
句子成分练习题( )Providedby 岳峰英语


① The teacher with two ofhis students is walking into the classroom.

② There is an old mancoming here.

③ The useful dictionarywas given by my mother last year.

④ Todo today's homework without the teacher's help is verydifficult.


① Idon't like the picture on the wall.

A.don'tB. likeC. pictureD. wall

② The days get longer andlonger when summer comes.

A.getB. longerC.days D.summer

③ Doyou usually go to school by bus?

A.DoB. usuallyC.goD. bus

④ There will be a meetingat the library this afternoon.

A. willbeB. meetingC. the library D.afternoon

⑤ Did the twins haveporridge for their breakfast?

A.DidB. twinsC. have D.breakfast

⑥ Tom didn't do hishomework yesterday.

A.TomB. didn'tC. doD. his homework

⑦ What I want to tell youis this.

A.wantB. to tellC.youD. is

⑧ Wehad better send for a doctor.

A.WeB. hadC. send D.doctor

⑨ Heis interested in music.

A.isB. interestedC. inD. music

⑩ Whom did you give mybook to?

A.giveB.didC.whom D. book


① Mybrother hasn't done his homework.

② People all over theworld speak English.

③ You must pay goodattention to your pronunciation.

④ How many new words didyou learn last class?

⑤ Some of the students inthe school want to go swimming, how about you?⑥The old mansitting at the gate said he was ill.

⑦ They made him monitorof the class.

⑧ Goacross the bridge and you will find the museum on theleft.

⑨ You will find it usefulafter you leave school.

⑩ They didn't know who"Father Christmas" really is.


① The old man was feelingvery tired.

② Why is he worried aboutJim?

③ The leaves have turnedyellow.

④ Soon They all becameinterested in the subject.

⑤ She was the first tolearn about it.


① They use Mr, Mrs with thefamily name.

② What is your givenname?

③ Onthe third lap are Class 1 and Class 3.

④ Iam afraid some people forgot to sweep the floor.

⑤ The man downstairs wastrying to sleep.

⑥ Iam waiting for the sound of the other shoe!


① She likes the childrento read newspapers and books in the reading-room.

② Heasked her to take the boy out of school.

③ She found it difficultto do the work.

④ They call me Lilysometimes.

⑤ Isaw Mr Wang get on the bus.

⑥ Did you see Li Mingplaying football on the playground just now?


① There was a big smileon her face.

② Every night he heardthe noise upstairs.

③ Hebegan to learn English when he was eleven.

④ The man on themotorbike was travelling too fast.

⑤ With the medicine boxunder her arm, Miss Li hurried off.

⑥ She loves the librarybecause she loves books.

⑦ Iam afraid that if you've lost it, you must pay for it.

⑧ The students followedUncle Wang to see the other machine.


① Please tell us astory.

② Myfather bought a new bike for me last week.

③ MrLi is going to teach us history next term.

④ Here is a pen.Give itto Tom.

⑤ Did he leave anymessage for me?


(一)①teacher② man ③ dictionary④ Todo

(二)①B②A③ C ④ A⑤ C⑥ C ⑦ D⑧ C⑨A⑩A

(三)①homework.②English.③attention④ words⑤togo swimming ⑥ he was ill. ⑦ him monitor ⑧bridgemuseum⑨it

school.⑩ who"Father Christmas"really is.


(五)①family ②given③third④some ⑤downstairs ⑥of the other shoe!

(六)①toread newspapers and books ②totake the boy ③difficult④ Lily⑤ get on the bus⑥ playing football

(七)①on her face.②Everynight ③when he was eleven.

④ too fast.⑤ With the medicine box under herarm⑥ because she loves books.⑦ if you’velost it⑧ to see the other machine.

(八)①us,间接宾语a story, 直接宾语

② me, 间接宾语 a new bike,直接宾语 ③ us, 间接宾语 history,直接宾语

④ Tom,间接宾语 it, 直接宾语 ⑤ me, 间接宾语 message,直接宾语

句子成分练习题( )


1.Whetherwellgo depend on the weather.

2.People’sstandards of living are going up steadily .

3. That washow they were defeated.

4.Thenursery takes good care of our children .

5.I’llreturn the book to you tomorrow .

6.We aresure that we shall succeed .

7.The womanwith a baby in her arms is his other .

8.There aremany film that Idlike to see.

9.Have youmet the person about whom he was speaking ?

10.I have alot of work to do .

11.AnywayIwon’tstop you from doing it .

12.I said itin fun .

13.We can senda car over to fetch you .

14.She had towork standing up .

15.Seeingthis ,some comrades becamevery worried .

16.Muchinterested , he agreed to give it atry .

17.The busarrived ten minutes late .

18.We shouldserve the people heart and soul.

19.Springcoming on , the tree turned green.

20.Somefarmers saw something strange in the sky .

21.We think itnecessary that everyone should attend the meeting.

