嗨 Charlie 我是Teddy Hi, Charlie. It's Teddy here.现在你只有九个月大 So right now you're nine months old不过一切都很顺利 and everything is going great.呃 差不多一切都顺利吧 Well, almost everything.现在我要带你去看的东西可能会有点囧 Now what I'm about to show you is kind of disturbing,所以做好心理准备哦 So brace yourself.嗯 这些三明治一定会好好吃的 Mmm, these sandwiches will be yummy wummy.没错 会的 没错会的 Yes, they will, yes, they will.妈妈爸爸从你一出生就开始用这种腔调讲话了 Mom and dad have been talking like that ever since youarrived如果他们继续这样子的话 我会发疯疯的 And if it's not over soon, I'm gonna go crazy wazy.- PJ - 怎么了 - PJ! - what?你在听什么呢 What are you listening to?我下了个芭蕾历史的播客听 I downloaded a podcast on the history of ballet.- 你喜欢听那玩意儿吗 - 总比听儿语好 - you like that? - More than baby talk.你想给你的饼饼配点鱼鱼一起吃吗 Would you like some fishy wishies with your cookie wookie? 是的 我想 是的我想 Yes, I would, yes, I would.等等 两位 Charlie又不在这儿 Wait, guys, Charlie isn't even here.是啊 爱尿床的宝宝正在楼上睡觉觉呢 No, widdle baby take a nappy wappy upstairs.那为什么你们两个说话还这个调调 So why are you guys still talking like that?我一点点都不知道 I don't "weawy" know.我想是因为我们两个有些晕头转向了 I guess we're just kinda fried.我们白天工作了一整天 晚上还要照顾宝宝 Well, we work all day, take care of a baby all night.工作和照顾宝宝来回换班 Work shift, baby shift我都没有时间去解手手了 I've barely got time to make doo-doo你们两个上次晚上一起出门玩是什么时候 Well, when was the last time you guys had a night out?你知道的 比如去约会之类的 只有你们两个 You know, like just the two of you-- like a date?Teddy真会说笑笑啊 Teddy made a funny.好好笑的玩笑 A funny wunny.我是认真的 我看这样吧 现在是周六的晚上 Seriously! you know what? it's saturday night.你们两个 一起出门 好好玩玩 You two, you go out, have fun, 做点除了工作 And do something besides work,和照顾宝宝之外的事情 顺便解下手手 take care of the baby and make doo-doo.我倒是求之不得啊 Well, it's nice to dream,但是谁来照顾Charlie呢 but who's gonna take of Charlie拜托 三个一流的保姆正坐在这呢 Hello! you've got three great babysitters right here.我很高兴我没听到那句话 I'm glad I didn't hear that.我不知道 Teddy 这个主意挺不错的 I don't know, Teddy. It's a really nice thought,但是我们真的还没有准备好丢下Charlie自己出门 But we're really not ready to go out without Charlie just yet- 大家想不想看个魔术表演 - 好啊 - You guys want to see a magic trick? - Sure!- 好吧 - 见证奇迹的时候到了 - Okay. - Prepare to be amazed.我还是出门歇上一晚吧 I could use a night out.生活搞得一团糟 Day's all burnt toast就要迟到 爸爸在叫 Running late,and dad says我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到 Has anybody seen my left shoe我闭上双眼 咬口早餐 I close my eyes, take a bite 跳上车子 放声大笑 Grab a ride, laugh out loud就在这里 我们的家 There it is up on the roof我也曾这样生活 我已经顺利走过 I've been there, I've survived所以请听取我的建议 So just take my advice宝贝 不要放弃 世界有很多疯狂无奈 Hang in there, baby, things are crazy可是我知道你会有美好未来 But I know your future is bright宝贝 不要放弃 ![]() Hang in there, Baby不要怀疑 There is no maybe一切终会如你所愿 Eveything turns out all right生活有悲有喜 Sure life is up and down可是请相信我 坚持就有好结果 But trust me, it comes back all around你会喜欢将来的你 You're gonna love who you turn out to be宝贝 不要放弃 Hang in there, Baby查莉成长日记 第一季第二集 Good Luck Charlie S01E02 BabyCome Back好了 祝你们两个玩得开心想玩到多晚就玩到多晚 All right, you guys have fun. Stay out as late as you want. 