新概念英语第三册目录 新概念英语官方网

Lesson 1 A Puma at large逃遁的美洲狮

Lesson 2 Thirteen equals one

Lesson 3 An unknown goddess

Lesson4 The double life of AlfredBloggs

Lesson 5 The facts

Lesson 6 Smash-and-grab

Lesson 7 Mutilated ladies

Lesson8 A famous monastery

Lesson9 Flying cats 飞猫

Lesson10 The loss of Titanic

Lesson11 Not guilty

Lesson12 Life on a desert island

Lesson13 It’s only me

Lesson14 A noble gangster

Lesson15 Fifty pence worth of trouble

Lesson16 Mary had a little lamb

Lesson17 The longest suspension bridge in theworld

Lesson18 Electric currents in modern art

Lesson19 A very dear cat

Lesson20 Pioneer pilots

Lesson21 Daniel Mendoza

Lesson22 By heart

Lesson23 One man’s meat is another man’s poison

Lesson24 A skeleton in the cupboard

Lesson25 The Cutty Sark

Lesson26 Wanted: a large biscuit tin

Lesson27 Nothing to sell and nothing to buy

Lesson28 Five pounds too dear

lesson29 Funny or not?

Lesson30 The death of a ghost

Lesson31 A lovableeccentric

Lesson32 A lostship

Lesson33 A day to remember

Lesson34 A happy discovery

Lesson35 Justice was done

Lesson36 A chance in a million

Lesson37 The Westhaven Express

Lesson38 The first calendar

Lesson39 Nothing to worry about

Lesson40 Who’s who

Lesson41 Illusions of Pastoral peace

Lesson42 Modern Cavemen

Lesson43 Fully insured

Lesson44 Speed and comfort

Lesson45 The power of press

Lesson46 Do it yourself

Lesson47 Too high a price? 代价太高?

Lesson48 The silent village

Lesson49 The Ideal Servant

Lesson50 New Year Resolutions

Lesson51 Predicting the future预测未来

Lesson52 Mud is mud

Lesson53 In the public interest

Lesson54ct or cleverness?

Lesson55 From the earth: greatings

Lesson56 Our neighbour, the river 河流,我们的邻居

Lesson57 Back in, the old country 重返故里
新概念英语第三册目录 新概念英语官方网

Lesson58 A little spot of bother

Lesson59 Collecting 收藏

Lesson60 Too early and too late 太早和太晚


爱华网本文地址 » http://www.413yy.cn/a/25101013/169425.html


大学英语精读第6册 大学生英语精读第三册

(lung) vital capacity [] 肺活量 #NAME? [] 后坠,表示被打中的,遭殃的,患病的 Abraham [5eibrEhAm; -hEm] n.[圣经]亚伯拉罕(相传为希伯来人的始祖)?尤指点心、蛋糕)偎 Alexander Pope [] 蒲柏 English Poet Atlantic [Et5lAntik] n.

《讲话稿写作入门》第三版 目录 领导讲话稿写作

序 言 篇机关的讲话稿与讲话稿的机关(第三版序)随风潜入夜润物细无声(第二版序)有用而且有味六问六答作自序请君为我倾耳听引 子 篇第一章 力求好吃又好看一、化繁为简法二、案例研讨法三、戏说历史法第二章 讲话三说法一、

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