Would you like to know Which ones?
At number 12 isLos Angeles, 12,762,000 inhabitants in its metropolitan area第12名落杉磯,有1千2百76萬2千人
At number 11 isBuenos Aires, Argentina, with 13,074,000 inhabitants第11名阿根廷首都布宜諾斯艾利斯有1千3百7萬4千人
At number 10 isKarachi (Pakistan) with 13,125,000 inhabitants第10名巴基斯坦喀拉蚩,有1千3百12萬5千人
At number 9 isDhaka (Bangladesh) with 14,648,000 inhabitants第9名孟加拉首都達卡,有1千4百64萬8千人
Number 8 isCalcutta (India) 15,552,000 inhabitants第8名印度加爾各答,有1千5百55萬2千人
Number 7 isShanghai (China) with 16,575,000 inhabitants第7名中國上海,有1千6百57萬5千人
中國現在有13億人口,等於1939年的世界人口As a country,China has 1,300,000,000; the same population Worldwide in1939
Number 6 is NewYork city, 19,425,000 inhabitants第6名紐約,有1千9百42萬5千人
Number 5 isMexico City with 19,460,000 inhabitants in its metropolitanarea第5名墨西哥市,有1千9百46萬人
This was thetotal population throughout Mexico in 1939)這等於1939年墨西哥的全國總人口
At number 4 isBombay (India) with 20,041,000 inhabitants第4名印度的孟買,有2千零4萬1千人
And number 3 isSao Paulo (Brazil) with 20,262,000 inhabitants第3名巴西的聖保羅,有2千零26萬2千人
A city that isgrowing by leaps and bounds.該城市的成長領先群倫
The number 2city is Delhi (India) with 22,157,000people
All India has a population of1,100,000,000)印度總人口有11億
And in firstplace, the undisputed champion, is Tokyo, Japan, with 36,669,000inhabitants人口冠居全球的是日本東京,有3千6百66萬9千人唯一比台灣2千3百萬還多的城市
A demographic explosion!人口統計爆炸
There are some important observations:由以上統計得到一個結論:

-No Europeancity is on the list. Moscow is the most populous city in Europe(10,500,000) and is ranked 19.-沒有一個歐洲國家排名其中,最多的莫斯科只有1千萬人,排名19.
- In India, thethree most populated cities; Delhi, Bombay and Calcutta, exceed57,000,000,000 inhabitants. 印度有3個城市人列,總共有5千7百萬人.
Lets look atsome aspects of the conditions you live in, in big cities,especially in Asia ...住在這些大城市,尤其是亞洲,生活條件是值得觀察研究的…Here, in multiunit buildings, there live thousands of families in eachstructure!在這都市叢林裡,數以萬計的人住在這鴿子籠裡
Transportationand living conditions - make people feel. 居民可以感受到交通和生活的壓力!compressed,crowded, small, drowned in a small space.人們被壓縮、擁擠、狹窄的空間淹沒了。
The multi unitbuildings resemble huge beehives.制式化的大廈類似巨大的蜂箱.
A saturatedbeach of bathers.飽和的海灘擠滿沐浴者.
Highway’s aresaturated and people say with sincerity that it might be muchbetter to live in smaller cities. 看到飽和的高速公路時,才想起住在小城市也許會好很多。
One City, to be“livable” should not have more than 500,000 ...一個適合於居住的城市,人口最好不要超過50萬人…
Peace and lovebe with you!祝福您!