但是别玩过头了 家里的孩子已经够多了 But not too much fun-- We have enough kids already.我是说真的 I'm serious.好了 大家都要乖过得开心 我爱你们 Okay, everyone, be good, have fun, love you.- 是啊是啊 - 好吧 - Yeah yeah. - All right.Teddy 谢谢你能这么做 Hey, Teddy, thanks for doing this.让你妈妈和我一起享受段特别时光 It's gonna be nice for your mom and I这样真的不错 to have some special time together- Bob 赶快过来 - 就来了 - Bob, move your butt! - I'm coming!好了 我们平均分配下任务吧 All right, so we divide it up evenly,我们一人照顾Charlie一个小时 We each get to spend an hour with Charlie.谁想第一个来 Who wants to go first?我认为你应该第一个来 I think you should go first.第二个第三个也该你来 因为这就是你的主意 And second and third, since this was your idea.嘿 我一个人哪能把所有的事情都干完 Hey, I'm not doing this all by myself.你们两个必须得帮忙 you guys have to help out. 好吧 我第四个来 Fine. I'll go fourth.根本没有第四个 There is no fourth.我是说我要动身去公园打会儿篮球 I meant I shall go forth to the park to shoot some hoop.既然你这么想去公园 You want to go to the park so badly,为什么不顺便把Charlie也带上 Then why don't you just take Charlie?一个小宝宝在公园能干些什么 What's a baby supposed to do at the park?宝宝们都喜欢公园啊 你可以带她去看看鸭池 Babies love parks. you can show her the duck pond,看看蓝天 白云 The blue sky, clouds.我们出去只是闲看吗 那还要电视干吗 We're just gonna look at stuff? that's what TV is for.耶哈哈 真爽 Yeah heh hah, all right!这太好玩了 喔 This is great. Whee!真棒 噢 Yes, whoo!你看什么看 我可是先到的 What are you looking at? I was here first.嘿 你可以去骑那只鸭子 Hey, you can ride that duck.我不能去骑那只鸭子 我要是去骑鸭子看起来就太傻了 I couldn't ride the duck. I'd look silly on the duck. 好吧 Fine.嘿 Charlie我们是不是玩得很开心啊 Hey there, Charlie. Are we having fun yet?好的 All right.哥们 你有没有看到有小孩在附近开生日派对啊 Man, you seen a kid's birthday party around here anywhere?我得过去表演呢 I'm the entertainment.我在公园的那边看到了一个充气小屋 I saw a bounce house of the other end of the park.充气小屋 是吗 这下好了 A bouncy house, eh? Great.这次我又得被送进急诊室了 Another trip to the E.R.你这身装束是想装扮成谁啊 Who are you supposed to be anyway?塑料侠 还是橡胶侠 Plastic man, rubber man?不 那些都已经成为注册商标了 No, those are all registered trademarks.我扮的是弹力王船长 I'm Captain Stretchy.这里本来印着个"CS"的 不过洗衣服的时候被洗掉了 There used to be a "CS" here, but it came off in the wash.那你的超能力是什么 So what's your super power?超级柔韧性 Super elasticity. 嘿 快看 地上有个硬币 Hey, look, there's a quarter.唉 算了吧 Ah, forget it.反正又不是一块的 对吧 Not like it's a dollar, right?- 嗨 - 嗨 - Hi. - Hi.噢 你选得婴儿车不错 我喜欢你的品位 Oh, yeah, I like your taste in strollers.