Dear editor: I am a contributor ofDreamstime with the name of HUSTGH,today I found that my accountwas blocked for no reason.So I want to ask you why this happened ?Thank you very much. Wish you have a niceday.Yaner------------------------------------------------------------- 当时我在家过年在的,没有网络,只能用手机发email询问了。正巧当天是周五,美国时间也是周五,他们的邮件一般在24小时内回复的,这就使得我的邮件起码要到下周一了。账户损失是小,因为周末一般收入不多。但是关闭账户可不是小事啊,我的帐户上剩余美金倒很少,因为刚刚取钱了,但是照片可有1100多张。万一真的不可挽救,这么多照片重新来那真是煎熬。焦急等待邮件啊。 一直熬到周一晚上7点多,邮件终于来了,如下:--------------------------------------------------------------HelloYaner,

Thank you for contacting Dreamstime.
Please be herewith notified that your account has been blocked andyour access restricted. It has come to our attention that you haveuploaded content pertaining to other authors for which you did notdetain copyright nor had proper usage permission. This is to beconsidered as serious infringement of our site terms and usagepolicies.
Please provide us the proof that the image below is your owncreation:
Best regards,
Valentin Niculae
Quality Assurance and Support - Dreamstime
----------------------------------------------------------------------DearNiculae: Thank you for yourreply. I am astonished by theimage(image G below) that you have considered embezzled fromothers.But it is my own creative image by Adobe Illustratorsoftware.Maybe during my creative image period,I referred somesimilar images.And I remember that the DT encourages photographyerlearn from DT's best selling images.From the technology aspect,theimage G I uploaded have provided .eps format,which is the sourcefile,this could not TAKEN from others.Because it is the traditionalSpring Festival in my country ,I have come to my old home far fromcity and there was no internet in this place(I sent emails by myNOKIA cellphone).So I could not provide further evidence in .jpg orother formats except pure words.And I will stay with my familyuntil Feb.7th.This is a long time and wouldinfluence my sales severely because I only sellmy images in DT. So I suggest that DTdelete the image G temporarily and open my account for sale(youcould close my withdraw right).Of course,this is a temporaryprocess.When I am in city with internet I will provide you therequired evidence.If you insist that I violate the DT term after Iprovide the evidence ,I will take responsibility for what DTrequire. Dear Niculae,I joined DTmore than two years and become an exclusive photographer. I amproud of it and always cherish this interesting work. I appreciatethe wonderful experience platform DT provided us. So consider mysuggestion,please . Wish everything goeswell with you.Hope to hear from you soon. Yours,Yaner------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
从这封信中可以看出我的底气刚开始还是很足的,因为是我自己的照片嘛。但是后来我想,既然别人认定了,那还是我理亏,所以几乎用please的语气告诉他我是忠实的Dreamstime支持者,我对我的所作所为负责。 不到两小时,对方回信了:----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hello Yaner,
The image in cause has been disabled and your account has beenenabled to full rights at this point.
Please be careful when uploading the images, because uploadingimages similar or inspired from others, will lead to a permanentblock of your account.
Best regards,
Valentin Niculae
Quality Assurance and Support - Dreamstime----------------------------------------------------------------------------------至此,问题得到了解决了。我简单的回信谢谢。后来一想也对,他说“orinspired from others”,就是说不能照抄别人的创意。创意也是财富嘛。所以我回来了也懒得去管那张照片了,还大把地删掉自己类似的模仿别人的照片。以后可不能再出这档子事情了。因为“permanentblock of your account”简直就是灾难。好自为之吧。