美国第51个州?这种情况有可能出现 美国的第51州







建州之路并不平坦。在哥伦比亚特区(District ofColumbia),大多数居民已经一再表示希望在国会获得投票权。与波多黎各不同,华盛顿哥伦比亚特区的地位问题更加复杂,因为它在1790年被依法定为专属美国国会管辖的国家首都。这一事实给建州制造了特殊的法律障碍,而像波多黎各这样的美国领土则不会面临这种问题。



在美国于1783年获得独立后,美国人开始将被称为西北领地(NorthwestTerritory)的大面积土地置于美国的控制之下。这片67万平方公里的地区延伸到大湖区(GreatLakes)南部、俄亥俄河(Ohio River)北部和西部以及密西西比河(MississippiRiver)东部。为了向西扩展,美国的立法者着手阐明接纳西北领地内的区域为美国的州的方式,并且在1787年的《西北法令》(NorthwestOrdinance)中规定,第一项必备资格是至少拥有6万人口。

到1801年年底,西北领地最东边的俄亥俄地区显然很快就要达到6万人口的条件,而且美国国会也通过了《1802年授权法》(EnablingAct of 1802)(也称为《俄亥俄授权法》),为俄亥俄作为平等的联邦成员加入美国确立法律机制。这便成为以后的蓝图。






美国第51个州?这种情况有可能出现 美国的第51州
Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/chinese/article/2013/01/20130102140560.html#ixzz2Gy9skihK

A 51st U.S. State? ItCould Happen

On November 6, a majority of Puerto Ricansindicated that they want to change their island’s politicalstatus.

Washington — The United States began as a union of 13 formerBritish colonies. The state roster, expanding incrementally throughtwo centuries, now stands at 50, but that could change.

Puerto Rico has functioned as an unincorporated U.S. territorysince 1898. Its residents hold U.S. citizenship and can move freelythroughout the United States. They are subject to U.S. federal lawsand pay some U.S. taxes, but lack voting representation in the U.S.Congress. After decades of debate about the island’s politicalstatus, 54 percent of Puerto Ricans indicated they were notsatisfied with the status quo in a November 6 referendum.

The referendum came in two parts, asking voters whetherstatehood, independence or “sovereign free association,” whichwould grant the island more autonomy, would be their preference ifthe island’s political status was changed. Of the nearly 1.78million voters, nearly 800,000 ( 61 percent) of those expressing anopinion chose statehood. About 437,000 chose sovereign freeassociation, and 72,560 voted for independence. Nearly 500,000 didnot express an opinion.

White House press secretary Jay Carney told reporters December 3that the results showed “the people of Puerto Rico have made itclear that they want a resolution to the issue of the island’spolitical status,” and he recommended the U.S. Congress “study theresults closely and provide the people of Puerto Rico with a clearpath forward that lays out the means by which Puerto Ricansthemselves can determine their own status.”

For Puerto Rico to become a U.S. state, it would need a majorityvote of approval from both houses of Congress. Article IV, SectionThree of the U.S. Constitution states simply that Congress has thepower to admit new U.S. states, provided that they guarantee "fullfaith and credit" to the now 50 states that already exist. Thatmeans Puerto Rico would have to recognize the legal contracts,marriages and criminal judgments approved by other U.S. states.

The road to statehood is not an easy one. In the District ofColumbia, a majority of residents have repeatedly expressed theirdesire to gain voting representation in Congress. Unlike PuertoRico, the district’s status is complicated by the fact that it wasestablished by statute in 1790 as the national capital under theexclusive jurisdiction of the U.S. Congress. That presents peculiarlegal obstacles to statehood that a U.S. territory like Puerto Ricowould not face.


The last time a U.S. state was admitted was in 1959, when theterritories of Alaska and Hawaii became states. As with both ofthose states, a Puerto Rican bid for full membership would draw onlegal precedents passed by U.S. legislators as the United Statesexpanded westward across North America from the 13 original Britishcolonies.

After the United States gained its independence in 1783,Americans began to settle a large area under U.S. control known asthe Northwest Territory. The 670,000-square-kilometer regionextended south of the Great Lakes, north and west of the OhioRiver, and east of the Mississippi River. With the goal of westwardexpansion, U.S. lawmakers began clarifying how areas in theNorthwest Territory could be admitted as U.S. states, and decidedin the 1787 Northwest Ordinance that the first qualification was tohave a population of at least 60,000 people.

By the end of 1801, it became clear that Ohio, the easternmostpart of the Northwest Territory, would soon meet the 60,000 personthreshold, and the U.S. Congress passed the Enabling Act of 1802(also known at the Ohio Enabling Act) to establish legal mechanismsfor Ohio to join the United States as an equal member of the union.It would serve as the blueprint for the future.

Under that law, Ohio residents were asked to elect onerepresentative for each 1,200 people to a November 1, 1802,convention that would decide by a majority vote if Ohioans wouldwrite a constitution and form a state government. If the vote was“yes,” the delegates would proceed to “form for the people of thesaid State a constitution and State government, provided the sameshall be republican, and not repugnant” to elected representativegovernment elsewhere in the United States. In other words, would-beleaders of Ohio could not set themselves up as autocrats.

In addition to writing and adopting their state’s constitution,the Ohioans also were asked to set aside a certain proportion ofland in each township to be used for schools, and to use 5 percentof revenue from land sales to create roads through their proposedstate. They also were allowed only one member of the U.S. House ofRepresentatives pending the results of the next U.S. census, which would be taken in 1810 andcreate a fairer allocation.

The delegates approved a state constitution on November 29,1802. On February 19, 1803, Congress determined that Ohio had metthe requirements of the Enabling Act and passed legislationdeclaring Ohio "has become one of the United States of America."The legislation was then signed by President Thomas Jefferson.

The legal process for becoming a U.S. state has not changed muchsince 1803. A U.S. territory begins the process by demonstratingthrough local elections that there is a consensus for statehood,and then it formally petitions the U.S. Congress. It must draft aconstitution creating a representative form of government andsubmit it to the U.S. Congress for majority approval. Finally, theU.S. president would sign the bill into law, creating the newstate.

If Puerto Ricans, D.C. residents or others are thinkingseriously about U.S. statehood, they should be forewarned that itis an irreversible decision. After the 1860–1861 secession crisisand the American Civil War, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 1869that joining the United States is “an indissoluble relation” andthe U.S. Constitution does not allow states to leaveunilaterally.

Read more: http://iipdigital.usembassy.gov/st/english/article/2012/12/20121228140484.html#ixzz2GyA4YlA8


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