谢谢 你也是 Thanks, you too.- 那个宝宝好可爱啊 - 你也是 - That baby's so cute. - You too.噢 我是说你的宝宝也是 Oh, I mean yours too.- 我叫Emma - 我叫PJ - I'm Emma. - I'm PJ- 这个小宝宝是谁 - 我弟弟 - Who's this little guy? - My brother.我们就是出来散散步 每天都这样 We're just out for our stroll. We do this every day.我们也是 正如我经常说的 宝宝们喜欢公园 Us too. Like I always say, babies love parks.- 想一起坐会吗 - 好啊 - Would you like to sit for a bit? - Sure.我看到你刚才在跟弹力王船长说话 So I saw you talking to Captain Stretchy earlier.噢 是啊 他迷路了 Oh, yeah, he was lost. - 他可不怎么像超级英雄 是吧 -噢 他逊透了 - Not much of a superhero, right? - Oh, he's the worst.我弟弟生日派对的时候我们请他去表演 We hired him for my brother's birthday party- 结果他一屁股坐到蛋糕上了 - 听起来很悲剧啊 - and he sat on the cake. - That sounds awful.噢 这还不是最悲剧的 Oh, it gets worse.蜡烛已经点上了 所以他坐进烛台里去了 The candles was lit, so he sat in the punch这也太古怪了 That's so weird.我是说他看起来像是个很棒的演艺人啊 I mean he looks like such a quality entertainer.知道吗 PJ 我真的很佩服 You know, PJ, I'm really impressed that你肯带你的小妹妹来公园 you take your baby sister to the park.我的兄弟们永远都不会这么做 My brothers would never do anything like that.希望他们别来 她是我的妹妹啊 I hope not. She is my sister.现在看好了 我这只手里有一枚硬币 Now watch closely. In this hand I have a quarter而这只手 拿的是一个普通鸡蛋 And in the other, an ordinary egg.现在我把它们放进这个帽子里 转上一小圈 Now I put them in this hat, spin them around a little然后转眼间 And presto. 好奇地问一句 Just out of curiosity,这个魔术本该是什么结果 What was supposed to happen?我喜欢这个宝宝 I love this baby.不管她什么时候想上公园 尽管找我 Anytime she wants to go to the park, sign me up.你中什么邪了 What happened to you?这么说吧 Charlie交了个朋友PJ也交上了个朋友 Let's just say charlie made a friend, PJmade a friend.噢 那你或者你的朋友有没有帮着换尿布呢 Oh-- and did either you or your friend bother to change adiper?根本没时间换 我忙着和Emma聊天呢 There's no time for that. I was too busy talking to Emma.- Emma是谁 - 我的梦中情人 - Who's emma? - A vision,一个天使 一个占据我心扉的女孩 An angel, the girl who's moved into my heart.你有没有告诉她你脑袋里空空如也这个事实呢 Did you tell her about the vacancy in your brain?- PJ - 怎么了 - PJ? - what?你把别人的宝宝带回家来了 You brought home the wrong baby.什么 我才没有 What? I did not.你自己看看 生理结构不对 Take a look! Wrong parts. 起码他那个地方的功能还很正常 There's nothing wrong with those parts.你怎么会带错宝宝回家呢 How could you bring home the wrong baby?我很抱歉 我那时候有点分心了 I'm sorry. I got a little distracted.Emma真是太可爱了 Emma is really cute.是啊 我们的妹妹也是 Yeah, well, so was our sister.快点 我们去公园找她 Come on, let's go to the park and find her.0 急啥 我有她的电话号码 Relax! I got her number.那你还等什么 快给她打电话呀 Then what are you waiting for? call her.等等 Wait a second.是不是有点太早了 Is it too soon?如果我现在就打给她 她会觉得我迫不及待的 If I call now, she'll think I'm desperate.噢 你本来就迫不及待了 Oh, you are desperate.说的好 Good point.你好 请问Emma在吗 Hello, is Emma there? 