记萨镇冰先生 记萨镇冰先生是散文吗

A Profile of SaZhenbing

I will always hold Mr. Sa Zhengbing in highesteem. When I was six or seven, I often heard my father say" Ofall personnel in the Chinese Navy, Sa Zhengbing is the only onedeserving the title of model officer." Since then, what Mr. Sa saysor does had held my respectable attention and added to myadmiration for him. Many people whom I looked up to in my childhoodhave turned out to be disappointing. Now the thought of Mr. Sa,however, has enabled me to retain confidence in mankind and forgeahead with renewed courage.


 Here I am going to writeabout his fine words and deeds as I've mostly learned from myfather. I am unable to recall the exact dates. I intend some day towirte a biography of him when I've collected sufficient materialabout his life. Now gratitude is due to my father, who has tried toinculcate only the best example into a young mind.

Admiral Sa Zhengbing, whose formal name is Ding Ming, was born inMinhou County, Fujian Province, in 1860. He enrolled at FuzhouMawei Naval Academy at the age of 12, among its second batch ofcadets, and then entered Greenwich College in England at the age of18. After he came back from abroad, he served as an instructor atthe Academy of Marine Engineering in Tianjin. It happend that myfather was then receiving training in navigation at Tianjing NavalAccademy. This is how they got acquainted.
记萨镇冰先生 记萨镇冰先生是散文吗
While at theAcademy o Marine Engineering, Mr. Sa slept in on a specially madenarrow, small plank bed like in a ship. He said, " We solidersshouldn't seek ease and comfort. Our life on sea or shore should bealike." He worked conscientiously as an instructor. He would oftenaward to good cabet his personal belongings, such as his watch, orever his cane chair when he had nothing valuable to spare. Outsidesclass, he would often teach cabets how to dig out emplacement ondrill ground with shade and shovels. The Marine EngineeringAacademy was situated on the north, and the Navel Aacademy on thesouth, with the drill ground in-between. President of the MarineEngineering Aacademy Wu Zhongxiang, who happened to live in theNavel Academy, disapproved of cadets doing the rough work, beinghimself a bookish type. So when the cabets were in the middle ofwielding their shades and shovels, Mr. Sa would stand at the sideof the drill ground to keep watch lest President Wu would crop upmaking his rounds.


Father and Mr.Sa began toknow each other better when they both served on the warship Hai Yinaround 1900. Mr. Sa was then Deput Navy Commander and concurrentlycaptin of the ship while father was its second incommand.

During the 1900 Boxer War, thewarship HaiRong directly under the personnal command of NavyCommander Ye Zuzhen was pinned down at Dagu by the eight-powerallied forces, and the torpedo boats the Hai Long Hai Xi, Hai Qingand Hai Hua were captureed by them. Meanwhile, Governor of ShandongYuan Shikai sent out a letter suggesting that Hai Yin, Hai Shen,Hai Chou, Hai Tian, ships of Northern Fleet then anchored at MiaoIsland, Shan Dong province, all move to the Yangtze River so as tosteer clear of the formidable foe. Thereupon all the ship shipsretreated except the Hai Yin. WhenYihetuanthreaten the lives of foreign residents in China, Mr. Sa let allthe foreign missionaries and nationals take shelter in his ship andbe well taken care of until the uprising wasover. When the US cruiser Oregon struck a reeft near Miao Island,the Hua Yin rushed to the scene for its rescue, for which AmericanCongress immidiately sent a message of thanks. And the captain ofthe US ship, while expressing the gratitude to Mr. Sa, also advisedhim to move his ship to the south. Consequently the Hai Yin sailedino Jingyin near the mouth of the Yangtze River.
The departureof other ships had shaken the morale of the men on the long vessel.Many deserted after going ashore under the pretext of seeing adoctor. All were in a state of alarm and together petitioned forthe ship to seek shelter in the south. There was a hubbub of voiceson the deck. Father was making every effort to pacify the men whensuddenly Mr. Sa emerged from the cabin sword in hand, shoutingsternly, " Stop the racket,or you'll die." Shocked by the greatanger on the otherwise benevolent face, the ship crew rapidelydispersed, and the Hai Yin remained moored at the same old placeuntil the American capatin offered his advice.


Discipline was exemplary onMr.Sa's ship. He often donated money from his personal purse forreparis of public property, saying jokingly to father, " Othercaptains make good bracelets for their wives, I make them to deckout my ship. " Once, during the shooting practice on the ship, agun officer through carelessness damaged the bore of a light gunworth more than 20,000 yuan. Mr. Sa gave away his monthly salariesto pay for the damaged gun by instalments. When the news reachedNavy Commander Ye Zugui and Yuan Shikuai, the Governor-General ofHebei Province, the letter immediately remitted the money to payfor the damaged gun. Hence, one of the light guns on the Hai Yinhas since known as the Yuan's gift.


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