had been C have been D was

18 I apologize if I________ you, but I assure you it was unintentional

A offend B had offended C should have offended D might have offended

19 If you hadn’t taken such a long time to get dressed, we’d______ there by now

A be B circles C is circling D be circling

20 The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so it seems as if the sun ________round the earth

A were circling B circles C is circling D be circling

21 I wish that I ______ with you last night

A went B have gone C could go D could have gone

22 I wish I______ with her

A would be B am C was D were

23 I wish that I_______ the concert last night

A could B have attended C could have attended D attended

24 The picture exhibition bored me to death I wish I______ to it

A had not gone B have not gone C did not go D can not have gone

25 “I wish you_______ me to put these things away,” he said

A will help B help C are helping D would help

26 If the Watergate Incident______ Nixon would not have resigned from the presidency

A did not occur B had not occurred C was not occurring D be circling

27 I hadn’t expected James to apologize but I had hoped______

A him calling me B that he would call me C him to call me D that he call me

28 George would certainly have attended the proceedings_______

A if he didn’t get a flat tireB if the flat tire hadn’t happened

C had he not had a flat tireD had the tire not flattened itself

29 The teacher suggested that her students_______ experiences with ESP

A write a composition on their B to write composition about the

C wrote some compositions of his or her D had written any compositions for his

30 He speaks Chinese as fluently as if he ______a Chinese

A were B had been C is D has been

31 As usual, he put on a show as though his trip_______ a great success

A had been B has been C were D was

32 Looking round the town, he felt as though he_______ away for ages

A has been B was C is D had been

33 John is so strongly built that he looks as if he_______ as elephant

A lifts B is lifting C lifted D could lift

34 He described the town as if he_______ it himself

A had seen B has seen C saw D sees

35 At that thought he shook himself, as though he_______ from an evil dream

A woke B wakes C would wake D had woke

36 Most insurance agents would rather you___ anything about collecting claims untilthey investigate the situation

A do B don’t C didn’t D didn’t do

37 Although most adopted persons want the right to know who their natural parents are, some who have found them wish that they_______ the experience of meeting

A hadn’t B didn’t have had C hadn’t had D hadn’t have

38 It is important that the TOEFL office________ your registration

A will confirm B confirm C confirms D must confirm

39 Without electronic computers, much of today’s advanced technology_______

A will not have been achieved B have not been achieved

C would not have been achieved D had not been achieved

40 He told her to return the book in time so that others______ a chance to read it

A may have B will have C would have D might have

41 It is time that the government_______measures to protect the rare birds and animals

A takes B took C has taken D taking

42 Some people are too particular about school records, insisting that every applicant ______all diplomas from elementary school to university

A has B will have C should have D must have

43 He was very busy yesterday, otherwise he________ to the meeting

A would come B came C would have come D had come

44 I must say he reads very well, and I shouldn’t be surprised if he______ acting for a living one day

A had taken up B takes up C have taken up D would have taken up

45 If I had seen the movie, I_________ you all about it now

A would tell B will tell C have told D would have told

46 I hadn’t expected Henry to apologize but I had hoped________

A him t call me up B him calling me up

C that he would call me up D that he will call me

47 I had hoped that John ______a year in Africa, but he stayed there only for three months

A spends B spent C would spend D will spend

48 I had hoped that Jennifer_______a doctor, but she wasn’t good enough at science

A will become B became C would become D becomes

49 I’d rather you_______ anything about it for the time being

A do B didn’t do C don’t D didn’t

50 I’d just as soon_______ rudely to her

A that you won’t speak B you not speaking C you not speak D you didn’t speak

51 It’s high time they________ this road

A mend B mended C must have mended D will mend

52 It’s about time people______ notice of what women did during the war

A take B took C have taken D will take

53 Everybody has arrived It’s time we_______ the class

A shall start B would start C had started D start

54________ the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Sunday

A In spite of B But for C Because of D As for

55 Mary_______ my letter; otherwise she would have replied before now

A has received B ought to have received

C couldn’t have received D shouldn’t have received

56 John did not feel well yesterday; otherwise he ___to see his classmates off

A cameB would comeC would have comeD should be coming

57 He’s working hard for fear that he_______

A should fall behind B fell behind C may fall behind D would fall behind

58 Without the dreams of the youth, this invention might________ for a century

A have been postponed B has been postponed

C postpone D be postponed

59 In the past men generally preferred that their wives______ in the home

A worked B would work C work D were working

60 For a child to give up his less mature idea for a more mature one, it requires that the child_______ psychologically ready for the new idea

A is B were C be D would be

61 Tom’s father, as well as his mother, in New York for a few days more

A ask him to stay B ask he to stayC asks he staysD asks he stay

62 Your advice that______ till next week is reasonable

A she waits B she wait C wait she D she waited

63 The board deemed it urgent that these files_______right away

A had to be printed B should have been printed

C must be printed D should be printed

64 It was essential that we________ lease before the end of the month

A sing B singed C had signed D were signing

65 It is appropriate that some time ______thorough study of the results of the Apollo mission

A devotes to B devoted to C is devoted to D be devoted to

1、It is important that a college student a foreign language.