你说你们是家中国菜餐馆 This is a Chinese restaurant?好啊 给我介绍一下特色菜吧 Sure, I'll hear the specials.她给了你个假号码 She gave you the wrong number.纯属意料之中 Who couldn't see that one coming?可我都请她吃了一片口香糖 还帮她给宝宝换掉了脏尿布 But I gave her gum and helped her change a poopy diaper.一切都那么浪漫 It was so romantic.呃 我们现在该怎么办 Well, what do we do now?噢 不 Oh no!嗨 妈妈 有事吗 Hi mom, what up?是的 一切都好得很 为什么会不好呢 Yeah, everything's going great. why wouldn't it be?我们正过得开心着呢 和 We're just having a grand old time here with--宝宝一起 Baby当然 你当然可以和他说话了是她 她 Yeah, sure you can talk to him. her her!和妈妈说句话吧 Talk to mommy.听起来不像Charlie 你什么意思 What do you mean that did't sound like Charlie?什么 你以为是我在对着话筒模仿宝宝的声音吗 What, do you just think I'm making baby noises into thephone?妈妈 那也太疯狂了 Mom, that's crazy.好了 再见说再见吧 Charlie All right, bye. Say bye, Charlie.我不是想批评你 Not that I'm in the position to criticize,不过我变得更不知所措了 But I was getting more monkey.快点 我们去公园 Come on, let's go to the park.去找那个不待见PJ的女孩吗 And meet the girl who blew off PJ?我去定了 I'm there.- 我没看到她 - PJ 她长啥样 - I don't see her. - PJ, what did she look like?她很漂亮 不过那有什么关系 She was hot, but what does it matter?也许我们该找人帮忙 Maybe we should call someone.找宝宝时该找什么人帮忙呢 who do you call when you search a baby.弹力王船长 Captain Stretchy!那是什么东西 What is that? 你还在这里啊 You're still here?我每个周六和周日都整天待在这里 Every saturday and sunday all day long.回学校待着吧 孩子们 Stay in school, kids.他正是我们要找的人 Just the guy we needed to see.我觉得你能帮助我们 I think you can help us.嘿 孩子 我只是个耍把式的 Hey, kid, I'm just an entertainer.我可不能让你爸爸妈妈破镜重圆 I can't get mommy and daddy back together.不 你误会了 No, you don't understand.我刚才在这里和一个女孩聊天 I was talking to a girl here earlier,她说了你在她弟弟的生日派对上表演过 And she said that you worked a party for her brother.那又如何 我在很多派对上表演过呢 So? I work lots of parties.你表演时摔到蛋糕上了的派对是哪个 Where was the party where you fell on cake?你们能听我讲三个小时么 You got three hours?这真的很重要 我们得找到她 This is really important. We need to find her.有意思 你们几个需要打探消息 Interesting situation. You kids need info, - 而我需要一个“男腰” - 什么是“男腰” - And I need a mirdle. - What is a mirdle?就是个给男人用的腰带 那玩意儿可不便宜 That's a man girdle. And they ain't cheap.是啊 显然干洗也不便宜 Yeah, neither is dry cleaning, apparently.她的名字叫Emma 她后来回过这个公园吗 Her name's Emma. Did she come back to the park?这个 也许她回来过 Well, maybe she did也许她没回来过 And maybe she didn't.别捻你的手指了 好好回答我的问题 Stop rubbing your fingers together and answer my question.他想要点好处 He wants a bribe.真是不敢相信 I can't believe it.给你 Here.告诉你我知道的情况吧 她叫Emma Here is what I konw: Her name is Emma.这一点我刚都告诉你了 I just told you that.我可没说我会告诉你什么新东西 I didn't say the information was fresh.没错 我认识那个女孩 Yeah, I know the girl.她家可是一个大家庭 有七八个小孩 She comes from a big family-- seven, eight kids. 