22.It’sstrange that she doesntcome today .

23.It wasin the library that I come today .

24.He likesdrawing at times when he isntworking .

25.We left insuch a hurry that we forgot to lock the door.

句子成分练习题( )


1、___ sixyears since I began to study English.
A. It is B. I have been C. There are D. It was

2、___in the room at that time.
A. Nobody was B. Someone were C. Who is D. He are

3、IT'S very noisyoutside. ___ is going on?
A. Who B. What C. Which D. Where

4、___ inEnglish in class every day is important.
A. Speak B. Talking C. Saying D. To tell

5、There must be____ nearthe factory.
A. a book store B. book store C. books store D. booksstores

6、Although it's raininghard, ___ are still working in the fields.
A. but they B. and they C. they D. since they

1、The doctoras well as the nurses ___ great concern for the patients.
A. show B. shows C. have shown D. are showing

2、Your sonmust be a clever boy, ___ he?
A. is B. isn't C. must D. mustn't

3、Thecomputer center, ___ last year, is very popular among studentsin thisschool.
A. open B. opening C.opened D. being opened

4 、I___ go to the shop today, for there is a lot of food at home.
A. mustn't B. had to C. can't D. needn't

5 、Don't ___excited.
A. get B. is C. seem D. look

6 This room___ every morning.
A. is cleaning B. is cleaned C. cleans D. cleaning

1、Glad tomeet you! ___ is your full name?
A. What B. Where C. How D. Who

2、He is ___to lift the heavy box.
A. too weak B. weak tooC. enough weak D. weak enough

3、The daysare ___ warmer and warmer in spring.
A. getting B. looking C. seeming D. going

4 、Hisjob is____English.
A. teach B. to teach C. taught D. teaches

5 、Twoballs are___.
A. under the desk B. in the wall C. to here D. at desks

1、Weshould get ready___ others.
A. helping B. to help C. help D. help with

2、___interesting work weare doing?
A. What a B. How C. What D. What an

3、I want___ ateacher when I grow up.A. to be B. to C. be D. being

4、-Would youlike to go on a picnic with me today?
-I don't think so. To be honest, I really don't feel like___on apicnic.

A. going B. to go C. go D. went

5 Do you know___?
A. where does he live B.where he lives
C. where he live D. if where he lives

6 Let ____do it again. A.I B. me C. he D. she

7 I don't know___. A.how to do B. what to do C. where to do D. when to do

1、I saw him___ basketball with Jack an hour ago.
A. plays B. to play C. played D. play o

2、Sorry,we've kept you___ for a long time.
A. waited B. sing C. stand D. waiting

3、Theteacher told us ____ late again.
A. aren't be B. don't be C. not to be D. not be

4 、Wefind the room very___. A.warm B. warmly C. terribly D. hardly

1、Ifound ___ difficult to work together with him. A.it B. its C. that D. those

2 、Weall know ___ our duty to clean our classroom after school everyday.
A. that B. this C. which D. it

3、He found___ very interesting to play with the little dog.
A. what B. it C. / D. that

( ) 1 Tomsaid he ___ a good dream yesterday evening.
A. dream B. dreamed C. have D. has

( ) 2Children ___ a happy life in China.A. lead B. living C. has D. leading

( ) 1America, Japan and Canada are___countries.
A. developing B. developed C. less developed D. develop

( ) 2 -___skirt is that on the chair?
-Let me see. Oh, no, it's not mine.
A. Whose B. What C. Who's D. Which

( ) 3 Doyou have anything ___?
A. saying B. to^ay C. said D. say

( ) 4 Look,there is an___tree by the wall.
A. apple B. apple's C. apples' D. apples

( ) 5 Whereis____seat? A.yours B. your C. you D. yourselves

( ) 1 Thebox is ___ heavy for her ___ carry.
A. very; to B. too; not to C. too; to D. verytoo; to

2 -___ did you buy the new bag?
-Last Monday. A. Where B. How C.When D. Who

3 You can see these signs in a hospital.___ can you see them?
A. Where else B. Where place else C. Where else placeD. Else where

4 They went out ___ their oldfriends.A. visit B. visiting C. to visit D. visited

5 There is a wide river____ ourvillage.A. outside B. over C. from D. below

1 The young man, ___ works in theoffice.
A. me brother B. my brother C. my brothers D. me

2 OurEnglish teacher, ___ often helps us with study.
A. Mrs Wang B. Mrs5 WangC. MrsWang's . D. of him

3 ___, some railway workers are busyrepairing the train. A.Them B. He C. They D. Theirs

A . 1-6 A A B B A C B. 1-6 B B C D A B C. 1-5 A A A B A
D. 1-7 B C A A B B B E. 1-4 D D C A F. 1-3 A D B G. 1-2 B A
H. 1-5 B A B A B I .1-5 C C A C A J. 1-3 B A C


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