Beijing International Hotel
The Ideal Choice for Your BusinessDestination
The Beijing International Hotel is centrallylocated on the east-west central axis of Beijing on Chang’anAvenue. Within minutes of historic sites including the ForbiddenCity (the former royal palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties) andTian’anmen Square, the hotel is 400 meters from the Beijing RailwayStation to the north and 28 kilometers from the CapitalInternational Airport to the east. In addition to a downtownlocation, the hotel offers first-class amenities, and is favorablylocated within multiple points of public transportation. Besidesthe ideal location, Beijing International Hotel is perfect forbusiness, conference, MICE and leisure travel. The hotel offers 916comfortable and elegant guest rooms, includes 758 Business Standroom, 71 Deluxe Room, 71 Suit Room, 6 Executive Business Room, 3Executive Diplomatic Suit Room, 1 Princess Suit and 1 PresidentialSuite. Moreover, the hotel enjoys restaurants and bar withdifferent styles. More than 40 function rooms for conference andbanquetn.
The well-established Beijing International Hotelis perfect for business, weekend, family, and leisuretravel.
The hoteloffers 916 comfortable and elegant guest rooms. Rooms on theexecutive floor overlook a beautiful view of the capital city andcome with upgraded amenities.
The BeijingInternational Hotel offers guest rooms with first-class facilities,including standard rooms, deluxe rooms and suites. The rooms onExecutive Floor come with an upgraded amenitiespackage.
预订电话(8610)6512 6688转6118
Reservation Hotline (8610) 6512 6688 ext.6118
Facilities & ServicesAvailable
无烟客房 Non-smokingRooms
客房送餐 Room Service
唤醒服务 Wake-up Service
洗衣和熨烫服务 Laundry & Dry Cleaning
宽带上网 High-speed Internet Access
双线直拨电话和语音信箱 IDD/DDD/Voice Mail
卫星电视 Satellite TV
客房内保险箱 In-room Safe
迷你酒吧Mini Bar
停车场 Parking
自动提款机 ATM
外币兑换 Foreign Exchange
旅行和票务服务 Travel and Ticketing
机场班车 Airport Shuttle Service
礼宾服务 Concierge
商务中心 Business Center
礼品店Boutique and Gift Shop
大堂经理24小时值班24-hour Manager on Duty
多语言服务 Multilingual Hotel Staff
The Tan Restaurant recalls the charm and tradition of a Beijing courtyard house serving classical imperialdishes.
位于饭店三层的谭府餐厅以经营谭氏官府菜为主,“鱼翅捞饭”、“冰糖血 燕”均为上佳菜品。餐厅建筑风格将南方的隽秀与北方的豪迈巧妙融为一体,假山荷塘,藻井回廊,丝竹鸟语不绝于耳。来到谭府步步精彩,口口经典!
The Tan Restaurant on the3rd floor of the hotel offers classically prepared,imperial dishes. Famous dishes include Shark’s Fin with Rice andBuddha Jumping Wall. The Shandong and Sichuan cuisines are preparedaccording to your proportion specifications. Elements of nature,the rockery and lotus ponds, the Chinese architecture, the gentlemusic, the birds’ singing, the beautiful flowers and the deliciousdishes all can nearly make a Buddha break monastic disciplines.When you make your presence at the Tan Restaurant, every mouthfulof food you enjoy is classical!
午餐 Lunch 11:30 -14:00晚餐 Dinner 17:30-22:30
订位电话 (8610) 65126688 转 6288 或 6275
For reservations, please call (8610) 6512 6688ext. 6288 or 6275
The unique Shanghai Restaurantis on the 2nd floor of the hotel. Enjoy the Shanghaicuisine in a fashionable and charming atmosphere that willtransport you back to old Shanghai, and you may feel that you arein the era of black and white films. The main dining room hasseating for 80 guests and 6 sumptuous and elegant VIP rooms willprovide you with more choices for your privateget-togethers.
星光旋转餐厅Starlight Revolving Restaurant
The StarlightRevolving Restaurant on the top floor of the hotel is the highestand only revolving restaurant in the center of Beijing. Therestaurant measures 108 meters high from its base and turns onerevolution in 110 minutes. Guests can enjoy the abundant choices ofChinese and Western dishes, a selection of fine wines, and thepanoramic view of the capital city. It is a worthwhile visitwhether for a business banquet or a family reunion.
早餐 Breakfast 06:30-10:00
午餐 Lunch 11:30-14:00
晚餐 Dinner 18:00-21:30
订位电话 (8610) 6512 6688转6218
For reservations, please call(8610)6512 6688 ext. 6218
The spacious and comfortableRose Café is a tranquil oasis in the midst of a bustlingcity.

The meticulous chefs at the open kitchen range areimmersed in the art of “Cooking a dish as ruling a country.” Hereyou can enjoy to your heart’s content the pleasure of both“cooking” and “tasting.” The Rose Café invites you to dine atleisure and enjoy a respite from the fast-paced city life. Locatedon the 1st floor of Beijing International Hotel, theRose Café has seating for 150 guests. There are also 4western-styled private rooms with seating for 20 guests. Forwestern-style banquets and buffet, your first choice should be RoseCafé!
营业时间 BusinessHours6:00- 24:00
订位电话 (8610) 65126688转6228
For reservations, please call (8610) 6512 6688 ext.6228
四季酒吧 Four Seasons Bar
Located on the 2ndfloor of the Hotel, the Four Seasons Bar is a peaceful oasis in themiddle of bustling downtown Beijing. The dappling sunshine andpleasant shade trees create a relaxing mood where you can breathedeeply and savor a cup of tea, a glass of wine, or your favoritealcoholic beverage.
营业时间 Business Hours 9:00-24:00
订位电话 (8610) 65126688转6266
For reservations, please call (8610) 6512 6688ext. 6266
The meeting facilities in the hotel mainbuilding vary in size to suite from small to large scaleconferences and meetings up to 700 persons. The hotel can alsocater other events such as theme parities, cocktail parties,banquets and organize food and beverage around guests’ specialrequirements.
All theseand the professionalism of experienced staff ensure that each eventwill be a memorable one.
The well-established Beijing International Hotelis perfect for business, weekend, family, and leisuretravel.