给他们家表演的时候我扮演过 For them I've been...宇航员Pete 牛仔Bob Astronaut Pete, cowboy Bob...- 魔术师Marv - 没错你真是对我的工作了如指掌啊 - Magic Marv? - Yeah! You're familiar with my work.是啊 我还知道你很逊 Yeah, and it stinks.我才刚开始学魔术 I'm just starting off- 我的魔术已经比你变得棒了 - 噢是吗 - And I'm a better magician than you are. - Oh yeah?你觉得变魔术很简单 是吧 拿着 You think this is easy, huh? here.把这个变成一只髯狗 Turn that into a schnauzer.变不出来吧 对吧 You can't do it, huh?也许是因为你不过是半桶水的水平 Maybe it's because you don't have the chops!好了 弹力王 你知道她住在哪儿吗 Well, Stretchy, do you know where she lives?知道 就在这附近的某处 Yeah, around here somewhere.- 我一看到就能认出来的 - 太好了 - I'd know it if I saw it. - Great!你今晚要是帮我们找到她 Now you help us tonight and we'll明天我们就帮你围上“男腰” get you into that mirdle tomorrow. 噢 你明白我的意思不是我们亲自动手 Oh, and you understand we're not actually给你围上 而是你得自己围吧 Gonna put you into it? That you have to do by yourself.嗯 我明白 Yeah, I get it.好了 走吧 各位我们必须得找到她 All right, come on, guys, we have to go find her.啊 嘿弹力王船长 出发 Uh, hey-- Captain Stretchy, away!- 车在这边 - 噢 好吧 - Truck's this way. - Oh, okay.随便点你想吃的东西 亲爱的我在这儿可以打折的 Order whatever you want, honey. I get a discount here.这家店是我的最大客户之一 This place is one of my best customers.在这儿听到一个灭虫专家这么说可不是什么好事 Not what you want to hear from an exterminator.噢 快看那边 Oh, look at that.噢 墨西哥肉卷 Oh, fajitas.不是那个 是那个宝宝 Not that, the baby.那个小宝宝的婴儿车和我们的一模一样啊 A little baby in a stroller just like ours.是啊 好了 亲爱的 Yeah, okay, honey,今晚我们应该暂时忘掉宝宝的事的 This is supposed to be a night away from the baby. 所以我们接着点菜吧 So let's come back.好吧 好吧 接着点菜 Okay okay, I'm back.接着点菜 我得先去趟洗手间 I'm back. Just gotta run to the ladies' room.噢 噢 嘿听着 你去洗手间时 Oh oh, hey, listen, while you're in there,能不能顺便检查下灭虫诱饵 Could you check the traps?你们好 Hola.再见 Adios.Bob 你能过去看看那个宝宝吗 Bob, will you go over and look at that baby?- 我想那是Charlie - 什么 - I think it's Charlie. - What?!你听到我说的话了 那个宝宝是Charlie You heard me, that is Charlie!亲爱的 拜托你能不能坐下来 Sweetheart, would you sit down, please?我才不坐下呢 I will not sit down.母亲总是能认出她自己的宝宝的 而那就是我的宝宝 A mother knows her own baby and that is my baby.亲爱的 说真的 你觉得能出什么事 Honey, seriously, what do you think happened here?总不可能是刚才有人闯进我们的房子 In the last hour somebody went over to our house, 劫走我们的宝宝然后再带她过来吃薯条和鳄梨色拉吧 Borrowed our baby then brought her out for chips and guac?我可不确定 他们可是一大家子 I don't know, it's a big family.- 也许他们就是这样搞到那么多孩子的 - 亲爱的 - Maybe that's how they get their babies. - Sweetheart,我觉得是因为你太想Charlie了 I think you're just missing Charlie因而有一点点分离焦虑症了 And you're having a little separation anxiety.噢 好吧 Oh, okay.你说的对 You're right.发疯疯了 Crazy wazy.- 我是说 那绝对不可能是吧 - 没错 - I mean, that isn't possible, right? - Exactly.