A.will master B.master C.masters D.would master

2、It is strange that she without saying a word.

A.should have gone out B.wentC.should go outD.goes out

3、If my lawyer here last Saturday, he me from going.

A.had been, would have prevented B.had been, would prevent

C.were, would prevent D.were, would have prevent

4、 ——“He is a brave man.” ——“Yes, I wish I his courage.”

A.have B.had C.will have D.may have

5、If it rain, the crops would be saved.

A.should B.will C.is going to D.was to

6、He ordered that the medicine by a special plane.

A.was sent B.would be sentC.should send D.be sent

7、If you the medicine, you better now.

A.took, would feel B.had taken, felt

C.had taken, would feel D.took, would have felt

8、She is my sister, but she often acts as if my mother.

A.is B.was C.were D.had been

9、I went to bed early last night, but I wish I so.

A.didn’t do B.hadn’t do C.haven’t done D.couldn’t do

10、I’d rather he tomorrow afternoon.

A.will come B.comes C.coming D.came

1a 2 d 3 c 4 d 5 c 6 d 7 b 8 c 9 c 10 c 11 b 12 d 13 b 14 b 15 d 16 B 17 b 18 b 19 d 20 b 21b 22 d 23 a 24 b 25 a 26 b 27 b 28 b 29 d 30 c 31 b 32 c 33 d 34 c 35 d 36 a 37 b 38 c 39 b 40 c 41 a 42 c 43 c 44 a 45 b 46 c 47 a 48 d 49 d 50 b 51 b 52 d 53 c 54 d 55 c 56 c 57 c 58 b 59 b 60b 61 b 62 b 63 d 64 d 65 d 66 d 67 d 68 c 69 c 70 a 71 d 72 c 73 d 74 c 75 c 76 a 77 a 78 c 79 a 80 b 81 d 82 d 83 c 84 b 85 c 86 c 87 c 88 d 89 c 90 c 91 a 92 d 93 d 94 d 95 c 96 c 97 b 98 d 99 c 100 a 101 c 102 a 103 c 104 a 105 c 106 a 107 d 108 a 109 d 110 b

1A2B3A4B5C6D7B8D9D10B11C 12D13A14B15D16C17D18B19A20A21D 22D23C 24A 25D 26B27B28C29A30A31A32D33D34A35C36D 37C 38B 39C40D41B42C 43C44B45A46C47C 48C49B50D51B52B53B54B55C56C57A58A59C60C61D62B63D64A65D

1B 2A 3A 4B 5A 6D 7C 8C 9B 10D


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《核舟记》专项练习姓名一、给下列加点字注音器皿( )罔不( )贻( )有奇( )黍( )箬篷( )糁( )峨冠( )髯( )髻( )衣褶( )诎( )楫( )椎髻( )壬戌( )虞山( )篆章( )矫( )二、写出下列字的意思1.有奇巧人( )2.罔不因势象形( )( )( )3.尝贻余核舟一( )( )( )4.盖大苏泛赤壁云( )5.高可二黍许

虚拟语气口诀 虚拟语气记忆口诀



现在完成时专项练习一、用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Every student _________________ (see) the film already.2. Kent and I __________________ (write) a song before.3. Dick _______________ (do) the work these days.4. T

if引导的条件句中的虚拟语气 should引导的虚拟语气

虚拟语气表示一种不能实现的假设。该语法主要用于if条件状语从句。一、if引导的条件状语从句的分类及虚拟条件句的判断1、可以把条件句分为两类:1).真实条件句(Sentences of RealCondition):凡是假设的情况发生性可能很大,就是真实条件句


【编者按】情态动词是每年高考的热点也是难点,每年单项填空题必考一题。考点集中在:情态动词表示推测的基本用法及区别;情态动词否定式的用法辨析:“情态动词+have done”的用法区别等。虚拟语气在高考命题中不是重点,但是难点。考点常