我得再去趟洗手间 I'm just going to go to the ladies' room one more time.坐下 Sit down.现在让我们在这家漂亮的餐馆 Now let's enjoy the rest of our night out尽情享受我们剩下的晚宴时光 At this very lovely restaurant.- 好吗 - 好吧 - Okay? - Okay.厨房里有情况需要我去处理 I'm needed in the kitchen. - Charlie - Emma - Charlie! - Emma!- Charlie - Emma - Charlie! - Emma!- Marco - Polo - Marco! - Polo.(注:一种抓人游戏,抓人者闭眼喊Marco,被抓一方喊Polo回应)Gabe 别闹了 Gabe, not helping.弹力王 这地方你看着眼熟吗 Stretchy, is any of this looking familiar?也许有些熟 也许不熟 Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't.我不会再给你钱了 You are not getting any more money.不是 我有夜盲症 No, I have night blindness.晚上我只能依稀看出轮廓来 All I'm seeing is shapes.你为什么不早说 Why didn't you mention that earlier?我得搭个顺风车回家 I needed a ride home.在这儿停车 Stop here.噢 这下好了 妈妈起床了 Oh, great. Mom's up.也许我该跟你们几个小孩待在一起 Maybe I'll just hang with you kids.弹力王船长 下车 Captain Stretchy, away.- 晚安 弹力王 -晚安 弹力王 - Good night, Stretchy. - Good night, Stretchy.晚安 Good night.现在怎么办 Now what?我们还没去公园北边那边的路上找过呢 We didn't hit the streets on the north end of the park.PJ 我们不能漫无目标地开上一整夜吧 PJ, we can't keep driving around all night.不能再这样了 我们必须告诉爸爸妈妈了 It's over. We have to tell mom and dad.- 可是 - 不 没关系的 - But-- - No, it'll be okay.他们知道该怎么办 他们从来都知道 They know what to do. They always do.我该怎么告诉他们我把自己的小妹妹弄丢了 How am I gonna tell them I lost our baby sister?我是最大的孩子 他们会觉得我该负最大责任的 I'm the oldest. They're gonna think I'm the most responsible.PJ 不知道我这么说会不会让你好受点 PJ, if it makes you feel any better,没人会那么觉得 Nobody thinks that.我为什么总是把事情搞砸 Why do I always mess everything up?知道吗 我们谁都可能闯下这种祸 You know what? This could have happened to any of us. 好吧 也许最可能的是你 但是 All right, probably most likely you, but--这一次 我们会共同承担责任的 This one, we're all in it together.谢谢 Thanks.嘿 快看 Hey, look,弹力王船长把他的驾照落下了 Captain Stretchy dropped his driver's license.175磅 我的老天 175 lbs, my butt!他们在那边 There they are.好了 我们过去坦白吧 All right, let's get this over with.你觉得我们让这个墨西街头乐团帮忙 Do you think it would be better or worse传个口信比较好呢还是会让情况变得更糟呢 if we had the mariachi deliver the news.如果他们用西班牙语传达 也许会比较好 If it's in spanish, probably better.等等 真是不敢相信 Wait, I don't believe it.- 那是Emma - 那么那个就是Charlie了 - That's Emma. - So that's Charlie.真棒 哦 我们得救了 Yes! Oh, we're saved.- 还不一定呢 - 嘿 孩子们 - Not quite. - Hey, kids. - 现在怎么办 - 等我想出办法来了再通知你 - What now? - I'll let you know when I think of it.妈妈 爸爸 嗨 Mom, dad, hi.- 嗨 - 你们几个来这儿干嘛 - Hi. - What are you doing here?我们觉得你们一定会想Charlie的 We just realized you must be missing Charlie,所以我们带她过来了 So we brought her.噢 Teddy 你骗不了我的 Oh, Teddy, you're not fooling me.- 我露馅了 - 没错 - I'm not? - Nope.你一定是照顾Charlie时间太长了 You spent a little too much time with Charlie然后想早点把她交给我吧 And you're ready to hand her over early.这个 其实也不能算是时间太长了吧 Well, I wouldn't say too much time.不过 我也想接手了 所以还是我来照看她吧 Well, I am ready too, so let me at her.- 给我吧 给我吧给我吧 - 妈 妈妈 - Gimme Gimme Gimme. - Mom, Mom, Mom.你正在约会呢 还是我把她给你抱过来吧 You're on a date. Let me bring her to you.这里吗 等等 现在吗 Here? Wait, now?那 好吧 Well, all right. - 嘿 妈妈 - 嘿宝贝 - Hey, mom. - Hi, baby.- 嘿 - 嘿 爸爸 - Hey. - Hey, dad.- 我想给你们表演个节目 - 什么节目亲爱的 - Something I want to show you. - What is it, honey?我的下一个魔术就是 And now for my next trick,我会把一个男孩变不见的 I'm gonna make a boy disappear.知道吗 你应该为你自己感到羞耻 You know, you should be ashamed of yourself.你勾引了一个男孩 让他以为你们之间心有灵犀 You lead a guy on, make him think you have a connection,然而你却给了他一个假电话号码 And you give him a fake phone number.你自己输错了 那一位本该是2而不是3的 You put it in wrong. that three is supposed to be a two.噢 我的错 Oh, my bad.那么 So...想一起吃个晚饭吗 You wanna get a table?我的尿床宝宝 你有没有想你的爸爸妈妈啊 My widdle baby, did you miss your mommy and daddy?是的 她想了是的 她想了 Yes, she did. yes, she did.噢 我从来没想到我听到儿语居然还这么开心 Oh, I never thought I'd be so happy to hear baby talk. Teddy 这个不是Charlie的奶嘴你从哪弄来的这个 Teddy, this isn't Charlie's binky. where did you get this?噢 那个 说起来其实是次很好玩的经历 Oh, well, that's actually a really funny story.听好了 其实就是 See, what happened was...太吵了 以后再跟你说吧 Too loud. Tell you later.好了 Charlie现在你安然无恙地回家了 Well, Charlie, now you're home safe and sound一切都没事了 And everything turned out okay.对你来说是没事儿了 For you.我们本来也可以没事的 但是等我们回家后 It would have been okay for us too, but when we got home,妈妈问了我们一堆问题 Mom started asking all these questions而我们没人能真正解释 And no one really had an answer to客厅里的尿渍是怎么来的 the pee stains in the living room.于是就真相大白了 And that's when the truth came out然后三个孩子就全都有麻烦了 and all the kids got into trouble.所以这次的教训就是如果你 So the lesson is if you ever try做了坏事还想耍手段隐瞒妈妈的话 to pull anything over on Mom, 祝你好运 Charlie Good luck, Charlie.我不可能总结得比妈妈更精辟了 Couldn't have said it better myself. 我这只手里有个硬币 In this hand I have a quarter.另一只手里 是个普通鸡蛋 And in the other hand, an ordinary egg.现在我把它们放进这个帽子里 Now I put them in this hat,转上几圈然后 Spin them around and...转眼间 现在把你的手伸出来 Presto! Now hold out your hand.哇 这个魔术真帅 Wow, that's a great trick.你怎么变的 How'd you do that?有意思 Interesting situation.看起来你需要打探一些消息 It seems you need information,而我则需要买个电子游戏 Meanwhile I need a new video game.真是个呆子 What a chump.你叫谁呆子呢 嘿 给我回来 Who you calling a chump? Hey, get back here. | ||
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1、《Help I'm Alive》--Metric场景:一对野营的情侣遭到吸血鬼袭击。2、《Closer To Love》--Mat Kearney场景:Jenna准备去学校见Jeremy的老师,Elena给她的发型支招。3、《Hang You From The Heavens》--The Dead Weather场景:Jeremy遇到Tyler

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